Chereads / Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload / Chapter 47 - Chapter 42: Rogue Gallery

Chapter 47 - Chapter 42: Rogue Gallery

"I've made a humble mistake. Please forgive me." Blue Pearl said softly, staring at her reflection on the tan floor. 

"I don't-" Blue Diamond raised her voice only to trip on them. "Don't understand how you let them out of your sight." 

"I would like to say," Benita adds. "This is not the first. Maybe they believe Grandpa needs the extra manpower. And I certainly would disagree with Will ever going." 

"Then we should go and help?" Pearl looks up at Blue Diamond before staring at Garnet. "Or maybe we should meet them halfway so Garnet and I could go in their stead." 

"Their time will expire," Yellow Diamond voiced. "Every few years, the RG moves to the following location to set up shop. It's their tradition. On my behalf, I trust Peridot to seize the situation." 

"I would also like to add." Amethyst raised her hand. "There could be something we're overlooking." 

"And what will that be?" Pearl put her hands on her hips. 

"Uh. It could be Sunny saw something I didn't." 

"Wow! I'm sorry, Aunt Amethyst, but don't give her the benefit of the doubt." Gwen spoke up. 

"I know you have your history with her, and understandably so. It's crazy to say this out loud, but I believe she saved my life." 

"She poofed you!" Pearl and Gwen rebutted. 

"Give me your perspective." White Diamond locks eyes with Amethyst, who clears her throat before swaying her pale lavender, long, messy hair behind her ear. 

"It starts off like this. We were searching for Albedo, and we came to a wood mill. Having second thoughts of turning back. Sunny and I bickered until she noticed two chicks above us." Amethyst grabs her chin. "What were their names?" She said under her breath while the three diamonds lowered their brows. 

"Chicks?" White Diamond questioned. 

"Maya and Vanessa," Garnet answered. "It's a slang back on Earth. Chicks are related to the female gender. Like Connie." 

"Oh!" Blue Diamond grasps her hands before lying her head along them. "Garnet, Your assistance will not go unnoticed." 

"I'll say the same." Garnet kept her arms crossed.

"Thanks! Garnet." Amethyst snaps her fingers. "They were Anodites." 

Yellow and Blue snapped their gaze to Amethyst. 

"They happened to be Mercenaries?" Yellow questioned. 

"Yes," Amethyst answered. "Somehow, Sunny got away and was nearly about to drown before I came back." 

"She also warned me about them if I can put it out there." Benita voiced, making Gwen raise a brow. 

"Maya and Vanessa are hazardous individuals." Yellow Diamond looked down at everyone looking up at her. "They had successfully liberated ten Kindergartens with and without the locals' assistance. And out of ten, two had been aided." 

"So there, Pros?" Benita questioned. 

"They're on the margin." Yellow eyes locked on Benita. "Their established weakness is Vanessa. The twins are the brute force in the RG operations. And rest assured they'll think twice before coming here." 

"There's this Krab guy." Steven starts. "And another on a hovered board." 

"You are correct, Steven," Blue smirked. "He goes by Kraab. And another individual is an enigma. Is there more to his description? Possibly, he said of anything of the utmost importance?" 

"He took an obsession to Benita. If it may have some relation to the topic. I have reasons that he, too, has an Omnitrix Finder." Pearl mention. 

"I second this." Gwen voiced, looking at Pearl. "He could've assaulted us, but something made him seem in a hurry." 

"He did stall Airachnid. So Ant and I could escape." Benita adds. 

"If that is so, how come he has it?" Amethyst shrugs her shoulders. "I see only one watch, and it's with Max. If this Azmuth guy is as smart as he is, would he only make a rare few?" 

"You have to ask him," Blue Diamond claimed. "Better yet, ask for his assistance. Learning this news would displease him." 

"Let's." Amethyst leads the way. 

"Let's go, Ben." Gwen waved for her. 

"I'll tag along, " Steven said before looking at the giant woman. "It won't be long." 

"Of course." White Diamond voices, watching Steven and others who leave the room to visit the lab. 

Amethyst leads Steven and the Tennysons down the hall. 

"I don't understand," Amethyst said under her breath. "Why would Max go to a place where everyone in the galaxy knows of the watch he's carrying? He's smarter than that." 

"You're not. The only one." Steven adds before looking to Benita, minding her own business. "You're okay?" 

"Huh? What-yeah, I'm fine. Why'd you ask?" 

"Something hurting you, but not physically. I don't know what, but I know it's eating you up." 

"What are you, my therapist?" Benita raised a brow. 

"No. Just someone who can relate." 

"Thanks, Steven, but If Ben doesn't want the watch, leave her be." Gwen tags in. 

Amethyst looks over her shoulder at Steven, who is sighing. 

"I understand." 

They entered the lab to find Albedo working with the Peridots. 

"You try exchanging the bypass with an apex?" Abeldo asked his lab partner, tinkering with a lime steel ball. "It boosts the range and mobility of repair bots." 

"We could design about two and see how they counteract, " the Peridot said, noticing the guests out of the corner of her one good eye. 

Albedo followed her gaze. 

"Sup? AL." Amethyst approaches the duo. 

"I prefer my birthname." 

"This is like a sign we are close. We're friends, right?." Amethyst places a hand on her hip. 

"Understandably so, and Yes, we are. Currently, Peridot and I are working. And we would like to continue after your word choice." 

"Don't Max have the watch?" 

"Yes. I disagree with Maxwell's choice, but I trust he wouldn't do anything rash. Why are you interested?" 

"This Onmitrix finder. How does it track it?" 

"By activition. Why?" 

"We came to a belief. That someone may harbor this device." Gwen said, earning a chuckle from the little genius. 

"There are only two devices. And Azmuth keeps it well hidden. There's no reality he would hand down coordination to a Bounty Major." 

"What about the Forever Knights? He could have snatched it during or after the fire." 

"Highly unlikely," Albedo groans, rubbing his non-existent nose. "We could have theories, but this will not go anywhere." He paused. "And I will take my leave since Glover went on his expedition." 

"Woah. Woah. Woah." Amethyst held out her hands. 

"Maxwell has my coordinates." 

"You can't just leave! They'll be back before you know it!" 

"I have Responsibilities." 

"One day," Steven voiced. "That's all I asked." The boy stared at the Galvan, who stared blankly at Steven. "Max has accomplished so much, and your admiration for him speaks volumes. Why not consider giving back to someone who has waited so patiently for this moment? It would mean the world to him. Please."

"I'll allow it. One day." Albedo raised a finger. 

"That's all I ask. Thank you." Steven bows. 

"And before you go. I want a word with Ms.Tennyson." The Galvan looks to Benita. 

"Aw. really?" The girl rubs her neck. 

"Yes." His dash eyes snapped to her and the guests. 

Steven and Amethyst leave, and Gwen grips Ben's shoulder before leaving. 

"I'm extremely content you're taking this seriously. This only means your grandfather's action has bound, and whoever raised you raised you well." 

"Thanks." Benita avoids her eyes from his. 

"I initially hoped for your grandfather to use or protect this device. I wouldn't say you might take the watch for sure, but hearing what you did these months, I'm safe to say you are best suited for the Onmitrix. Don't take this lightly." 

Benita looks up from the floor and at the Galvan. 

"Once Azmuth hears who bears the watch, he will incline, but here you prove him wrong or go back to what you humans call everyday life. There's no false path; just be prepared for what will come from it." Albedo opened his hand to the door. 

Ben makes her way to the door, looking over her shoulder to see Albedo returning to work. 


"This is hyperspace?" Anthony stared at the circling blue cloud of light plunging within the abyss ahead. 

"Yes," Max answered in his chair, staring out the visor of the ship with the boy. "You understand Hyperspeed?" 

"From movies." 

"How fast does this go?" Sunny questioned. 

"Millions of light years," Max answered. 

"How fast is that?" 

"From home world to Earth in a few days. This is why we established warp pads.YES!" Peridot cuts in on the conversation, playing a candy-matching game on her tablet. 

"What about Anodyne?" Sunny asked Peridot again, who was spinning on her chair and glued to her tablet. 

"Uh? About six days max." 

"Grandma could cut it to three." Sunny remark. 

"Tell your grandma she's about to have none," Phil remarks while checking his scope. "Because what you're doing is going to get you killed." 

"I'm not dead, am I?" 

"No. In this line of work, it's all skill and luck." 

"Pssf! Of course." 

"Tell that to your dead pals on your planet." Phill remarks, getting a side eye from Max. 

"They couldn't cut it. What else do you want me to say?" Sunny shrugs her shoulders. 

"A bit of silence is in order." Max hides his face with his hand. 

A chirp filled the room, causing Peridot to perk up and turn to the console. 

"We're coming up on RG." Peridot Gem takes the tablet before she is hands on the console. "Brace yourself." 

Sunny and Anthony held Max's chair while Edge ink wrapped around Zed.

The ship jolts, and the cloudy lights disperse, revealing the face of space. The vessel's visor revealed a large space station in the shape of a spin top, its bright golden lights radiating from the unplated exteriors. A blue and grey planet resides behind the station, with many space rocks within its yard. 

"Okay." Peridot breathed out, summoning a black head scarf and a dark green jumpsuit. 

"Your dressing to impress." Will set down Zed. 

"Of course. I don't need any required attention." Peridot hides her gem on her forehead before slipping into her jumpsuit, showing her shoulders.

A blinking yellow light followed on the console, followed by buzzing. 

"What's with the dress show? I thought you bought materials." Phill squinted at Peridot, who was staring at a hand-held mirror, applying green lipstick. 

"Go big." Peridot smacks her lips before absorbing the mirror. "Or go home." She presses a button. 

A screen appeared on the visor, revealing a blue-skinned bald male with brown eyes. 

"Ah! Olivine, you still look lovely as usual. Has anyone told you your complexion is as beautiful as Gaia's? 

"Oh!" Peridot pressed her hand on her chest with a smile. "Don't break my thousand years Hiatus, Dak." 

 Dak chuckled. 

"My apologies. What can I help you for?" 

"I'm here for business as usual. And might indulge in feasting." 

"And then feast you shall." Dak squinted his eyes. "I see you have plumbers, a bodyguard, and a daughter?" 

"No. No. Please No. Along for a ride, yes." She opened her hand to Max, with Rogue standing behind him. "She won't cause much trouble." 

"A minimum at best. Come right in." The screen disappears. 

"You're quick on your feet." Phill comments to Rogue, looking over his shoulder at him. 

"Didn't expect face-to-face contact." 

Olivine pilots the ship towards the Rogue Gallery. 

"What's with Ms. Pretty thing?" Sunny questioned. "Don't they know who you are?" 

"I can't just wear a head scarf. It stands out." Olivine, known as Peridot, answered. "That's my membership name. They have no interest in code names or real ones. Their hyperfocus on credits will affect their business." 

A metal slab opens on the space station's midsection, revealing an orange wall of light behind it, where ships dock. 

Peridot's ship hovered over Dock workers in formal yellow shirts; one stood before them below. 

An Orange mantis waved its front legs over its head before pacing deep within the dock with Olivine fast behind. 

Ships of different shapes, colors, and sizes inhabited the vast space while the mantis waved its front legs toward an open spot in the back. 

The ship lands as Peridot presses and flicks a few buttons and switches, killing the engine. 

"Listen here and Listen well." Phill stood from his seat, strapping his rifle on his back. "You kids faced a lot, which doesn't mean you have the right to act stupid. The rogue gallery has rules. One, no fights. Two, stick with us til you find something that distinguishes my good looks from anyone in the room." He points to Sunny. "And that mouth of yours is got to go. Unless you wanna wind up dead before getting off this hunk of metal." 

"Alrighty, captain." Sunny saluted, getting a glare from Phil. 

"There are dead zones in this ship and, most importantly, bathrooms. If one needs to go. Bring a partner. And most importantly, Don't wander off." He remained glued to Rogue, who crossed his arms. "Even if we do get off, we could be followed. And you, what's his name?"

"Rogue." The posing bodyguard answered. 

"They will ask you if you registered. You are a freelancer, so leave it at that." Rogue nodded. "Let's get this over with." 

Phill leads the way, exiting from the head of the ship. Max and the others followed after. 

"Do you have a code name?" Rogue questioned Max, climbing down the stairs. "You used to be a bounty hunter?" 

"I had a few hiccups with the Plumbers Agency when I was young. And that was when I met Verdona a second time in my lifespan." 

"Wow, is there something I don't know?" Sunny looked up as the exit ramp creaked against the grey steel floor of the docking yard. 

The group exited the ramp, taking in the yard's near silence. They made their way down the aisle of ships, listening to the hollow steps and a few Aliens walking by. 

Rogue shifts his eyes on the giant grey mantis, the size of a six-foot man, with spikes running along its spine and limbs. 

Its crime partner is a blue icy fish in a water bowl attached to a mechanical body similar to a human. Its torso is broad, and black fur runs along its shoulders. 

The fish's hollow black eyes land on Rogue only to glare into his soul. 

 The Olivine and the Mantis continued on their way. 

The Olivine group approached a wide door on the side of the room, holding six parking ushers on either side of the door. 

An elfen, a viper with characteristics of a female, and the Orange Mantis that ushered them. 

"What floor, miss?" The mantis's wide eyes locked down onto Peridot. 

"The main attraction, if you please." 

The orange mantis nods, pressing a large button on the top of the floor. 

 Rogue couldn't help but stare at the diversity before him. 

'Shocker. Do you think the kid can turn into that viper there?' Rogue questioned Anthony's thoughts. 

'And if she could?' The boy questioned. 

'Just saying, They make for great cuddle buddies.' 

'She looks like she would snap me in half.' Rogue glances at the viper, who's looking elsewhere. 

'That's because you never try it! Look. Here's a trick. When you ever snuggle, grab the tip of the viper's tail. The viper melts like butter.' Rogue chuckled.

'Are you always this sex crazy?' Will questioned. 

'Any plan should come with a contingency. Unless you want your two hundred six bones to become just one, make that three hundred, and you're still growing.' 

The doors open, revealing a wide elevator with grey metal and golden railings as support. 

"I hope you enjoy your stay, Ms.Olivine." The Six ushers voiced. 

Peridot nods, making herself into the elevator with her accomplices, and the doors close shut. 

A hum filled their ears, and clicking followed. 

"You sure are popular," Sunny remarked, glancing at the camera in the upper corner. "What did you do? Buy their shampoo?" 

"Use their services," Olivine answered, eyes on the doors. "The diamonds find them wish-washy, but they gave me the go-ahead for some unrelated matter of the empire. They do save time if you got the right mercs." 

Everyone remained quiet in the elevator. Rogue rubs the head of Zed before staring at the back of the head of Max. 

As the door opened, light whispers filled Rogue's ears, revealing the red carpets stretching out to the golden lights. 

Four rows of circular booths stretched across the room to the expansive bar at the other end, where bottles of bland to glowing color-coded alcohol were hoarded. 

Keys of a Piano and a female jazz singer invited them into Rogue Gallery. 

"Have you ever wondered if you're naughty or nice?" A beautiful voice sang. "We both know your actions are a course of this dime. If you believe you are, let's see this tale. By the way, are you heads or tails?" 

The group entered, listening to an argument. 

"My name is Neon!!" A bald female with blue skin slams her hand on a vibrant brown counter. "I'm born with it!! I crawled out my mother to get it!!!" 

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, " a tall robot with a human-like face said. The name is already taken. Can I advise an alternative?" His bright sky-blue eyes blinked. 

"An alternative, my round blue ass!! What makes you think I won't scrap you down to parts and sell you on the black market like the skin dancers on Aeon?!" 

"If you wish to process this name, you can find the owner within the registration."

"Give it then!" Neon rests her elbow on the counter with a huff. 

"Under the terms and acceptance, I can't allow it." 

Neon hides her face behind her hands. 

"I swear. Whoever made this robot, I'm going to hunt them down, kill their entire bloodline, and destroy their reproductive system." She said under her breath. 

"Would you like to establish a name?" The robot tilts its head. 

"Neon 1," Neon grunted out, not getting a word. " Neon 2? Neon 3?! NEON 23!!" 

"Ah, there we are." The robot printed out a golden ticket from its broad chest. "Neon 23, we are lucky to have you." It stretched out its hand with the ticket between its fingers, only for Neon 23 to snatch it and walk away. "Happy Hunting." It waved only to glance at the new guests. "Ms.Olivine, how long it's been?" 

"A few months. And hey, Oliver, is Orion here by any chance?" Peridot got onto her tip-toes, her face barely over the counter. 

"We have a new owner by chance. Would you like a table?" 

"New owner?" Max leans on the counter. 

"Ah. I know I recognize you. Mr. Tennyson, How's the wife and kids?" Oliver opened his hand. 

"Oliver. No. No. You said, new owner." 

"We have. The owner is currently busy, but I can notify the owner of your presence at the table you require." 

"Didn't figure you as credit hungry," Phil remarked, getting a glance from Oliver. 

"Neither did I. May I?" Oliver questioned, getting a sigh from Max. 


"How many?" 

Max looks over his shoulder while Rogue and Olivine do the same. 


"Perfect!" Oliver's gaze lands on Rogue. " Rogue seven-teen, how did your last task go?" 

"Wait, what?" Rogue blinked his eyes. 

"Oh, my apologies. Even with their differences, I can find it hard to tell all of you apart." 

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Rogue raised his voice, getting Max to clear his throat. 

"I don't see you under our registration. Do you perhaps want to sign up?"

"No. No." Rogue shakes his head. "I'm freelancing." He clears his throat. 

"Shame. Ah. Your table is ready. Row four, Booth two." 

"Thanks." Max slaps the counter before taking his leave with the others. 

"See you again, Oli." Olivine waved while Oliver waved back. 

"And to you as well. Miss." His gaze turns to the next guest while Peridot and the others reach a clearing. 

They follow the rows of booths on their right shoulder. Sunny and Rogue glance at aliens ranging from Foursarms, Algerfish, Cats, cybernetic hammerhead sharks, and others deemed impossible on Earth. They either converse, drink, or sit at their lonesome. 

Peridot and the others arrived at their booth, which consisted of two half-circular seats, one on each side of a large steel circular table hosting buttons. 

Max, Olivine, and Phill took their seats while Sunny and Rogue sat across from them. Zed lay down on the red carpet near Rogue's black boots. 

"You saw Orion last time you were here?" Max spoke without looking at his Booth partner near the main floor.

"We only talked a little." Phil shifted his eyes at a few women of various species posing as waitresses as they passed their booth. 

"Now, you're out of your bubble. What do you think so far?" Sunny questioned, trying to get a glance over the oak walls, providing boundaries of the row ahead and their shoulders. "Though, some of them are new." 

Sunny glanced at Rogue, who only glanced down the Main floor. 

"Good." Gwen's Polar opposite bumps her arm into Rogue's, getting his attention. "I'm glad you're taking this seriously." 

"Yeah. Right." Rogue shifted his eyes to the main floor, listening to louder whispers. 

'Sorry, kid. I just got a slap on the wrist by V.' Rogue spoke within Anthony's head. 

'You have a right to question.' Anthony spoke back.

Rogue eyes snapped to a Black Viper's feminine features hidden behind her silver breastplate. The hood towards her underbelly seeped with a cool red as her blood-orange slit eyes locked with Rogues red goggles. She slithered toward their booth in her hands, a touchpad to her chest. 

The whispers grew unbearable before she towered him and the guests waiting. 

"Welcome back. Would you like anything for the wait?" Her slim tongue slithers out and back into her mouth. 

Rogue blinked his eyes, now sitting alone with the said waitress looking down on him with a cocked head. 

"You're telling me you don't eat ice cream? Come on! Not even Vanilla." He felt himself smile.

"It's too cold for me, " the black viper said, her face indifferent. "And the last I ate one, it was cookie and cream. I liked the cookie more than the cream." 

"Ah. Here." With a metal spoon in his hand, Rogue scoops the ice cream in the bowl in his hand. 

The viper snapped her gaze to either side of the main floor before leaning in. She grasped Rogue's wrist and hovered her other scaly hand with sharp black nails under his, taking a small spoonful of the treat. 

"It's cold." Her blood orange slit eyes locked into Rogue's gaze, getting a chuckle from him. 

"You're funny, Rosetta." Rogue shakes his head, taking the treat into his mouth. "Tell me, are you free? This spot is in the outer sector. I heard they have an open house. Sources say it serves better food than here." 

"Nothing is better than here." Rosetta hissed. 

"Is that a yes?" 

"Ugh!" The Elfen woman with gauntlets appeared from around Rosette before sitting before Rogue. 

"Sparks! Don't tell me!" Rogue raised his voice. 

"Can we just cut to the chase and not get into each other way? I like to die past two thousand." The elfen merc glared into his soul. 

"Sister, believe me. We found something in common." 

"I'm not your sister." 

Rogue felt himself roll his eyes before taking a spoonful. 

"How can I help you? Would you like a drink?" Rosette gazed at the elfen.

"I'm fine, thanks." 

Rosette nods. 

"Two days prior." She hissed, only for Rogue to hear. 

Rosette grazes her hand along his shoulder before slithering away. Rogue glances at her, switching her hips. 

"What was that?" The Elfen questioned. 

"What? Feeling lonely?" Rogue questioned back. 

"Ha! You thought." She smirked, looking away. Her eyes locked onto something, getting Rogue's attention, and soon followed a group of steps. 

Three men in cold orange hazmat suits stood before their booth. 

Two men behind the leading one held rifles with an arch just above the barrels of their guns with a color scheme of a black and red dash across the body, embodying the name StromBringer. 

"When steel breaks flesh, I shall savory it. Because I, too, will spill among the hungry." 

"The sky shall reign among the greedy and the weak." The Elfen rest her hand along the head of the booth. "If I too shall fall, I shall shred all will to fight." 

"And glory is a path of the redeem and the lost. This is nice for our first introduction. Do you and your families do family greetings like this? My body feels all tingling." Rogue shivers, stuffing his mouth with more ice cream. 

The leading hazmat looks to his bodyguards on either shoulder. The guards stood within the main floor, covering both sides. 

"Rogue seven-teen. ReignHoover. I heard great news about you two." The lead hazmat starts off. 

"Oh yeah?" Rogue winced before sitting his empty bowel down, listening to the heavyweight. "What is it?" 

"You're helpful. Shall we begin?" 

"By all means." Rogue opened his hand to his potential employer. 

The lead hazmat bends toward the circular table, pressing a few buttons. Suddenly, tinted windows shot out from the red carpet, boxing them in and preventing any light from entering.

Within the pure abyss, Rogue's vision remained clear and grey. Rogue watched the employer insert a memory disc into the glowing entry points. 

A bright, cool light shot out from the table, revealing the party, and Rogue's vision soon returned to color. 

"Among many, we require resources to expand our liberation. Food. Material. And weapons to aid in the quest with Lord Vilgax." The employer briefs as the hologram shifts to the Onmitrix symbol. "Sources show this device can tremendously turn the tides in our progression. This device is called the Onmitrix. It has the properties of storing DNA among every living soul across galaxies, and what is the cost? This is where you come in." 

The Hologram flickered to a female Vilgaxian in red metal plates. 

"We have come to believe Myaxx. If one of the creators or assistants in this project. Extracts all the details among the following, and you will be compensated if you reveal the location or the Creator. Any questions?" 

"How much are we talking?" Rogue cocked his head, leaning back. 

"A million credits and twenty thousand as a bonus. If you inquire beyond our means, " the employer said. "We will never forget a face or status." 

"Speaking of status. We're among the lower ranks of five tiers." ReignHoover voiced her thoughts. "Why not Kraab? SixSix or maybe SevenSeven?" 

"Ha!" Rogue laughed. " Kraab, maybe. The other two have way too much baggage." 

"We see eye to eye. Are you in?" The employer turned his gaze to Rogue and then to ReignHoover. 

"Count me in; it's not like I have nothing else to do but look at myself in the mirror and sing, Only me and my love," Rogue remarked.

ReignHoover remained glued to the image of Myaxx with her pearl-black eyes. 

"I'm in." 

Rogue blinked, staring up at Rosette, letting out a low hiss. 

Someone cleared their throat. 

"We're. Fine." Max answered. 

"He shall be coming shortly." Rosetta's tongue slithers out and back into her mouth, staring at Rogue's unwavering gaze. 

The black crimson viper slithers away. 

You are doing a pretty good job as our bodyguard. Keep up the good work." Sunny remarked. 

"Rogue," Max called to Rogue, whose gaze remained fixed on Rosette two booths away from theirs. "Rogue!" 

"Hey!" Phill whispered, snapping his fingers to get the freelancer's attention. "Kid, I know. Pretty, but we don't have the time for you to zone out!" He glared. 

"I'm sorry. I, uh, never seen anything like this place before." Rogue never gazes in Phill's direction. 

"Of course. You wouldn't if you didn't sneak on board." 

"Hey, it's a bit of educational for me, too." Sunny shrugs. "Grandpa, what are their species?" 

"Vipers," Phil answered for Max. "They are established to have great strength and speed for Infiltration. Other studies have shown they have been genetically engineered with human traits. And that study also shows that it has been debunked." 

"Good to know." Sunny huffed before leaning back in her chair and staring at her nails. "But I wasn't talking to you." 

Phil only glared. 

Rogue noticed a robot in a black tux mask with glowing blue eyes approaching their booth. 

"Hey!" the robot's echo voice lingered. "How have you been?" He opened his hands toward his guests. "I heard you've retired or, better yet, come back. That's truly sad, really, and also very poetic for plumbers like yourselves." His glowing eyes blinked every time he spoke. 

"Where's the owner?" Max questioned, causing the robot to grasp his hands and cocked his head. "Orion. I happened to be good friends."

"Good friends, right. Didn't he tell you? I'm the owner. I go by Zynx, by the way." 

"Where is he?" Phill squinted his eyes. 

"Woah! Mr.Billings, you can't frown like that. You'll get more wrinkles." The owner only got a snicker from Sunny. "But, on a serious note. The man you're looking for is dead. Welcome to the Rogue Gallery!" He showcases the golden lights that pierce the windows above, presenting the face of space itself. 

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