'Ku Ku Ku Ku Ku.'
Oliver says audibly whatever could he be doing?
He has a lot of tabs open about...grammar? No no no that can't be right. After all his grammar in this very Log is subpar at best. Insults aside, can you let the reader know what your plan is.
'I don't mind.' Oliver thinks his thoughts now being heard. 'Well, I was browsing around Inkstone and found out I can actually apply to be an editor!' Oliver thinks gleefully. 'That's why I haven't been writing as much recently.' Oliver mumbles internally. 'Because I've been studying!' Oliver thinks, quite loudly. 'I'm really really hoping I'll make the cut, I'm sure I'll learn so much from my seniors.' Oliver thinks meekly hoping by some chance an editor is reading this. 'Oh!' Oliver exclaims, about to try something stupid. 'I HAVE A TWITCH PLEASE GO FOL-' Oliver starts but then is abruptly cut off by me the Narrator.
Oliver must get back to studying but do wish him luck. It'd be quite annoying if he came here to sulk about his rejection. He also wants any readers of "Marked`" to know he'll get on to writing chapter 5 and that he's sorry for the delay. Now he's saying sappy stuff I'd rather not relay. Anyways, Dear reader, I hope you enjoyed my soothing voice. Till next time.