Chereads / Injustice 3: Rings War (Book 2) / Chapter 27 - A Test of Will

Chapter 27 - A Test of Will


"Hal," I scream, seeing Hal limps his way into the arena's sitting area. "You okay."

Running up to Hal, I hug him. As I did, he screams and I immediately let go.

"Sorry," he cries, "Still got some broken bones."

"What are you doing here," I ask, realizing Barry, Oliver, and everyone else is behind Hal. I also realize that Hal is almost entirely wrapped in bandages and one of his arms is in a cast.

"What is Hal doing here," I ask, stepping to the side to look at everyone else. "He doesn't look well. He should be resting. This is no place for him."

"This is exactly where I need to be," Hal says, waving his hand and grabbing my attention. "I heard about what happened. I heard about how The Man used my ring. He used my ring while I was unconscious. I have to talk to him. I have to know how he did it. Where is he?"

"He's over there," a green lantern says, pointing toward the center of the arena. This green lantern had long orange hair and purple skin. "Wait, what's going on? Why is he in the middle of the arena?"

"The Guardians are testing him," I answer, looking at The Man as he steps into the arena. A massive oval-shaped building, there is a single floating platform directly in the center of the building, and surrounding the platform are many green lanterns.

As The Man steps onto the platform, the green lanterns boo him.

"Boo," they shout, "Boo! Enemy! You are no green lantern!"

"You green lanterns are really friendly with outsiders, uh," Leonard says.

"Trust me," the green lantern with orange hair replies, "If you've been here for the past few weeks, you would understand why we hesitate when it comes to Supers."

The green lantern eyeing me, I clutch the zipper of Leonard's coat.

"So any idea what's going to happen," Harleen asks, holding her hand over her eyes as she looks at The Man. "I mean, what exactly do your Guardians mean when they said they're testing him."

"Think of it as training," someone answers. Looking up, I see Arisia standing before us. She nods her head and points to a seat. "May I?"

"Literally the only other green lantern that had been friendly to us besides Hal and Laria," Harleen says. She steps to the side and waves her arms in front of the seat. "Please."

Arisia sitting beside Harleen, we all look at The Man.

"What do you mean by training," I ask.

"This is Oa's practice arena," Arisia starts. "This is where we trained new recruits."

"You yourself were here not so long ago," Laria says.

"You're a new recruit," Harleen asks, turning to Arisia.

"Yeah. I only completed my training two weeks ago."

"And you're already in the middle of a war," Reverse-Flash says from behind us. "Talk about bad timing."

"Hey," Selina says, snapping her fingers. "Look over there. Something is happening."

Pointing toward the sky, we see a small green dot quickly get bigger. It's only a few seconds later before a familiar green lantern land on the opposite end of the platform.

"Oh boy," Arisia says.

"That is bad," Laria adds.

"Your friend's opponent is Kilowog," Arisia says.

The Man:

"You ready Poser," Kilowog yells, smashing his fist into the palm of his hand. The two of us walk toward each other until we're about 20 feet apart. As I stop, I see out of the corner of my eyes a few familiar faces. There's one particular bruised face I'm glad to see.

"Hey Hal," I yell from the center of the arena. "Sorry about this, but I need to borrow your ring again."

Holding out my hand, I focus my will and concrete. I can hear everyone gasping as they watch Hal's ring fly off his hand. Shooting through the air, the ring places itself on my finger, and in less than a second, the green armor returns.

Everyone's mouth drops open and they all lend forward to get a better view.

Hal Jordan:

"He did it," I say, looking at my hand before looking at The Man. "He actually did it? He more than did it? I'm wide awake, and he still managed to pull the ring off my finger."

I couldn't think. I couldn't focus on anything. All I can see, all on my mind, is The Man with my ring.

The Man:

"You're going to regret ever putting stealing that ring," Kilowog says, shooting out a green blast. The blast hits my feet, I look to see green clamps closing around them. They pin me to the floor.

"Welcome to Green Lantern Boot Camp," Kilowog says, smiling. "Better known as the worst day of your sad, miserable life."

"No, the worst day of my sad, miserable life was when I had to save Flash," I reply.

Kilowog shoots out his hand and a large, green disc forms in it. Throwing the disc, it bounces off the floor before heading for me.

"Miss me," I say, lending to the side. The disc flying past, Kilowog tosses two more but I dodge them.

"You think you're so smart," Kilowog says. "Well, let's see how you handle this."

This time, shooting above my head, I watch as a massive green boulder forms right above me. The boulder heading for me, I pull out my hand from the bend of my arm and summon a catapult. The boulder landing in the catapult's cup weighs it down. The cup pats the top of my hair before shooting back up.

Despite being 20 feet away, I can still Kilowog's wide eyes as the boulder he summoned crashes into him. It knocks him back before shattering into dust.

"You miss," I say, my catapult quickly dispensing. "Again."

Kilowog wipes his mouth as he pushes himself. Now, back on his feet, he stomps his way back to where he was.

"Lucky shot," he says, "But this isn't luck, it's skilled."

Rising his hand, Kilowog fires a blast. The blast shoots past my head, I watch as it forms into something. The blast quickly turns into a massive sun and the clamps around my feet disappear.

Kilowog chuckles for a few seconds before stopping. As he lends back, he sees me standing completely still, my arms still crossed.

I feel the sun's gravity as it tries to pull me in. It feels like a blanket is being tossed over me and someone is pulling the blanket. However, despite the person's best attempt, I'm just too heavy to pull.

"My turn," I say after a few minutes. Looking around, I aim Hal's ring at Kilowog's sun. Firing off a shot, I watch as Kilowog's sun is destroyed and in its place is a black hole. While the black hole's blanket of gravity pulls Kilowog, I remind in place.

"What the hel--", Kilowog says before I increase the gravitational pull. Now, struggling to stay out of the vortex, I turn around.

"A black hole's gravity is greater than that of an average star," I yell. "It makes flying through space a little tricky, but I know a few tricks."

The black hole pulling Kilowog further in, he summons a rope with a hook and tosses it. The hook hitting the floor, I look at Kilowog tying the rope around himself. Meanwhile, the black hole's increased gravitational pull seems to be having an effect on the arena. Though tiny, I can see small stone chips flying around and hitting a few people.

Pamela Isley:

"Son of a bitch," Leonard cries, raising his arm. "Damn it."

"What," I ask, "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Leonard replies, wiping his face. "Something hits me."

His hand falls to his side, I see a cut on his face, and already, there's some blood flooding out.

Unfortunately, I'm not The Man, so I don't have a jacket with dozens of pockets. Having to think a little creatively, I spin my hand and make a vine grow. The vine growing around my arm, I rip off a leaf and hand it to Leonard.

"Here," I say. "It's not a bandage, but it's clean and should help."

"Thanks," Leonard says, taking the leaf. "Too bad I don't have my jacket."

The Man:

With a nod of my head, the black hole disappears and Kilowog falls to the ground. While he is pushing myself up, I offer my hand.

"Here," I say.

Not accepting it at first, Kilowog smiles before taking it.

"Thanks," Kilowog says. "Poser."

Pulling me down, Kilowog swings a left hook and tries to hit me but I catch his fist in my hand.

"My opponents may not fight fair," I say, pushing Kilowog's fist away, "But that doesn't mean I have to."

Pulling the bastard back to his feet, I summon a boot and kick him back.

"Not bad," Kilowog says, "But let's see how you deal with those two."