Chereads / I've never / Chapter 192 - Queens strength part 7

Chapter 192 - Queens strength part 7


This is getting weirder, Having my father bones laid out infront of me, Now it's growing skin, Honestly waiting for three layers of skin is like watching Grass grow!

Mom: Oh honey am so happy your here, I've made more progress with you during these few days than the whole time I've been working on this on my own.

Carla: Don't mention it.

This was so boring! Am so bored. She was so happy everytime he grew some skin, The only problem was; he grew them in different places at a time.

Cleon: Carla?

He called me telepathically. I made a portal to transport them here. They appeared in the room naked and exhausted.

Mom: Please do something with your friends?

Carla: Haha okay

I put then in a water bubble, brought them to a near by room so they can sleep it off, Where were they? what were they doing? I mean their naked So am guessing enjoying eachother? Haha who enjoys eachother to exhaustion in a foreign land? I covered my two very horny friends. I Went back to my Mom room for the most boring assignment ever!


Ugh there is so much people here, I got kids running in my house, There not even mine! I've been in my house for a few days now reminiscing on when life was good. Walking outside the fresh air filled my lungs, Honestly I don't know how my heart keeps beating? I feel nothing.

Ravilo: Good morning?

He said packing up, Looking around I see all members of his tribe packing, preparing to leave?

Johny: Your leaving?

Ravilo: Yeah, we think we over stayed our welcome.

Rafael: Boss I got rid of all the kids in your house they won't be bothering you anymore.

Out of all the people that made this marble world a home, Rafael was the son of a bull couple, his dad is in the military, being afraid of the Queen he ask the family to stay here until he gets back, There surpose to smuggle their way off the planet. The queen shut down all boarder so no one will leave.

Ravilo: Rafael why are you bothering the Ex king?

Rafael: Well am not bothering him, am his apprentice. Training to become as strong or stronger than him.

Sigh My life, Am just trying to wither away like beautiful flowers, but it's hard to do when there is kids taking actions on your behalf. His 10 years old, dress in sweaters and shorts with black ivy hat. His style was way off, He so ready to do anything I ask, Except the most important one, "Leave me alone!" His the second born, the mother had two boys two girls. His brother is the last one she just gave birth to. Everyone have been returning to their family, No one have seen or heard from the Dad, I fear the worst.

Ravilo: Haha guess you got yourself another child Johny?

Johny: Nope 60+ is my limit

Rafael: Okay boss

He said getting out his note pad to write our activities for the day. Since I met him 2 weeks ago I can't get rid of him.

Rafael: Do you wish for your kids to visit you today?

Johny: No

Rafael: Alright I'll keep them away. Did you eat breakfast?

Johny: No

Rafael: I'll bring some over? Do you plan on showering today?

Johny: No

Rafael: Alright I won't reserve the bath for you.

Since it's been getting crowded here, people reserve the bathroom for showers.

Johny: Where will you go?

Ravilo: I don't know, Our home was destroyed, We have no home. I need to find a place for my people, we are multiplying so much. We have celebrated many successful marriages and its because of you, your majesty, thank you. It's clear your citizens is in need, We will leave. I just need to thank the queen properly

Johny: You welcome.

Rafael went away, Thank God this boy always needing to know what am doing for the day? it's always the same thing! Withering away until I die.

Ravilo: Can you portal us to the brown kingdom?

I don't know where it's at, Am not going to call for Carla am sure that's the last thing she wants.

Johny: I...

Rafael mom: Ughhhhhhh

She led out a loud sob, I guess she found out? Rafael came to me all teary eyes handing me a fruit basket, Did he pick those himself

Rafael: There was no food left in the kitchen, I'll get lunch earlier am sorry boss

Didn't he heard his mom?

Johny: Your mother...

Rafael: I know, Everyone (Crying) Everyone knew boss.

He was fighting back the tears as he hold the basket infront of me. I put the basket down, I walked him over to his mom, Excusing myself infront of Ravilo.

Rafael mom: So your dad Rafael

Rafael turn his back for the mom not to see his tears, He was trying to be strong. His only 10 years old he didn't need to be strong at his age.

Rafael mom: They are refusing to give me his pension even though his dead. The Queen explain "he died out of incompetence." (Crying) I have 4 kids; I've been a stay at home mom for so long I don't have any skills (Crying) These kids depend on me now. They wouldn't give me his uniform, They are refusing to give him a proper funeral.

Rafael took of his hat, Slam it on the ground and ran away. Sigh this has never happend in the history of instalaxia?

Rafael mom: Your majesty what am I going to do?

Johny: I don't know, If you want to we can have a funeral here?

Rafael mom: Oh Rafael promise his dad he'll take good care of his hat until he returns.. Sigh poor boy.

Johny: I'll find him.

Rafael mom: Make sure he eats today he haven't been eating.

Wait he brings me breakfast every morning? Your telling me he haven't been eating all this time?

Ugh stupid boy, I flew to my house where he was sitting on my bed head tuck into his knees. I grab the fruit basket, I ate some and ask him to eat with me, He of course agrees to eat with his teacher.

"Knock, knock"

Johny: Come in

Dawn: Hi? is Adam here?

Johny: I'll call him

I called Adam telepathically. I didn't go into the details, mostly because I didn't care to ask her who she was. He came in a few minutes later.

Adam: Dad I thought Rafael said you do not wish to be disturbed today?

Haha This boy do follow directions.

Dawn: Adam?

She said getting up from the floor running to him, He hold her hands so happy to see her, She was bandaged up pretty good.

Dawn: I almost didn't make it

Adam: Why would you take such a mission?

Dawn: It's my duty isn't it?

Adam: But common sense?

Dawn: I..

Adam: Why would you go spy on Snarkles Dawn? their mechanical wolves.

Dawn: But..

Adam: There is no But, Dawn that was stupid

Dawn: I um..

She was obviously trying to say something.

Dawn: She said if I took the mission she would free you..

She said as tears filled her eyes. Adam couldn't say anything, What can you say to someone wanting to change their fate with yours when they know your on death row? Stefan came inside checking on me as always.

Stefan: Brother your girlfriend returned?

Adam: Shut up

He said turning red,

Dawn: They think am your girlfriend?

Stefan: BROTHERS! Adam girlfriend have returned

I Give idiots kids I see that now, Thats the conclusion I came up with Staring at them. Nope, Thats from Carla side, Definitely!

Red: Woah that's her?

They all came in one by one

Scarlet: Hey sis, Your the famous girlfriend huh?

Adam: Please (hiding his face) go!

Stefan: Not a chance bro, Orange!

Come look at the girlfriend!?

This excitement is too much.

Johny: Get out!

Johnathan: Old man this is your new daughter in law? Haha I haven't had the pleasure of doing a zebra before, Good Job Adam she's cute. But hey if he can't satisfy, you can just call me..

He said handing her his real estate business card, What is wrong with that boy? Red slapped the back of his neck

Red: Why would you say that? If they need help we will help them not steal Adam girl

Scarlet: Welcome to the family, My brother Johnathan is a h*e, if he bothers you let me know I'll kick his ass for you.

Jr: That's the girlfriend?

Satphire son was always late for everything.

Johny: Hey Jr, see with Ravilo when your done harassing your wife's siblings.

Jr: Sure

Red: How long have you guys been a thing?

Dawn: Um

Adam: I havent ask her yet idiots

Scarlet: Oh.. okay we will shut up... go head brother ask her

Adam: If she say "no" am kicking your ass...

I smiled, He was so shy before now, since he joined the elite team he was able to show emotion. Rafael was looking at my kids in amazement

Rafael: They are all yours?

Johny: Yeah

Rafael: How many mothers, You were a king? I get it, no judgment

Johny: Haha my queen would of never allowed it, She was the jealous type.

Rafael: You have all these kids by one woman?

Johny: Not just any woman, The best woman

Rafael: Where is she?

Johny: She got away

Rafael: Hmm. We can hunt her down?

Haha this kid knows nothing about life yet.

I grab his hand, headed to where I stored my Golds. I had trash bags, I grab one to fill. I learn to keep a bag by your vault at all time from carla. When my dad was financially in trouble she came up with that conclusion

Johny: Give this to your mom

Rafael: This is alot?

Johny: Not really

Rafael: She will be so relieved thank you

Johny: Tell her am sorry for her lost

Rafael: Ahem, yeah right away boss.

He was trying not to get emotional.


My mother was still in her room, Watching skin grow, She had the biggest smile I have ever seen, She must really love my dad. Satphire and Cleon wasn't coming out their room, I was too afraid of what I'll see if I pop in. Ugh am so bored. I know! I'll go explore some more marble worlds. I flew outside, I heard someone asking for entry? Haha Ravilo!

Carla: Hi!

Ravilo: You have Noone living here?

Great now he got a opinion!

Ravilo: That's amazing


Carla: Am not folowing?

Ravilo: We are leaving instalaxia because the giant world is too crowded.

Carla: Oh, You will make this your home?

Ravilo: If you'll have us as your first population

Carla: Oh yes!

Ravilo wife: Babe we need rain, Were mud people?

Ravilo: If we can improvise in Instalaxia we can improvise here.

Ravilo wife: Honey I don't see rivers for us to keep ourselves wet

Carla: Oh I know! Everyone come?

I have a jungle, It rains there alot they might like it. We walked inside the jungle marble

Ravilo: This is..

Ravilo wife: Oh honey

Carla: Am sorry I didn't mean to make ya'll cry.

I continue the tour, Showing them the giraffe, Rhino, Lions etc. It was hard to stay positive with everyone crying, Especially the oldest members of the clan. Awe man, they're not going to stay, They all breaking down, dramatically crying. I'll never have population in my planet. After the tour I walked them out. I waited for them to stop crying.

Ravilo: Your highness?

Carla: Ahem yes

I was expecting them to tell me, This won't work

Carla: Before you say anything, Maybe you should give it a chance before dismissing it.

Ravilo: No, We are jungle people, Our home was destroyed, I never thought I'll ever feel mud beneath my feet again (crying) You have made a jungle the same replica of the one we lived in, Even the rock placements the same

Carla: So you'll take it?

I said smilling

Ravilo: Yes, Please let us be your first population. Tribe, we finally got a home to call out own!

Carla: Haha yes! I mean as you wish. Oh the animal aren't so nice when am not in there with you

Ravilo wife: Just like home, we were eating alot by wild animals; we also ate them, ay! haha its good to be home, Thank you your highness.

They are weird, We share a casual smile, They all went inside to start their new life.

Satphire and Cleon finally came outside, glowing like the sun.

Carla: Did you have fun?

Cleon: Good morning.

Carla: I had the maid prepare you some clothes, Little perverts

Satphire: Haha

Carla: Revilion are my first citizen in the brown kingdom.

Satphire: That's cool.

My mom came running outside lifting me up twirling me in the air.

Mom: The skin growing process is complete

Carla: Oh okay

Mom: Now we need to get the gem and water of life.

Carla: Okay

Mom: I'll pick them up now, Oh Gregory is coming back to me.

She said fading into thin air.

Satphire: Gregory? That's your dad right?

Carla: Yup, She's lonely

Satphire: Is it only her that's lonely?

What was she trying to say?

Carla: I am fine

Satphire: Keeping busy is not the same...

Carla: Let it go general

I said cutting her off.

Death: You stupid Dragon

He said appearing out of nowhere.

Satphire: What's your problem skeleton?

Death: You knew where the second piece of Darkness was this whole time, While I had to go on a wild goose chase.

Satphire: What?

Death: You had a vision when you were dying, The piece told you where it was

Satphire: Oh

Death: Illusion realm, do you think this is a joke? Darkness have her son looking for It, They have the first piece already we can't afford to loose another piece.

Carla: I forgot about her.

Death: I have to find father Time.

Satphire: Okay fine, I don't know where to go?

Death: Where is johny?

Satphire: Giant world

Death: Let me go get him. Carla?

Carla: Yes

Death: Grant him access

Carla: Why?

Death: We need all the help we can get.

Carla: I won't talk to him

Death: I don't care. People break up, get over it.

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