One day in the year 65 October 10th a Nine Tailed Demon Fox appeared in the unsuspecting village Hidden in the Leaves, and wreaked havoc until one great shinobi, the fourth Hokage put a stop to the beast and sealed it in a newborn infant, in the process sacrificing his life...
But unbeknownst to the young Hokage long ago a soul from a distant world was wandering the veil between the unseen and seen world, and as ninth tailed beast was being made by the founder of Ninshu, the soul that was supposed to be it, became this wanderer.
Therefore, when the Demon Fox's soul was about to be sealed in the newborn infant through the power of the reaper, the soul being pulled from its demonic essence, began to remember.
The fox's spirit regained its nature, and became too powerful, no longer being able to be split by the reaper.
The reaper because of this, came to a comprimise and as such only it's power was half sealed in its belly instead of half its soul alongside with it, making it so, the seal was far weaker than it was previously intended to be.
It still holds the beast, but it has far more influence over the boy now than should be capable...
And so in this story, we will be following the journey of this creature who has now experienced the life of a demon and a human. This creature that as it bonds with its jailer, its hate becomes more cold and vicious, directed towards only the child's enemies and becomes something akin to a father to the child.
It will try to protect its son from the horrors of this wretched world...
In the deep darkness behind what seems to be a cage too large for anything but a titan, two red slit eyes burst open, and a rumbling growl resonates through it...
"Ugh... Where am I?" A deep monstrous voice questions in confusion until it sees its surroundings and abruptly stands up, it's steps quaking through what seems to be a filthy dark sewer.
It's confusion is but for a moment, until it's bombarded with various emotions and images, of what seems to be its release, and then...what seems to be a different life... A different life as a human, a creature that should disgust it, but now only makes it agonizing to see such a life lost to it.
It has not felt love since its earliest years when its father, Hagoromo Otsutsuki made it alongside its siblings, and the love then was far too short lived for the old man not too long after died...
But now it had memories of a life as a human in a world that seemed to not have any chakra, a life where it had loving human parents who put it above everything else, who taught it knowledge and wisdom, and compassion.
Compassion... It as a demon, never bothered to have compassion. None deserved its compassion, for all saw it and its siblings as mere beasts.
"No, enough. I must not be overwhelmed by these memories, I am who I was still. I am the human, but now, simply, with the memories of being a demon. Not the demon with the memories of a human."
Even though its life as a beast was longer, its will as a human was mightier for it is what kept it together as the darkness between worlds was unraveling it by the seams before it got into this one.
It after this realisation feels great joy and satisfaction because for it is now mighty, and alive, no longer but a wanderer. But it is short lived as it remembers its predicament, and roars in rage, rattling the bars of its cage.
But it forces itself to calm down, if one thing, 17 years, no matter how small, with a completely different perspective on life has learned the demon that it is patience, and so it sits down.
It starts to go through its memories, memories its human mind shouldn't have. Memories as a demon, and a human.
It has now become, Kurama Otsutsuki, son of the Sage of the Six Paths, Hagoromo Otsutsuki. it has seen in the other world that the masked man... The masked man that controlled it, was that brat Obito Uchiha, Kushina's brat.
It finds it ironic, how its 2nd jailer's favourite student was also the cause of her demise, and the death of her husband.
But because of this, it knows that its enemies live, and they will not stop to get it. Its greatest enemy and first fear, Madara Uchiha is still plotting from the grave for its imprisonment.
That damned bastard that controlled it, him and his new protoge, but made it so that it could only watch trapped as its body moved on its own without any control...
It fears leaving this cell now, would make it easy prey, for that abominable Uchiha. For he is still hiding behind the shadows with those cursed of eyes of his.
It chose to remain wary, for this world, may be even more different than the original, since it already is, with him being who he now is.
The Kyuubi as it contemplates this, swings its tail at the bars for a moment, to test it, noting how weak it is now, compared to long ago, with his original strength of soul returned.
Now about that child... It's father said it hoped one day it would be reunited with its siblings, and that one day someone will do it, a child of prophecy of sorts.
It had long ago let that belief go, believing its old man having gone senile in his dying moments, but now, it is no longer so sure...
As the beast was continued its contemplation, it decided to peer through the eyes of its jailor and see the world...
-Orphanage center Konohagakure
A woman who seemed to be the patron of the orphanage was standing over a blond, blue eyed baby with three whisker marks on each side of his face.
'I don't even know what the hokage is thinking letting a murderer like you live alongside the innocent children you've orphaned... If the hokage won't deliver us the people justice then I will...' As the woman thinks this she brings a bottle of milk to the babies lips who innocently tries to reach towards it, its baby blue eyes full of childish wonder...
The woman as she sees this feels something stir in her that tells her that maybe she shouldn't do this, but she squashes that feeling immediately.
She's lost her best friend to the demon, and its only trying to trick it, by acting innocent through using the body the fourth hokage transformed and sealed it into.
It's as cunning as its supposed to be, a cunning, vicious mountain sized demon fox, and she will rid the village of its polluting presence...
And so she has the baby drink the poisoned milk...
As the Nine tails, inside the seal feels the poison slither throw its jailor's baby mouth, it rages, and immediately uses its chakra to neutralize the poison.
"How dare she! How dare she touch what is mine?!" Roars the fox, its voice echoing through the dark sewer.
Both its sides are absolutely furious, its human, and beastlike self, and it will not tolerate such an act unpunished.
Demonic red chakra as a consequence starts to leak through the bars of the cage into the chakra pool of the child...
-Hokage Tower
It has only been in a few days since the fourth hokage sacrificed himself in the battle with the nine tailed demon fox, and Hiruzen Sarutobi, former retired 3rd hokage reinstated himself as the leader of the village, albeit reluctantly.
'Damn it Minato! Why did you have to die! It should be you here right now, and me the one dead...' Hiruzen Sarutobi wallowed himself in sorrow as he stempled and put the report on the side, his entire office looking like a sea of paper.
But just as he continued, he suddenly felt a cold, chilling killing intent, so dark he could swear that his heart skipped a beat.
'This, this can't be! Has the nine tails escaped the seal!' He with a pale face full of horror rose from his seat. He could not imagine what kind of devastation the demon could do if it was truly free.
He does not even know what could truly stop it if the seal of the reaper himself couldn't.
As he felt a familiar chakra presence he immediately called out "Dog! Report!"
Immediately, the Dog masked anbu reported that the chilling killing intent was coming from the orphanage.
Sarutobi Hiruzen wasted no time as he threw aside his hokage clothing, ordered Dog to ready the anbu and summoned the monkey king Enma.
"Sarutobi! What do you want!?" Yelled the monkey king clearly agitated.
"No time to explain! I need you to turn into the admantine staff At once!" Yelled the fearful hokage.
Enma seeing his old friends distressed expression, and he himself feeling the killing intent could only curse under his breath, because he already experienced this vile power only days ago and still could feel the miasmic induced burns upon his skin, making his white fur stand up with adrenaline, and fear.
Without another word, he transformed and Hiruzen jumped out of the window to the source of the killing intent.
-Orphanage center Konohagakure
There a blond haired baby stood surrounded by red demonic chakra, and a half charred corpse on the ground next to it, the woman still alive only because of her being a medic nin and continiously healing herself, and keeping herself alive.
From her mouth to her chest her skin was charred with third degree burns, the demonic chakra having even damaged her vocal cords, making her unable to scream from the agony she is experiencing, only choked hiccup sounds, resonating through the room.
Salty tears dripped from her eyes, only making her agony worse as the pressure of the demonic chakra continued crushing her.
The baby cries echoed louder as the 3rd Hokage and his anbu squad arrived and saw the scene before them. Hiruzen did not waste a moment and brought out the chakra surpressing seals he thankfully asked his student Jiraiya to make before he departed, and put them on the baby's forehead.
Though something unexpected happens, for as he does he feels the world start distorting around him...
"Well, well, well, what do we have here... The senile old fool has decided to grace us with his presence?" A deep rumbling voice mockingly states as it sees the 57 year old man appearing outside of it's cage, next to the mental manifestation of its jailer in the mind scape.
"Kyuubi!" The old man yelled as he turned towards the voice and saw the nine tailed fox risen on its feet, with its tailed flickering to the side, every wave, making the entire mind scape quake.
it's shark like teeth each the size of a building were wide in the form of a fear inducing smile, that would make even the bravest of men fall on their behinds and urinate in terror.
Though that is not what Hiruzen Sarutobi does, as he sees the baby Naruto next to him, wrapped in a white towel, on the ground of the sewer, he without taking his eyes off the Kyuubi immediately picks him up and brings him towards his chest, in a protective posture.
"What is it you want, vile demon!?" The old hokage yelled once more, his eyes full of fire and determination, willing to put his life on the line to protect his successor's legacy.
As the beast hears the old fool's question he can only laugh, laugh as his thunderous voice reverberates through the dark sewer making the old man cringe at how loud and foul it is.
"What I want old man? I want what everyone wants, the destruction of my enemies, an apology from my father, and of course... Let's not forget, my freedom!" The beast roared his voice at first mocking, and then at the end full of rage and killing intent, causing old man Sarutobi barely to be able to keep standing.
'What is going on!? Why is he so powerful! His might is far greater than when it was previously!' Hiruzen thinks frantically, wary of the intelligent amusement he sees in the dark red slit eyes of the beast, far more terrifying than days ago when it was only filled with uncontrollable world reducing rage.
"But no, that isn't the right question to be asked right now senile old fool, the right question is, what do you want?" It states as it points towards the old man.
"What I want?" The third hokage questions warily.
"Yes, that is what I said, after all, you are the guest here, you are the one who came to this dark damp hole."
As Hiruzen hears this his eyes can only squint, suspicion visible in them, but he decides to play along with the fox and see what it wants.
"What I want? Well, then demon! Care to tell me how you were able to harm that innocent woman so severely when you are caged here!" He questioned as he pointed at the beast.
"Oh, that," The cunning fox begins, amused, as he lowers his head and looks at its claws, "Well, you can thank that "innocent" woman of yours. After all, it is thanks to her, the seal weakened even further." The fox answers with glee, as it raises its head and shows a terrifying smile.
"Yes, it is thanks to her. She foolishly tried to poison my dear little jailor here, and with the seal already slowly pulling on my chakra, the near death state of the brat drew even more chakra from me, and automatically, defended the brat.
I didn't even want to protect the brat really, it would be far more useful if he died." The Nine tails stated with a disappointed tone at the end, shocking Hiruzen.
"Why!? If Naruto dies, you die with him!" The 3rd hokage yelled,
"Indeed!" The beasts roared, "But, you are forgetting what I am, I am sentient chakra, I can not die, I am a force of nature itself.
My chakra will simply disperse and I will after a decade or two completely reform, and once again lay waste to this pathetic village of yours that has dared to keep a enlightened being like myself chained like a slave!"
The hokage could only stare agape, not knowing what to say. Till now he believed if Naruto ever died the reaper would return and devour both the beast's and the young boy's soul, but it seems he was wrong... No, he can't just believe this demon that easily, he has to be lying!
"You're lying! Minato himself devised the seal to rip you from this mortal world if Naruto's life came to an end!"
"Oh, did he now? I wonder, then why am I still complete!" The beast roars as it rises to its full height.
"Your dear fourth hokage sealed me into his brat, trying to split my soul, taking its yin and only leaving its yang so that once the brat dies, without my yin, I can not reform, but do you not see that I am complete?
Even if the brat dies, I will still return! And you know it is inevitable he dies, old man, be it now, a decade, or even a century later, I will be back and I will lay waste to this pathetic village of yours.
Even if you change my jailors each time, you are still all... Hmm, what did you call yourselves, oh yes, shinobi! And death follows your profession!"
Sarutobi could only lower his head in defeat and rage as he clenched his fist and with grit teeth asked, "Why are you telling me this?"
The beasts eyes widen with sadistic glee as he hears the old man's question.
"Why? Because I want you all to suffer. I want you all to never sleep at ease - for with the brats soul nothing compared to his father's who could rip even mine out of my body - I want you to know that I still live!
I want you all to never forget that I will one day be back! And when I am, you! Your descendants! Your descendants descendants will all be trampled under my paws! Let my image forever be burned into your nightmares Rehahahaha!" And as the beast laughed Sarutobi could only grit his teeth as he felt himself leave the mindscape.
'Brat, I have set the stage. The power now lies in that old fool's intelligence, will he get my hidden message that you need to get stronger or not? For yours and the world's future, you better pray he does...'
(Author note: Hello guys! This is the chapter I promised, I hope you enjoyed it! As you all see Kurama is a cunning fox, as he should be and will thoroughly manipulate everyone to meet his ends.
But more on that later, tell me how did you find it, was the dialogue between Hiruzen en Kurama somewhat in character?
was it good?
was it bad?
I'd like to hear your opinions.