Chereads / I've never / Chapter 190 - Queen Strength part 5

Chapter 190 - Queen Strength part 5


Its been two days traveling, I forgot how long traveling use to be before knowledge portals. Looking around all of our men seem young and unprepared, Some even look scared, They haven't gotten the proper training, They are going to the slaughtered. The Snarkles every attack is calculated to the T.

Coach man: We are here!

I was sitting next to carees for protection purposes.

Satphire: Please reconsider

Carees: No, Today we show them why we shouldn't be bullied.

Satphire: They are not bullying us

Carees: Thinking your too weak to be taking over is disrespectful

Satphire: Our people knows how to defend not fight

Carees: They will die trying if that's the case.

She said getting out the carriage. I haven't spoken to Cleon am sure he is worried sick, I planned on not engaging the enemy, its her mess I'll watch her die trying to clean it up. I will get Dee and Dawn out of there. We step out the carriage, Everyone had their potion in their hands, Don look more worried than anything else, I know his only thinking of his dear sister at this moment.

Carees: Alright we have two inside, We get in, get out. We enslave everyone period!

Soldiers: Yes sire!

This is absolutely insane.

Carees: Now drink, Let's make it Bloody!

That wasn't how a Queen gives a speech at all. I still remember Carla and her stupid theory about war "No casualties" She said.. Carla is definitly an work of art.

We stepped inside the Snarkles planet, It looks like a terified version of the west, There was mostly caves, Old ranches, Its like something you would see in movies. The dried up wooden houses, Red sand, It looked vacant which was weird. I can Feel presence but I couldn't see them. There was someone on the ground. It looked like a female. The soldiers finally drink their pink potion, They became so huge, fur grew everywhere, They just wanted to destroy everything, Its like she released the actual animal inside of them

Carees: Hold on

She flew up, her fingers made some gray thread, One by one they all got pierce with the gray thread behind their neck. When she move her fingers they move, Was she controlling them? something about that character laying on the floor didn't seem right to me, She was laying on her side back facing me. I rush without thinking, she reminds me of someone. As I got closer I counted 10 big wolves laying dead inches away from her.

Dawn: (Grunt) ah we don't fail and we don't Quit!

She was draging herself somewhere I wasn't sure where? I quickly ran towards her when I trun her fully around, She was holding her intestines in her hands, Insisting she Finish the mission.

Satphire: Where is Dee

Dawn: Snarkles took him! Carees promise me if I take this mission she will free Adam, Make sure she does general

Satphire: Your not dying on me here!

The Queen rush to my side, Am thinking great I could get some help, But instead she slaps the hand I was using to help Dawn up

Carees: Leave her, They are coming

I look up ahead, 100 thousand huge mechanical wolves soldiers traumatized me.

Dawn: They train their Youngs starting at the age of 6. You won't win! I was lucky to kill 10 but my luck ran out on the last one.

Satphire: Where are the doctors!?

Carees: I didn't bring any.

I know as a general respecting my queen was priority, at this moment I didn't care. I stood up grabing her arms for her to face me.

Satphire: How do you engage in battle with no paramedic?

Carees: I don't expect everyone to survive general

Satphire: Johny was right about you, Your evil

Carees: Evil, nice? It's just another label

Satphire: Everyone here have a family waiting on them to get home.

Carees: Then let's bring them home general

Satphire: You will die here

Carees: I don't die!

Dawn: (wailing) You promise to release Adam I took your impossible mission.

Carees: You failed, Am not keeping my word to failure

The grief that came across this young ladies face was heartwarming. I quickly picked her up, Brought her back to one of our carriages. When the Snarkles started to attack, the queen was using her soldiers as tools in battle.

Dawn: General She can't do that she promise me. Returning home wasn't part of the disclosure agreement

Satphire: Honey, Adam have been freed since I told you to let me handle it.

Dawn: What?

Satphire: Why didn't you have faith in your general?

Dawn: I know your not on top of us anymore.

Satphire: I get it, But you would sacrifice yourself for the freedom of Adam?

Dawn: Yes

Satphire: Why?

I was using my light to heal her, I was afraid turning back time using "Renewed" would be too suspicious to this queen. I wasn't ready to show her my true power yet, until I had a way to stop her permanently.

Dawn: That feels nice.

I smiled at her comment. We had brought some blankets for the queens comfort, I rip some, I use my purity as disaffectant to her wounds. I wrapped it around her tying it in the back.

Dawn: I can breathe

Satphire: Yeah, Now where do they have Dee?

Dawn: Well the Leader of the Snarkle prefers men

Satphire: Okay, Go on

Dawn: He have several young man he keeps in cells for pleasure, Dee will be a addition.

Satphire: Okay

Dawn: Dee refused so much they knocked him out in order to bring him to the sex dungeon.

Satphire: I'll get him.

Dawn: Is Adam okay?

Satphire: Do you like my nephew?

Dawn: Haha general!

She said blushing, I wasn't laughing I wanted answers.

Dawn: Um

Satphire: You almost die today, You should tell him how you feel

Dawn: It was easier to talk to him in the Sucubus Realm

Satphire: Weren't you guys partners?

Dawn: Yeah, He wasn't affected it was just me, I havent told him

Satphire: Told him what?

Dawn: When I bled I told him it's cause he was so huge.. I mean huge... Am a zebra, I can handle alot but geez he was so huge, And his still young, Imagine when he grows to a full grown man

She said smilling as she fantasize. His one of the ones that got the Dad's length? Who knew it would of been Adam?

Dawn: Even being that big taking my V card wasn't bad, His really good in...

Satphire: Please stop!

Dawn: I wanted to ask him out on a proper date, am sure he went home already

Satphire: No, his here

Now I See why he wanted to stay with the Dad, he haven't seen her yet.

Satphire: I should rescue Dee, get you both out of here.

Dawn: General, My brother is there am sure, The other soldiers might not be equipped to handle such a task but I want them home. They shouldn't die like this.

She adjusted herself ready to go back outside to help her fellow man. I could see the Leadership in her. Wanting everyone to return safely. She reminds me of Carla

Satphire: This is a fight there might be casualties, I'll do what I can

Dawn: Thank you general

Dam it! I didn't want to fight, Cleon would be disappointed if I let 5 thousand of our men die for no reason. I got out the carriage, There was alot of our men on the floor some hurt, Some died instantly With just one attack from the enemy.

Don: General if we beat this 100 thousand their is still 200 thousand for us to beat! their in spiritual form

He scream across the field. Everyone moving so fast, the dust was blinding my view of the battle. I flew up from everyone and everything, Surprised to see their courageous Queen resting on a cloud unharmed, Using her threads to make puppets out the soldiers. I could kill her myself, Sigh but I promise Dawn. I open my arm fill a cloud with water so rain can settle the dust, I need to see when I attack

Carees: Good going, I couldn't see a thing

How are you controlling soldiers in a fight and you can't see thing? As the dust settles I could see our soldiers was really hurt, they manage to kill 4 of the Snarkles A good 100 of our soldier died.

Carees: Are you ready?

I ignore her handing me that dam pink juice, I guess that's how she controls the soldiers. I flew down, Don killed those 4 Snarkles. Man our Army wasn't ready for this.

Don: Have you seen Dawn?

Satphire: Yes, I need you to guard her.

Don: It's alot left

Satphire: Am aware, Grab the injured you'll find some blankets in the carriages rip them make bandages I'll work On our numbers here.

Don: We need help

Satphire: I can't portal infront of the Queen, She's not trust worthy, Plus she is watching my every move

Don: Yeah, I see... okay then let's get some home! but most importantly Dee, where ever he is?

Satphire: Right

I watch his back as he made his way to the carriage.

Cleon: Dam it Satphire pick up.

Sigh his been calling every minute, if I answer it itl be a distraction

Cleon: If you were going to leave me say that?

Leave him?

Satphire: Am not leaving you

Cleon: I know that, I needed you to answer back

Satphire: It's not a good time

Cleon: Why? cause you went to fight when I told you not to?

Satphire: It's more complicated than that?

Cleon: Portal me over

Satphire: I don't want the queen to know I do that?

Cleon: Satphire Jewls your not going to fight alone, I don't care how you do it, Portal me over.

Satphire: Fine, But your going to appear in one of the carriages

Cleon: Fine.

I portall him over I was still fighting my way through getting Don to the carriage where his sister was.

Dawn: General Cleon?

She said as I open the door for Don to get in.

Cleon: How many?

He didn't even bother to look at me, Ouhh he was mad.

Don: 300 hundred

Cleon: Oh that's not bad

Don: Thousand( Whisper)

By the way he moan in anger I knew I was going to get "the talk" when I get home.

Cleon: The plan?

Satphire: Saving as much as we can, I have to get Dee Home

He didn't say anything he just got out the carriage, Guess he got what he needed to hear.

Satphire: You take care of the injured, When they get hurt The Queen let go off them

Dawn: She just toss them to the side?

Satphire: Yes, I gotta go

I walked out I didn't see Cleon he must be in spiritual form? One by one The Snarkles kept falling down unconscious Apearing out of nowhere. I knew their weak point was by their Jaw line, I need to just hit them once to move on, Sigh our soldiers was still weak even after she Infuse them with that potion. I flew up once more

Carees: Am beginning to think your no use to me General?

Says the lady floating in the air making puppets of living beings. I Ignore her comment, I concentrated my water magic, forming ice in shapes of balls, Strong enough to Hit their Jaw knocking them down instantly.

Carees: Interesting way you use your water magic Dragon, Guess the rumors were right

I ignored her; If I focus on her right now I'll kill her myself, focusing on everyone in the field I couldn't miscalculated by a ln inch, If I do I'll be hitting my own men. Her compliment meant nothing to me. I Made a straight path through the Snarkles to go into the castle. The castle looked plain, No colors just the original cemented dried gray color, Their castle was vacant, Hmm I wonder why? There should be guards patrolling the area Especially during war? Unless his stupid enough to send them all outside? I found the stair case by roming the halls, I know the dungeon is further down. The stair case was cement color no real flare to it, No pictures or furniture, Am guessing the city is further down this must be where they get ready for war? For them to ambush us here Means they knew we were coming. I finally reach the last floor, I recognize the leaking pipes same character as our torture room, we never really use it; our ex king wasn't violent. All the Prisoners was naked young man, Dee wasn't in any of the cells or metal cages? He had several cages with different toys, whips, Red ball, Weird looking Machines, This wolve was definitly unique. Finally I found Dee, He was tied up, hands to the ceiling body hanging low.

Dee: General?

Satphire: Yeah, hold on I'll get you out.

I bend the cage to get passage, I broke the shackles allowing him freedom. He instantly fall to the ground.

Satphire: You dont have a scratch on you?

Dee: No, He was very specific on how he wanted my condition to be when he enjoys me tonight.

Satphire: Haha so you can walk?

Dee: Yes

Satphire: Can you fight?

Dee: Yes

Satphire: Alright, your priority is to get to the carriage so Don can help Cleon fight while you guard the injured and Dawn

Dee: Shes okay?

He said in a happy tone

Satphire: Yes, She is fine.

He nodded and go, I had to find the Leader, To properly end the fight! Not for that stupid Queen but for every one to go home. I walk up the stair cases again, Going in circles trying to find what room could he be hiding at? I pass this one hall way where I heard loud moan

Snarkle: Yeah, Yes!

The other voice said nothing but just kept moaning loudly. I slowly open the door, They were too engage to notice me tip toeing in. From the back I knew I seen these broad shoulders before? Then I recognized the gold ring in his nose

(Gasp) That was elder bull, The leader of the Bulls! He was handling that wolf under him, The wolve was saying things I shouldn't repeat. There was some liquor on some little table feet away from the bed, Maybe I should take a page out of Carla's book. I walked over, that glass container that had brown liquor in it, I pour myself a glass. I waited till they both finished

Satphire: Thanks I needed that, Watching turkeys have sex is really depressing (Sip)

Bull: Wait What?

He said quickly getting off the bed pretending they were not doing anything

Satphire: Hey, I don't judge to each their zone!

Snarkle: Seeing what you just saw, You understand I can't let you live?

Satphire: I strongly doubt both of you can kill me

Bull: Do you want to bet?

He was half way Hard I can't take him seriously.

Satphire: Yeah, am sure my sister will be made aware of this act. Maybe we can have a treaty?

Snarkle: Am not surrendering, The fact that you pass my guard is impressive, Your luck ran out when you got in my room.

Satphire: To you, but look at your partner? his not ready to share his truth with the world yet.

Bull: I like you I do, Its just, this was something I thought I'll die with, My tribe.. well they would purify me

He said eyes reflecting terror

Snarkle: How do they do that Fred?

Bull: By burning me alive. That's the cure in my tribe.

Satphire: Hmm. So (Sipping on the liquor) No need for anymore violence, Call your man off, Throw us out, do not take your revenge, only me and my sister will know of your secrets

The big Bull then went back on the bed, Holding his partners hand, Looking straight into his eyes

Bull: I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important. Do this for me babe?

The Wolves eye looked sympathetic guessing it's the first time they use that word towards one another?

Snarkle: Alright.

I'll wait outside.

Bull: Thank you for... You know

Satphire: Yeah, sure

I Quickly went outside. The queen had lost a good amount of her puppets, They were still engaging in battle, Don was fighting ferociously without mercy! After a few minutes The Snarkle came out, with the strong Bull, The bull size alone can intimidate, One would of never guessed.

Snarkle: We obviously won! Go now

Carees: What are you weak!? We fight to death.

Snarkle: Whos death? not yours! you don't have a scratch on you?

No this is over.

She released the puppets intended to rush at the Leader of the Snarkle while he was turning, His hands wrapped around her neck tightly in mid air. If he killed her right now I wouldn't mind.

Snarkle: Take your pathetic excuse for a queen out of here!

He said tossing her on the ground.

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