Chereads / I've never / Chapter 151 - Miscalculation part 3

Chapter 151 - Miscalculation part 3


The next couple of days seems to be quiet. There is a weird sickness going on with our citizen day by day they look more lifeless. It haven't spread around the kingdom yet the royals have build a huge gate preventing people that look sick from entering. Everyone is on the edge. Lady Universe took my babies to her monk castle for a special training. Here at dinner Noone is saying a word Johny was clearly stress, I invited knowledge and Cleon for a nice family dinner.


I can't sit down, am panicking, my citizen are getting sick I think I bought something back? Why does it always start with the poor side?

Cleon: Johny sit down?

They all came because my wife ask them but I knew they blamed me. He put his blanzeeket on his lap ready to dig into his food.

Knowledge: Your Freaking everybody out by walking back and forth, is not going to help the situation Johny

Johny: I feel like it's those stupid Harthorn doing this?

Carla: Well

Cleon: There is a 95 percent chance

Knowledge: Yes, The harthorn is sucking out their life little by little every night actually.

Johny: Should I ask heaven for reinforcement?

Knowledge: The only one who might opposed is Gabriel

Johny: Even two or three would be okay. Maybe I should move the citizen somewhere safe.

Cleon: It's going to require you to give an education about Harthorn, how you brought them here.

Carla: Minor details. He could just say we are under attack by Harthorn the destroyer of planets?

Johny: I like not blaming me so much better

Knowledge: It's a lie

Cleon: Technically is not, They do go around sucking the life out of planet, we are just leaving The king stupidity out of it. What better way to run a kingdom.

Johny: Exactly

Carla: Knowledge is right, you were just trying to bring in more alliance

Johny: Sigh this is bad.

Carla mom came storming into the castle highly upset.

Carla mom: Where is that stupid king?

Why does everyone think am stupid?

Johny: Am right here

Carla mom: You accept a invitation from them?

Johny: In my defense I had no idea it was the planet for Harthorn.

Knowledge: You mean after I told you it was a graveyard?

Johny: Right... well who takes you seriously knowledge? Noone knows when your Joking.

Carla mom never mind us and went to were Carla sitting without saying a word

Carla mom: Hey, If you destroy this planet so help me God's; I will chain you down in Hell myself.

Carla didn't say anything she just took a piece of chicken leg, She was wearing that creepy smile again without saying a word?

Carla mom: Dont pist me off this millennium, Go I don't want you here!

She said waiving her hands, Carla smiled and took her food upstairs.

Honestly what type of abuse did my loving wife suffered under her mother! The woman then look at the direction of me with piercing eyes she said

Carla mom: No matter what you do, Keep Carla away from this fight.. you hear me?

Everyone grow silent with worried, If it wasn't for Carla courageous act in the last fight we all would of died.

Knowledge: Ew

We looked over to see the king of the nature kingdom sitting on our table silently waiting.

King: Good evening?

Johny: You son of a...

I got up to rush at him in the hopes I could put an end to this right here and right now.

Carla mom: How dense are you? His astroprojecting his not really here.

Knowledge: Yet if you touch him his poison will burn this entire building

King: Knowledgeable in deed

Cleon was still eating, why? Cleon look up say something!?

King: Dark one

Carla mom: You know your little act, Is terrorizing my people?

King: Is that why the barrier around the school? You are shorting our food supply?

Carla mom: Sometimes we eat something that turn into a shocking property that kills you. Don't let that be this planet

King: Haha you are the only worthy warrior I see here Dark one, the others are just weak deserving nothing but to be eaten.

Carla Mom: I will kill your low grades with little to no effort.

King: I only eat 10 percent of what they eat I don't care, Killing so many however will bring forth war

Carla mom: It's already war! The ancient writing are for warnings only, let them enter and I will kill them

King: Tell me is your father still alive? I have a bone to pick with him,

Carla Mom: Because they trap you in that planet? you turn every living thing to beasts hungry for blood?

The king of Nature rub his chin Reminiscing on the action he have done withing that planet. That smile keeps bothering me.

King: Let it be so. You are the only one who is a capable fighter, Haha am not worried I have a army.

Carla Mom: Hmm

He vanish leaving the smell of burnt flesh behind.

Johny: The dark one? Care to explain?

Carla mom: I've lived many lives am imortal, Done a couple of things I'm not proud of and a couple of things I wish I can redo. Let's go yeah?

She stormed outside and into the moonlight, First of that's not a explanation, I could of swore I seen 4 fox shadow tail behind her. She didn't fly She walked, Cleon took his food with him sigh my friends are idiots. Knowledge had his notebook out titled Dark one.

Johny: Ew why is that Lion with the human face here standing on top of citizen house?

Knowledge: It's a invasion

Cleon: Shouldn't we?

Carla mom: My focus is my kids that's who am surpose to protect.

Johny: Wait, you would pass by watching citizen get killed alive and do nothing?

She looked at me with "You don't understand eyes"

Knowledge: She is the daughter of Anubis the protector of the dead, They protect only who they were instructed to, nothing more nothing less.

Johny: Who instruct such a task?

Cleon: Your wife

Johny: But am the king

Knowledge: You still don't know who your wife is after all these years?

Johny: Queen of instalaxia?

Knowledge: Her mother, Carla true grandmother was a daughter of a cruel king, the God's punished him by making his daughter a oracle who could never enjoy the pleasure of sex thus never multiplying.

Carla mom: You should really get out more if you know this story

She smiled warmly. My heart was aching looking at my terrified citizen with these monsters at their door step but everyone kept moving even Cleon

Cleon: Man this food taste as good as Satphires cooking, what did you put in there.

Johny: Carla brought back some heavenly herbs.. Yeah it's amazing

Cleon: Am eating at your house every night

Knowledge: Anyways Your wife is a decendant of many kings and queen, She got grace from heaven to become a Goddess.

Cleon: In other words she's been royalty way before meeting you bro

Knowledge: She's a born leader, it's rumored that the God's gave the decendant another chance to atoned for the great grandfather's sin

Cleon: How was that even possible if she was subject to no kids

Knowledge: Some say its because they knew her beauty would of catch the eyes of a God.

Carla Mom: Let's go

We are already going? She started to fly turning herself to a complete Jakal, teeth out ready to taste the flesh of her enemies. She had this stone in her hands, she tied with a feather of some animal, I can't decipher which animal. We approach her school that was locked, Something about monsters and kids, I will never understand

Carla mom: You should get off that

There was this griffin monsters, he had the body of a bird but face of a crazy man, eyes wasn't straight, Honestly man geez.

Carla mom: Cleon, Knowledge, Johny take care of the others I got this one

Johny: No, am the king I got this one.

Carla mom: This isn't the time to be egotistic

Johny: I am not being egotistic I just have faith in my abilities

Cleon: Your stupidity will get you killed

Johny: We will see.

I brought out my Ice sword I figured since they are dark creatures this will give them something to think about. The battle begin I transform to my Goddess stage with my blond hair and green eyes.

Cleon: Yo, thats cool

Knowledge: Not really

Johny: Haters

Carla mom was beating the little monsters like it was a piece of cake.

"Punch, Kick"

She was unstoppable, She'd hit them soo hard the staff with the stone tied to it split them in half like a sword. Now for the opponent infront of me. He looked like that one lady I saw with the green Dinosaur legs with the white sculpture face, he smiled like I was going to be a piece a cake. He had another thing coming! He growled at me like that's supose to scare me. Everyone had successfully defeated their Harthorn they all sat on the grass watching my fight.

Griffins: Give me a challenge somebody!

That was so disrespectful! I rushed at him slicing where ever I could find open, Making bomb lights like they showed me in heaven causing everything to blow up leaving behind smoke, once it hit his green skin. I twirled my sword going in for the kill. As the smoke cleared up I seen him holding my sword breaking it in half. There wasn't a scratch on him. I was so sure I finished this quickly with my attacks. I looked up at him smilling, hitting me soo hard that I swore I flew from Saturday to Sunday. I finally fell On the ground, I felt my strength leaving me, I look up to see the Griffins looking guy sucking my light force out of me. I was greatful to Cleon and Knowledge who came to help me. But sadly they both fell by my side getting their life source sucked out of them. I kept waiting for Carla mom to come and save her son in law but she never came. Didn't she care? The sunrised made the enemy retreat, my mouth was drye as a desert, my muscles I work so hard to build seem to shrink in a amount of hours. My face felt bony. Knowledge looked worst, His blue hair had shrink back to the low haircut he had before, Cleon looked inaresticly famished, we were no match for what's to come that was cleared. We struggled to get off the ground, my citizen came surrounding us screaming at us for passing them by when they were in trouble, but suddenly stop at one glanced of us. They couldn't believe their beloved king was just as weak as them. Woman started to cry, Children always ask the most honest questions "Are we gonna die?" I couldn't help myself how am I going to help my citizens? I didn't answer I went to the school that Carla mom was looking over.

Johny: You never came to help?

Carla Mom: You said you got it

She said standing infront of the door waiving good bye to the kids and their parents that took shelter here last night. She decided to teach the kids at night instead of in the morning.

Johny: I could of died

Carla mom: I told you, You were no match for him

Johny: A mother in law come and help her son in law, No mater what the son said before the fact

Carla mom: Hmm you wanted me to help you when you ask for none? You were so cocky explaining to me you got this. To interupt would be disrespectful.

She said hugging the children that thanked her for protecting them. Come to think of it there was more children than expected?

Knowledge: Did everyone register at your school?

Carla mom: Once the attack started Yes, I had to turn some away.

Johny: Teach us how to fight against them?

Carla mom: I can't leave my post

Johny: We will come here.

Carla mom: Am free during the day, But stupid king you listen to me.

Johny: Out of respect for my mom can we just call me Johny

Cleon Laughed like this was funny. I remember painting this big gate white why was it red?

Carla mom: We start in 3 days

Johny: No, we start now

Carla Mom: Sigh

Knowledge: Three days it is, Don't mind him we accept. We will call down some angels if that's okay?

Carla mom: Do as you please I won't change the material to accommodate weakness

Cleon: Thank you

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