Chereads / I've never / Chapter 237 - Heart sung part 2

Chapter 237 - Heart sung part 2


There was a silence in between them

Johnathan: Please I need a favor.

Remembering the night she needed a release she couldn't deny him a request, she owes him.

Lea: Fine stay still

They were so comical. Obviously that's the girl for him. She started to sowe up his pants for another girl who will enjoy who she really wants. She loved him she didn't know how to tell him.

Johnathan: Hey um I gota ask you something else, it's stupid and crazy

Lea: Uh huh

She said still sowing around his pole.

Lea: Put your d*ck back in your boxer bro, It keeps getting harder I can't sowe like this.

Johnathan: Sorry it's reacting to you down there. Um here let me just take it off.

Lea: Okay

He took off his pants she sat back on the couch sowing it.

Johnathan: Um here we go

Lea: Haha it looks painful.

Johnathan: Will you marry me?

Lea: What?

Words couldn't express her happiness at that moment, Did he want her how she wants him? Does he like her too?

Johnathan: You don't have to go through with it. Just tell my dad "yes" so he can leave me alone. We will hang out a couple of time make it look real. Everytime they ask we will just push the date back.

That boy was definitly his father son. The dad came in the fitting room looking at Johnathan on the sofa and her on the couch. "Clearly there isn't anything unappropriate about this. Lea was a true homie" thought Johny.

Johny: Boy why aren't you outside.

Lea: His D*ck Rip his pants.

Johny: Your so unbelievable. I swear the only person you could behave with is Lea.

She smiled handing Johny the pants to finish. She rushed upstairs. To vomit.

Johnathan: This gotta be a sign. I can't marry her.

"Knock, Knock"

Floyd: Come on guy am loosing years here.

Johny: Boy got too excited his penis ript his pants. Lea was trying to sowe it up for him. She hand me to finish

Floyd: What did you do?

Johny: What do you mean?

Johnathan explained what happened in between them both. Johny, Floyd looked at him dumbfounded.

Johny: Wait her? She dress like a guy son

Johnathan: I don't care.

Floyd: Why did you mention you wanted to marry her to get your dad off you back?

Johny: That's a dumb move. I know a thing or two about dumb moves.

Floyd: Find her tell her how you feel.

Johny: Its night time on earth do you think I can make this pass as a dream?

Stupidity all around. With the boxer He ran to find which room Lea is staying in. The maid told him. He walked in to the sound of her pucking in the bathroom.

Johnathan: Oh God your pregnant?

She was shock to see Johnathan in her bathroom She only had on panties and brah. She managed to get it together brush her teeth and walked outside the bathroom. Floyd was seating on her bed.

Johnathan: Oh God okay... Shoot.. your pregnant. Uh am not great with kids.

Floyd: Focus! Does it mater you'll give her kids eventually stupid!

Johnathan: Your right, okay.

Lea: If your dad comes knocking on the door for you am snitching

She said undressing to shower.

Johnathan: Um Okay. I want something serious with you.

Lea: What?

She only had panties on her small orange size breast was free for all to see.

Johnathan: Can you stand outside for a moment please

His friend seing Lea half naked understood why Johnathan ask him to leave..

Floyd: Sure

Johnathan: After we had sex I glowed, I've never glowed for anyone before, I've never been satisfied before either. I know you don't feel the same way so I tried to push my feelings to different girls. I became bored with sex. Anyways I feel like we have something. Marriage was too much I get it.

Lea: No, you ask me to cover for your dad.

Johnathan: Sorry I coward out. I was asking you to marry me. I get you need to know me before a lifetime commitment. So here's the summary. I will screw up bad. I mean earthquake bad. Your brother screw is nothing compared to mine.

She smiled at that.

Johnathan: Being away from you those few months have been torture. I want to be were ever you are.

Lea: Hmm.

She said getting inside the bathroom.

Lea: You coming?

Johnathan: Yup!

He got undress to take a shower with her.

I don't care for what happend next. Johny use his light to make her fall asleep, Changed her to her earthly clothes, brought her to her small 1 bedroom apartment, To make it all seem like a dream. Stupid!

Angela: Why won't you leave?

She said to him as they head back upstairs for her to rest. I followed her and healed her injuries. All she seen was a bright light, She was greateful.

Chi: You can punch me, hit me, whatever. Am not leaving here without my wife.

He told her everything with La. That seems to calm her down but she still didn't want nothing to do with him. She agreed for a home visit with the baby.

Chi: Am sleeping here with you both

Angela: No your not! Get another room.

He left the room, Chi waited till Angela fell asleep, he Tiptoed In her room. "Guy! She's demi God she can hear you miles away" Angela of course was awake but she didn't kick him out instead she went back to sleep.

The next morning Johny swore Johnathan lied to him Obviously lea likes girls. He put on a robe and rush to Lea room. He opened the door to Lea doing the cowboy on his son. Johnathan was sweating up a storm. He didn't know where his hands should go haha his loosing his mind

Johny: Am so sorry..

Johnathan: Dad get out! I told you I'll marry her what do you want?

Johny: Its just I had everything ready and um

Carla: For God sake Johny give him some privacy

Johny: Just tell me a date?

Lea: We could do it today am down

Johny shut the door leaping for joy.

Carla: I married a idiot.

Johny: Yes you did

Smiled across his face dancing in the hallway to his bedroom. I seen Chi getting food for the baby and Angela. I followed

Angela: Did you sneak in my room last night?

Chi: Sorry I didn't hear that question, You ready to eat?

She got up brushing her teeth.

Angela: Why is your tooth brush in my bathroom?

Chi: I wasn't sure what you wanted so I got grab everything

Angela: Are you going to keep ignoring my questions?

Chi: I would never ignore you.

Angela: Uh huh

He place the tray of food by the bed on the dresser.

Chi: I was thinking we should do what married couples do.

Angela: Divorce?

Chi: Haha funny. No enjoy eachother?

She looks at him and went to take a shower. After she finish she came outside wrap in a towel.

Chi: God Angela look at you how can I not ask.

Angela: Can you stop talking.

Chi: You right.

He rush over were Angela was at, she backed up thus him falling on his face.

Knock, knock

Lea: Hey

Chi: Two arms sister? stay away from the conch!

Lea: So am getting married yall coming?

Chi: What? this isn't the same as "were going to the movies yall coming?"

Lea: Yeah his dad is supper crazy, He found me taking advantage of Johnathan Now I gotta marry him

Angela: Johnathan?

Lea: Yup your dad is portalling the wedding stuff over my castle now. Since I wanted to shove my marriage In Ler face Hahaha

Angela: Haha Yeah Me and Greg will be there haha.

Finally time for the wedding. It was beautiful she dress in a gown, He got some actual fited pants. Flowers everywhere courtesy of the Queen, Her family grew more hatred. He took her somewhere fancy for their honey moon. Haha I did not see that coming.


It's been 5 years now my love. I miss you so much. Beatrice have a successful business in her hands. Floyd found love again Haha this time around his age range. Carla train is doing marvelous. I rebuilt our home. When politic get to much out of Me I stay there changing to my human form.

Our kids are in high school for college I might send them to knowledge school, They have powers babe. Hui is making a mockery of the leopard kingdom. Floyd moved into Johnathan old apartment, to not fight with Hui.

I love you and I miss you so much love 8/5.

Satphire: Thank you for taking it to Cleon?

Knowledge: Please stop. I don't want to be reminded am nourishing yall relationship.

Satphire: Thank you professor.

He smilled and left.


It's been 5 years. Greg had a private tutor. She move back to Chi's place, Johny insisted she finish what she started. She's been helping the citizen get back on track she hasn't really bonded with Chi. The rich or poor find her beauty mesmerizing. She didn't date or Anything. I see her at night she was unhappy, Lonely. She would get Greg for a week than Chi would get him for a week. After that slip up with La he haven't entertained any other female. His learn his lesson. Lee was the father of her child. Her Dad Ston was so decipointed. Angela remove the barrier.

Knock, Knock

Angela: Come in

Chi: Hey

Angela: Hi there

She said cheerfuly

Chi: So little man will be in class till 3 do you have any plans?

Angela: No

Chi: Do you want to get lunch?

Angela: Not really.

Chi: Angela I miss you so much. If there is anything I can do to..

Angela: You can't

She said sadly

Angela: Were not together it's not the end of the world.

Chi: It's been 5 yeas and 1 month how long are you going to keep being mad at me?

Angela: Am not mad at you.

Chi: Yes you are.

He got up and left. She took a seat brushing her long hair.

GC: It's time you go back to your husband

Angela: What?

GC: Or I will charm you. You have up till nightfall

Angela: GC!

GC: It's becoming depressing fix it Angela.

The day wasn't interesting. At night time she went to Knock at his door. Leaving the baby with Rachel. She opened his door hoping to catch him doing something Stupid. Chi was passed out on the table with 5 gifts marked anniversary 1-5. Today was their wedding anniversary haha how did he remember that? She carried her very tired husband to his bed.

Chi: Hey are you in my room or am I dreaming again?

Angela: Happy anniversary.

Chi: Haha you remembered I thought you forgot?

Angela: I did but you reminded me.

Chi: Um so what can I do you for?

Angela: I wanted to talk but your sleeping

Chi: No, nonsense let's go for a walk, Am awake.

They walked out the castle. It was a little cold tonight. She shivered until she suggested they go inside.

Chi: Even though we are not together anymore am greateful for Greg, and my kingdom, Thank you

Angela: Sure bud.

He walked her in her room. They spend the night laughing and talking. The sun rises on them reminiscing.

Chi: This was fun we should do this again.

She nodded. Soon as he left She had horrible cramps.

Angela: Ow ow ow!

GC: Let me see?

Angela: I never get cramp on my


GC: Oh your h*rny

Angela: What no?

GC: You want your husband nothing is wrong g with that.

Angela: It's a miss diagnosis

GC: Hmm

She took a cold shower. Weeks past her cramp only gotten worst around him. It's been exactly two weeks her period should be coming in one week haha this is going to be funny.

"Knock, knock"

Chi: Alright for the Robert wedding we poke our face, mingle for 7 minute than we blame our sudden need to exit on our son haha everyone does it.

She laughed at his remarks. The cramp were like taser, getting stronger as she inhaled his manly scent.

Chi: Are you okay?

She was closing her eyes everytime he came close.

Angela: Yup

The wedding was torture they dance they laughed, He got complimented by each guy in the room for having such a beautiful wife. He Sadly took the compliment but he haven't been her husband for a while now.

After the wedding gifts they went home riding a carriage together. He walked her to her door than he left.

Angela: Am giving water down there, GC help me am dying?

GC: Your wet.. That's normal when a man wants a woman or vice versa.

Angela: We are finally in a good place

GC: Hmm well Sadly your body react to him and only him hence him being your husband.

Angela: Am going to tell him am going away for a while..

GC: Staying away from him could help Though I wouldn't suggest it. Your body misses the man forgive him already.

She walked over to his room opens the door without knocking. Boy moaning so hard in the bathroom. She looked up at me I went to spiritual form she's stupid.

Chi: Dam it why won't it come out!

She tried to walk but he saw her before she left.

Chi: What are you doing here?

Angela: Oh um I was..

Chi was naked, pole all out walking towards Angela. Nervous took over

Angela: Am super horny and my body works for only you.

She Quickly covered her mouth with her Hands. He didn't say anything He kissed her bringing her over to the bed.

Angela: Wait am not enjoying you on the same bed you enjoyed her at. Ugh everything feels yucky in your room.

She said pushing him off her getting up heading to her room. She toss and turn trying to sleep her needs away. Without knocking he brought over all his belongings in her room. He quietly hanged his clothes next to hers, Placing his toothbrush next to hers in the bathroom, Lining up his shoes in the shoe closet. After he was done he climb in bed holding his wife to sleep. The next day Angela was staring at him sleep

Chi: Why do you do that?

Angela: I don't know I just do.

Her period came on, the hormones calm down. Two weeks past by and of course her hormones came back. He found his peace next to her.

Angela: Are you asleep?

Chi: Not anymore

Angela: Um are you going to do your husbandly duty now? cramping.

Chi: Haha sure.

He lean in brushing her hair back kissing her. Everywhere he touch left goosebumps. She rolled him over kissing him some more. Both was ready 5 years ago.

Chi: Babe I don't want to hurt you, we do about 1 hour tonight, it's been a while for you.

Angela: Alright.

He couldn't figure out how to bring down her silk pajamas so he ript them off. Her breast milk was drying; Greg not breast feeding no more. Chi missed Her so much. She's used to the baby drinking her milk but he was making it dirty as he took mouthful of breast. She couldn't stop herself from moaning. Her man loved seeing her body reacts to what he was doing

Angela: Can you go in now I want to feel you.

Chi: Okay.

He kissed her as he inserted thinking she might be in pain. In reality she was so soaked her water overflowed on him. Her readiness took him by surprise.

Chi: Oh Sh*t !

Angela: Am I hurting you?

Chi: No, your um Hmm just soo good..

She was crazily turned on by this man, everything he did felt amazing. You could hear the splashes as he dive in her, going deeper with each stroke. The pleasures becoming too intense she couldn't hold it anymore.

Chi: Did you just pee on me?

Angela: Am so sorry is that what that was?

He laughed and put her on top. Taking a siting position, He showed her how to ride. Having him so deep touching her pleasure points cause her to Climax several times. She was on top but he was driving her crazy. She's mad at him for not picking her first but she's greateful she's his last choice.

Angela: Ahhhh your so deep..

Chi: Am I hurting you?

Angela: No.

Her cheeks was turning red, Chi hold on to her small petite waist, To help her move her waist easier, Hoping up and down. Her breast kept hitting his face, She wondered does that bothered him? His legs muscle flexing keeping with her tempo.

Chi: Babe I gotta c*m, Get up so I can come please

Angela: Uh uh.

She said still riding him defiantly

Chi: Were trying to figure things out and Ahh, Hmm, F*ck I want to give you as much time before giving you another child.

Angela: I had time, it's okay you can c*m. Do you trust me with your seed?

Chi: F*ckkkkk

He said giving her everything

Angela: Haha that was alot.

Chi: Yeah um that's an hour you should be fine now.

Even after them blessing their marriage he still looks so sad.

Angela: I missed you so much. It been so lonely here, Am so sorry for shutting you out I didn't know how to process everything but you take so long to step up.. She was glowing but outering tears.

Chi: God I hate that I hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you.. You mean everything to me.

Angela: I don't want us to stop at one hour, I want you to take as much as you need

Chi: Haha are you sure?

Angela: I want you without you holding anything back because this is my 4th time

Chi: You might be sore tomorrow

Angela: Just promise me you won't pull from me.

Chi: Promise.

She laid on top kissing him passionately.

Angela: Tell me what you want?

He nodded kissing her back. He flipped her over putting her on her back, Spread open her legs going in, He didn't mind his juice leaking out of her.

Chi: Angela ahhh

Angela: Tell me?

His strokes kept getting deeper putting pressure on her, She sweat so much her mouth dried up.

Chi: Your who I want Angela

He roughly turn her around. Her face was deep in a pillow, booty in the air, He used 2 hands to hold her breast from going everywhere, one hand rubbing her Cl*teris, the other holding her waist, Using all his force he started giving her back shots.

Angela: Ah hmm.. Chi.. Chi.. I love you so much...

Lea: Ahh God! Your driving me Crazy, I love how my hands disappeared on your waist because of your ass, your waist is so easy to grab.. Angela...

Angela: Am gona C*m again,

Chi: Let it go I got you. Your mouth.. I want your mouth

Angela: Than take it.

He grabbed her beautiful blonde hair pull out of her and place her mouth on his moist C*ck. She kept gaging on it but he loved it. He moved his waist to get a little deeper releasing all his kids in her mouth.

Chi: You look so innocent I just want to shove everything in you. You got a temper which I love. your body is out of this world. Guys drooling over you do you know how upset that makes me? watching them lust after what's mine..

She got up kissing him some more

Angela: Your mouth

She leaned back on the bed, Grabbed his head placing it on her jewl box. Stream of pleasure dripping down her legs Arousing her more with each minute. He helped her Climax using his mouth.

Angela: Ahh. Guys drooling over me huh?

Chi: Somehow I think you know but you act oblivious

Angela: I should be thought a lesson.

He place one leg up, keeping one leg on the bed going straight for her second point of pleasure. All you heard was her gasping for air as the pleasure cripple her perfectly shape body.

Chi: Next time you give a guy the time of day am f*cking you on the spot.

Managing her breathing all she could do was nod to his request. I've never seen this side of Chi, before his usually to himself.

Angela: You love bosing me around.

He was close until she started Her circular motion. He was already sensitive from Climaxing so much.

Chi: Angela slow down

Angela: No, you Had all this inside of you And you kept it from me.

Chi: Am alot to handle, I can be rough at times

Angela: I love you, That goes for everything.

He carried her against the wall restarting the process again. Holding her breast she didn't know what to do with her hands. She kept moaning his name so loudly hahah Kids.

The next day Chi had his two arms Back, yellow tips complementing his dark thick hair. She was glowing with a blue star by her thigh. She didn't seem to be in pain guess she's equipped to handle her husband properly.

Angela: Babe?

She said shaking him..

Chi: Am tired I don't want to get up.

Angela: Okay, but let go of my leg, Greg needs to get ready for his tutor.

Chi: No, don't leave

Angela: Haha I'll be right back

Chi: Am exhausted!

Angela: I see that. Your glowing yellow. Rest up I'll be back with some food.

Chi: Okay.

She put a robe on not realizing It's see through. She made it to the little boy room where Rachel sleeps in with him. He didn't want to sleep in the same room as the mom, Greg thinks his too grown. He wanted his race car bed, He was prep and ready to go.

Rachel: I heard your fantastic night I got him ready, Go back to bed I got him.

Greg: You called dad name alot is it a game?

Angela: Am so sorry..

She said whispering to the maid that had to tell the young man it's a game his mom was playing.

Angela: Yes baby it's a game. Off you go.

Chi made him a library withing the castle with all the books he will need. His tutor have him from 8 to 3

She walked to the kitchen where Lee and Ston having breakfast. He agreed to married La since he took her virginity.

Ston: Ahem your highness.

Lee: Ahem yes great morning it is.

She don't know why they kept turning red, Stumbling over words. She Nevermind them and place her order for her husband. Her hair was down, Her waivy curls gave her a flirtatious look. Chi rip off her purple pajama last night all she had was this robe. Her breast was see through but her nipples was covered as the fabric thickens, They clearly seen she had no panties under there. Her scream last night woke up nearly the whole castle but she doesn't know that yet.

Ston: I um like your outfit

Lee: I agree, You should definitely wear it every morning. Chef takes so long cooking the food; Making it fresh. She kept rubbing her legs as she grew impatient. Of course to the horny adult in the room reads she wanted sexual attention.

Lee: Won't you come sit down. You shouldn't stand there by yourself.

Ston: I agree here is a seat.

Smilling like vicious dogs tricking their prey.

Lee: Some say I look just like Chi you know.

Before Angela ask "what does that mean?" Chi came into the dinning room Fully dressed to start the day. Seing his beloved dress provocatively, Lee and ston was clearly getting hard seing his wife in such a manner, Knowing they talked about it last night but looking into her eyes he realize she didn't see it.

Angela: Um morning, You didn't have to come down, I could bring it up

Ston: Yes She can

Lee: All the way up.

Chi: Ahem wife go head upstairs, I'll bring us the food.

Angela: Sure.

Turning around all her booty print was out. You could even see the star he marked on her. Her thighs was expose, Ston and Lee got up to watch her walk away.

She got in her room, Took off the robe to take a shower.

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