Chereads / Wish for True Love / Chapter 17 - Siblings

Chapter 17 - Siblings

It's been two weeks now without seeing Sebastian but he did mind link me when he was not busy and I would always mind link him but he would be busy which made me feel lonely without him with in the bed. Teddy is keeping growing a lot. it is April 20th and it is a very hot day, so I am stuck in my bedroom laying in bed as I watch Winx Club. A very cute and adventures show for kids.

I know I am not in that age but I don't care. I fall in love with it. Teddy is keeping kicking me a lot and talking to me as I watch my show so in the end we keep having conservations about the show or something else.

I haven't gotten out of this bedroom, Lilian keeps bring me food and I will eat it. I am gaining weight now, I am 109 pounds with a shape of body. I just love it! well, not really but it is better than being boney,right?

'Hey Cornelia, can we go outside? I was to doing fun today?' Beauty asked me. I sighed softly. 'Sure why now? After this show okay?' I told her and heard her growl which came from my throat. I did not know I could do that at all. 'Something is coming?' Beauty Wolf and I though at the same time. We look at the window and we, well I was looking everywhere. It was weird because this was not a threat sense it was more like a peaceful sense.

'Maybe someone needs help or something.' Beauty Wolf said in a soft and worried voice. I nodded. 'Maybe, let's check it out.' I said to her. I put on Sebastian's long shirt with his baggy short pants. My hair is in a messy bon and left the bedroom. As I walked, I heard the boys talking about a werewolves near the area. I wanted to know if these werewolves were okay. Then I heard them.

'We need to get out of here! This is where the Alpha lives! He can kill us in a heart beat!' A voice of a little boy scared as he mind linked to the others. I grasped hard. 'No! We need to see our big sister! We need her!' That was a girl's voice. 'But we...we hurt her just like the others...' Another boy's voice said in a sad voice.

I remember this voices! It was my siblings! 'We need to find her before mom gets to her! Even if we died just to reach for her!' It was Marie! I need to go to them. They need my help. I went to another way out. I figure out the whole pact house ways to escape just in case. Once I got out of the house, I ran to them.

'They hurt us, Cornelia...' Beauty Wold said it in a sad way. 'I know but...they are family. I am the only one they have. I am their older sister... even though they hurt me, they were taught and that is how they grew up. I don't blame them at all.' I explained to her and I know that she did not blame them at all either.

Then suddenly, I smelt the boys. They are running after me. I heard them howl. They were calling me. I know they are calling me to come back to be safe but... I can't they want to kill my siblings. I can not let that happen. Then I saw them. I stop and they growl at first. They were in their wolf forms.

But heavenly were they beautiful. "Guys..." I spoke to them and they looked shock as they went back to their human forms. Marie is wearing a nice pink dress with shorts and shoes. Eric and Eiri are wearing no shirts only a short pants. They look like my mom with brown hair and honey eyes. Marie has my stepfather's blond hair and his hazel eyes.

They look at me in a shocking expression. " can speak?!" Eiri said in a shocking voice. I giggle with my ringing bells. "Yeah, my mate help me out." I told them as they grasped. "You have a mate?" Marie said in a surprising way. I nodded. "Yes I do and he is very cute too!" I got excited. I always wanted to talk with them for a very long time.

"Who is your mate?" Eric said in a serious way. I smiled at him. He is in his protective mode. "Alpha Sebastian." I smiled as they grasped in shock. "What?" they said together. "Don't worry, I won't let him or anyone hurt you three I promise." I assure them as they face relieved. "Why are helping us for if we hurt you, Cornelia?" Eiri said in a sad way. I walk to him and knee down. "Because you all are my brothers and sister. I am your older sister and even though you guys hurt me, say things to me, and made me fear for everything, I still love you three. You are not to blame, you grew up knowing just to mistreat me just because I was conceive from a rape." I explained to him as his eyes was watery.

"I'm sorry....I'm sorry." Eiri cried as I hug him tight. "We are sorry too, Cornelia." both Marie and Eric said as I let go my right arm and welcome them in as they ran to me and hug me tight as they all cried. They made me cry with them. Then I heard the pact howl getting closer. As my siblings let go quickly and they growl as they surrounded me in a protective mode. I have never experience this from them at all. This is the first time they ever protected me.

"Can one of you help me up. I'm pregnant." I said as they all look at me in a shocking way. "No wonder she smelled different." Eric said as he helped me to get up. "thanks, Eric and you guys relax." I told them as they relax. "Come by me okay." I told them as Eiri and Marie stood right by me with Eric and then they came.

'Luna! Stay away from them! They are rogues!' Daniel told me in his command voice.

"Daniel, this are my siblings. My babies siblings. They need me that is why thy came here for, to look for me. Please don't hurt them, please." I beg him. 'I already spoke to the Alpha about you running away from the house pact and you were endanger. So he will be here along with your father.' he explained to me.

"What? Daniel! Why? They are going to hurt them!" My tears came out as I felt my siblings getting mad and at the same time scared. I herd them growl. "I don't want them to get hurt! It is not their fault!" I burt into tears. All of sudden, I saw my siblings in their wolf forms and attacking the pact. "NO! Stop! Marie! Eric! Eiri! Stop!" I was starting to panic. No! this can't be happening to me. I just starting to talk to them. They came to me for the first time.

"I SAID STOP!!!!!!" I yelled loud as my power of voice made them stop. They look at me with tense eyes but shocking grasped. "THAT IS ENOUGH!" I said as I cried. "Eiri, Marie and Eric come here right now!" I hate to order people around but my wolf got so worried that she used her voice. "Did I not tell you to relax?!" Beauty Wolf took over me. They looked scared and I was into tears.

"We are sorry." they said as they low their heads. "Apologize to them too." I demanded them as they turn around and apologize them too. They turn around and look at me. "Good and everyone relax yourself! There is no need in fighting each other." she told them all.

'Cornelia! Are you okay?' it was Sebastian. 'I am fine.' As I sniff softly. 'I am in my way to you.' he told me. I could sense it from miles away.

'I know...' I told him. 'Is the baby okay?' he asked. 'Yes the baby is okay. And relax, everything is under control.' I told him. 'You don't do anything stupid, Bella!' he used his alpha's voice on me. I block him out for the first time. It wasn't my doing but both Teddy and Beauty. "I will want to be alone with my siblings and I want every one of you to leave us alone...NOW!" she shouted at them and they all got shock.

'Beauty don't shout at them.' I told her.

'I have to if they don't listen to me. Remember, I do not take orders from nobody expect for our mate.' she told me as I sighed softly.

"Luna, calm down. We promise not to hurt them we just want you to go back to the pact house." Daniel said in a serious but relax way. 'Go back in, Beauty. I can handle this.' I told her as she listen to me and went back in. "I'm sorry for beauty shouting at you, she was just upset that all of you guys fought." I explained to them as they looked confused. "My wolf." I told them as they all grasped.

"You are not human?" One of the pact boys said in shock. "Nope, I am a werewolf." I explained to him. "Now please leave us alone, so I can talk to my siblings calmly. Please?" I beg them.

"Sebastian is going to kill me to death." Daniel said in a little worried way. "I will go back but with my siblings inside of my room." I told him just so he won't get in trouble and he nodded. i turn around happily."lets go guys!" I told them as I started to walk with them.

As we walked back, "Hey Cornelia?" Eiri called me and I look at him. "Yeah, Eiri?" I said smiling. "Who was the one who rape mom?" he asked me as he was half mad and half curious. I sighed. "That day when mom was out shopping, my daddy lost his mate and went crazy. When he saw mom, he just rape her and had conceived me. Daddy was very scared because he lost control and hurt an innocent lady so when he went back to see how she was doing, she was trying to kill herself and realize that mom was pregnant of me and he was happy that I was going to be born but...he was sad that mom was trying to kill herself." I explained to them as they looked surprise about the story I was telling them.

I wasn't telling them because I want them to feel bad for me or mom but telling them how life it is. "Is he just like you...nice and caring?" Eric said in a very weird way. "Yes, he is...why you guys came here?" I asked them as we got home and went straight to my room. As soon as we enter my room. I shut it and I took off the pants and walked to the bed and fold my legs as I cover my legs with my covers. "Sit down." They all sat down in my bed.

"Cornelia..." Marie started but stops as she looks at her hands. "What's wrong, Marie?" I asked her as I feel her nervousness. "Can with you instead?" she asked me as she remain looking at her hands. "Explain to me from the beginning." I asked them.

They explained to what happen. Mom went crazy when their father had died and started to say that she will kill me which it was not surprising to me at all but it did hurt me. Then suddenly, They told me that they are doing a special training just to kill me and that is when they reacted and asked mom why she was doing that for. Mom just went crazy saying that I am a demon child and I shouldn't be living at all and how I killed their father then when they rejected her for helping her out, she got mad and started to beat them a lot but they fought back with her which was very wrong so they left and came to me.

I could feel how their hatred towards mom. I just look at them and their eyes was were watery but turning into yellow. I could sense Sebastian and Daddy coming very fast. "It's okay. I will talk with Sebastian about it okay maybe he will want you three to talk to him about it okay. Plus he can't hurt you three at all. " I smiled at them.

"Cornelia, thank you so much!" Marie hugs me tight as I hug her back. "Now, let's get someone get ready three rooms for you three, okay?" I told them as we let go and nodded. 'Lilian, can I have three bedrooms ready for out special guest and have Mark and Steven to come up as well as Daniel too.' I mind linked her. 'Okay then, Luna.' she sounded happy. 'thanks, Lilian.' I told her happily with in a minutes, they came as they knock on the door but before I say came in I heard Mark say MATE as Marie said it at the same time.

Personally, I got excited. "YAY! Come in quickly!" I said with an excitement voice. "You are mines!" Mark said in a serious and growling at the same time. Marie looks shy but happy as she got down from the bed and dance walk towards him and hug him tight and look at him. "You are so cute, when you are mad." She told him as she giggles. He grabs her neck and kiss her and she kiss him back. I got happy. "Yay! this is so exciting. So guys I want you three to take care of them." I told them. 'Lilian, I only need two bedrooms for two boys only.' I told her. 'Okay then, Luna.' she told me as she giggles.

"Mark take care of my little sister if you hurt her I will tell on you with Sebastian." I warn him as I smiled at him. 'I will take care of her very well, Luna.' Mark told me as he mind link me. I felt Sebastian and Daddy already here with Eric, Sebastian's father and with their own Betas.

I got up and walked quickly to the door and left the bedroom as I went downstairs. I heard Sebastian yelling on top of his lungs. "Sebastian! You came Back!" I shouted happily. I lung I him as I hug him tight. "I miss you so much." I told him.

'So do I, mommy!' Teddy said happily. "We miss you a lot!" I corrected myself. "Why did you ignore me?!" he shouted at me. I let go off me. "It...uhmm..." I stop talking. I know everyone was there looking at me including my siblings. "It was not me, It was Beauty Wolf. She got upset that my siblings attack your men and they attacked them back and she also was upset that made me cry and her so she kinda of...took over me that she and..." I pause as I moved my body side to side as I put my arms behind me.

As I look at him then look at the floor shyly. "And Teddy did not wanted me to talk to nobody..." I explained to me. He growled hardly as everyone whimper expect for me. I look at him only shyly. It was like huge turn one for me.

He did it again. "I will meet you in the bedroom." I told him as I turn around walked away but I stop and turn my face to my left face. "And hurry up too." I told him as turn around and left. It wasn't even a minute, he grabs me as he carried me as a bride style and we went to the bedroom and he shout it lock. He put me in bed and we kissed as we were taking off our clothes.

I really miss his body and the feeling of this. He began to kiss me all over my body and I was getting more heated. The more kisses he give me the more I wanted him inside of me. "hurry! Please, Sebastian!" I moaned in a softly but loud voice as I demand him. I heard him chuckled. "Were you lonely, my little Bella, Amore?" he asked me as he tease my body by playing around his thing around my area.

"Please!" I beg him to hurry up. Suddenly, he grabs my arms above me tight. That gutted me. "Ouch!" I said in a pleasing and pain moaned. "I will make you yell my name as I go inside you so hard." He said to me as he smiled. Then he grabs with his free arm my right leg and bend it towards me but I open it wide. "That...feels uncomfortable, Sebastian." I told him and it did but he did not listen to me at all.

I felt his arm leaving my legs as I felt him push in his thing inside me. "Ahh!" It hurts but just a little, but it felt good. I moaned with pleasure and he got all the way inside and pounded on me a lot. He want fast but not too fast, it was just right. He kiss me all over my body expect on my lips. I wanted him too but he didn't.

I want him but something inside me just got mad that I force my arms free and that shocked Sebastian. He stops and looks at me as I went straight to his lips and tongue kiss him desperately. He chuckled as he kiss me back and he continued. He kept pounding me hard and hard.

Both of us are very sweaty and kept on going all the way to the night. It was the best night for me. I wanted him back home and I had him back.

After we were done, we went to sleep it off quietly and calmly.


Will Cornelia's siblings be accepted to the Dark Light Moon Pact or will they forbid to be there?

Stay tunes...