*Mackenzie pov
They are all gone. I am alone.
The kids were so excited to be going to Korea, but sad I wouldn't be coming along today. I reassured them both that I'd be over as soon as possible, that until then I would miss them, that I loved them, and that I'd ground them forever as soon as I arrived in Seoul if they didn't contact me as soon as they landed!!!!
Pippi barely woke up and briefly flicked her hand up in a semi wave, eyes still closed, snuggled up in one of Shay's far too big for her hoodies! She looks so cute, and very tiny.
Shay and Namjoon have already loaded everyone's luggage into the minibus and are now helping a limp and lifeless Yoongi into a seat. He is floppy like a doll, pale as snow and silent.
"What have I done to him Namjoon? Look at him. How can I help him? Yoongi!! Please...... just look at me" I beg, leaning into the car too look directly into his face. Nothing!!
"He will be fine. Try not to worry, I promise I'll look after him Kenzie. I'll call you when we get back to the dorm after the Dr has seen him"
I tell him one final time how much I love him as Bo and Namjoon get their seatbelts on and then they're gone, Shay waving and Bo blowing kisses and bawling!
I know I'm not going to sleep again now so I get showered and dressed and decide I will walk to town for my 09:00 appointment with the Dr.
I'm a little early for my appointment so I sit on a bench outside and enjoy the fresh air and early morning sunshine, wondering how Yoongi is, how Namjoon is managing to cajole him into responses. I move inside the building and register my arrival at 08:55 and am immediately called through to see the Dr.
I explain my symptoms and inform her of the stresses my body has been under for the last 2 months. She is very thorough, taking some blood to send for testing, comparing my weight to last time she saw me and finding it slightly lower than then. She asks if I'm able to produce a urine sample, which I have no trouble providing, I seem to need to pee all the time right now.
The Dr is just pulling the indicator strip from my sample as a realisation hits me like a sledgehammer......
"Mrs Santana, it appears that you are..."
"Pregnant!!!" I whisper stunned
"It would appear so. Congratulations to you. I will still have your blood tested and I think you should begin taking vitamins and folic acid. Come back and see me in 2 weeks time. In the mean time I will make an appointment for a scan to confirm gestation. Is there anything else you wish to discuss today? No, ok, well once again, congratulations. Make your follow up appointments with reception before you leave today. Goodbye"
I leave the surgery with a million thoughts swirling through my mind. How? I take a contraceptive pill. Oh fuck! I haven't taken it in all this time. Shit!
The day I was due to leave Korea in my hotel room! So that would make me almost 2 months pregnant!
Oh my God!! What if it's Shauns after the rape? That's a horrifying thought.
I need to speak to Yoongi, but what if it's Shauns? I think this needs to be a conversation had in person and not over the phone, but I can't fly yet, so what do I do? This will keep me from travelling over anytime soon, and any excuse I give just won't be good enough to keep me in England for another month.