It's been a few days and before I knew it. Pride month was here. And I thought of her. She did call me a day or so but I didnt have the heart to talk to her. I felt like I had hurt her and for some reason that left an ache in my heart. I decided to call her and check up on her. I owed the poor girl that. So I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. After the second ring. She picked up.
"Hello?." She asked through the reciever.
"Hi." I said my voice coy and sheepish.
I waited for a response. Tapping my foot lightly.
"Nova.?" She questioned I could tell she was probably looking at her phone because that's what I would do. I nodded forgetting she couldn't hear me. Then I spoke.
"Hey yea it's me." I said back trying to sound cheery.
I waited as I chewed my lip. Not sure if she would answer me. Then I let out a sigh I didnt know I was holding as she spoke again.
"Oh wow it's good to hear from you. I thought you blew me off or something because you didnt like me." I thought I heard a hint of sadness.
I shook my head and sighed again.
No no of course not. I just got busy. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to accompany me to this gig tonight. I know the band playin and we can get in for free.
I waited more silence. Then a squeal at the end of the line. "Of course I'd love to see you again.
She practically screamed in my ear.
I pulled the phone away as she did. I wondered what you wear to pride events and then snapped my fingers. Colors. Lots of colors. I thought to myself. Grinning this was going to be fun. I dressed in a light purple dress and slid on some rainbow shimmery bangles and sparkly rainbow earings and then I was ready to go. It was time to go when I hear a car pull up into the drive way. She must have gotten the memo to be colorful also because she came bouncing in. Wearing a light pink dress with rainbow jewelry also.
She smiled as the door opened. I smiled back at her. The first day we met we got along so well. But I wasn't ready for a relationship with hardships. But I didn't want to push her away either. So we both agreed on being just friends. This wouldn't be a date it would be just old fashion hanging out. But everytime we touched. It sent fireworks through our bodies. I could sense she felt it too.
"Let's go." She said as she pulled on my hand and we skipped out the door.
We made our way to her car laughing as we did. Just thinking about her was bad enough having her in front of me. Is like sweet torture. We drove for what felt like forever when we finally made our way to the venue. I didn't tell her it was a pride concert. But I know she probably got the idea.