Chereads / Living With A Narcissistic Brother in-law / Chapter 11 - She is a good woman

Chapter 11 - She is a good woman

At the 14th floor of the giant C-CHAINS GROUP building.

Assistant He was standing across the desk speaking to Mikael as he worked on some important documents.

Since a week ago, they had been busy, sorting things out, visiting the warehouses, overseeing the production of electronics, meeting datelines and many others.

Despite all that, there was still a lot to be done. Both Mikael and Assistant He have spent nights working overtime, trying to catch up on where Thomas and Denis Sun left off before passing away.

Mikael didn't like to meddle in their family business because he didn't want to be sitting in the office all his life but now that life had thrown him right into it, he couldn't abandon it.

But his passion still played a key role in everything he did, that was why even though he was busy working, he still made time to read over his scripts.

All of the hard work showed on his face as he had grown leaner since taking over the group, but it paid off as he was about to reduce the damage and still worked his way around into making the company stand on its feet.

''These are all the documents on the C-CHAINS VILLAS. And I need your signature on this paper. Is for the commencement of the drama you're starring in'' Assistant He said, placing the documents on the table.

''Assistant He, do you trust that woman?'' Mikael looked at the papers as he asked.

''Which woman, Sir?''

''Natalie Jun. My brother's wife. Do you trust her?''

''I don't know about trust, but, she is a good woman. Your late brother and her were best friends as far as I know. And he was willing to do anything for her. Your brother was someone who didn't trust people that easily, but with her, it was different.''

''Even to the point of doing this for her?'' Je asked, referring to the rights of the drama that was in front of him.

''There are some things you might not know about Miss Jun, but, I don't think I am the right person to tell you about her. All I can say is that, she is a good woman and she cared about your brother a lot.''

''Are there any actresses or actors the company is supporting?''

''Not really. The only actress your brother was supporting is Miss Alice Jun. She is playing a villain in the drama you are starring in.'' Assistant He was careful with his words. If there was something Mikael Sun wanted to find out, he should do that himself.

''What is her relationship with my brother?''

''She doesn't have any relationship with your brother but, it seems she has a special relationship with Miss Natalie since they're sharing the same surname. Your brother protected her because she was always involved with scandals and getting into trouble by pranking people. She is a good actress and brings quite a lot of money to the company but she is also a little difficult to deal with. Only your brother and Miss Natalie are capable of making her stop.''

''Really? So, she is related to Natalie Jun?" Mikael cocked his brows suspiciously.

''Yes, Sir!''

''I see. Whether she is a good woman or she is just pretending, I intend to find that out myself.'' Mikael said and signed the documents. ''You can proceed with it and, shooting will start very soon so, I might not be able to go to the office all the time. You handle the matters at the company and when is important, you can find me.''

''Yes, sir!'' Assistant He went out and Mikael murmured to himself. ''She is a good woman? Well, I will find out soon, just how good she is!''


Glory City Hospital

Psychiatric Psychology department.

Dr. Andrea's office.

Natalie fumbled with her sleeves as she looked at the doctor who was smiling back at her.

''Why are you smiling like that?'' She asked the doctor curiously.

''How are you feeling, Natalie? I haven't see this beautiful face in the last three months, I almost thought you abandoned me.'' Dr. Andrea asked cheerfully.

''I'm fine, I guess. Since I'm still alive!'' Natalie had a rather nonchalant expression on her face.

Dr. Andrea smiled and nodded her head asking. ''You had a relapse, I realised it after cross-examining. Can you tell me what happened? Does it have anything to do with your husband?''

''Maybe. I think so. Till now, my mind just won't accept the fact that he is gone. I feel empty without him.'' Natalie expressed the grief she had buried deep within her heart to the doctor.

''I understand. Usually, we get affected more than we want to accept when we lose a loved one. You must be going through so much. Your mind is congested and you look so drained and malnourished. Have you had anything healthy to eat since that day?''

''Doctor, can you just prescribe something else for me? I don't think the one I have is working for my body anymore. I still stay awake all night, I feel like I'm a walking dead corpse.'' Natalie said desperately as her voice quivered.

She seemed to b avoiding the questions of the doctor on purpose.

Dr. Andrea smiled and held Natalie's hands, ''I understand, Natalie. But, as I always tell you, every drug has its side effects. Your body will rebel if you take the misuse medicine. I know is hard, but you should try doing some exercise and clear your mind of your problems.''

''How do I do that? It's becoming hard for me to accept myself. I smile and speak as if everything is alright but deep down, I wished someone could see that I'm dying. You know, Thomas was the only one who saw through my façade and helped me. And now, he is gone. I'm confused and scared, I don't know what to do. Tell me the truth, do you think I can overcome this anxiety? I feel like I am going crazy.''

''You have come a long way, Natalie. You are doing just fine. I have absolute confidence in your recovery. The truth is, you need to face your fears. I know you don't want to talk about what happened that year that Thomas found you, but, I think all of this is tied up to that year.''

''I don't remember anything about that year. No matter how hard I try. I only remember the years before and the years after but nothing about that year comes to mind. All I know is that, when it gets to February of every year, I struggle to be me, I find myself hurting myself, I get nightmares if I don't cut myself with something, I lose confidence and I hear voices but apart from that nothing else.''

Natalie lowered her head and her tears fell. She felt miserable and wanted an escape.

''And you fear your mother and stepsister because somehow they have a hand in what happened to you that year. Your allergies to a lot of food, your cravings for only meat, and protein food are all tied up to that particular year.''

''I only know that those two did something to me, but I can't remember anything.''

''Don't force yourself." Dr. Andrea placed her hand on Natalie's shoulder. "As I said the first day you came here with Thomas. I am with you and I will walk with you through this all the way. When it gets tough, you are allowed to cry, scream, but you must never harm yourself like before. Apart from the death of Thomas, has something peculiar happened to you these past few days?''

Dr. Andrea noticed that Natalie had become a lot more sensitive and unstable since the last time they met.

''Why? Does it have anything to do with how I'm feeling?'' Natalie asked.

''Yes. Tell me, who did you meet this past few days?''

''I met my brother in law and he accused me of killing Thomas and I also met them....''

''By them, do you mean your mother and step sister?''

''Yes!'' Natalie nodded her head.

''I see where the agitation is coming from. Do you still eat eggs when you're nervous and afraid?''

''Yes, I do!''

''And food? How much food do you eat?''

''Pizza, meat, sausage and eggs...''

''Natalia, show some respect to your body please? You can't keep eating pizza and eggs alone. Look at you? You look so malnourished.''

''I don't have appetite for anything. The only person whose food I could eat is gone.''

''I will prescribe some vitamins for you and also change your sleeping pills but you must take only one every two days. An overdose can land you in the surgery room.''

''Yes, I will do as you say. Thank you!''

''And I want you to do something for me. I want you to get a diary on your way back.''

''A diary, what for?''

''I want you to write your daily activities in it. Each day; what you do, where you go to, who you talk to. Your feelings down to every little detail. I want you to write everything in it.''

''Are you trying to pry into my private life?''

''No, I'm trying to get closer to my patient and friend.''


''Oh, what is that 'I don't know what you are talking about' look you're giving me? So, you never thought of me as a friend?'' Dr. Andrea frowned.

''I'm sorry!'' Natalie said apologetically.

''Is alright. Just now that I am your friend.''

''Thank you!''

''Don't forget what I told you."

''I won't.''

''You can pick up the medication from the dispensary on your way out.''

''Thank you!'' Natalie picked the prescription paper from the table before going out.