23rd of December, 2002. Her mother and father were 17 years old. Her mother went in to labour the day before and was finally starting to give birth, her father sat in a chair, eating a sandwich, as his daughter entered this world. Most babies cry when they are born but not this baby, this baby didn't make a sound, her body was grey and it became apparent she wasn't breathing, her young mother suddenly went into a panic as the doctors lay her daughters lifeless body on her chest and told her that her daughter was stillborn. "She's not breathing get her off me get her off me" her mother pleaded, her father ran out of the room crying, leaving his home Made lettuce and ham sandwich lying on the floor of the birthing suite just as lifeless as his daughter was.
As the team of doctors worked vigorously on her the room filled with the most high pitched scream anybody had ever heard, she took a deep breath in and screamed again, she was alive, her mother held her in her arms and just stared at her for an hour or so and came to a decision. "Amber" her mother said, "let's call her amber". So at 9:26pm on that cold night just two days before Christmas, amber was born.