Chereads / I've never / Chapter 284 - Heavy Hearts

Chapter 284 - Heavy Hearts


Another day, Cleon must of woken up and left already for the kingdom routine check. It's good to have him to myself again. Today Gaby and Johny are stoping by with their newborn. I couldn't be happier. It's been an year since I heard from Carla. Johny was too ashamed to ask questions. Cleon ask about her one time. He said "Where is Carla" I responded with confident "She didn't want to be around anyone right now, She flew with the gems." He stared at me for a long time but he haven't mention her since than. It's a year now, His been working like crazy.

"Knock, knock"

I got up, got dress to open the door. Gaby and the baby was standing outside my door

Gaby: Hey, do you have somewhere I can change her?

She had Johny's hair Color, With the mothers eyes. She's a sight for sore eyes.. Gaby look radiant, She looks so happy, Guess Johny was stepping upto the plate. I point to my bathroom and I went to get ready in another room. Walking downstairs, Gaby playing with the baby, Johny grew a very attractive beard, Cleon had alcohol in his hands. Guess it's a party. come to think about it, Cleon been drinking alot lately.

Johny: Look at you Ms. Thickums!

Satphire: Stop it!

I said shyly

Gaby: It's his way of saying you gain weight dragon

Somehow I think she was making fun of me?

Cleon: How are things?

Gaby: I've permanently stepped down to have more kids haha..

She smiled to the baby.

Cleon: Kids are a blessing

Johny: When yall gone have more?

Cleon: Um

Satphire: Haha litsend, child birth is no joke

Gaby: I swore I was going to kill him during the delivery, But one look at her, All that came out was I love him. He cut the umbilical cord

Johny: Her name is Alia

Satphire: That's pretty

Gaby: I named her, Lord knows Johny is horrible with name.

Satphire: Don't I know it Haha

Johny: Hey, Why are you so Quiet Cleon?

Cleon: Don't have much to say

Johny: Uh huh, what's with that look?

Cleon: What look?

Johny: Haha what did you do?

Cleon: I've done nothing, I always do nothing.

He said getting up and walking away.

Johny: Hey Sat teach her how to cook please. I'll go check on Cleon

Gaby: Haha am a queen I don't need to cook.


Cleon have been out of it, Sometimes I would call, he wouldn't answer, I use to run Instalaxia, His not that busy!

Johny: Hey, wait up

Following him to the front entrance of the castle.

Cleon: Hey

Johny: What's wrong?

Cleon: Nothing, why do you ask.

Johny: Stop moving man just stand still. Dang I haven't seen you work so hard since you lost Satphire temporarily to Jeremy.

Cleon: Is that so?

He flew to the horse kingdom. What is bothering him?

Horse leader: Wow, Hello my kings! please sit.

Cleon: No need I got other maters to attend.

Horse: Okay, Um sire our vegetation, Harvest have taking a hit.

Cleon: Right. Thank you I'll look into it.

He flew again to The pig kingdom

Frank: Good day highnesses

Cleon: Why the urgency call?

Frank: It's our vegetation, Every thing we plant refuse to grow, What's already planted seems to be withering away.

Johny: It must the war between Darkness and Nature. I heard Darkness finally return to her husband in heaven and Stop Harrasing Carla. But Nature feeling all those blood she spill refuse to bow to her. Plus What she put Carla through didn't help Darkness case. So Darkness ordered her Grace be removed. So all vegetation took a toll.

Cleon: Have you heard from Carla?

Is that why his over working?

Johny: No

Cleon: Alright

He flew to the mountains by the beach.The snowy side seems more liquefied?

Johny: Is the ice melting?

Cleon: Yes, it seems like that since..

He was going to say something about Carla but he stopped himself. What is going on with him? Have he been over working himself to fill the void of loosing Carla?

Johny: Buddy are you okay?

I said grabing his shoulders causing him to stop moving but still facing away from me.

Johny: You never told me what happend to Carla?

Cleon: It's best not to say her name.

Johny: Why?

He Flew away without outering another word. I followed him back to the castle where our wife was laughing up a storm by the blue roses.

Satphire: Hey babe your back

He didn't say anything. What was going on with them


He has so much on his mind lately, I followed him inside our bedroom where he laid lifeless, staring at the ceiling

Satphire: Hey babe

I said joyfully. He didn't move or say anything. It's been like this alot must be the stress of running a kingdom

Satphire: Do you want me to lessen your worries my king?

He finally got up from the bed. Where was he going? I offered sexual help and his just going to walk away?

Cleon: No thanks

He walked back outside. Something is up? I decided to take a nap. Music, Chants coming from downstairs? I got downstairs to see Johny standing on the Dinning room table with Cleon, Singing horribly. Generals, And soldiers join the fun. I watched my husband loosening up in admiration. Tonight will be the night we make passionate love to eachother. Soldiers compete in drinking games. Fight broke out between the generals. Cleon shirt got torn, Man his so hot. I rushed at him causing him to fall back in the portal I made behind him. Landing on our bed I started tearing his clothes to pieces.

Cleon: Satphire...

He moaned. He look so sexy laying there naked, Smelling all good. I wanted him for so long.

Cleon: Satphire stop..

I kept trying to entice him but his hand shook my shoulders violently.

Cleon: Satphire I know I should.. But I can't..

He put new clothes on and left. He knows what? I haven't done anything to embarrassed him as his queen?


Johny: Babe come to bed, She's fine

Gaby: What if she gag in her sleep? I mean I should check at all time. maybe it's best if I put her crib closer to us. No better yet, I should put her in the bed with us.

She has been rearranging that crib location since we got inside. The baby is clearly asleep. She needs to pay attention to me. I got something hard and I want her to fix it haha. In every room in the castle had a bell, Ours was located by our bed on the dresser. I runged it, Withing seconds 2 maids came in ready to assist.

Johny: Can you watch over our adorable baby girl for a while. Me and the "Mrs" have somethings to talk about. She blushed at Me calling her "The Mrs" Haha she's so cute.


Waking up to no Cleon is getting old. Seems like lately the kingdom have been keeping him busy. I got dress, proceeded down stairs. He and Johny engaged in serious conversation. What were they serious about?

Johny: All am saying is Adam have been trying to reach out to her and he haven't reached her. Do you think she's dead? Cleon I could never forgive myself if She died

Cleon: I've tried numerous time as well.

I didn't know Cleon tried to contact Carla? Can that mean what I've done? last night he said "he knows" Can that be what he meant? My stomach started to turn.

Gaby: Hey what are you waiting around for?

She fully opened the door I was peeking Through, The boys change the conversation. Me and Gaby walked in, sit down without saying much. I couldn't help but think of Carla. The few days of their visit went by in a flash, I couldn't get out of my head. I've decided to ask Cleon. I can't stay in this torture I must know. Dinner time came I went downstairs to eat. Cleon came as usual. He bowed, I nodded, we ate. Waiting on him to finish eating took forever. So I decided to start the conversation.

Satphire: What do you think happened to Carla?

Cleon: You said she left right?

Satphire: Thus why I asked " What do you think?"

He smiled, Bowed and left. His aggrevating. Couple of days past by, I've been trying very hard to get Cleon to talk about it. His been so dismissive. Tonight I plan on starting an argument to get some answers. I've been waiting at the Dinning table waiting on King Cleon. Hmm what can be keeping him? I flew out the kingdom to in the hopes I'll get to get under his skin for him to tell me what his trully feeling even if in anger. I must know if he knows what I've done to Carla? In the pigs kingdom I saw several soldiers bringing Carrying seeds? As I flew closer I saw cleon planting along with his citizens?

His a king He don't need to be there? He must be trying to avoid me. Swooshing down, I grabbed a hold of his arm fleeing into the near by woods so we can talk.

Cleon: What are you doing?

Satphire: Your avoiding me

Cleon: Am working

Satphire: It's 9 pm your usually home by 7

Cleon: Make your point Satphire

Satphire: What do you know of Carla?

Cleon: Were not talking about this

Satphire: Then are you ready to kill me

Cleon: What does that mean?

Satphire: The only way your getting out this conversation is by killing me because we're having it right now

Cleon: Your acting out? Is it a guilty conscious?

His word startled me, What does he mean?

Satphire: I regret nothing.

Cleon: I cant.. even believe you would.. You know what...

Nuh uh I've been working all day I don't need this crap. Not from you!

Pulling his hands from me trying to escape. Hurt, Embarrassed I flipped him in mid air causing him to turn back. He counter with a kick pushing me back. Looking in his eyes I realized he wasn't kidding.

Satphire: Like I said, Till death do us part.

I said changing into my Dragon form.

Cleon: I wouldn't kill you. Am not a monster

He said disappearing into thin air.. What the? How did he vanish before my eyes? embarrassed I took a sit going through my thoughts.


It's been a few months, Instalaxia is in bad shape. Crops won't grow, People fighting to keep their weight on. Prices are up right now. Adam had to limit how many instalaxians board the trains. Brown kingdom wasn't so grand either. Carla ballerina dolls had been loosing power, The rebels had tooken over and running the kingdom. Carla's mom tries to handle the situation by training actual soldiers to replace Carla's soldiers. Some ballerina have died. I wonder why they were loosing life force? I haven't heard from Carla. I reminisce of her ask6 me to stay with her. Since I decided to stick by Gaby's side, I feel it was fair for me to govern the left side, Leaving the right side along. Honoring the Anullment. My soldiers have been keeping the rebellion ones at bay. But they are growing in numbers. Carla would of never let it get that bad. Me and Gaby have reached a place of happiness, She finally listens to me. The baby definitly change the her outlook on life. She was extra careful not to offend anyone, She didn't want our daughter to pay for her mistakes. She wants to have more kids but man I have so many. Blue still haven't talked to me, Some of my kids are turning around.

Cleon: Hey?

Johny: Hi

Cleon: Can I come over?

Johny: Sure

He portalled over with a nagging Satphire!

Cleon: Cast her out please

Satphire: I wish he would!

Gaby: Baby can I do it. I've been practicing.

Johny: Haha sure go head!

Satphire: Ha. ha. ha. That's not funny.

Haha doll face only cast her out the castle haha you should see Satphire outside pacing back and forth infront of the castle not able to get in.

Cleon: Man.. Shes annoying

Wait what? Cleon never calls Satphire anything but beautiful? What can be going on with them.

Gaby: Am going to take Alia out for a walk see you later.

She leaned in half way giving me a choice if I want a kiss or not. Of course I want a kiss. Kissed lasted longer than expected haha when we finish Cleon made his way out the meeting room and to the Dinning room. I followed.

Johny: Why are you so mad at her

Cleon: She's not who I thought she was

Johny: What does that mean?

Cleon: Brown liquor please?

He said to the tiger chef.

Cleon: Alright am going to sleep

Johny: Without Satphire?

Cleon: It's your kingdom let her come inside if you want I don't care.

He said walking upstairs. What is going on? I flew outside to Satphire sitting by the castle unable to get it.

Johny: What's going on with Cleon?

Satphire: His being a ass

Johny: I mean what are you guys fighting about?

She looked at me than said

Satphire: Nevermind. Tell him I'll move out his precious castle, I won't follow him anywhere anymore.

Searching my head unable to say anything. She portalled out.

The day went by pretty quick. Cleon came back downstairs ready to eat dinner.

Gaby: Your snore kept the baby awake

Cleon: Am sorry, I usually never snore

Johny: Exhaustion will do that.

Cleon: Right. Train tomorow?

Johny: Why? I don't need it.

Cleon: So your crops are doing fine?

Johny: Yes

Cleon: Hmm. Either way your coming, No, is not a option. I need fertilizer for the ground, maybe it will fix it.

Johny: None of my Phoenix kids are talking to me. Ask Ity-bity Maybe She can help

Cleon: Phoenix ash occurred in two ways. When one die and when they hash.

Johny: Oh I see your dilemma.

Cleon: Tomorow at 7 we need to buy tickets. Oh your paying

Johny: Why?

Cleon: It's costing me fortunes to keep the kingdom running. My suppliers are too expensive. So am broke.

He said laughing, a king should never admit that

Gaby: Ew your broke?

Cleon: Yes

Johny: I have gold and jewls I can spared help yourself..

Cleon: Yeah I came to refilled as well.

Gaby: Babe no. Those treasures are ours and for Alia's future?

Johny: She will have more than she need honey.

Cleon: You right Gaby, Johny today is collecting day right?

Johny: Haha yeah but I don't have no more space to put it.

Cleon: Lucky for you I do. Let's go.

Johny: Wait. But what about supper?

Cleon: Your a king, Eat later.

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