Chereads / I've never / Chapter 111 - Healing

Chapter 111 - Healing


My dad haven't left my side. I felt like he should have more stuff to do than to stay couped up in my room with me? I was tired of seing him, Knowledge crashing on my couch I decided to go for a walk alone. It's been 3 months since we Dealt with Uncle. I stop bleeding at night now. I don't know how cleon was doing I didn't check. I freeze up just with his face image I couldn't be around him. The scent that was so comforting to me was now my worst night mare. I walk to the shed. I guess everyone was taking their healing one step at time. There was no parties, No affection showing. The house have been very quiet. Thanks to knowledge my body was somewhat back to normal. My mind was in need of therapy Pervy Doctor said. I inprint the horror in my mind, Maybe that was true; I will never let myself forget how my true love betrayed me. Maybe I will never love again. Walking past the shed I seen GC cleaning. I know she has been trying to keep herself busy. She nodded at me as I with her. I kept walking. I seen Carla and Johny Enjoying a nice picnic away from everyone under this big tree

Carla: Would you...?

Satphire: No, thank you...

I kept walking I didn't want any friends or people around me but I liked knowledge company. Further down I saw Sarah enjoying Hercules company, she was blushing, he was smiling a whole lot. Love always start so beautiful until it goes sour. I did not disrupt them I kept walking. Everyone went back home except for Hercules and Sarah. What I've been trying to avoid this past few weeks was now staring at me face to face. Should I keep walking. He walk towards the bench siting down looking at the trees. If I know Cleon I know thats him saying take a seat. I have decided to keep walking I didn't want to sit with him to make sense of this. I just want to keep moving. When I Stay in one place bad things happend. For now until I know how to deal with it I'll just keep moving. I walked back to my room Seems like my dad left. I decided to go home. There was nothing here for me.

I started to pack my bags. I know sooner or later they are going to go to the school. I want to go home.

Knowledge: Good afternoon.

Satphire: Can you portal me home?

Knowledge: What?

Satphire: Thank you for taking care of me. But I need to mourn my baby properly. I don't want to rely on you I have to find my own strength again. I left my parents home married, Joyful, full of life, Excited to see what life is going to offer me and Cleon

Knowledge: Your shaking

Satphire: Everytime I say his name. I...

I was crying again. I thought I was over that? He just pulled me in his arm. Sigh, He kissed my hair. I was greateful to have a friend like him. I dried my eyes and manage to get out his manly arms.

Satphire: Quick question?

Knowledge: Yeah

Satphire: People keep calling your wife do you know anything about that?

He looked at me for a while than he shake his head "no"

Satphire: I guess they never really see good friends before huh? those little perves

I giggled

Knowledge: Am sure that's why?

Satphire: Oh and the doctor didn't know of the light, Do you know anything?

He stared at me for a while and he shook his head "No" again.

Satphire: Pain bring different things out of you. Well thats all my stuff Ready when you are friend.

Knowledge: Haha friend huh? I'll take that.

He teleported me over to a place that seem so familiar to me. I remember when this mountain was first built. My people fought over it with the bears but the kind queen named it neutral ground. I feel like I have paid my debt 7 time over. I will miss her but it is her or me. I flew to my parents castle and picked the room to my liking. After setting up my room I left to go claim back my mountain. Seems like my dad knew of my returned. I liked the coldest, highest mountain. The one facing the sun when it rises. I transform to my dragon and laid on my mountain. It was freezing just how I liked it. I quickly fell asleep. When I woke up the bears and dragon was having a party as usual. But this time different clans too. The bulls joined the island, Looking now the volcanic side had more population. Dragons, bears, lizard they made it their habitate. I flew to the palace my grandfather was there I was expecting him to ask me why am I here?

Grandfather: Satphire

I nodded as I past by. I got dress to see how my business was doing. I flew to the restaurant, walking into the restaurant I heard someone else on the stage, Singing adult songs. There was no familly just grown up enjoying a good meal with some good music. Outside the entertainment room was guys kissing and doing things to girls, guys on guys action, honestly what happen to my respectable place of business. I was sure Frankie and Earl would be here? I left Whala in charge look what happend? The further in the back I got the more unapropriate it got, some girls getting their breast sucked, The customer can see them. I found Gazella at the bar doing her job.

Satphire: Where is Whalla?

Gazella: She said she was going to the bathroom, That was 35 minutes ago. If you find her tell her to take over please I gotta pee.

Satphire: Go to the bathroom it's fine

Gazella: Oh bless you.

I went to the bathroom to find whalla giving brain in the bathroom, Money was by the sink I watch her for a good 5 minute before she realized I was there.

Whala: Your back, How was your mission general?

The guy was trying to put her mouth back on his manhood not caring that I was standing there. I was so mad I could explode. I went outside and screamed

Satphire: Everyone needs to leave!

Alot of the client was getting up and leaving but the tougher ones was saying "F*ck this b*tch talking about? plus this Whala place I wont leave till she tell me to." Octo stop cooking. Gazella came back to find her customer gone. I have been feeling so powerless lately, They don't want me to gain my strength on their skuls. I turn to Whala. She understood immediately.

Whala: Thats my boss, Yall gotta go.

One by one they left. Octo came out Whalla came out then two random koala bear girls wearing our uniform, Breast revealing, thong showing in mini skirt way too high, Came out the bathroom each girl's had two guys with them. I looked at Whala in so much decipointment. They came out smilling handing Whala the money they just made. Whala was trying to tell them "not now" but they explain "they didn't want get beaten again." Was she running a whore house?

Satphire: Your fired. Take those two with you.

Whala: Boss I can explain.

Satphire: Just go

Whala: You can't fire me without Carla approval

Satphire: Carla is running 4 planets right now do you think she is worried abour 5 coin job?

Gazella: Naw you miscalculated cause she is 15 per week now she said you agreed.

Satphire: Get out

Whala: F*ck you and your little Wana be restaurant, bald headed ass. I didn't like your skin ass any ways. By the way I f*ck your man better than you.

She had alot to say it seems

Satphire: So how much is everyone now?

Octo: Am still 5

Gazella: Am 2

Whala came back

Whala: Lets go Gazella

Gazella: Nuh uh I just got my baby boy back I need to keep this job for my son to prove am steady.

Whala: Your son 16 he ain't going no where.

Gazella: I told you to stop doing these stupid thing you on your own sis.

Whala left very upset.

Satphire: What happend to frankie and Earl

Octo: Got into it with Whala

Satphire: I see.

Octo: Your sister too, She didn't agree to sing them nasty song Whala was hand picking.

Satphire: Sigh I see

He started to clean up the place since he realized am not going to reopen.

Gazella: Whala took care of everything since she was the one you put in charge

Satphire: Hahah you sound bitter

Gazella: A little haha, She's older but I obviously have more common sense than her.

Satphire: I see that now.

Looking at this place its going to take us forever to clean.

Satphire: Renewed!

I said making the right symbols with my hands. To clean and fix everything in the restaurant.

Octo: Guess last mission taught you a few tricks.

Satphire: Guess so.

Gazella: What do we do now boss? Whala made this place a horrible place for children.

I took a seat while thinking. Than it hit me "Renew" I should renew this place.

Satphire: Am going to do some remodelling am not going to reopen for a while.

Gazella: How will I provide for my son?

Octo: I've been taking care of my mom hospital bill she is getting better. She even plans on looking for work next month. But the rent, Utilities, paying for my sister's school.

Satphire: Those 5 coins really do all that?

Octo: But of course. Your such a princess you don't know how to move money.

Satphire: Hahah funy thing is I am a princess. We don't pay for utilities haha what is that?

Gazella: Wait what?

Satphire: Yup I am a princess, than I become a general for the queen

Gazella: I know about the army but not the status

Satphire: It's no big deal, You pay for school down here?

Octo: There is this school that just open its way better than the public school down here. Plus is just a few stars coins a month

Satphire: Oh

Octo: Haha since your married aren't you like a queen or something?

My heart was racing with that question. I did very good today, him saying that made all the memories came back. I could feel my body going to loose strength again so I quickly ran into my office Saying "Let me see something" I couldn't let them see me cry, or shake, I couldn't let them see the fear in my eyes when they mention marriage to me. Was I afraid of marriage? Or maybe what happend to me in mine. Sigh I would of followed my ex husband no matter where He may have went. I agreed to a simple life even when I was pampered as a child. Love betrayed me. I promise myself I will never love again. On earth It was simple, On our honeymoon we... Sigh it's best to not reminisce. I've been betrayed nothing will change that.

Octo: Were here, are you going to say something or stare at this black computer screen.

Satphire: Erm sorry okay. I was thinking while I figure out what to do with this place your salaries will remain the same. You can come pick up your checks every week. Is not your fault this place has to get a new face.

When I open the account of the business I seen we barely had nothing left, I walked over to the cash register to find us made 100 gold coins for the night, if we had successful nights like this I should have more than a few thousand dollars. She was stealling from the

Account too?

Octo: Is something wrong?

Satphire: Nope

I paid them for 2 weeks and explain after that come get another 2 week pay if am not open. They smiled their happiness then left. I figured I should go talk to my sister future to see how bad was it. I lock up the place and flew home. I've been staying in the rougher side of the castle where my 9 sister and brothers would not dare come. I went to the other side to find future. My brothers and sister passing the halls usually greet me the same way "Hi sister" I would respond "Sister, brother" Each door had a name on it. When I seen the music notes I knew this had to be her room. I didn't bother knocking I open the door. As usualy the handmaiden was tightying up her hair as my mother in law talk smack

on her freshly made bed

Satphire: Sister

Step mother: Dont they teach you how to knock?

Satphire: Sister I came to apologize

Step mother: For a lot I know, Marrying both Jeremy and Cleon

Hearing his name out loud sent echos to my heart and terror to my soul. I could almost feel his hands as they hold mine tightly causing me not to move. His scent is still so fresh in my mind. His cruelty, He didn't love me as he said he did.

Satphire: Good night you too.

I turn to leave before I lost nerves in my legs causing me to go numb instantly.

Step mother: SATPHIRE! I am talking to you.

I turned facing the door smilled at my little sister and left walking back to my room I could feel my body shivering. I was hot and cold. I felt like I was going to faint. Thankfully I made it inside my room before falling to the ground. When I woke up I seen three different doctor, My Dad was sitting on the chair supervising them.

Satphire: Um that's unessary I just fell asleep on the ground being tired from work. Haha erm... Behaving like a princess is tougher than I remember. Hahah being a general erm... You find a comfortable spot and bam you sleep.

I said awkwardly laughing as I try to shoot them off me. But my dad said nothing. He just kept staring at me, Then looking at the doctor. I tried to get up to pee but I was attach to so much machines, I had weird thing stuck on my chest.

Doctor: It's okay to pee you have something to hold the urine.

He said with a warm smile. I smiled back but I don't see the big deal. It's not the first time someone slept on the floor.

Doctor: She is stable now my king.

Satphire: When was I not stable?

Doctor: Mam we had to rececitate you for three days straight.

Satphire: Pshhhh no.

My Dad just got up and left after hearing the doctors word. Once everyone left I felt like screaming. " Am not even a good lier" Dam it!!!!!

knock, Knock

Satphire: Come in

Trying to keep whatever dignity I had left.

Future: Sorry I would of come sooner but dad said your quarters was off limit for a whole week.

I've been sleeping for a whole week? Ugh I need to get the preparation done.

Satphire: I see

Future: Am sorry about my mom

Satphire: Am sure God is too hahah

Future: Hahah sister

Satphire: Yes

Future: Why are you here? Dad said is for your spiritual connection to get stronger but my mom

Satphire: Haha Your mom have a opinion as well

Future: She thinks you reck...

Before she finish knowledge came by with that adorable baby. Everytime I see him I just feel so much peace. How can a baby bring me so much joy and so much sadness at the same time.

Satphire: Fancy seing you here mister adorable.

I said opening my arm towards the child. He hand him to me. He smelled so good. But he still looks like a newborn.

Satphire: How are you my friend?

Knowledge: It was tiredsome but I think everyone learn a valuable lesson

Satphire: Awws look he is cudling me.

Knowledge: I think he wants to comfort you.

Satphire: Haha I am fine baby. If your dad wasn't a party pooper I could be spending time with you always.

Future: Ahem.

Satphire: Hahah sorry this is my sister future.

Knowledge: Hey am Knowledge a dean at your sister school

Satphire: I have no milk papa... hahah your searching for something that's not there. I think his hungry

Knowledge: Than give me back the baby.

Satphire: Where is his bottle?

Knowledge: His breastfeeding

Satphire: Who's breastfeeding him?

Furture: The new wife you know she know she had her baby too. Here let me, I'll take the baby

She had to use force to take him away, He was so cute. Knowledge was trying to not show his face with that blue light again

Satphire: How is everyone?

Knowledge: Back at school.

Satphire: You came to recruits me Dean?

knowledge: No, you need the time off. But your dad is refusing to give me back my baby

Satphire: Wait the baby have been here

Knowledge: Wait, no.

Satphire: Too late! with new wife?

Knowledge: Please don't frighten the child.

Satphire: His going to be completly terrified

Knowledge: Haha so am staying in your room until I get my baby back

Satphire: It's unethical being a princess and all but who cares. I got my room mate back.

I smiled. Deep down I felt better when his around. He calmed me in a weird way. I got up, the doctor have tooken everything off me. I step off the bed.

Knowledge: You should

Satphire: oh am soo sorry.

How could I not feel the breeze I was completly naked. I quickly grab the blanket to cover myself.

Satphire: Close your eyes!

Knowledge: Why? am not even looking at you. Your not all that

Satphire: Hahaha shut up.

I ran to the bathroom I took a shower and brush my teeth and hair. When I came back out he was conversating with my sister. I put on some jeans and t-shirt.

Satphire: Sister sing for me again?

Future: Sister please we have a guess.

When I look over Knowledge was showing his face. I swear this guy is such a flirt.

Satphire: Dont get feed into his facial structure.

Knowledge: Wow. I just need to bathe, Your going out?

Satphire: Yes, the world don't stop spining because I decided to take a nap.

He gave me the same look as my father.

Knowledge: This settles it

Satphire: Um what does?

Knowledge: Am coming

Satphire: Um, no your not.

Knowledge: Yes. Last time you were so rude,

Satphire: Am never rude

Future: Your always rude. If he is a guess I'll come along to keep him off your hands.

Knowledge: But hold on. I want my own room! you snore

Satphire: What is your problem I do not.

Knowledge: Come behind me so I could do something.

As I got closer to him I couldn't walk anymore. I didn't want to be touch by anyone. I felt violated already now I didn't want anyone near me. He wants me to come close but I only manage to take two step before freezing in place.

Satphire: Ay just do it already

In his eyes I could tell he knew. Even when I smiled his facial expression didn't change Looking at my sister smilling like a dam fool at him "Future are you?" I wish she don't have a crush on him. These men have huge responsibity and it's painful at time.

Knowledge: Double up.

He did some hand sign making another bedroom similar to mine but black, mine was pink.

Satphire: Neat trick ill remember that.

Knowledge: Hm I guess.

I left my room future and Knowledge followed me. I was out at the door until I seen my dad "Oh great" I thought, Sitting outside by the door.

Dad: Your going out?

Satphire: Yes

Dad: You should rest.

Satphire: I cant stay still, I have to keep moving.

He turn facing me. Than he walked away. My heart was in my stomach.

Dad: Knowledge

Knowledge: Yes

Dad: Keep your eyes on her

Knowledge: Of course

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