GC: Wouldn't it be easier to bring some of your elves over for this Carla?
Carla: Haha no their playing with balls Johny got them
GC: Labor sucks.
We were all taking a break under the shade of this big tree, Johny was pouring some juice for Carla, Cleon was Whispering sweet things in Satphires ears, She couldn't stop blushing. Knowledge was sitting on top of the tree refusing to come down here with us. Carla didn't understand why but I knew it was because he didn't want to see Satphire drooling over some other guy. Haha I told him that smile when she asked him to be her boyfriend was going to turn to a heart break. He is too blame, telling that girl she meant nothing to him after They slept together, How will he redeemed himself now? I doubt he can.
Johny: Alright let's finish this
Cleon: Alright
We decided to go back to planting. on one side am happy that Satphire submitted back to her husband giving herself to cleon entirely, That was more intimate than just sex. sex was all she did with knowledge, I think that's what's hurting him? We finish late but everyone still had energy for some good music and food so we went to Carla and Satphire restaurants once more.
Cleon: We don't have to stay if you prefer to leave?
Satphire: You should eat then we can go
She smilled at him. Cleon wanted her to sit on him for some odd reason, Satphire looks to be completly in love with Cleon, She smiles at him in admiration, Like he was the only savior she ever needed, That was her prince and shining armor. Knowledge was becoming more furious with time.
Knowledge: Am coming to see my child tonight Satphire
He said bitterly, She looks at him.
Satphire: Okay, but am taking care of him
Knowledge: Why? He has several other that's more capable...
Satphire: More capable?
"Oh Knowledge no that's wrong for you to say" I thought
Satphire: What is that supposed to mean? I have raised 4 children how many have you raised?
She said staring at him... She knew that's the only thing she can say that's hurtful to him? Or maybe is payback because he claim her as nothing to him
Cleon: Ahem baby that's his child if he wants him than...
Satphire: My Queen good night
She said slaming her napkin on the table. She didn't wait for Cleon she just left. Knowledge sat back down not sure how to rebuddle this situation...
Knowledge: Good night everyone
I followed him of course he flew to the icy castle in rage. I understand in one side she has another man in his childs life but than it would of been them two if he never took her memory.
GC: Knowledge, Your eyes are blue.. Let's think about this for a moment
Knowledge: How dare she?
GC: Brother
I said placing my hands on his chest trying to keep him from entering the icy castle.
GC: Knowledge this is your fault
Knowledge: What?
GC: Yes, you choose to take her memories. If she remembers and you go in there gun blasting she will view you as a monster. She is a woman you took her newborn seconds old. Than tell her infront of everyone she is uncapable of caring for her own child. How did you think she was going to respond to you.
Knowledge: Ahhhhh
He was burning the soil under him. Than he sat on the floor. I joined him
Knowledge: She don't even want a explanation, She chooses him not knowing my reasons.
GC: You didn't give her a choice, You picked for her when you took her memories.
He put his head on his lap. How much was this hurting him? It's true she might not ever want him again.
Knowledge: We should go
GC: Agree.
We flew back to the castle, I went to my room he went to his. I was emotionally exhausted. I decided to go to sleep.
Lion of Juda: Good evening
GC: Is this a summoned?
LOJ(Lion of Juda): Yes
GC: Okay
LOJ: You are expected in 2nd Heaven in 1 month in earthly time.
GC: Okay
LOJ: Instructions, You, Carla Brown, Johny king of instalaxia, Knowledge, His child Along with his wife. That is all
He was going to fly off but Satphire is not his wife yet..
GC: Who is summoning us?
Okraham: I am
GC: Uncle?
Okraham: It is Almighty's will.
GC: Knowledge and Satphire are not wife and husband yet, She has a previous engagement here on earth
Okraham: According to our records, Cleon Jewls have deceased in the last attack of my brother?
Dang I should of remembered that..
Knowledge: It is my will to let her stay with her previous engagement until his final days.
Okraham: Your able to invite yourself to a summoned. Those stones of yours is everything I heard of them huh?
Knowledge: I will come but without my forever
Okraham: Sin... I mean redeemed one I have a mission and I will not fail.
Knowledge: It is my will?
Okraham: Do you think your will is bigger than Almighty's will?
Knowledge: Cleon is alive and well. Just let them be please.
Okraham: Cleon Have one week than he will die of old age to fulfill your will and Almighty's
Knowledge: What?
Okraham: I will age his heart to the age of 233
Knowledge: She suffered so much already. She is finally happy I don't want to take that from her.
Okraham: That is all!
Knowledge: Please, Wait!
I was back in my room. The way my brother was beging for Satphire well beeing made me feel sad. I quickly ran to his room to find him In total agony
Knowledge: Dam it!
GC: Hey stop screaming you'll scare off the neighbors haha
I tried to make a lite joke but he didn't laugh.
Knowledge: I ruind her life. How am I supposed to tell her that I am killing her husband?
GC: This is not on you, They had better ways to handle this but that's the way uncle wants to handle it. Am sure Almighty wouldn't want it that way either.
Knowledge: His in 7th Heaven the highest of them all. I can't get there in my state.
GC: I know.. Hey come here.
He was in need of a hug. He have been getting his heart broken all day now, to be push overboard without any warnings is hard. I decided to stay in his room holding him. He was so sad. Which is weird because beings like us don't get ruled by emotions.
Knowledge: I can't be there, She wouldn't let me be, Watch over her for me?
GC: Of course
Knowledge: Full report. Don't leave anything out.
GC: Yes.
I sat on his bed he had his head on my lap, I hold him till morning. We didn't need sleep but we did just because. Staying up for days or even years come easy to us. The next morning I force him out of bed to go get something to eat. Carla was throwing grapes in Johny's mouth like two idiots, Cleon and Satphire was smilling and talking among themselves. I hold knowledge hands firmly as a way to encourage him. We took a seat.
GC: Good morning
Knowledge: Morning
Satphire: Hello
Cleon: Hey
Johny: Hey
Carla: Slept good twin?
I wish she would stop haha
GC: We all have been summon by the administration of second Heaven
Carla: Oh what does that mean?
Knowledge: Almighty have 6 brothers all in the military force, he alone rule. The last one we face was the baby. But this time Okraham explain is Almighty will
Johny: In other words it's not a request?
Knowledge: Precisely
Satphire: Me and Cleon decline we are trying to have another child soo we can't come.
Cleon: Yeah I won't make it.
That statement made me even more sad because "Cleon you are correct, you will not make it" I thought
Knowledge: I am going to go to the school; spring break is done I suggest you all come along. We need to discuss our next move
Satphire: Oh and knowledge?
Knowledge: Yes?
Satphire: I am dropping out your school.
Knowledge looked at her knowing that's the easiest way for him to see her everyday.
Knowledge: Very well
This is horrible everything is horrible. We couldn't beat baby uncle how are we going to defeat Okraham? We had a long silence until Carla said
Carla: Haha well new adventures awaits, I hope you guys many children and a happy life together Satphire and Cleon
Satphire: Thank you your majesty. Me and him will be leaving I'll see you guys When you returned.
Dam it! I feel so powerless. I was such a unworthy Goddess!
Carla: GC your crying? Your tears are silver? That's new!
GC: Am sorry I don't know what's come over me?
Satphire: You grew attach to me. I am pretty loveable you know
GC: You have no idea.
She got up and gave me a hug. That just made me cry more.
Knowledge: Excuse me.
He got up and left.
Satphire: Why is everyone sad we only saying "see you later" no one here is saying "Goodbye."
She is going to hurt soo much in this summoned.. I should warn her but my lips wouldn't outer the words, all I heard me saying is
GC: I wish you and Cleon long and prosperous life my friend.
Satphire: Stop crying haha I will always be here if you guys need something.
Cleon: You always got a leopard at your side if you ever need it.
GC: Oh God this is f*cked up. Satphire believe me when I tell you I am soo sorry.. I am so sorry?
I got up and left as well I couldn't take her joy. She was finally at peace thinking she made the right choice. How do we as Gods take that away from her. We bring joy not sadness. I transform to my spiritual form where I couldn't be seen by the physical eyes. All cannot see me but Carla. I flew to Satphire and Cleon place I found a comfortable spot on a tree where I could watch inside and outside the house clearly. I seen him runing after her as they move her stuff back in their small house. She was laughing without a care in the world. At night they would go and manage their business. He would pick her up when he close then they would fly home together, At night they were two lamps making love the whole night through. It repeats for several days
Knowledge: How is she?
GC: Happy
Knowledge: Should I come since today is the day?
GC: Cleon Have been having alot of heart burn lately. Weak knees But He never told his wife. Today he fell during general training. His in bed now Satphire is runing over to the house now.
Knowledge: It's my fault I should of never married her. I miscalculated alot. I was a fool to think she would want this life. Have you tried to heal Cleon?
GC: Already tried that, their is a shield on him I can't get close.
Knowledge: What is happening now?
GC: Hold on I'll Chanel their conversation
Satphire: Why didn't you tell me?
Cleon: I didn't know I had heart issues. I stayed healthy. Please don't cry?
Satphire: Your leaving me with no instructions on how I can find you again.
Cleon: (Couhh) You have made me a happy man.
Satphire: Stop the doctor is here he will fix it.
Cleon: Satphire litsen to me?
Satphire: Your outering nonsense your not going to die, Am not pregnant yet, I have nothing to remember you by.. No you can't die, you promise me hundred of years. You never break one promise to me. I don't want you to start now.
Cleon: Woman litsen
Satphire: Okay
Cleon: Don't stop living just because am no longer here. You have made me so happy, I alone have the prettiest girl in the kingdom
Satphire: Babe..
Cleon: Never in my wildest dream I thought you would of given me such wonderful children, I've serve my king and Queen haha I even met God's because of Carla and you. Don't get into trouble when am gone. If Heaven permits it I'll look over you okay. I love you soo much.
Satphire: I promise I'll find a way for us to meet again I promise.
She said kissing his hands. His sons and Daughters and grandchildren surrounds them, After a long Hug Cleon passed. Johny was standing in the front door refusing to believe its true. Carla was crying so loud. Her cries trembles the ground. I felt so much injustice at this moment. I will second that command with you Satphire We will bring him back. no matter what! People of the kingdom came with flowers. In no time the house was decorated with beautiful flowers as a final farewell. Dragons lite up the sky with different magical element. Johny displayed the time Him and Cleon had together. Satphire never left his side... All I heard was "It is done"
God were such *Ssh*les. Carla cries reached Heaven I seen it, It looked like fire piercing through the different layers of heavens hotter than any beings can hold. I am not sure how much good that will be since Akraham says it was Almighty's will. I went to the school, I couldn't see Satphire this way. When I got to the school I seen Knowledge sulking on the chair. I sat down quietly as if one is waiting out the storm. Me and Knowledge sat in his office for weeks. We as Gods and Goddess mourn differently. We grow silent when we mourn. These past few weeks Satphire haven't left the house. Her father burn Cleon body. That was a honor in the Dragon kingdom. She looked lifeless. Passing day by day with the same uninterested facial expression. They sign Cleon restaurant over to her. She just signed. Took the paperwork. She would go fish, return to her and Cleon home and sit by the table for hours. When it was night time. She would go to her and Cleon restaurant, customer would compliment her she would just nod. Afterwards she would sit on the table She haven't slept since his passing.
Knowledge: We should get everyone so we could leave together
GC: Okay.
This day makes 1 month. We finally left the office. We meet with Carla and Johny, No one was smilling or making conversation. A bright light got them one by one. We all arrived at the same time
Carla: Satphire what are you doing here?
Satphire: I was planting carrots next thing I know Am here!