Chereads / I've never / Chapter 268 - Rear-View part 3

Chapter 268 - Rear-View part 3


I haven't seen my friend in 2 days. Ever since she told my husband she didn't trust him. I would go to the Castle but I don't want to be put out. That would be embarrassing. Carla didn't seem like she was kidding when she ask us to leave.

Johny: God, I hate my mother in law.

He stormed in stating. I was in the kitchen making us Dinner, The chef don't start till tomorow. The Dining room had 10 chairs, one square icy table. It was made to last forever with forever ice. I came out the kitchen to find him sulking on one of the white chairs.

Satphire: What's wrong?

I said drying my hand with a hand towel and taking a seat

Johny: My mother in law is a pain in my ass. I've been trying to find a lawyer that deals with annulment..

He said while rubbing his eyes as if his thinking.

Satphire: No luck huh?

Patting his shoulder signaling "He should cheer up"

Johny: My kids hate me. And I..

While staring at his fingers, Like some innocent man who killed for the first time.

Satphire: Deep breath

Johny: Satphire I don't want to separate from Carla, She means so much to me.

Looking deep into his beautiful hazel eyes I notice the sincere fear he was left with. I place one hand on Discourage Johny's To reply "Than fight for her" But of course.

Gaby: Why are you touching my man?

Putting her hands on her hips red hair flowing like lava

Satphire: Not, now you spawn

I got up saying. Heading back into the kitchen that was open Like restaurants who have windows for people to pick up their food.

Gaby: Well than hatchling, Stick with what you can get

Satphire: And what does that mean

I said turning only my head to look at her, My body not facing her

Gaby: You caught the leopard, I'll admit his too good for you but nonetheless he always had a good heart for cheap diamonds.

Cleon: GABY!

He roared Coming into the kitchen. He did always looks more handsome in the morning.

Cleon: Friend or not, you don't talk to the one I love like that.

Cleon seems really mad, Johny still sulking on the chair not intersecting

Gaby: But I was just...

She tried to explain

Cleon: I don't care, If you truly value our friendship don't talk to her like that!

He snapped at her... I've been so mad him lately I forgot how protective he is of me. Gaby didn't expect that either. she looked to have lost her words.

Satphire: I could take her anytime.

Cleon: It's not about that.. I won't have anyone disrespect you as long as I draw breath

Gaby: That could be arranged leopard.

Cleon: Is that a Challenge?

He said steping in her direction.. Johny still on chair head leaned back eyes close.

Satphire: Babe.. It's okay...

Cleon changed to his leopard Godly form in a instant, He was gorgeous beautiful white fur with even whiter spots... I hope they don't fight.. Gaby open her 8 wings ready for whatevers to come. Johny still sitting on the table deep in thoughts

Gaby: Who are you to talk to me like that? Your a stray, Honestly we became somewhat friends because of your alliance with Johny. Don't think for a second I won't make an example out of you or your....

Cleon used the walls to Strengthen his jump, Punching her right in the Jaw. She didn't finish her sentence. Gaby them rushed at Cleon with her green staff. When did she have a green staff?

"Swish swoosh" The sound of her baton went, Cleon fighting skills were nothing I've seen him do before, The way he blocked than appeared infront of her its like he was In two places at once. When she saw Cleon had the upper hands she did something absolutely repulsive. Out her 8 wings were swords. She tucked her wings in causing her body to be completely covered with swords.

Johny: Becareful her swords have tens and thousands of poison in them.

Gaby: You will Die for your disrespect peasant!

Johny: King

Provoking kings means war.. She didn't know Cleon was now king of instalaxia..

Gaby: Wait your a king?

Johny: Oh and he did rescue his tribe from slavery.

Johny said calmly and collected. still sitting in that chair by the table, deep in thought. She dropt her weapon and kneel before Cleon. Cleon didn't accepting her apology. He walked back upstairs. Am such an idiot to think anything less of him. I finish the food I was cooking and went to our bedroom, Which he picked out because it got a bigger TV. There he was looking up at the ceiling Reminiscing

Satphire: Your food sire?

Cleon: Um thanks

He sat, ate, Than lay back down again?

Satphire: Am sorry to have discipoint you again?

Cleon: Again? What do you mean again?

I sat next to where he laid on the bed.

Satphire: I have reason to believe I've failed you and our kingdom.

Cleon: What on earth's are you talking about?

Satphire: When you came...

Cleon: When I came I seen you ready to die with honor. I was.. is.. mad that I couldn't be right beside you, thats where I belong.

A smile crept on my face, I didn't expect him to say something like that?

Cleon: I fear I allied with the wrong side

Satphire: What do you mean?

I crawled to his head, Lift it, put it on my lap ready to scratch his head. I remember how much he loves that.

Cleon: I hurt a friend. A true friend not a pretend one.

I know his referring to Carla

Satphire: Yes, she is a good friend. One that don't disrespect what or who you love. When Hui slapped her, Punch her time and time again I thought she would of retaliate..

Cleon: I saw it in what you showed me when I arrived back.

Satphire: You hurted her

Cleon: Yeah

Satphire: Why didn't you tell me?

Cleon: It's not my secret. Plus it never came up.

Satphire: Babe..

Cleon: I know she's your friend but I don't think she is a friend of instalaxia

Satphire: Don't say that.

Cleon: She clearly called me her enemy

Satphire: Yeah but..

Cleon: She mention trust.. She can't trust me.. I wanted to be upset at her for saying such things but how can I? to her I am the man who stood there and watch her fall in love with a married man, I didn't even put out cushions to soften her fall.. She hates me.

Satphire: I doubt it... tell you what.. I'll tall to her tomorrow, figure out where her head is at. Tonight as you know it's...

Cleon: Annulment day. I know.

I scratch his head until it was time to go. After some time the black shadowy light portal me and Cleon to what seems to be a jury. There was three judges at different levels hight . Mud skeleton eyes sowed shut revealing a letter X, their mouth seemed to be sowed as well yet they were still able to talk? I've never seen any being like them before. They struck fear even in me. All three looks alike, were they triplets? They brought All the generals back to life, such as squirelet man; she hated me. She wasn't young anymore. But am Glad she finally retired. General bullet, Johny's dad and Mom. Johny's mom kept looking at her hurting son With "Am sorry" eyes. Johny who was sitting by himself in the defendant corner looked worried. Guess he couldnt find a lawyer after all. Carla didn't seem happy nor sad, she just seems to be trying her best to keep it together. Man this is something.

Dream: Mr. Johny it'll do you good to litsend to your elders

Johny: Yes, I couldn't find any counselors in time.

Each had black robes with their name on it. Thank God cause they all looked similar.

Dream: Alright let's begin with you Louise. Tell me why Johny should enhirite nothing?

Johny: Wait? Your claiming I get nothing?

Gaby: Thats preposterous he made her, She should be the one that leaves the relationship with nothing

She shout in the Crowd a few seat from me and Cleon.

Thought: Hold your tongue this isn't your trial

Johny: Um I don't think I should enhirite nothing, We built alot of thing together, When this is all over that's all am going to remember her by

Louise: And may I add memory extracting?

Dream: Interesting? Why?

Louise: Everytime she tries to break free from him he finds her and break her back down again, because of the memories, and feelings engraved in her eternity vows she let's him in.

Johny: Thats not true!

Dream: Stop screaming Mr Johny!

Johny: But that's not true at all

Louise: When she was pregnant with Johnathan, She broke free from his claws, He came back to take her back to instalaxia, Here are the display on the wall.

Johny: She is telling it all wrong.

Louise: At the school he followed her.

Johny: What? she ask me to come, Annubis had 4 admission tickets.

Imagine: I Imagine this must be very emotional, but please we are sensitive to loud noises. One more outburst and I will rule In favor of Ms. louise, either that or I'll kill everyone of you.

Johny leg kept shaking feeling the pressure.. Louise kept adding more charges based on what she felt. Johny couldn't say anything that pleased the court, being so emotional made Louise seems more practical and factual.

Gregory: Ahem... Excuse me your honor may I approach the bench?

Dream: Yes

Johny seems relieved as Gregory(Carla's dad) sat next to him. Guess the judges agree.

Dream: Proceed Louise

Louise: I don't agree for My husband to represent Johny

Woah? Wait that's right he was known to be very good at being a lawyer.. Some might even say "the best."

Gregory: With all due respect, She is the mother of Carla, If am the father in law of Johny It seems fair. And me representing Johny won't change the facts, Will it?

He said getting up openning his arms. Good one Mr. Gregory!

Louise: If I loose this Anullment I won't forgive you Gregory

Gregory: It's not personal. So don't take it personal. When this is done we will go home and take care of our adorable twins

The judge cracked a smile at Mr. Gregory's comment. Without waiting for a response from Louise, He took a seat next to Johny While brushing his suit. Haha this is going to be good.

Louise: So I am asking for memory extraction.

Gregory: Objection your honor

He said getting up again. Both hands on the desk Like a marathon runner.

Judge: On what grounds?

Dream says looking at him

Gregory: Well I believe it's Mrs. Louise job to work in the best interests of Carla Brown?

Louise: (Scoft) I am

Gregory: To remove memories from either side its... well cruel.. How will Carla brown or Johny explain where their over 75 kids they made together came from? Surely Carla wouldn't think of her self as a woman who would sleep with a total stranger led along have 75 kids with?? frankly I don't believe that's what your client wants. Do you Carla?

Louise: Excuse me I speak for my Client.

Gregory: Johny removing the memories of your kids something you want?

Johny: Absolutely not.

He stood confidently looking at his wife

Gregory: Your turn?

Mrs. Louise looked less confidently, asked Wounded Carla

Louise: Ahem, Do you want...

Carla: No of course not. I am not depriving my children of their father.

Gregory smiled sitting back down unbutoning his suit.

Louise: Um we are asking that he not enhirite any of her powers For him to go back as he were.

She stared at Gregory who was now writing on a piece of paper left on each desk. Johny looked at him to see if he was going to object to that too. After several minutes Louise moved on.

Louise: I want all affection removed from Carla

Gregory: As in all feelings?

Louise: That is correct

Gregory: I disagree

Imagination: I'd imagine you have a valid reason?

Gregory: They will need to be cordial because of the Children, even if they are separated they don't want to seem broken.

There was a long silence until Louise smartly ask

Louise: How so?

He put the pen down, looked up at the three judges

Gregory: Someone whom you dont care for hands you a coffee, would you drink it?

Dream: No

Gregory: He'd become stranger to Carla Brown, Thus no trust

Louise: She is a Jackal we play by different rules

Satisfaction tone when she explored his ignorance about Jakals

Dream: Yes, jackals mate till death. When a Jakal is married they took an eternity oath. Doesn't matter where one goes they will still belong to one another.

Gregory: Hmm

Louise: Extreme consequences requires extreme measures.

Gregory: I'll allow but only on Carla brown side. She is the Jackal. My client don't need nothing retracted. You may take her powers from him but as far as stuff they build together. I believe it's 12 planets? They should divide them equally.

Johny: Wait as In, I won't be able to do... ahem.. all her magical abilities?

Dream: That is correct.

Johny: Wait not even...

He seemed hesitant to say creation magic, Its appropriate; knowing how Darkness wants to get her hands on it.

Thought: Creation magic... Yes Mr Johny we know and no you will not.

Johny: What about Fire and ice?

Dream: You had Lazer, that's what you shall go back to.

He said flipping through pages In books falling on each judge desk out of thin air.

Johny: Her feelings for me is what helped her weild such powers. Don't that count for something?

Dream: No

Dream respond harshly

Now that's decided. The planets you are allowed is 3

Johny: I thought I get 6?

Dream: When we divided the power you weild only Lazer but she

Thoughts: Fire

Dream: Life

Imagination: Creation

Thoughts: Ice as water

Dream: She gave you access to become a God yourself

Thoughts: Portalling gifts, she gain favors from God's and you profit from it. Tell me What have you truly giving her.

Gregory: He assisted in creating, Children, planets,

Louise: The kids is it's on reward surely your not asking to be rewarded, as if your kids aren't reward enough?

Gregory: Do we choose the 3?

Johny: Wait... Are you saying I benefited and she only suffers heartbreak?

Carla have been looking down the entire time. Not Daring to say something that might go against her mother.

Gaby: Babe gets Vaults

Everyone turn to see her stupid ass making demands not caring about their feelings


Johny: Gregory I don't want to loose her.

Gregory: Am afraid there is nothing else that can be done. Some of the demands are normal in a separation case. You'll have to be happy you got 3 planets. That's more than I was willing to guarantee

Johny: Um what makes you represent me? I didn't bother asking because.. I thought Louise would of killed you

Gregory: It's still early haha but Cheryl wouldn't leave me alone those past 2 days..

Johny: Thank you

Gregory: I want to be perfectly clear. You hurt my baby girl and that's not okay.. Just cause am representing you doesn't mean I agree with how you handled her heart. Last time we talked, I told you, Next time you mess up you will loose her.

Johny: I know but this is different

Gregory: You could of been her man and stand up for her heart but you choose what's best for you.

Johny: I didn't know she was

Gregory: It doesn't matter, You don't play in instalaxia rules now. You are the king. You could of chosen to have a relationship with Gaby son without deserting your other family. Sadly I blame your father there was other ways of handling this situation. Sure you might of have knowledge like a adult but lack of experience, Wisdom, wishful thinking are a child's gift, Thats all you did. You liked Gaby because you didn't know anyone else at that time.

Louise: Counselor If your finish?

Oh I forgot I ask some time to talk to him about the three planets.

Gregory: Each of their children lives on the planets how will he reach them?

Dream: He may visit, With the permission of the mother or the children.

Gregory: So if it's their birthday and he would like to surprise them or throw a birthday party?

Carla smiled at her dad's effort to give me unlimited access disguising it with the "good father picture."

Dream: 24hr on their birthday no permission is required.


My mother is driving me crazy. She is becoming obsessed with Carla and Johny. Frankly am sick of it.

Mom: Noone wants to tell me anything, Some even claim she never existed. Ugh! incompetent all of them.

Ugo: Mom, maybe we should just let it go until she officially becomes a threats. In the mean time you have to tend to your Queen duties

Mon: But I..

Ugo: No, we did what you ask.. We got business to tend too. Some kingdoms we conquered long ago have revolted against us. Pretending we don't exist nor have done anything for them. Some even convert to Christianity

Mom: (Gasp) We need to take care of that quickly. Before Jesus gains power from our worshipers. if that happens Even I won't be able to defeat him.

Regi: What's the plan?

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