"Come on Zara it's your turn up next", Emilia screamed from a distance, waving both her hands towards me. "Coming" I replied back. I picked up my sword, which had been lying on the grass for quite some time. Tied it around my armoured waist, and set off in the direction of the school arena.
Thomas who was the next to fight me was already waiting for me there. I gave out a sigh and touched my sword, just making sure it was tied firmly around my waist. "So our champ has already decided to win", an intimate voice said from behind. I was quiet familiar with that voice. It was Jacob. Though he was not a sword artist or he was a fan of this so called sport, always comes to cheer me up and wish me luck. I peeped behind him to look at Cordelia and her jealous face. The fun to look at her vexation whenever Jacob comes near me is a whole lot different and funnier that winning the broch of the world sword art competition. "Looks like the campus belle Cordelia is all fired up today too huh?", Emilia satirised Cordelia. The final call bell was rung, I hurried to the arena.
Thomas slowly murmured to me, "Hey, Zara you always win the broch in sword art. You are the most victorious artist in Claive-o-rona. How about letting me win this time, and I promise you a whole premium meal at my dad's restaurant." he magnified. As expected from this jerk-moron. Always bribing others. But I was moderately wealthy enough to buy that meal myself. I let out a sigh once again. And confidently spoke up, "If you defeat me this time, I'll let you have all my salary of this month that I get from my part time." His faced strained. "Clash them" screamed the judge, "Let the final round begin". As soon as I heard those words, I pounced over Thomas, though I knew I would win even if I put in my minimum efforts, I did not want to take any chances as that salary was going to be put in grand dad's medicines. The fight did not even last a couple minutes. "And it's done, Zara Elliot takes home the golden broch home this time as well. This makes Zara's seven consecutive wins in the this year's opening competitions" The person over mic notified. Has it already been my seventh win? I was not sure of that, cause every year it's the same. I would in the first place and Thomas second. It was no fun. Emilia however would never get tired of watching me fight. "Well done my dear" she exulted throwing both her arms around me. So childish, it would be difficult or maybe impossible for someone to believe this swaggered baby was actually repeating her grade the second time. And is actually 2 years elder to me. All thanks to her dad and mom's underpin to this high school that she could repeat twice. I patted her small head and gave her the sign to let go off me.
It was such a sunny day that my throat dried up like a dessert. "Emilia please take my broch and this certificate back to my desk, I have left my bottle under the tree where I was resting earlier. Wait for me in the class room." I said. Handed her over my stuff and then I paced towards the tree. I was so thirsty that I could faint any moment. I increased my speed, my hydrated self-did know that my bottle was already empty, and that was a real annoyance. However I approached my bottle finally. As I got nearer to the bottle I noticed that it wasn't in the place I had left it before. My brain was in no mood to think any further, picked up bottle from its misplaced position. The real doubt was when I felt that it bottle had something in it. This was really peculiar. My human brain could make some mistakes too, I thought. I open the lead of my minute bottle, and sniffed what was inside. It felt like normal water, no smell, no colour, and maybe no taste. My hydrated tongue was seeking me to just drink it up. As I would faint any moment if I did not get any hydration.
Carelessly I drunk all remaining water because of my thirst. Wait!! The water is sweet. My face brood after I had done this dreadful deed. I looked up and down my body just to make sure I was in my normal state. My first suspect was Cordelia, cause if it is to cut someone's hair or persecutor one it was not a big deal to her. And yes not to mention that I was her worst enemy. But she wouldn't do something as to poison someone, would she?
I just quit these wired thoughts of mine. And rushed to the class room.
I ran up the stairs and on the corridors, it felt really normal, no feel of out of sorts or anything. When I arrived at the door of my classroom. I looked up towards the board that said '2-C' liked it had always been for the past couple months. Then I had a final look at myself, I was all healthy.
"Awe it's our champion!!!!!!! Come in, come in. What are you waiting for outside." a familiar voice squealed from inside. It was Emilia again I could tell that blind folded. Once more she threw her whole self on me, " Ah did you suddenly get heavy?" But if I could take her weight without tripping over, I could declared out loud. I am all 'fine'. I gave a hearty smile to her.
Cordelia, was right at the back with a number boys from class '2-A' and '2-B' surrounding her. Not at all a surprise for either of us. But she could not take her big eyes off Jacob our high school's 'Prince'. She has had a long unrequited love for him, right from middle school. And she scored a whole 95% to get in Claive High School same as Jacob. Good job. Jacob came stood up from his all crowded place, requested the girls who were abutting him, who knows for how long. He came up to me and said with him bright shining; forever handsome, "You fought really well today, Congratulations on your seventh win. I am sure if Mr. and Mrs. Elliot were here, they would be really proud of their pretty and strong girl." I blushed like a tomato, such a handsome boy coming up to me and congratulating me. Moreover he called me pretty. It felt so contenting. Though I did not have any feelings for him in particular, he still is my secret crush. I stumbled while saying, "Ah-Ah, T-thank you Jacob. I too wanted mom and dad to see me win and be victorious" I backed up to my desk, because if one more second in front of his handsome face and I would die.
Emilia had already brought in my broch and certificate, and placed it in the mesh under the table. Chewing gum, all sorts of information regarding sword art, a few broken pencils and a picture of mom, dad and grand mom, the people who left me and granddad alone fifteen years ago.
"Yeah, finally its over for today." Emilia who dozed off in middle of the last lecture said. She got up like a corpse. "Hope you did not dream of Mrs. Adam in your dream." I mocked at the sleepy lad. "Come on Zara I would never dream of a teacher, and that to not of a physics one." she continued.
Happily and joyfully Emilia and I felt the campus. I was so tired after that 3 hour competition that I wished to straight do to bed and sleep like bear. But work is important. "Emilia, Goodbye I'll be straight going to work now." I bid Emilia at the fork where will usual take on different directions. Emilia straight goes to her home, and I go to the library. " Bye Zara we'll meet tomorrow at school." she said with that every happy and smiling face," And yes Congratulations again for this seventh win" This was the fiftieth time she said that.
I waved at her as she set off. I rushed to the library as I did not want to be late. The narrow street, the same blueish street lamps, and the same noodle shops that fled by seemed so new to me. Even though I had watched past them all the sixteen years of my life. It felt as I were reborn. I rested my chin on my fingers. The only suspect for this unusual feeling was that strange sweet water. I bowed my head low as I walked towards the backdoor of the library. I was still stuffed with my own weird thoughts about the strange sweet water.
"Hey dream girl, you'll bump your head on the door." a very familiar voice said from behind. At the same time I felt someone place his hands gently on my head. I knew it was Jacob, but yet I turned behind pretending to not know the voice and the touch. Just as I guessed, it was Jacob. "Oh it's you" I lied. "What were you thinking of, You almost hit the door." I did not that I was so close to the door. "Come on. Let's go." Buy saying that he stepped inside the library.
I placed my hand on my head, where he patted me. His warmth did not vanished. Was I falling for him? No way. That's not possible. "Hey there miss Elliot, why are you all iced up there." Another manly voice said from inside the library. "Oh Mr. Gibbs, please excuse my tiredness. I'll go get changed." I apologised to the Gray figure standing in front of me holding a support stick in this hand. He was the manager of the library and also a good friend of my granddad; More like a former drinking partner. But that was in the very past. Granddad stopped drinking after my parents and grand mom passed away. He took more care of me and loved me as 'daughter' not 'granddaughter'.
Yes but he still has a hard time controlling the new phone I bought him on his birthday last year, he still continues to call it possessed by some spirit.
I had a slit smile on my face remembering those incidents of him being scared of the phone. I looked up and at the whole new pile of books that had to mended properly. They were kept at the very corner of the reading room. I took a random book with a blue and red cover having brown pages from the sides. Looked like a very old book. I turned it over to read the title; 'The forgotten Balgamore god'.
"Huh? People actually read books as such. And that to Balgamore." I murmured with a soft chuckle so as to not disturb anyone in the library. "You might not believe it, but this world right now is attached with another shore." someone said from behind. I swiftly turned back to see who it was. "Oh Mr. Gibbs it's you again. Please stop giving me sudden attacks as such." I grumbled.
" Sorry kid, but you are the one who gets scared. Not my fault." he replied back with his eyebrow pinched up. "Oh is that so. Then...… how about this weekend I take granddad out on a meal. You can miss one of those elderly talks of yours right?" I guffawed. I knew Mr. Gibbs from a very long time. He was my granddad's only friend and the same way for Mr. Gibbs- the only friend. " Oh dear you don't need to do that. I will just go to the account desk." he gave a faked smile and turned around to leave. " Um-m Mr. Gibbs" I stopped him. " About what you said earlier…. About our world being connected to another shore. You were kidding right. Like there is no such way that it could happen right? And…"
" I wasn't lying kid. Our world is connected with the shore of Griselda." he interrupted. " Gri- what?!" I stumbled. " Well it's not the time for you to know yet." he departed by saying.
I was so confused. A bit more of annoyed. Balgamore, Grise- whatever that was. Aren't they just myths. " Hey miss Librarian when are you going to get the book for mending upstairs?" another voice attacked me from behind. I turned back once again to confront the person to not peek from behind. "Oh-h it's you Jacob." My anger suddenly seemed to vanish as soon as I saw his cute face.
" Dear my, so many books. It seems as if people read less and play with them more " he too was astound to see the million number of books. "Let me take them up for you" he took a huge amount of books in his arms. " Jacob, wait, you don't have too. I can lift them" I rushed behind him. "It's alright Zara." He was about to take the first step up. And " AHHHH!!!!" I knew it. He stumbled on the first step itself. I quickly apologised to the people in the library for the sudden noise.
" I already told you. Let me carry them. I am stronger than you. You know right?" I helped him up. Yes, it's is true, I am a sword artist, I of course am more stronger than him. "Yeah, you should care them instead. I keep on forgetting about my weak body." he mocked himself. "Let's go upstairs first and then talk. Before that old man comes back screeching" I informed him.
We hurried to the Mending Room upstairs. I divided the huge pile of books into two halves; one for Jacob and the other for me. " I am totally worthless as a man aren't I" he suddenly said out of the blue. "What are you talking about Jac?" I questioned him. "I cannot help you pick up those heavy books every day, because of my weak body and stamina " he apologised. Why was he apologising. I should be the one doing that. He has been helping in my part time right from the time I got here. " Jacob please don't say that. You make me feel so burdened." I said.
We had a small friendly chat. When I am with him I feel like I am in a fairy tale, or a story. Out of this small world. We don't have to talk each and every day, but when we do, it feels as if we never stopped talking. Out of my senses, I did not know that I had been staring at him from a very long time. "Come on Zara, please don't stare at me like that. You make me all fluttered with does caramel eyes of yours." he hesitated. Caramel Eyes!! I never knew he had been paying so much attention towards me. People; even Emilia misconstrue my Caramel eyes for brown. Granddad too. Before the silence grew any more awkward, Jacob broke it. "Isn't it our pay day, the day after tomorrow?" "Umm-m Yep it is." I assured him. "Then I'll give you the money that day itself." he continued. Coming back to my senses. I quicky denied him," Jacob, you don't have to do that. I know we are good friends that is why you want to help me, but it will only bundle me with more and more debts." When Jacob came to know about my parents death and my Granddad's heart illness, without resisting an inch, he volunteered to join me in my part time at the library. "You call my friendly favours 'Debts', Zara! I help you because I admire you, I respect how you work all day in and night. This is the least I can do for my role model." he stated. I wasn't exactly expecting these words. "Um Role model." I blushed as red as a tomato. He turned his head towards the window, as if he was embarrassed. I could see his ears go red. "Yeah, the first time I saw you in the arena fighting does strong boys. Wielding the heavy sword so skilfully, I could not take my eyes off you. I had only seen wonder woman do that. I applaud you Zara. Taking care of your granddad. Staying stabilized in your studies. How can you do such stuff so easily?"
I was stunned by those compliments! I couldn't stand it. The person whom I was falling for, thinks so greatly of me. "I am glad you think of me that way, Jac." Searching for the right complimentary words was difficult, I expressed in the least. The silence grew deeper but somehow I managed to not stumble and make a mess. "Fusf!! Finally we mended them all." I sighed as we both put our last glance for the million books we had just mended. "Yeah! It was quite an overblown day today." He said as he wiped-off the sweat from his forehead. We both nodded so as to move to the changing room. Jacob left the room first, as I had to pack all the remaining stuff. I placed all the pens on the main desk properly. Dumped all the waste paper in the scrape. Mr. Gibbs was a very stern person when it comes to discipline and neatness.
I had a final look at the room, it looked unused and clean again. "Zara are you done. Need any help." A voice said from behind. I flipped over to see who it was; Jacob. "Ohh Jacob. Yes I am done. I'll just go to the changing room and change into my uniform real quick." I responded. "Well then I'll be leaving early today. Mom just texted to come home." he pleased with his head in the phone. "Alright then, you can go on without me." I replied. With waved at each other.