I'm sorry for not posting the day before but my battery died and I was only able to charge it recently. I hope you forgive me. Enjoy this.
Linda's POV
I feel the cool breeze on my face and hear the soft beats of Ed Sheehan's Perfect, coming from the radio of Luke's car.
I see him mouthing the lyrics and sometimes missing a few words causing me to smile. He looks so relaxed driving me from the hospital, where I'd once again, gone to see Nana.
She is not doing any better, but she is fighting just to hold on for our birthday - that is mine and Esperanza's
I know I wanted Esperanza to have more time with Nana. But seeing her suffer like this, I regret my decision.
Just as I know that I have no control over someone's life. If I did I would take her pain away and keep her with us always.
I'm glad I have Luke as a friend, if not him I wonder who I would run to when the need to cry arises.