Chereads / I've never / Chapter 161 - Wisdom versus strength part 3

Chapter 161 - Wisdom versus strength part 3


Satphire had the maid prepared her a room. She didn't talk much, she kept her elegance and grace. Today everyone was heading up To report the failed mission. Me and her was walking with the others to the giant marble world to ask one more time. Purity left since yesterday for some weird reason.

Ravilo: You got some nerve

Knowledge: Am sorry?

Satphire was starting to dress more like a princess.

Ravilo: You stole the box

Knowledge: We did no such thing.

Death: Calm down. Purity grabed it.

Ravilo: How can she do that I told her how bad it'll be?

Cleon: She's an *Ssh*le

Carla: Satphire any thoughts?

I try to get her involve

Satphire: We have anough grace but she left yesterday. She turn it in already.

Carla: Dam it!

Johny: I hate how Death does that. He comes and leave when he please.

Knowledge: Sigh dam it!

Satphire said nothing else. It was getting dark I flew home to get ready. Me and Satphire opens the restaurant, her dad and her mom was there, excited to see their baby girl.

Satphire dad: Hey how are you daughter?

Satphire: Fine

Satphire Dad: How is Knowledge?

Satphire: Fine

Satphire dad: When yall going to give us some more grandkids.

Oops.. Don't say that now

Satphire: We are no longer together

Satphire dad: Satphire what did you do?

She looked at her father but said nothing.

Satphire mom: Honey what happend?

Satphire: He cheated. The first time I took some time off to process. Than I took him back. He cheated again with Carla's Aunt who is very proud to take my man.

Satphire mom: Hate those.

Satphire Dad: Oh that's nothing claim your territory

Satphire: I did. I ask him to tell her what she means to him so we can move pass it. I was willing to forgive him again but he called my preposition stupid and left. Later to find me, explaining how he still wants to be her friend.

Satphire dad: Oh honey

Satphire: I don't need your sympathy. I am a princess I should choose more carefully.

Satphire Dad: But honey if he made you happy shouldn't you look pass it?

Satphire: Am going to get started enjoy.

Satphire mom: Why would you say that?

She said hitting his chest. She walked in the cold climate to set up. As the evening become more full with customer. Ravilo came to get more food accompanied with Cleon.

Cleon: Hello

Carla: Hey prince

Satphire: Evening, What are you guys getting tonight?

Ravilo: Same thing as last night please.

Lilie came Oh God, Satphire wasn't to wild up about it. Hmm

Lilie: Hey

Cleon: Evening

Ravilo: Haha hey

Lilie: So you never called?

Cleon: Busy

Lilie: Your not busy now

Cleon: I am guarding him making sure nothing happend to him.

She leaned in kissing him again. He didn't push her off. Satphire didn't seem to care. She took the customer behind them placing them in available seats.

Cleon: Ms Lilie I need to concentrate on my job.

Satphire: Ready?

Lilie: Yes, same as last night

Satphire: Done

I guess she put in the order for lilie when she was tongue kissing Cleon.

Lilie: Are you free now?

Cleon: No am..

Ravilo: Oh we all know Am going to stay for the show you have 2 hours. Make it count.

Carla: Hmm

I Didn't like that he mess up Satphire relationships to end up with someone else.

Cleon: Stay here!

After the two hours Cleon came back. Satphire didn't seem to care. Both guys are messing up.

Satphire: Alright it was a successful night.

Carla: Sure.

I help her clean.

Cleon: Are you ready to talk now.

Satphire: Sure

We went to her office on the Cold side. She walked in The room decorated In black and red. She sat on her red table. Her desktop was infront of her.

Cleon: The payment have stopped

Satphire: You died, so they stop your payments. What's your account I'll wire half? Than it'll continue every month.

Cleon: Okay.

Seem cordial. Hmm they are weird?

Satphire: Done.

She got up leaving him in the room.

Cleon: She's mad huh?

Carla: Who knows.

We close, We head to the castle.

The next day. Lilie was here getting her ID card like Cleon instructed. I transform to my earthly form to talk to her.

Carla: Hey

Lilie: Hey business owner.

Carla: I see you looking at the generals training.

Lilie: His a general?

Carla: Who

Lilie: Cleon?

Carla: Yes, plus a prince in his kingdom

Lilie: Mm he so fine!

Carla: How was last night?

Lilie: Haha it was our first night of hanging out, I expected him to talk about his ex but not the whole time. He was asking me what can he do to make it up to her?

Carla: Oh

So Cleon didn't go for it? Dam it Knowledge take lessons.

Lilie: But am not giving up. He got potential

Carla: What did he say about his ex?

Cleon: He embarrassed her that wasn't what he wanted to do. Blah blah blah, He said his going to tell her how he feels so they both can be embarrassed together.. Blah blah.

Hmm so Cleon still cares for her. Lilie was a little anoying. I left her still talking. I flew to Satphire room where she was having tea, What the heck for?

Satphire: Have tea with me?

I look at her like she was loosing it..

Carla: Am not drinking that. It's hot out why would you drink hot tea?

Satphire: That's something princesses do.

Carla: Right. Anyways, Cleon didn't have sex with lilie.

She took a sip of tea allowing her body to relax

Satphire: Why does it matter to me?

Carla: Oh shut up I know you care for him, he spend the whole time talking about you.

Satphire: Right. You sure you don't want tea?

What is her problem? Why was she handing me her tea cup? I slapped it out her hands shaking her as if I was trying to wake her from deep slumber.

Carla: Snap out of it!

Satphire: So, no tea? Hmm

She kept drinking. She's stupid.

Carla: Lilie is going to keep trying. I don't want to hang out with her.

Satphire: Hmm I wonder if She likes tea?

Carla: Wow.

That was so rude of her. You think Lilie can replace me?

Carla: Your stupid.

I said. Throwing her hot tea on her face. Kicking her tea set.

She looked like a grandma siting there drinking tea in hot weather.

Carla: I hope Lilie makes Cleon happier than you ever could, Your stupid ass. Responses like this is why the man you care about keep leaving you.

I was walking out when I felt my hair being pulled forcing me to go through the window. I felt the poles holding the castle being broken on my back. I landed infront of Cleon and the other general.

Carla: Attacking from behind is cowardly General

Cleon: What's going on?

Carla: Fight me General Satphire!

Cleon: My Queen?

Carla: Your like a f*cking child!

She must of went into Spiritual mode because when her fist broke my nose causing blood to drip down my face I didn't see it. I felt her hands punching my eye shut.

Satphire: I am not a coward!

Carla: Yes the f*ck you are!

Satphire: If I fight you we will no longer be friends.

Carla: If you don't fight me I'll kill you!

I stood up using my light to heal my wounds. I transform to my instalaxian form. She used her purity as a shield knowing I have Death on my side.

Lilie: My Queen?

I was hoping she just came.

Lilie: Satphire J knowledge what are you doing, she can hang you for this?

Cleon: Ladies this should be dealt in private.

Satphire: She challenged me

I wanted to kill her for her disrespect. Her purity was preventing me from summoning Death to finish her quick. Dam it. I have to focus if I want to win. She summoned Glacier her spirit animals.

Carla: Going all out in the first round that's something an unexperirence fighter do.

Satphire: Test this unexperirence fighter.

Carla: Fine.

Johnys Dad came running to defuse the situation. I summoned my energy animal as well.

Glacier: What are you guys doing?

Jackal: Mom?

Carla: Ready when you are princess

Ravilo: Are they serious?

Ex king: You guys stop it.

She rushed at me by herself, Her energy animal transform to give her extra arms. Kids play!


Knowledge isn't doing good. He kept sweating none stop. I was in our room. He kept screaming in pain.

"Knock, Knock"

Johny: Come in?

Akraham: How is he doing?

Johny: What made him so sick?

Akraham: Tell him Knowledge!

Johny: Why isn't he healling? Where are the doctors?

Akraham: You are so stupid, You chose Satphire the minute you marry her.

Johny: What?

Akraham: You hurt her so much. She ask you to only let Purity know how you feel about her. A simple kiss, Or telling Purity Am married respect my wife. Would do the trick

Knowledge: (Grunt) So stating facts could of fix it. (Panting)

I was extremely worried about him. Akraham calling a sick man stupid come on

Knowledge: She..

Akraham: She is gone stupid. She bless you and Purity union, Ending your union with her.

Knowledge: What?

Akraham: Your going through a divorce. She might be feeling numbed right now. Refusing to think about it. But your to blame, for breaking your alliance you will carry the pain.

Knowledge: I feel like my heart is about to burst. Am being split apart

Akraham: It usually last two days to remove your mark on her. After that she will be fully divorce.

Johny: Wait, her blessing the other union cause them to get a divorce?

Akraham: She meant it! She let him go in her heart. It reached heaven, Almighty granted her, Her wish, You broke her heart stupid. Oh and she did love you!

Knowledge: No!

I sat back on the bed Litsening to this guy screaming "no" in between sharp pain of separation. Wow! The next few day I looked over him. He was getting nightmare of their time together but it always ended in the same way "She would cry in the end of every dream" maybe it was her heart haunting him? I haven't fully slept for three whole day. We were in the 2nd level in Akraham jurisdiction. The next morning

Knowledge: Hey

He looks better

Johny: How are you feeling?

Knowledge: Horrible, I gotta get her back

Akraham: Ha you could try

He said walking in with breakfast.

Akraham: There is report the linked ones are no longer friends

Johny: Who?

Akraham: Your wife and Satphire

Johny: That's impossible there unseperable

Knowledge: You want to go check it out?

Johny: Sure

Akraham: Don't forget you have a mission?

Johny: Okay

We flew down to see general practice as usual. They had a feast today hopefully Satphire came.

Knowledge: Can I sleep here?

Johny: Yeah

Knowledge: Thanks

I went inside the castle, everything looked the same. It's been 334 years since I left. I wanted to see my beautiful wife. I know she aged in heaven time; she was in Goddess time

I walked in the room she had dragon marks all over her? How can she not heal yet? Scratches and wounds that was slowly healing.

Carla: Some mission

Johny: Hey..

She was struggling to get out the bed. My heart ache so bad how can she fight a deadly battle with her best friend.

"Knock, Knock"

Johny: Yes

Squirelet: Am ready to take you to the general feast. My queen

Knowledge: Are you?

Squirelet: Yes, her Personal general.

Knowledge: Where is Satphire?

Squirelet: That traitor? I don't know I hope she crawled in whatever whole she came from and die.

Knowledge gasp at the thought of how his actions have impacted Satphires life.

Johny: She's not a traitor

Squirelet: Look at our beloved Queen?

Johny: Friends fight, get some and you will understand. They're both powerful so the impact is more severe. We need to find her.

Knowledge: Agreed.

We were flying out to search for her. I seen Cleon and Lilie together?

Johny: Hey

Knowledge: You!

Knowledge ran up to him hiting him continously in the face. Cleon kicked him off and started to punch him too. Have he been training? Hmm

Johny: So she's expecting?

Cleon: Yeah

I said looking at Lilie belly

Knowledge: You broke me and Satphire up, You have the nerve to get someone else pregnant?

Cleon: First of, you broke up your marriage not me. Don't you dare blame this on me.

Knowledge: I can kill you, You don't know what you have done.

Cleon: I do know, I re-live it everyday. When you were in the sky doing who knows what?

Johny: Um congratulations

Lilie: Thank you

Johny: What name have you picked?

Cleon: What? is not mine.

Lilie: No, my husband is in the military

Cleon: Yeah stupids.

Johny: Who did you Marry?

Cleon: Noone

Johny: Huh?

Cleon: Huh what?

Johny: What's wrong with you?

Cleon: Nothing

Lilie: His budy don't work

Cleon: I swear am not paying for your baby shower Lilie

Lilie: Sorry

Knowledge: Serves you right

Cleon: Pervy Doctor says it's because I over use it in my youth

Johny: Am sorry budy

Knowledge: Haha that makes me feel better

Johny: Satphire?

Cleon: She locked herself up in a tower I haven't seen her in years.

Johny: Which direction?

Cleon: I'll show you

Knowledge: No, you won't. Give us the address.

Cleon: If your going to see her so will I

Knowledge: You caused this

Cleon: I didn't f*ck some broad!

Knowledge: You will need to have the ability to f*ck CLEON!

Knowledge didn't have to say that. Poor Cleon! He flew for a few miles until there was nothing but never melting ice. There was this huge tower build on ice.

Cleon: I've tried everything.

Johny: Okay.

I used Carla fire properties to make a passage way For us to enter. The tower looked very tall am sure she was in the pint house. We flew straight there. When we got in. Glacier was standing with the medical kit cleaning her wounds. Her arms was riped off. Carla why would you do that? Her legs look so weak! When was the last time she walked? Her perfect pink lips was grayed and shappy. Oh my, she was dying. Cleon huried by her side. Getting the kit and applying the medicine.

Cleon: How long have you been bleeding

Satphire: I don't remember.

Cleon was crying, Awes, Knowledge portalled over his actual kit. He had to do several operation, several bone structures.

Johny: Why is it taking so long to heal?

Knowledge: Their natural enemies, Carla would normally use her dark element

Johny: Why didn't she use GC?

Knowledge: GC is in 7th Heaven she's not here.

Johny: So her purity versus her darkness.

Healling her arm causing it to fully grow back.. It took several hours. Carla had doctors to stop her bleeding but Satphire self cared, that's not fair. Satphire might feel like the kingdom is not behind her. That's not true. Night time hit. I needed knowledge to heal my wife as well.

Johny: Um

Cleon: Yall can go

Johny: You will freeze to death here.

Cleon: I know but am not leaving her.

I made him a sweater able to warm him up without burning him.

Cleon: Thanks

Knowledge: I Will be back, If anything changes let me know.

Cleon: Yes

We left him getting under the covers with her.

Cleon: She needs a bathe. I'll take care of it Yall go head.

We got back at the castle. Carla had every available doctor tending to her wounds. Knowledge was going to get in but I told him "no."

Johny: You are very selfish

Carla: Am sorry?

Johny: Satphire is dying, here you are hiring every available doctor for her not to have anyone to tend to her wounds

Carla: Not true

Johny: I can't believe you.

I said portalling back over to Satphire's. She was her friend how can she be soo petty? That is not my wife. The next morning Cleon was cooking her some soup. He wasn't sure but he knew she loves carrot and orange. Knowledge was there looking over her making sure she healed properly.

Satphire: You guys don't need to be here

Johny: Good morning how are you feeling?

Satphire: It's unproper to have so much guy in a ladies room.

Johny: Glad you didn't loose your sense of humor

Satphire: Cleon?

Cleon: Yeah in the kitchen.

Satphire: Why are you here?

Cleon: Where else would I be?

Satphire: With your expecting wife

Cleon: Lilie?

Satphire: Obviously

Cleon: The baby is not mine

Satphire: That's mess up, You laid with her?

Knowledge was chuckling to himself. Such a Ass

Satphire: What?

Cleon: We never slept together

Knowledge was now laughing on the low.

Cleon: Really, now food?

He came over with the soup. Before she could protest she shoved a spoon full in her mouth.

Satphire: Stop!

Cleon: Your skin and bones.

Satphire: I've always been skiny

Knowledge: You should let me take you a shower to avoid getting your wound wet

Cleon: I got it. Am going to give her a sponge bath, her strength haven't returned in her legs yet.

Satphire: There is a chance I might be crippled.

One tear streamed down her cheek

Cleon: None sense, The doctors say I might never use my joy stick again.

She laughed at his statement.

Satphire: You over use your little budy?

She laughed as she poked his private part laughing some more.

Cleon. Little? Watch out

Satphire: Haha you better not pull that limpy thing out

They both laughed so hard they cried. Knowledge came out with the sponge bath bathing her.

Satphire: I would say don't look but who cares Cleon it don't work. Haha

Cleon: Haha shut up.

Knowledge made a mini water fountain for her privacy. It continued like this for several weeks. Her house was becoming warmer again. We would help her walk. I haven't talk to Carla am so decipointed in her. Satphire was looking better. Knowledge was trying to care for her but I could tell Cleon was always who her heart choose, With them things was never force. Her hair went back to full white, Knowledge star mark behind her neck Was gone. They were really over..

Knowledge: We should check on your wife.

We haven't talked about carla the whole time. I could see Satphire face stop smling.

Me and Knowledge flew to The castle.

Carla: You remember the way home?

Johny: Am so decipointed in you.


Why was cleon taking care of me? He was making me nervous? I look horrible he shouldn't be here? can he really have problems getting erected?

Cleon: Lunch is served

Satphire: What is it?

Cleon: I dont know

Satphire: Haha you cooked it. Oh God your feeding me poison?

Cleon: No one is here I might admit to poisoning you now.

Satphire: Haha helped me up I'll cook something..

I wasn't fully able to stand long but I can at least dictate him to cook.

Cleon: Be careful, You know you got the legs of a 12 year skiny boy

Satphire: How dare you! haha

Trying to smack him I almost fell. I was greateful when he catch me half way to the ground.

Cleon: Am sorry about the part I played in it.

Satphire: Aws I don't blame you.

His big brown eyes always made me smile.

Satphire: Ahem you can let me go now.

He was still holding my waist tilting me over like were dancing and he just dip me.

Cleon: Sorry.

Satphire: You understand you need a stove to cook right?

Cleon: You like cold food

I laugh so hard at this guy.

Satphire: Make me a walker out of water?

Cleon: Oh I've never done that before.

Satphire: I'll guide you

Cleon: Alright.

I used his back to support my weight. My legs was so useless to me. Feeling his shoulders, Haha I remember those arms holding me late nights. His arms was were my heaven was, His chest was so strong making me feel I could follow him through whatever, we will get through It, his strong. Being this close to him like this made me smile. My heart was pounding so fast. I remember laying my head on him when the mortals back on earth was bothering me. He wouldn't say anything, Hearing him breathe always take my troubles away. He never had to say anything for me to understand him. Days he would work all day and night, I was over the moon when he came home. He made every where we go turned to a Home.

Cleon: I did it!

Interrupting my thoughts. He was jumping up and down. I lost my balance falling on my butt.

Cleon: Am so sorry

I shake my hands telling him "It's nothing" I crawled back In bed. I felt worst than a snake. I close the door behind me.

Cleon: So Take out?

I didn't want him to see me crying. Ugh I hate it that it won't matter how tough I get, I can never hide my feelings from him. He didn't open the door I guess he knew. I pulled the covers over me feeling so stupid for loving a man who clearly moved on. How can I even expect him to want me after Knowledge and I...


Johny: That should do it.

Knowledge: Yeah it should

Carla: It's her fault

Johny: Because She said she hopes Lilie drinks tea how did she disrespect you? am confuse?

Carla: She was saying that she would be a better friend than me

Johny: So you tried to kill her.

Carla: I didn't say am proud of how I handle it.

Johny: Fix it Carla

Knowledge: Were being summoned I gotta tell Satphire I'll be back.

Johny: Fix it Carla starting today!

We portalled over to Satphire's place. Cleon wasn't here surprisingly. She was on the bed crying. My heart was aching for her. in one week she lost everything.

Knowledge: I gotta go. When I get back can we talk?

Satphire: Is purity pregnant yet?

Knowledge: Stop

Satphire: You chose her knowledge there is nothing to talk about, have a good day.

Her eyes was still streaming tears of regret. He was going to hug her but he stop. I tap his shoulders.

Knowledge: I believe time brings people closer together.

She kept weeping silently she didn't say anything. We portalled over.


He didn't choose me? how can he not choose me? I have been good to him. He always want me to feel like a queen behind close doors but infront of people he belittles me. Cleon came back with hot food. I didn't feel like eating.

Cleon: Hey what's wrong?

Satphire: It's nothing

He turned me around examining my face.

Cleon: Am sorry I thought he could of take care of your heart but I was wrong. I won't make the same mistake again I promise.

Satphire: Cleon is fine

Cleon: No, am sorry I should of been here for you.

Why was he taking this personally?

Satphire: What did you get us?

Cleon: We eating on the table, come on get up.

Satphire: Cleon?

Cleon: Phire come on.

He took the food putting it on the snow. I was extremely weak

when I made this pile of snow. I'll fix it when I can manage to stand up.

Cleon: Here

I used the walker he made me to get to the table. We sat down and had a nice diner. Haha he so silly. He was telling me stories I forgot. After dinner he took off his heated sweater.

Satphire: You'll freeze to death?

Cleon: Do you have clothes here?

Satphire: Not really.

Cleon: Alright

After dinner he Seized my weak body, Flying with me, Where was we going? No I can't live here.

Satphire: Cleon I can't

Cleon: It's not a request princess. I can't take care of you with my ass freezing at your place.

Satphire: Haha

He opened the door, He flew up to his bedroom Putting me on his king size bed. It smelled like him. It calms me down. Haha I remember how I loved wearing his clothes at the house.

Cleon: Um I am going to pick up your clothes where are they?

Satphire: Knowledge place, Castle, My place, Earth

Cleon: Haha okay I'll be back.

Why did he bring me to his house? Am not his wife. Me and knowledge are definitely over. But it was stupid to think he still want me after all this. I minis well forget about it before it hurts.

Cleon: Am back

Satphire: Am here

Cleon: All your clothes are here. I didn't get the earth ones haha I'll leave that to you.

Satphire: Sure.

It continued like this for few days. I was his friend, that was good enough I guess. I also convince him to check again. Am waiting to hear the results. My legs are able to sustain my weight. He was helping me do leg work.

Satphire: Hey your home.

I hear the door open I knew it was him. Why isn't he responding it can't be that bad. The doctor won't tell him he is never going to have sex again. I walked downstairs with all my might

Carla: Hi

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