A prince,
Preside to be strong and brave,
To know,
and know many things,
and dream big,
To be kind
and loyal,
To everyone that their life to you entrusts,
And so must a princess be,
It must grow,
And learn, explore and fight!
It must be,
Braver than any other man.
More beautiful and virtuous than all the ladies.
Even so,
Don't worry, I will always be by your side.
I promise you!
I will help you and save you from any trouble.
I will be,
Always by your side, even if distant.
Little Princess.
When the sun rises and Luz o Mar touches, little Flower blooms, it's time to wake up.
Little fireflies accompany me in this song.
Let the small shoots rise from the earth, let the eggs crack to see the dawn.
May the forests expand and the birds sing! And the world around us learn how to dance.
Be born, grow, learn and explore this wonderful world.
When your heart is completely filled and your path has found,
Eat, drink, sing and dance,
Let the warm sunlight,
darken your skin
and warm your soul.
And when the sun begins, the horizon lines once again cross, this song is coming to an end.
Snuggle up in its little birds, it is time to return to the land little fireflies. Make sure the puppies will wake up warm, and put them to bed.
But don't forget to leave your marks in the sand, so you can rest in peace.
There goes the prince with the orange eyes.
His heart is big
and force it squander!
And here comes the prince with the red eyes.
He can look mean,
but you will want to hear his advice!
And there they go
always on the warpath!
The heir to the Sword
And the heir to the Book
They are princes and they are brothers.
Opposite realms united by ... Love?
Divided by war and hatred.
We received a great imision!
Not those of saving kingdoms or princesses.
Do not conquer or protect.
But discover our place in this vast world!
We traveled through the Campos mountains and the great sea!
In search of our greatest treasure.
Meeting new people and learning many things.
Oh! How wonderful it is to travel.
Unfortunately, not every end is happy.
But history always finds a way to continue.
Keep preserving! Facing the period destiny to challenge! So your goal will always win.
And remember, you are never alone. Well, I will always be with Tigo.
- Written by Arthur V Prince of Castile