Finally will be doing the wedding I promise Scatlet. My maid are getting her ready now. I bet she is going to look beautiful, I had Jakal and Jul pass the invitation to every neighboring kingdom, I hope they come. I have all this food ready, I wanted to look more of a creator than a queen. I made a flower brah and panties connecting on my pretty belly button ring. It's a little revealing, But I like it. For my hair? I cut it in order for me to do finger wave, my earing was diamond cufs It looks amazing. I ask Jakal to not give instalaxia a invitation.
Satphire: Our mission is to drive them away from the kingdom.
Cleon: Once they see you there is no backing down, Its you either you survive or they do
Johny: Am counting on you.
He said walking away. Why was he so sad lately? I helped transform everyone to the spiritual form. They look like they were waiting for us.
Dawn: I count 20
Cleon: 26 look behind us
Don: Dam
Satphire: We got this.
We engage in battle, I duplicate myself to even the odds. Everyone was handling their own. Dawn was amazing with that chain, Blowing them up. Dee with his sword was undeniably good. Cleon stand back and let them fight, Stefan and orange made me so proud. They had the enemies runing scared. Haha I am so happy, Am worried, the pack leader wasn't here? Where was he? What could be more important than our fight?
Carla: Snarkle leader right?
Snarkle: How are you able to see me?
Carla: My planet is transparent, you wont be able to go into the spiritual form, It will cancel it out everytime.
Snarkle: Hmm neat trick my queen
My mother flew down I was happy to see her.
Mom: What do we call this place daughter?
Carla: The Brown kingdom
Mom: Your dad last name?
She was crying, I could tell she miss him so much, Its not good to be alone for so long.
Mom: He would love it.
She needed to be hugged, I gotta see how I can help her find a mate. She was still a spring chicken haha
Carla: Follow the path and you'll see my castle
Snarkle: Alright
Carla: Invitation?
Snarkle: Here
I took the invitation, He left. One by one guesses started to arrive with gifts, My baby girl getting married for love, I just pray it last.
Our students did good. I treated them to lunch at my restaurant they did excellent.
Why was Zeus here in the dining room?
Zeus: Johny where is Carla?
Johny: Not here
Zeus: No, I got this invitation To come to Scarlet royal wedding sign Carla brown
Johny: No party here, Excuse me.
Johny said getting up, Zeus was going to follow but cleon stood infront of him grabing the invitation saying look "it's being held at Brown kingdom not royal kingdom"
Zeus: Haha my bad
Cleon: Yeah have a good day,
Zeus: Johny why does Carla have her own Kingdom?
Johny: Because she can
He said exiting the room hands behind his back. Man this was hard to watch.
Zeus: Pure heart you coming?
Cleon: It's 7 days long we will make it there soon
Zeus: Who is this?
Satphire: My husband
Zeus: Haha so much change. See you there Pure heart
Satphire: Sure.
He left; Cleon rush to the king side, This was his fault why is Cleon tending to him?
Johny: The mission was a success I guess?
Satphire: Yeah, There leader wasn't here.
Johny: She still marry them after I told her not too.
Cleon: She is trying to make Scarlet happy.
Johny: I know but I didn't get a invitation
Satphire: Are you surprise?
Cleon: Hey easy
Johny: This is our child
Cleon: Whom you rebuke because of who she loves
Johny: You should seen his tattoos.
Satphire: Flamingo suffered from memory lost at old age, they are known to tattoo their precious memories on their body to help them remember, Unforgettable moments.
Johny: Oh
Satphire: Yeah genius, so it's not out of bad habit but something his tribe do.
Johny: Haha so your telling me haha I ruined my marriage Out of pure ignorance?
Cleon: Am afraid so
Johny: Shes coming back, 6 month tops..
He said looking at us for confirmation
Cleon: Hey you never know..
Why is Cleon being gentle with him?
Satphire: This was your fault, You bullied her child. We seen her take out her chaos for one of these kids, How stupid are you?
Johny: I never measured my level of stupidity.
Satphire: You took her from us!
Cleon: Babe please just, um go head and go to the marriage. Tell me about it when you get back
Satphire: No way I want you there.
Cleon: I should stay with my brother he needs me you go. I'll see it when um
Satphire: We haven't because we are not married yet. So you should come.
Cleon: Babe, Please
Satphire: Fine
Knowledge walked in letting Johny know he will be leaving for a while but he will be back shortly.
Satphire: You know where the party is?
Knowledge: Yes I got a invitation
Johny: You too? Ughhh
He said turning over burying his face in his pillow.
Knowledge: Woah, The invitation said to knowledge that's me
Satphire: Don't make me hurt you, Let's go.
Knowledge: I don't know Sat This is a real discrete party
Satphire: Knowledge let's go
Knowledge: I do have a guess
Satphire: Your still calculating? let's go!
Knowledge: Hph I guess she can just deny you access
He portalled us over to this marble world. From the ground to the sky I knew She created it, It was breath taking, The grass was the perfect measurement, beautiful rocks on the ground leading the way to her castle like in the fairy tales, Her Jakal was runing around with some dragon haha nothing beats the real thing though.
Glacier: Yes mom
Satphire: Here, go play
The smile on her face was so cute. Knowledge and I followed the path of rocks, Why did she make one way roads? Creatures from everywhere came with gift on hand.
Satphire: Oh shoot I didn't bring any gifts.
Knowledge: Hmm figures
Satphire: Haha shut up. Put my name on yours
Knowledge: Why?
Satphire: Because it's rude to not bring a gift.
Knowledge: We all have accepted that your rude Satphire
Haha His so agrevating, I forgot how difficult he can be at times For small stuff like this.
Satphire: Your exhausting
Knowledge: Haha well thank you
Satphire: You know that's not what I meant
Knowledge: Haha sure.
The castle was gorgeous, The size of it was massive, The glass door, Golden bridges, Oh wow! She had cannons on top of the castle? the reception was outside, Decorated in blue. Her maid was glass balerina and the guards was giant stone with incredible speed and strength. There she is, inviting people inside. She looked so beautiful, a little revealing but nice either way. She had flowers covering her breast, Her booty and jewl box, Showing off all her beautiful curves and her round booty, the flower circled her belly ring looked elegant nonetheless less.
Knowledge: That's who you came for go head
Satphire: What if she don't want to see me?
Knowledge: None sense your a delight
Satphire: Knowledge?
Knowledge: Yes
Satphire: Am scared
Knowledge: Than I'll go with you.
He grabed my hands, walked over to Carla where she was escorting the guesses
Knowledge: I love your Planet, Still looks like any regular planet, the rocks and the castle is fascinating
Carla: I could always count on you to be little my work Professor
Knowledge: Haha
Her back was still face us as she points where to seat to her guess.
Satphire: Um Hi
She turned around and gave me a hug. I was so grateful she didn't kick me out.
Carla: His sis how are you?
Satphire: Am fine, how are you dealing with?
Carla: The separation?
Satphire: Yes
Carla: Taking it Day by day, am keeping busy for now.
Satphire: Okay
Carla: Go head and a take seat
Satphire: Haha okay..
I was so happy to see her okay. I went inside. I was taking back By these floors, Red and blue mingling becoming one with eachother.. As I kept looking on the floor Knowledge the know it all.
Knowledge: Do you see almost at the end the blue and red separated again?
Satphire: Yeah
Knowledge: Shes not going back to him. In her mind they live to be separated, in the process they create beautiful colors together but at the same time they will always be primary colors
Satphire: Wow that's powerful
I felt my heart skip a beat just now, I've forgotten how good he was at reading between the design.
Satphire: I um miss you sometimes
Knowledge: I miss you all the time, Its important to carry out your first marriage I will wait for you, I love you..
Satphire: Yeah, yeah let me see that gift of yours
Knowledge: So you can sign your name too?
Satphire: Yes!
Knowledge: Tell you what, come with me?
I hope he don't think am about to give away Cleon cookies.
He made his way to the kitchen
Knowledge: I thought so.
Satphire: She took 4 of your machine big deal.
Knowledge: I Will renovate her kitchen, that's my gift.
Satphire: Oh I'll help.
For about 2 hours all I did was hand him tools, He is not use to people
Carla: Hey buds what are you doing?
Satphire: Giving you a new kitchen that's "our" gift
Carla: Cool
The whole house was decorated the same way, Even her counter top, the kitchen had a bar? haha only Carla.
Knowledge: Here, You got a full kitchen. If you want to put in fresh fruits to make whatever you can now. It's the upgraded version, The food are able to come out in bulk in order to feed all these monsters outside.
Carla: Ha thanks. It's quite a turn out. I hope they don't sleep because man.
Knowledge: Oh almost forgot you are able to make alcohol too, just put in the fruit flavor you want, pick your drink and voila. It comes in a fancy cup
Carla: Ouhh.
Satphire: Alright nerds let's go back to the party.
Carla: Okay
She grabbed my hands and brought me to the reception area, She had a view of them the entire time. As the day turn to evening she didn't smile quite as much anymore
Carla: I should say something?
The man was so liquored up they were willing to litsend to everything she had to say
Carla: I know some of you sailors might want a feminine touch later on this evening.
All of them screams "yes, those ballerinas looks good!"
Carla: Don't come into my room, You might not make it out.
The guys cheered her but why was there so much sincerity in her voice? Night time everyone still was partying some checked in to a room, Every room had a number on it, You'll see a balerina for a key, She would make you sign as she hand you your key, Warning you again to not go into the queens room.
Knowledge: Do you want to share a room?
Satphire: You might try to f*ck me
Knowledge: You got a point.. two room please
He told the balerina, She hand him two keys, number 33 and 34. I swear that number follows us everywhere.. He gave me room 34, Same design nothing changed. You had your closet, Your bathroom, everything is in order. Haha she even put television, that must of cost her a pretty penny. I took a shower, Ugh I forgot clothes. I portalled to instalaxia to get some clothes. Cleon was sitting on our little table looking worried.
Satphire: Hey
Cleon: A towel?
Satphire: I um did not bring clothes with me
Cleon: Haha alright.
Satphire: You sure you don't want to come?
Cleon: I'll stop by promise. Johny keeps saying six months but babe
Satphire: Yeah am afraid of the same thing.
I walked upstairs to grab what I need. He was right behind me Hmm?
Satphire: Yes my love?
I said taking off my towel to put on clean clothes
Cleon: You got thicker
Satphire: Thanks
He laid on the bed as I got dress, He fell asleep. I portalled over to Brown kingdom. When I got there I seen Carla in my room fliping through the TV channels.
Satphire: Hey
Carla: Hi
I put my clothes in the closet.
Carla: Why this room?
Satphire: Number 34 seems to just stick with us huh?
Carla: Sure does.
I climbed in bed I could careless what she watch I just want to sleep. Looking after her ex is exhausting.