"Now we have things to talk about. But first. Hey person hiding behind the shield, aren't you thinking of going out? There's nothing to be afraid of, get out now. If you don't come out, I'll take you out myself."
I waited a while longer, and when there was no movement, I walked towards the boy and grabbed the shield and pulled it. The boy behind him had a completely surprised expression on his face but I didn't care, I grabbed the boy and threw him where his other friends were.
"Definitely Cruel."
"Whatever. Now back to our conversation."
"Hey wait a minute! What are you talking about after you treat me like that?!" The boy with the shield, who had just made the wall his bulwark, called out angrily.
"Tell you what is wrong with my behavior?"
"What's wrong? You grabbed me from there and threw me, what if something happened?"
"Are you stupid? We are currently in a dungeon. Getting hurt is quite natural, and I also think I've done little for you."
"What is that mean?!"
"What about leaving your teammates and protecting yourself like that and bringing them all there face to face with death?"
"You can't put all the blame on me without knowing what the situation is."
"Then enlighten me. Also, I didn't say that you are the only one to blame, I told you that you seem the most guilty here, but that doesn't mean that the others are not guilty as well."
"Then you can't blame me right away."
"This is true. So tell me everything."
"At first it went like this."
The boy with the shield started to tell the events, to summarize. These four people teamed up in the dungeon, and then a group of goblins came up against them, the boy with the shield initially served as a tank and grabbed a few goblins, but when the shot of one of the goblins hit the shield, he panicked with fear. The girl who was supposed to be a sword-wielding warrior could not use the sword properly and no attack could inflict damage, so the boy with the shield hid in fear. Seeing that the boy with the shield was frightened and ran away and the girl with the sword was unable to attack, the boy who became the mage panicked and tried to prevent the goblins from approaching him by throwing fireballs around. When all the team members fled in fear, the archer girl was helpless and tried to stand on her own.
"I understand. So here is the problem. Shield boy you got scared and ran away. Girl with a sword your aim sucks and you're too cowardly and don't know how to use a sword. Sorcerer boy, you burned almost everyone to protect yourself, if you have to protect yourself with fire, it would be better to at least create a fire wall and protect yourself with your team. Archer girl you are pretty good the only problem is you lack experience and skill in melee but you are pretty good at archery."
"My name is not the boy with the shield, my name is Jeff."
"How can I cast such a powerful spell? Firewall is a level 3 spell and requires at least a C-rank mage. I'm still only D-rank. Also, my name is Mike, not a wizard boy."
"Hmpf. Archery is not that simple. I'm a long-range archer, of course I don't have any close combat experience."
"What do you want to do in the future? Will you be an adventurer and break into dungeons or do things like normal business or taking over your family business?"
"I will take over my family business, I entered this school only to increase its prestige." Jeff, the boy with the shield, said.
"I want to be an adventurer, but I don't know how to use the sword, I don't know any technique. By the way, my name is Alice."
"I came to this school to learn to defend myself, but in the future I will live a normal life without going into any dungeons. My name is Mike."
"I'm planning to enter dungeons in the future. I've already come to this school to find teammates to come with me to the dungeons I will enter in the future. My name is June."
"I understand that you two will go to dungeons in the future. How about I train you two?"
"I-is that okay?"
"Hmpf you are a melee swordsman how can you train an archer like me?" June said.
"Hahaha. Who said I was only a swordsman? Could I borrow your bow and some arrows?"
"Take but don't break it."
June gave me her bow and some arrows, and luckily, a small group of goblins started coming from the other end of the cave.
I shot two arrows at once, and they both went through the heads of two goblins, both of them lying dead on the ground.
"Head shot. Double Kill." North said suddenly.
'North, what do you say?'
"I just felt like someone had to say it."
'Sigh.' I sighed out of my mind.
*Mana Slice 10 Mp
Immediately after, I poured mana into my sword and slashed the other goblins.
"This is how it's done." When I turned around, June, Jeff, and Mike were staring at me with their mouths open, and Alice was staring at me with admiration.
"So what do you say now?"
"I agree, I hope you train me well, sir." Alice suddenly said with extreme reverence.
"I agree too. I hope we get along well sir." June said with reverence.
"You don't need to call me sir, you can call me Jake. Also, it would be better if you talk normally."
"O-Okay." June and Alice said.
"Hey why are you only training those two?"
"Huh? Will you decide who I will train? I don't need to explain, but I'll do it anyway. You two won't be going into dungeons, so I have no reason to train you. Besides, your business is not my area of expertise. I'm not a mage or Tank so I can't train you."
"Isn't it because you felt her aura that you chose to train that girl named Alice?" North said.
'While it's not the only reason, it's true that this girl could be very useful in the future.'
After giving the bow and arrow back to June, we continued on our way.
After a while we had a meeting.
"Huh? Jake?"
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