Peter smiled brightly after seeing the visitors outside.
"Who is the visitor?" Arthur asked from the living room.
"The gang is here!" Peter replied enthusiastically. He opened the door. "Please, come inside dear visitors!" he said sporting a wide grin on his face.
Oliver and Mark entered the condo unit.
"Where's your sweetheart?" asked Oliver.
"In the bedroom," Peter replied.
"Is it okay with Helen if we will stay here for a few hours?"Mark asked.
Peter grinned. "No problem, Helen doesn't mind at all," he replied.
"Great! We ordered food to be delivered here because we are going to eat dinner with you, guys! We miss the company of our younger brother who is going to get married soon!" Oliver spoke.
"I miss you, guys, as well!" Peter responded merrily, touched by the affection that his older brothers have for him. They are the best brothers that he ever had and he won't exchange them for anything in this world.