Chereads / I've never / Chapter 233 - Loves in the middle part 10

Chapter 233 - Loves in the middle part 10


Johny went home leaving me to my previous mission. Carla wants the safety of Angela, Now I got the other kids to look over as well

Angela: Today's meeting?

She wanted to get a move on, She 5 months her appetite keeps growing. This week is up to the republican to distribute baskets. Satphire agreed for them to trade using there transport, they got a couple of choices Herald was one of them but of course they went with Sed, They did not trust the others. The siblings seems to love helping their older sister out, Chi loves everything his wife do.

Nas: In our baskets we have meat and fruits

Angela: Where is the comitee? I know family meeting but don't we have dukes too?

Chi: Yes, they meet every 6 months.

The royal messenger came interrupted their meeting saying Angela And Chi have deliveries. Chi rushed to the door excited to see. There was 3 huge trailer trucks.

Delivery guy: Signed here please

Herald was the leader of the kangaroos but he gave that up for the trading position. Everyone of his employees were kangaroos, You could recognize a kangaroo any were, They had the honey blond feature soft eyes shaded Purple, green or dark brown.

Chi: Oh man this is alot.

When they open the trailers the had two side of cows meat, hotdog, goat, fish haha everything. The second trailer was mostly rice, flour, Corn meal etc. Third trailer was different type of drinks; Liquor, juice, water etc.

Angela: Delivery every week kind sir?

Angela double check in disbelief.

Delivery: Yes that's what boss said. I got to go, Where do I put this?

Chi: We have underground storage and freezer we never used, till today haha thank you so much honey

He said leaning in kissing his beautiful wife. Las came inspecting the trucks knowing how much the mother spent on her Delivery and they only got 1 trailer. She instantly got rude.

Las: Hmm if it's mommy and Daddy money why not

Angela knowing how much she pleased her husband Nevermind Las jealousy. It took a few hours but they were able to fit majority of item in the storage the others went to the kitchen.

Delivery: Alright thanks see you next week

Angela: Thank you so much.

Ston: I gotta admit nephew she's one heck of a strategy for our kingdom.

That was his uncles way of giving him a compliment towards his wife. Chi didn't reply. They went back to The meeting. Angela was so proud of herself.

Chi: So this week you will deliver to everyone, What have you decide on the allowance?

Ston: We figured if we are giving food, allowance might not be Necessary

Chi: We still have people living in caves? we need to provide homes for them.

Ston: Than 50% of what ever you gave.

Lea: You guys are so cheap. You have rich Comitee members get it from them. We already voted uncle please have a decent number by next week.

Ler had a bad taste in her mouth. She didn't know the kingdom was in this ruins, she hates Angela getting praise by her husband haha these people are a mess. We headed to the dinning room because of prego hunger.

Chi: Counselor please eat than meet me back here please

Both Lea and Angela nodded. Arriving at the dining room, Seems like everyone was here Taking advantage of the new shipment.

Chef: What will it be?

La: Ribs, corn on the cob, and lemonade please.

Dang! they may hate Angela but they love her result. Rachel came out the kitchen awaiting what Angela wants? The castle had enough food she didn't need to feed anyone else but Angela

Angela: Spaghetti and meatballs please, passion fruit freshly made

She said rubbing her belly. The maid laughed excusing herself to go make the food. Everyone was chatting up a storm. Chef came out wanting to speak with the king and Queen. He brought them outside the dining room into the hall way.

Chef: Sire a million excuses, I've been asking La for my salary since we reopen the caste, She keeps making fake promises. Am sorry to ask but am I going to get paid anytime soon? My kids are in need of clothes and shoes you know the essentials.

Chi: I am sorry to hear that. How much?

Chef: Whatever you can spare my king. Wife says she's leaving me today if I come home empty handed. I know we are not surpose to go home with ingredient from the kitchen...

Angela: Wait what?

Chi: Yes, um the wife can leave the man if he cannot provide to remarry one that can. Also they cannot go home with any ingredient from the castle.

Angela: All this time, I've given baskets out I didn't know am sorry. Please take what you please I'll sign you an okay note to get by the republican. Please take this.

Shi gave him one diamond, 2 gold blocks from the bag, Chi insist on carrying with him.

Chef: Sire this is too much

Chi: Your generation have been the chef in my family as long as I can remember. Please take this as a thank you for your years of service.

Chef: Than you need not pay any longer Sire. This is generational wealth.

Chi: Start a saving vault for your boys. I will get a new secretary they will pay you every month.

Chef started to cry, Uncle didn't pay him a dime. He was going to loose his wife and two boys. They don't know what they have done for him.

Chef: It's dangerous to carry so much valuables. I must leave now to find a hiding place

Chi: Understand I'll ask Rachel to take over.

Rachel brought Angela food and was already serving everybody else. Angela and her husband finally getting back to them. After lunch Lea and Angela went back to The meeting room.

Lea: What's up?

Chi: I want to reopen the market

Lea: Hmm they need money to buy from us your highness

Chi: exactly. That's where Ston funds come in. As you know the party that contributed to the trade gets 20 percent on the profit

Angela: How will you check that?

Chi: When People fill tax on that. In return the party gets 20 percent of your tax return.

Angela: Neat.

Chi: Isn't it?

Lea: Okay how can we persuade those two prune?

Chi: I don't know. Spread the word anyone who got their own gold could now trade with the kingdom starting tomorrow.

Angela: Can I come please?

Lea: Having a queen there might speak more volume brother.

Chi: Take Johnathan with you just in case

Angela: We can defend ourselves

Chi: Hearing that guy wanting to terminate our baby.. Look just please do it for me.

Lea: Sure

They left to go to the royal scroll makers. Lea seems to be known by alot of commoners, She doesn't seem stuck up like the other royals

Scroll maker: Yo!

Lea: Yo

SM(Scrool maker): You finally runing against your brother? You got my vote!

Lea: Ew what would I look like in a dress haha

Sm: Haha true true, How is your brother? Lee came by yesterday wanting to throw a party to liven people up

Lea: He loves parties

SM: Haha I know. Your dad took him off that position for throwing to much wild party, Why Chi give it to him again?

Lea: You know Chi, He gives everybody a chance until you screw up.

SM: Shoot not me. What you want it to say?

Lea: Hear ye hear ye.

SM: Ouh traditional are we?

Lea: You right it's lame. Man just say for the people who have shops We have trade in, If you have your Golds you could come trade.

SM: Okay how about "Market is opening back up with qualifying trade in, Check in the castle if you have gold. Everyone is welcome"

Lea: I love it! Alright. Let's do it.

When she got off her horse the guy finally seen me behind her..

SM: Need I ask?

Lea: Haha you think shes one of mine?

SM: No, I just want to get into your preferences

Lea: Haha what is my preference?

SM: No one knows, I call that smart. Your squeaky Clean your highness

Lea: Don't give me that crap Gor haha but naw she's the Queen.

She said giggling entering the scroll maker place.

SM: You joke too much, I am so sorry your highness, To even suggest you prefer the company of girls over guys is enough to kill me, am so sorry.

Lea: Gor? the scroll please. She's not stuck up relax

Gor: Please am so sorry

Angela laughed stating "she is strictly dickly" than point at her belly haha. The place was full of paper Everwhere. It was messy yet neat guess they had a system. Printing machine, Paper making machine. There was paper and pen on the table, followed by feathers in ink. Gor looks like any citizen; blue all around black hair, deep brown eyes, 6 arms.

Lea: As for as my preference old friend. I don't know I like what I like.

Gor: You've been saying that since we were kids you gotta pick

Lea: Must I? I could die alone that's always a choice

Gor: Haha still dramatic. Your dad was trying to make you marry that one guy remember?

Lea: Haha yeah prince ouhh what was his name?

Gor: I don't know but he looked rich

Lea: He love that I was skinny more than my mind.

Gor: There was another

Lea: The cruel king alongside the weeping Queen?

Gor: I would sneak into the castle, We would play to our heart contempt

Lea: Haha I was sick for almost 2 weeks.

Gor: I told you those plants was poisonous

Lea: I was relieved when they call off the engagement

Gor: Your highness she's a mathematician

Angela: I notice the time my dad arrived

Lea: Am sorry I thought brother told him yall mated before marriage

Gor: Savage!

Lea: Honestly how can your dad not see

Gor: He only had two arms in the morning?

Angela: That's what that mean? We made love that night and the next day he had 2 arms

Gor: He chose you

Lea: Or he could of been highly satisfied

Gor: Naw my mom told me that only happend with your true love.

Lea: Bs if you don't sleep with that person a second time than it don't seal

Angela: Have you ever had two arms after a fantastic night?

Lea: No

Gor: Than how do you know?

Lea: We would have to rule out the possibility of satisfaction

Angela: You've never been satisfied?

Lea: Are you done with those scrolls yet gor?

She said trying to change the conversation

Gor: I've heard from her lovers they have been highly satisfied but she came around with 6 arms the next day.

Lea: Why are we still on this?

She chuckled. She looks so embarrassed talking about this.

"Knock, knock"

Gor: Come in

Johnathan: Yall couldn't wait?

Angela: Haha talk to the driver officer

Gor: It's like seing the whole galaxy in you

Angela: Sorry that's my brother his a instalaxian. Can you put them away

Johnathan: Sorry.

He changed to his human form.

Gor: Handsome wouldn't you agree Lea

Lea: Hmm not my type

Johnathan: Am everyone's type. But I get it; crawl before you run

Lea: Ha wow conceited are we now?

Johnathan: Facts are facts are they not?

Lea: You ain't all that.

Johnathan: Honestly I don't brag enough

Gor hand Angela the scrolls as Lea and Johnathan exchange insults. Angela put it in the side pocket of the horse.

Angela: Are yall love bird done?

Lea: My apologies my Queen

Johnathan: She walking around full of confident. Most of these females can't even take..

Lea: Say it.

Johnathan: But than again you would preferred it that way wouldn't you?


Lea: It's cool his just mad his not man enough to change my mind.

Gor: Am sorry I said anything I didn't know yall had bad blood?

Angela: Haha alright. So who's first. I suggest we start with the furthest make our way to the nearest

Lea: Sounds like a plan my Queen.

They started with Osturd first, Alot of citizen had Questions about what they have. They explain "come by tomorow to see the selection with princing" Everyone was so happy for the new business opportunity. Johnathan mostly floated while Angela and Lea spread the news. Finally the sun was setting, everyone receive the news. Angela and Lea went to the castle for some much needed unwinding. They all went to the dining room.

Rachel: What will it be?

Angela: Spaghetti hah I can't get enough of it.

Lea: Chicken soup

Johnathan: Brown liquor

Rachel: And?

Johnathan: You wont let me get away this one time Rachel

Rachel: Nope

Johnathan: Ummm grilled cheese sandwich

Rachel: Coming right up. By the way my Queen I got some conch. Want me to make you some?

Angela: No need I'll prepare it for My husband tomorow.

La: You got some nerves announcing for people to come by tomorow to trade.

Angela: Hi

La: Don't you Hi me man stealer.

Lee: Calm down I have to prepare the pricing for everything we had. It took me the whole day, Do you hear me complaining?

La: You know everything moving so fast is her fault.

Johnathan: What is the problem?

Lee: Sigh it's better than what I was planning giving economy back to the people.

La: But at who's expense? She's making them come down, alot won't have any money they going to do it credit.

Lee: I forgot the republican believes in credit.

La: We would need to cover their expenses, that 20 percent is nothing compare to what were giving out.

Lea: Why hold credit line with so much citizen if you can't deliver?

La: Shut up we were once the wealthiest of them all.

Lea: That's how uncle though he could rule paying for votes. Than killed his brother to obtain what he wanted?

La: That's not..

Johnathan: Sounds like a you problem

Lee: My Queen?

Angela: Yes?

Lee: If I may ask why the sudden rush

Angela: Chi thought it would be best

Lee: Chi you say. Hmm sorry for the confusion

La: Am sure he have a good reason

Are they serious? if Angela was the one to suggest it it would be bad but since it's Chi everyone is on board? Everyone finish their food, Some decided to drink a little bit.

La: Do you really like girls cousin?

Haha everyone wants to know

Lea: Tell you what. Drink 6 of those and I'll tell you everything. I'll even answer if am still pure.

Without thinking the stupid girl chugged 6 shots of brown liquor.

Johnathan: And she's out haha

Lea: I'm going to call it a night. Don't do anything I wouldn't do

Johnathan: Like what?

Lea: Clever haha good night.

Angela went to bed shortly after. Angela's sister went back home on specific order from Carla haha they joined knowledge school. Angela went to bed, Chi came on mentally exhausted he kissed her and fell asleep. The next morning Lee managed to take care of everything instructed to him. The Republican party was standing infront of the castle side by side with democrats. soldiers was trading By pounds. Everyone that came had their Gold at hands. Chi let the items go close to nothing. Just to give the citizen a head start. Due to that alot of them didn't need to use credit from the republican side.

Angela: All we do is sit here?

Chi: Yup

Angela: Can I be excuse?

Chi: Why?

Angela: There is a dish my aunty satphire taught me I wanted to cook it for you.

Chi: Haha Your going to cook my Queen? Haha

Angela: I am a great cook

Chi: Haha I'll have the doctors on call if anyone start dying

She gently tap his chest smilling, walked inside to get started. She went to the kitchen where the maid was waiting to assist her in making the conchs.

Rachel: What will it be serve with?

Angela: Hmm I don't know

Rachel: In the island it's serve with plantain, We have plenty to spare.

Angela: Okay sounds good

The chef came in with meat to store in the fridge.

Chef: My Queen what are you doing?

Angela: Cooking

Chef: You are a royal

Angela: I've been a royal for the longest haha its fine. Relax you've been working so hard.

Chef: Um..

Rachel: Trust me she's going to do it anyways. Let's just help her

Chef: Okay.

Angela: Can you use a big Hanmer to smash these conch for me?

Chef: You can count on me your highness

Angela: Great.

Rachel: I'll get your ingredients out

Angela: I'll get started in the special seasoning.

There was alot of conch. She might of bite more than she can chew.

Rachel: Don't go over board with the spicy peppers

Angela: Thank you.

Hours past I was bored I went to check on how the others are doing.

Chi: Yes this was my idea why is that so hard to believe brother?

Lee: Haha it's nothing.

Chi: Do you have anyone in mind to marry?

Lee: Never been a fan of relationship, You know that.

Chi: Haha you just haven't found the one to make you realize why you exist

Lee: Maybe and just maybe am meant to be alone and unbothered

Chi: No, You definitly going to get someone I know it..

Lee: Haha sure.

There was this one creature the soldiers were stopping from getting through. His been trying all day but I guess Chi haven't notice, his taking care of the front line. "Queen Angela is Os please tell them it's okay for me to pass. I have my Gold"

He was too far away for Chi to hear but I heard him I communicated telepathically to Chi letting him know "Os is asking for passage" He quickly ran to the end of the very large and long line.

Ston: You got some nerves, I could kill you for this. Your lucky the queen powers are slowly healing the land. I might even fastened the process. Soldiers! Arrest this man and his family.

He had brought his two sons and wife. Guessing to thank Angela for the food they receive every week. Before the soldiers put them in restraint Chi came.

Chi: I am so sorry. Let Os go he did nothing wrong. He have a white flag just like any other kingdom in my palace.

Ston: What? who would give you such stupid ideas

Chi: From now on they are protected by the Queen and I

The family seem to be more at peace. Soldiers backed up apologizing to the family. Os reassured his wife "it's okay These king and Queen are good people." They had alot of Gold Guess all they did was save since they have been getting butchered. Some beings won't even do business with them, Now that they have their own white flag, anyone discriminate against them could mean death. Good job Angela

Ston: Nephew you have done alot of things, I won't stand watching you treat these deform creatures as equals

Chi: Sorry for his language. Old heads

Os: I understand. My wife dream is to have a beautiful market now because of you am able to give her that, thank you again And tell Queen Angela I said "May she reign long and healthy"

Chi: Sure I'll tell her.

Chi took him giving him passage to the front of the line, He had a feeling they been here for a while now. They bought half of the storage haha. Os wife was calculating profit before expense haha it seems promising.

Chi: Alright thank you everyone for coming out. Due to some recent events haha seems like half of our storage have been bought and paid for. The remaining is for emergency, please stop by next week we should have more coming thank you.

Alot was decipointed but some was happy to get the planet ball moving again. Chi ordered soldiers to help carry the item for Os along with his help of course.

Elder Osturd: Haha you actually got it?

Os: I told you we have a flag now

Elder osturd: That's alot of items how will you keep it fresh?

Os wife: Salt. I don't have a freezer, tomorow first thing I'll do.

Elder Osturd: Where will you plug it?

Os wife: The ants are still in town I'll ask them to built us homes. I'll buy land.

She seems so happy.

Chi: I have alot of available land pick one for your kingdom. You will need to pick a leader to represent you in the committee.

Elder Osturd: Os should do it.

Os: No, mom you got it. I don't have the patient.

Elder Osturd: You have a way of finding good people, Help that Young girl run the kingdom to its full potential. She's your destiny you know.

Chi: Am sorry what?

Elder Osturd: Before your family generation, We were known as spirit guide, Helping the fairest lead. One Osturd turn her back from fairness to greed, made Oshun striped us of our grace, Our punishment is massacre. It is said that their will be 1 Trial where a Osturd will be tested on either fairness or greed to replenish us of our grace. I believe we are finally at that age

Os wife: How old are you?

Elder Osturd: Haha oshun blamed me for not stepping in as a leader but instead I hid. I will not die until grace is restored.

Chi: And you think Fair is Angela?

Os: Please disregard my great grandmother. We will pick lands tomorow

Chi: Alright

Oshun: How are my children?

She ask me telepathically. I swear all you have to do is call her name.

GC: Massacre? that's harsh as their mother

Oshun: Haha looking at them through the hourglass of time I realized my anger may have push me to be drastic.

GC: May sister?

Oshun: I've spoke it into existence I can't take it back. I've helped Chi find his way to Angela, I didn't have to do use cupid or anything, seems like he loved her since he seen her.

GC: Lucky for you.

Oshun: Don't judge me leave that to Almighty.

GC: Why made them look like beast?

Oshun: It's the curse. They are ugly in the outside but pure in the inside. When they fulfill the prophecy they will look as they usually look.

GC: What if Angela cowards?

Oshun: It will fall to her son.

GC: Good to know she's having a boy.

Oshun: Keep me posted.

GC: Am not doing two jobs. Use your spiritual eye to see. Good day sister

She just chuckle as she cut off the communication. Chi was done for the day exhausted as usual. He went to take a shower; joined the others in the Dinning room.

Johnathan: Sis come on am hungry

Angela: Order with the chef

Johnathan: I heard conch now I want conch.

Chi: Good evening sorry am late.

Nas, Las, Ston, ler all eating the chef cooking. Guess Angela didn't give anyone until Chi got here. When he sat down she hop in the kitchen bringing him the biggest bowl, Everyone else had regular size bowls of conch and plantain

Chi: Babe I can't eat all this.

Angela: Haha try please, I spent the whole day making it.

La: Apron looks good on you My Queen

Indicating Angela will be better in the kitchen than running a kingdom

Lea: Let me get some out your plate than bro.

Johnathan Digged in no prior notice. Sis you've out done yourself again.

Angela: Thanks, babe try it.

Chi: This is called Conch?

Angela: Yes haha try it.

She sat in his lap feeding him spoon after spoon. He fed her too. The other haters was sitting at the end of the table looking sour. Chi ate the whole plate.

Chi: This is very good.

Angela: Thank you.

Chi: Um it reboot up your energy.

Oh shoot! To Dragon is a nutrients but to Chi clan its a hormone boost, And energy boost. Haha Angela will know what she did soon enough.

Lea: Oh um..

Angela: Do you not like it?

Lea: It was delicious. Um what ingredient did you use?

Angela told them. Lea figured it out straight away, Haha it's best to shower it off.

Lea: Excuse me I have to shower

Angela: Oh?

Lea: Long day

Johnathan: Delicious sister.

He said heading upstairs for a nap. To instalaxian it reinforce their life force. Haha I forgot to tell her what it does to each clan.

Chi: Hey babe Don't you want to go upstairs?

Angela: Um sure, I've been on my feet all day.

He carried his lovely wife to their bedroom. She won't get any sleep tonight. Lea debated whether she should go out or stay in? She didn't trust herself to be careful at her hormone level. She decided to take a walk to sweat it out.

Johnathan: Hey

Lea: Not right now.

She said sharply as she kept walking.

Johnathan: I tried to knock on my sisters door but no answer Am leaving tomorrow can you tell her for me?

Bingo! he would be leaving tomorow no repercussions or consequences.

Lea: Johnathan?

Johnathan: Yeah

He said standing there having no idea the question she is going to ask

Lea: After you ate the conch what did it do to you?

Johnathan: It boost up my life-force.

Lea: Oh

Johnathan: Why? what does it do to your clan?

Lea: Johnathan I need you to give me a release.

Johnathan: Wait what?

Lea: Oh please, I've got other suitors, My aunty and uncle is on my back I can't go anywhere

Johnathan: They are *ssh*les

Johnathan have one night stand before, "Lea clearly seems to prefer the ladies why not?" He thought. His been bored all day. His sure she can't satisfy him but he will help his sister; He figureed since Lea is an counselor, She knows the sister needs her in tip top shape. Haha the dad can't say he didn't help. This will only show his joy stick could be use for good, his proving he doesn't have a sex problem.

Johnathan: My room or yours?

Lea: It doesn't mater.

She followed him to his bedroom. Now, I wanted to stay outside give those kids their privacy hahs. Naw! am their aunty what if they try to kill eachother. Deep down I know it's because am bored out of my mind. She wasted no time, Kissing him taking off his shirt. This was just a release no feelings had to be shared it wasn't that type of party.

Johnathan: Relax haha am not going anywhere, I won't change my mind

Lea: 30 minute will do, Think you got it in you sport?

Johnathan: Insulting me will make us stay in here all night

Lea: Am not cuddling with you.

Indicating it will be to stroke his ego not for pleasure. Johnathan took the lead. In satisfactory school they teach you to know your partner does and don't, Even if their lying you can see how their body react to each action, Since it's their first encounter Johnathan wanted to read her body

Lea: Am ready let's go.

Johnathan: Not yet.

He seen kissing did get her moist but not moist enough for him, he wasn't an average guy he needs her fully lubricated before entry. As time passes she became more relax, Johnathan was able to read her clearly. When she was prep enough he inserted. She didn't bother to look down, expecting just a nice sweat should rebalance her. She haven't had any partners that satisfy her, she didn't expect anythingwith Johnathan. He was helping out a friend nothing more nothing less. As the night becomes more entense of course the body signals to both couple what they should do to please the other. Johnathan was trying to find her two point of pleasure, She was trying to find Johnathan G spot as well. It's been 1 hour so far both refuse to look at eachother, The sensation was taking over their bodies.

Johnathan: Am going to go a little higher I think your point of pleasure may be higher than most girls. If you feel like screaming just kiss me to keep quiet.

She laughed to herself "why would she ever scream?" Most he can get out of her was small moans and those were involuntarily. He measured her belly button to her jewl box. "Finally" He thought. Soon as he got up there she started screaming, Grunting, pulling him closer to her naked body, Scratching his back Haha mortals. Johnathan had to kiss her to keep her from waking up everyone in the castle.

Lea: F*ck What is that?

Johnathan: Your points of pleasure. The second one will be more intense, Your very tense up there princess have you been getting

Lea: Shut up and F*ck me.

Johnathan: Haha okay sure.

She had her legs wrapped around his waist as Johnathan relieved her points of pleasure. Her hands was racing down his back to his buttocks haha Johnathan looks a little nervous haha. Guess he felt his first release coming on, He started to go faster. Between her eyes rolling in the back of her head, to Her Sucking on his neck; Her thumb find its way right in his blow hole haha, Johnathan started to moan rampaging inside of her trying to get the liquid out of him. She gently press to the left; both Climax at the same time. Johnathan was both satisfied and embarrassed, she was beyond satisfied, exhausted even. They laid there on his bed saying nothing, Not even looking at eachother

Johnathan: I might of

Lea: Yeah no worries I got some pills I could take to prevent pregnancy.

Johnathan: Do you want me to release your secondary spot or..

Lea: Um if you.. want to? It's not mandatory

Johnathan: Am down

He rolled over her and they started again.. Why can't they just admit it was good for the both of them? In the secondary spot he was able to see her memories, Her past lovers, She felt ashamed but she couldn't stop shaking. Johnathan didn't judge her, She seen how sex is just sex to him, it doesn't mean any thing. When he was Climaxing she Sucked his nipples again still with that Dam thumb haha nearly drove that boy insane. He came inside her again I swear Johny's right Johnathan got issues.

Johnathan: You shouldn't eat anymore conch.

Lea: I'll keep that in mind

Johnathan got up to wash himself. The bed was ruin.. She waited for him to go inside the bathroom, than Tiptoed to her room. When Johnathan came back he was sad to see her go, Thats never happend before? He change his sheets, He was beyond exhausted.

The next morning Angela barely could move from her festivities all night haha.

"knock, knock"

Chi: Who is it?

He said coming out the bathroom

Ston: Me your uncle, we need to talk about these Osturd

Chi: Meeting start in 1 hour we will talk about it then

Ston: So be it.

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