As they pulling up into their driveway and Tammy looked at her new home she couldn't do nothing but smile.
Henry we finally home we finally here
Yes Tammy we are here, home sweet home. I have a little surprise for you when you get in.
Tammy open the door and everybody yelled "Surprise"
"Wow" what is this about Henry?
Just a small house warming party from the family
Thank you Henry you really shouldn't have, but I do appreciate it.
I'm just going to go to the bathroom and freshen up some I'll be right out.
I can not believe Henry would do this to me, why would he think I would want his family in our home on our first day here. I know his sister had something to do with this dumb idea, a damn house warming party.
Well Henry Tammy really did look surprise, she also didn't look that happy either.
Stacy don't start not today ok we are in my new home with my new wife to enjoy our union as a family.
I'm not starting anything Henry I was just saying she wasn't looking to happy that was all.
Hey everybody I'm back so let's get this little party started where are the drinks?
There go my Tammy always the life of the party.