" Damn, it seems like I wouldn't be able to tap into that power again" Jason said dejected.

" How hard is it to get angry? " He said to himself. " I guess, I'll just have to leave that issue for now" he added

" Hmmm... I wonder when I am going to see Diana again, she seems quite fun to be with" he said

" What are you thinking of Jason" Jade asked coming out from the room.

" Nothing" he quickly replied

" You look suspicious, tell me, I may have an advise to offer you, you never can tell" Jade added.

Taking a glance at her, he said

" I think I'm falling for a particular girl"

" Who? " Jade asked

" Diana" he replied. " The daughter of Mr. Teloni " he added

" You don't easily fall for girls,you know" Jade said

" I don't know what's wrong with me" he said

" I know your problem" Jade said smiling

" And that is..?" Jason asked.

" You're in love, and you don't want to admit it" she replied him

" No, I'm not in love, it's just a feeling that will wear off in no time" Jason refuted.

" That's it" Jade said

" That's what?" Jason asked

" You don't want to admit it" she said. " When you admit to it, and accept it you'll find out that I'm right" Jade added.

" Are you in love?" Jason asked

" Well.... yeah" Jade replied

" Who is the lucky guy" Jason asked holding back his laughter

" I won't tell you" Jade said pinching his nose

" Well... ok, but does the guy know?" Jason asked again

" He doesn't, but I know he loves me, but doesn't want to say it, I want him to say it first" She said laughing

" I'm taking it as that's what you want me to do right?" Jason asked

" Yeah" Jade replied. " If you say it first, the girl would be happy, except she doesn't love you" she added.

" That's what I'm worried about" Jason said

" Give it a trial first" Jade said finally before leaving.

" Well, I guess that's just what I'll do" Jason said smiling




" Finally, we are back to settle the issue at hand" Bryce said

" Yeah, I believe we all thought about this at home, therefore we'll arrive at a suitable decision today" Jaliel said.

" So the table is open for suggestions I think" asked Bryce

" Yes" replied Jaliel

" Ok then" said Bryce. " Last time, I reported the incidence of the reoccurrence of Judais the god of death, It has come to my notice who that person is.


" Who is it then?" asked Karl

" I don't want to reveal the person's identity, as it is amongst on of our sons here" Bryce replied

" WHAT!!!" LordXen shouted. " Do you mean to say, that amongst is here one of us harbors the god of death himself in or homes?" he added

" Isn't that to say, the god of death is closer to is that ever before?" Allen asked

" Yes" Bruce replied to both Allen and LordXen. " But, he isn't dangerous as of the moment." he added

" What do you mean to say?" Jaliel asked

" I mean to say that he isn't to be worried much about, for I have a way to end him" Bryce replied.

" Go ahead and say it" Allen said

" His power is brought out by rage, and on rare occasions by pain" Bryce said.

" If there is an ambush on him to insta- kill him before he gets angry, or even feel the pain, he'll be ended once and for all"

" Nice idea, but could you at least tell is who the person is..." asked Petee

" No can't do, if I do, the father would try to protect his son, as it is one very close to him" Bryce replied

" So, we'll have to scatter all our sons around the scouts headquarters, I repeat, scatter, and by the end of the day, on of them would be reported dead, and that's Judais the god of death." Bryce added

" Sounds creepy" Jaliel said

" But it's for the best" Bryce replied.

" Now that's just great news" KyNent said, now let's move over to the next issue at hand" he added

" Yeah, speaking about that, I think I've come up with a perfect solution" Jaliel said

" Please speak" Bruce said

" We'll just have to surrender, take most of the people to another place, and surrender." Bruce said

" Although we would still be attacked, it would minimize damage done, we could even surrender before they attack" he added.

" I see no other better solution for the problem than this" Bruce said

" Yes" all replied in unison.

" Then it is settled" Jaliel said.