Chereads / I've never / Chapter 99 - Invasion part 2

Chapter 99 - Invasion part 2


I still enjoy his presence without sex. He was a total nerd hahah.

Carla: What did he do?

She said as I walked back to my friends. All we did was the gem, eat and I left. He didn't freeze time so I don't think he was in the mood tonight.

Satphire: The gem have hidden powers. He gave me one

Cleon: Where is it?

Satphire: He did something and the power inside the gem got inside of me but the gem came out broken

Cleon: How does he experiment on a pregnant woman?

Satphire: He said it helps with good health

Johny: Calm down tiger.. Seems like he was finishing healing your wife

Carla: My gems do that? That's awesome

Johny: Those planets are the best gift ever. I still kinda like spookvile better though

Satphire: Am tired you guys Am going to sleep

Cleon connected his bed with mine so he could hold me as we slept.

It's been a whole week since I seen Knowledge. I didn't even seen him in the hallway. Sigh I missed him.

Cleon: Baby do you want to come to my free period I could use your help.

Satphire: I'll need a note

Cleon: I made William sent it in already.

Satphire: Thinking ahead I like that. Okay what do you need me to do?

Cleon: I'll show you.

After lunch he brought me to his office. Than I seen knowledge, Has he been in his office writing stuff down on a notebook about the stone? He spent a whole week experimenting?

Cleon: I have these lady cats and they are fighting over one guy. They won't litsen to me because am a guy. I mean I could make them litsend but I don't want to force it.

Satphire: I get it. Where are they?

Cleon: William went to go get them.

Satphire: Okay.

Cleon was soo kind. He don't ever makes you do something you don't want to do. He was smart as well. Hmm I wonder if I have a thing for smart guys?

Cleon: Are you feeling better my love?

Satphire: Ever since the stone, Yes

Cleon: Enough to

Satphire: I thought you would never ask.

We both blushed

William: Here we are sir.

It was three cats orange, Black, and white. Sigh


My sister have been calling nonstop I don't want to pick it up. She made her choice she was to help me reign successfully, But no she decided to stay on earth abandoning her duties. Now she is calling for favors. I am not sure why Carla is entertaining her right now?

Carla: Man senior classes are hard

Johny: You think so, in my Magic class getting caught in your own trap is harder

Carla: Hahaha how you get caught? you set up the trap?

Johny: I dont want to even talk about it.

Carla: It's been 2 weeks and your sister wants to visit us

Johny: Why? She rather play super hero with the humans than to be a princess

Carla: Yes, She is now a super hero on earth but shes using her cells regeneration magic to help cancer and aids patients, how do you get mad at her for that?

Johny: She knows her responsibility since birth. People created these diseases with their own experiments why should instalaxian fix earthly problems?

Carla: Clearly you feel strongly about this but I haven't seen her in forever. Your family cuts her off, Noone talks about her.

Johny: We don't talk to or about traitors

Carla: I want her to visit me. I could do that one thing you like if you would grant your beautiful, Sexy, thick in all the right places Queen a favor. You know that's the blackness in me.

Johny: I love the blackness in you

Carla: I know you do white boy.

She said smilling. On our way home I seen Knowledge doing weird things. He had some stones on the floor, He had drawings on a sheet of paper. I didn't care to ask but you know Carla

Carla: I haven't seen you in like two weeks guy what are you doing?

Knowledge: If my calculations is correct this should reinforced the sheild around the school making it undectable to even God's. I feel a shift of wind coming that's not good

Carla: Me too

Knowledge: I believe uncle is planning something

Carla: His still silent. Why wage war because I dont want to come home?

Johny: This is the Goddess right?

Carla: Who you never summon

Was she mad? what does she mean never summon?

Johny: What do you mean

Carla: All you want to do is play with the mortal Carla you don't think I want to play too?

Johny: Um

Carla: I watch you enjoy her over and over again never once thinking of me. Do you not love me?

I look at knowledge for help but this man went inside saying "No its still not right. Hmm a few centimeters off"

Johny: I am sorry I just didn't think

Carla: You didn't think I want to enjoy you too?

Johny: Uh

Carla: Just forget it. Am staying here tonight so if you don't like me that much stay in the afirmary.

What just happened? Carla was surpose to show me this trick that I like? She flew off to the house leaving me to walk by myself. When I got inside I seen Cleon and Satphire laughing and enjoying eachother company

Cleon: Hey you okay?

Johny: Yeah

Cleon: Carla just past by really upset. I said hi she said nothing and went to her room

Johny: Yeah I'll fix it.

Cleon: Hahaha I don't even want to know just fix it.

I walk to the room She was nowhere to be found. I went inside the bathroom, I seen her taking a shower surrounded by clouds

Carla: Am just bathing I'll leave soon

Johny: Is that milk coming out of clouds in the ceiling?

She didn't respond she just kept bathing in milk and fruits. Sigh I should fix this I don't want A Goddess mad at me. Especially after such beautiful gifts. I flew up there where she was bathing.

Johny: I haven't summon you because I don't want you to be offended

Carla: You think you could offend me after I sin for you?

She got a point that 13 some haha was a great sin.

Johny: How can I make you happy my Goddess?

Carla: If you gotta ask is best you don't.

It maybe the Godess version of Carla but she still didn't want to ask even when she craves me. I leaned in a I kissed her. Her eyes that was so upset was so full of love and willingness now.

Carla: Do you love me?

Johny: You know I do.

The cloud had disappeared. She had Carla curvy shape but her skin was more radiant. Her breast was more perkier. She allowed me to have my way with her. She was waiting for a while now anything I do she seemed to love. Sigh seems like I'll have to stay healthy to keep both of them happy. She

did a light explosion when she climaxed, it caused her to asleep soundly. I've never seen any Goddess sleep soo beautiful. Her hair was white yellow short. Carla never liked long hair. Her body was smaller than mortal Carla. Mortal Carla hips was wider. Maybe it was child birth. Her nipples wanted to resemble pink but mortal Carla nipples was this pretty brown. They maybe the same person in the future but now they were definitely different

Carla: Do you stare at everyone you finish pleasuring?

Johny: Just the ones I really like

She laughed her light was absolutely beautiful. It even shines through her mouth when she laughs.

Carla: I'll go. But do summon me okay?

Johny: Okay.

Man that was exhausting, With mortal Carla it was just bodily pleasure. But with Goddess she drains my life out.

Carla: Babe are you asleep

Johny: No about too

Carla: Before you go to sleep can we?

Johny: Can we what?

She leaned in and started kissing me. I had no more energy but I can't deny my actual wife.. Oh Good God!!


It's been a month now, we haven't hung out. Was he too busy or was he ignoring me? Did he just wanted it that night and that's it?

Cleon: You awake?

Satphire: Yes my love.

Cleon: Your deep in thought?

Satphire: Am wondering if a friend still wants me.

Cleon: Speaking of Johny sister that's coming today? Am sure she does. You guys hit it off on earth

I forgot if her visit was today.

Cleon: Since your up and Pain free..

He said rolling over on top of me.

Cleon: I have this new move I've been studying

Satphire: Have you now?

Cleon: Yes. It won't hurt the baby, Promise

Satphire: Okay.

He started kissing me gently. I've been craving for knowledge but Cleon was the one I love. With knowledge I don't know what we were. Am just crazy about him.

I love the way Cleon feels inside of me. I was very happy Dragons regenerate quickly or he might of notice the different in size. c*mming for Cleon versus Knowledge was different too looking up and seeing its Cleon, My body relax and let him pleasure it. With knowledge he just invade. Persuading my mind, Comforting my soul, while increasing the level of pleasure minute by minute While his lights keeps my heart calm which makes me have no choice but to accept him. I hate it that I think about Him often, knowing what Cleon and I have been through but I couldn't help it. Nevertheless he doesn't seem to be affected like me at all. He haven't even talk to me for a whole month, I'll see him around the school but he was focus on his stupid experiment.

Satphire: Knowledge ahh

Cleon: What?

Satphire: I want the baby to have your knowledge and wisdom baby don't stop, am right there.

He smirked hearing that as he went back in. Dam it! Did I just?? Sigh something is wrong with me...

Cleon: Hahaha what'd I tell you.

Satphire: I like this new move Haha

Cleon: You moan differently today.. You must of really liked it

Satphire: Haha don't tease me.

I said covering my face. He touch this one point that only knowled touched Haha "Cleon I love you soo much"

Cleon: Do you want to greet Sarah my love?

Satphire: Yes

We took a bath together haha he

is so funy. We got each other ready. I got some new clothes I had Johny portalled over from a local boutique. As we walked outside we seen Sarah sitting on the porch. I guess she have been knocking Noone heard her.

Cleon: You got a super hero outfit?

Satphire: Your curls what happend to your curls?

Sarah: I permed them. Is sister and brother here?

Satphire: The king and Queen is here come in please.

Her outfit was rather cute. It was pink with white shorts, her symbol was a staff with 2 snakes wrap around it which stands for medicine. Her body finally got some curves too. She was still cute even if she wasn't small any more. Walking back inside we kept seing big bright light in the kings and Queens room. Similar to that night knowledge came and f*ck me soo good, I couldn't stand the next day. Sigh how I wish He would do that again.

Johny: Good God Carla, okay ...

Sarah: Are they okay in there?

Satphire: Yes since last week. Johny been outing those words and come outside looking Drained. Haha

Sarah: Oh.

Satphire: I'll go get them

As am walking to their bedroom

Johny: I have no more energy.

Carla: Sigh so you'll do her but not me.

Johny: Okay. You drained me. I need time to recover. That don't mean I don't love yall the same.

Carla: Sigh I'll give my light instead of taking yours, I got alot I can spare. Tonight okay

Johny: Right now?

Then moaning sounds came out the room, too much sex can make you have illusions... they been cooped up in that room for a whole week. I was about to walk away without knocking.

Johny: Am back baby

Carla: Better now?

Johny: God knows I love you...

I knocked on their door

Satphire: Johny sister is here

Carla: Okay im coming. Best behavior okay. I'll show you another trick you will love.

Johny: Promise

I quickly left, these too have stamina cheesh am glad I didn't marry him like I planed in the beginning, He would of been too much. Cleon was perfect. 1 hour to 1hour and 30 minutes was plenty.

I walk back outside where Cleon was making small conversations.

Cleon: Man when did you decided you wanted to be a superhero?

Sarah: After going into the field of medicine. Their science wasn't enough to undo the damage of radiation.

Cleon: Wow so do you use your flying powers?

Sarah: Yeah to humans it was a big deal

The king and Queen finally came outside. Knowledge walked in. God Why was I getting soo moist just looking at him.

Knowledge: Sarah what a surprise.

Sarah: Hi

Knowledge: Personal superhero

Sarah: If you say so

Knowledge: I do. Do you understand alot of instalaxian used their powers to claim themselves as superhero after you.

Sarah: Unfortunately

Knowledge: They are trying to use force to get into Carla marble by earth?

Sarah: What? no

Knowledge: Yes.

Sarah: That can't be right I told them to give me time?

Knowledge: To them you are another experiment. Don't show your weaknesses infront of them

Why was he being so blunt.

Carla: Is there a purpose of you coming over?

Knowledge: Haha yes. I don't mean to offend Sarah I am just stating facts.

Sarah: I am greatful to be in the presence of a God. Anything I could do while am here don't hesitate to ask.

Knowledge: You can tell them to stop applying force.

Sarah: I will My lord I promise.

She bowed. I forgot how respectful she was to her elders.

Knowledge: I like her

He said smilling. Did he liked her as he liked me? Is it that easy to find another mused? Sigh stupidity will be the death of me. I thought as I quietly made my way back into my room.


Carla: Why she went back inside?

Cleon: It might be partly my fault haha I kinda worn her out this morning

Johny: Haha She better be able to walk.

I wish they would shut up and let knowledge explain why he is here.

Knowledge did look slightly upset with their conversation

Johny: Haha you dog

Cleon: I had this new move I wanted to show her!

Johny: I bet you showed her alright... Hahah...

Knowledge: Do you mind?

Cleon: Sorry

Knowledge took a deep breath and continued

Knowledge: You ask for your force field to reach the school like a safe passage way right?

Carla: Yes

Knowledge: Come with me

He led us around the house Placing one orange rock then we flew to the school to place another orange rock.

Knowledge: Now we wait for night time.

Carla: Okay


Sigh He likes her. His a God I don't care who he likes. I was almost 3 months.. If it was Cleon baby I would be delivering in a few weeks. I had to get pregnant by some stupid God who goes around liking everyone. My Appétit was rising as much as my belly.

I decided to go outside in the kitchen to eat something.

As I walked outside I seen Sarah, Johny, Carla, and Cleon outside looking at some sort of stupid rock, Place by some stupid God, Its probably by Stupid knowledge doing. I was too busy noticing my friends outside that I bump into knowledge in the kitchen eating fruit yogurt.

Knowledge: Your starting to show

Satphire: Pshh

Knowledge: Hmmm

I grab a similar fruit yogurt, I seen it now I want it. I made some rotisserie chicken in his invention. He was still staring at me am not sure why? the person he likes is outside.

Knowledge: Your mad

Satphire: You know when am mad?

Knowledge: I notice alot about you.

Satphire: Do you now?

I said showing very little interest to his small talk. You haven't seen or talk to me in a month and that's all you could say?

Knowledge: Like how you walked out the room after I give a compliment to another.

I didn't responde I grab my juice. before going back to my room I said

Satphire: I am glad to see the type of girls you want.

I walk in the room locking my door.


Sarah: You guys have went to alot of adventure when I was gone away huh?

Carla: Yeah haha

Johny: Your choices little sister

Carla: Johny!!

Johny: Am going inside. I could see the sheild so it works, Am glad! good night am tired.


Sigh maybe I shouldn't have been so snappy with Knowledge, he explain it was just a compliment. We are going in another 2 weeks without seeing eachother. This leprechaun teacher hates me. I didn't care. He was so rude.

Teacher: Good job wolfca. Unlike some people who just sits in the classroom watching people grow their strengths.

Wolfca: She is clearly pregnant. Are what you like 4 months now?

Satphire: One more week to be 4 months.

Teacher: Psh excuses.

Satphire: Can I use the bathroom?

teacher: Minis well

I walked out the classroom. I didn't feel like dealing with his short ass today. In the way to the bathroom in

seen Knowledge with two big boxes one on each hand.

Knowledge: Hey

Satphire: Your not going to ask me why aren't I in class?

Knowledge: Why aren't you in class?

Satphire: Bathroom

Knowledge: Ah I see.

"Ask him can yall spend some time today?" I thought

Knowledge: Are you free tonight Satphire?

Satphire: Yes

Shoot that was too fast.

Knowledge: Haha I'll see you tonight.

I smiled as I walked in the bathroom. He got some nerves letting me crave him so much and not giving it up. I can't wait to see him tonight. I wonder will he have me the same way. 5 to 6 hours was alot but it's like he was healing my body in the process. For me to be able to take him fully. Tonight will be spectacular.. I finish peeing and walked back to class. Man I was soo happy, there Is nothing the teacher can say that can offend me. I went to my second period. I finish my work early. Thinking about him just persuaded me in whatever they were teaching. Lunch came around. Everyone had their attention set on The fight between Sarah and Johny. Johny wouldn't grant her access.

Johny: If we let her get in. The government is going to want to know why was she able to get in but not them. They can cage her up and run tests on her. I may be mad at her but I won't put her in danger.

Carla: Sigh she was soo decipointed

Cleon: Well I got to see some fight tonight its rather stupid.

Satphire: Same water gun?

Cleon: Hahah I don't want to talk about it. Hahah

While they have conversation among themselves I was thinking about Knowledge. He haven't went down on me since spookvile. I wanted that again. Finally night time hit. Knowledge gave Me the direction to his room since third period. Apparently he stays in the wall in a magical realm. It was in the fourth floor. In a office Noone ever use. He told me just touch the Crack it should open he already gave me access.

Knowledge: Hey

He was sitting on his computer chair looking over paper work. I sat on the bed. I eat before coming so I could enjoy him fully. He was so silent. All I heard was pages flipping, did he invite me over just to hear him turn pages? I wasn't even wearing any panties.

Knowledge: I have made several breakthrough with the gems

Satphire: Yeah

Knowledge: If I am successful the school can be free from all type of danger hahah. I am such a genius

Satphire: Do you..

He stopped to look at what I was going to say?

Knowledge: What is it?

Satphire: Um.. nothing, What else did you discovered with the project?

Knowledge: Haha alright so enforcing the sheild was a success. now its making the school undetectable.

Satphire: Oh okay

I really don't care about what his telling me right now. I don't want to be rude. I was horny, Cranky, and still jealous of what he told johny sister. He kept explaining I laid down on the bed hands behind my head.

Knowledge: What's a matter?

Satphire: It's fine

Knowledge: No its not your sad

Satphire: I want to hear your discoveries, go

Knowledge: Another time, tell me what's wrong!

Satphire: Do you not want me anymore?

knowledge: You think I dont want you?

Satphire: Well yeah, Because we haven't talk for over a month going on two months. You finally got me alone no distraction and Nothing..

It was embarrassing to admit. I was getting up to leave when he stood infront of me blocking my way. I didn't want him to ridicule me again, or see my embarrassing tears.

Knowledge: You fumigate my mind. Even in my research you interrupt my train of thought.

Satphire: It don't seem like it.

He gently lift my chin wiping my tear with his other hands.

Knowledge: Let me prove it to you. I got vacation time. Two weeks worth.. Ill take one week say you'll come with me.

Satphire: You want me to come?

Knowledge: Yes

Satphire: What will I tell the others

Knowledge: Thats my job

He said smilling looking at me with those puppy dog eyes. How can I say no to him. Especially when I just want to be in his arms. I nodded "Yes" He gently leaned in and kissed me. He means soo much to me in such a little time. I didn't want to let him go. He have me so jealous others who have touch his lips before, Felt his touch, loved his soul.

Knowledge: You should probably go

He said pulling his head away from me.

Satphire: Yeah, Okay have a good night.

I smiled as I left his room. When I got back everyone was asleep. How long were we kissing? I took a shower and went to bed.

It's official I hate this leprechaun teacher. He wants me to stand with the target sign while everyone aim at the target.

Satphire: You want me to stand here hold this stupid sign for even the worst aimers to hit it?

Cleon: That don't look safe

Teacher: Are you questioning my method leader?

Satphire: Yes because it's stupid. your stupid. This class is stupid

Cleon: Babe no

teacher: Dean's office now!

Staphire: Your stupid.

Teacher: Out!

I walked out he is so stupid. I walked to the Dean office. He looked up and look back down again.

Knowledge: Your in my office?

Satphire: You need to hire better teachers

Knowledge: Do I? haha

Satphire: That stupid leprechaun hates me ever since I got pregnant.

Knowledge: Weren't you pregnant When he met you?

Satphire: Yeah

Knowledge: Take the rest of the day off Ms. Satphire

Satphire: Gladly.

I said getting up and going to my house. Noone was home. So I guess am sleeping and eating for the rest of the day.

The next day as we were getting ready to go to class Knowledge came by the house

Knowledge: Your teacher have requested suspension Ms Satphire.

Satphire: I hate that..

Knowledge: I am going away for 1 week to get more information about the gem; instead of leaving Ms Satphire here uneducated I rather take her with me.

Cleon: She's 4 month pregnant, the baby

Knowledge: The baby is more than cared for trust me.

Carla: She was the only one that was able to absorb the power of the gem

Johny: If you can guarantee her safety I approve

Cleon: Babe do you want to go?

Satphire: It beats being here for a week

Knowledge: If she dies I'll go to another universe and pick you another Satphire

Cleon: Why would you say that?

Knowledge: Please be ready. I'll pick you up in one hour. Pack lite

The rest of the gangs hugged me and Cleon kissed me saying to stay safe. Sigh am excited to be in his presence for 5 whole days.

I packed my things and he picked me up.

Knowledge: Are you well enough to travel?

Satphire: Yes

Knowledge: Sigh lets take it another way

He created a portal that led to some cave way up high. We sat, he fed me, then he created another portal that led us in this huge ocean, it's connected to alot of other oceans, sea, and rivers.

Knowledge: Can you tranform to your dragon form?

Satphire: Yes.

We traveled under the sea for 30 minutes. Then he flew up in the sky where another portal Awaits. How far was this place? When we jumped in the last portal we appeared in some room made out of clouds. The bed, the house, everything cloud.

Knowledge: This is my home.

Satphire: Oh okay.

It was pretty in its own way. If he decided to go hiden than Noone would know how to find him for sure.

He waived his hands and made a closet for us. I put my belongings away I didn't pack heavy. I see why those were his words of advice. I was tired the baby was moving alot so I took a sit on the bed. Man this was the softest bed I've ever laid in.

Knowledge: Showering is just past this hall

Satphire: Okay but a little later.

Knowledge: Okay.

It resemble his room back at the college. I wonder if he lived alone here always? He came and sit by me. I put my head on his lap and fell asleep as he pass his fingers through my hair. When I woke up he was nowhere to be found. I got up and went to take a shower. How do you work a Cloud bathtub both overhead was cloud, No handle? sigh. This is horrible. But then I remember we came here by sea there should be some sort of water here. I change to my bathing suit. I packed it just in case, I wasn't sure what to expect with this guy. Cleon I can figure him out, with knowledge total blank. "Bingo" I thought There was a waterfall connecting a river to a large body of water. No one was around this was perfect. I had my favorite body wash. By the time He comes back am going to smell like shea butter. The water was so fresh and gentle on my skin. I wash my garden first just in case someone comes and I couldn't do it anymore. I forgot how it felt bathing in a large body of water. I couldn't wash my breast with this bathing suit on so I took it off and put it beside my stuff. "Knowledge sigh I wish He takes me tonight" I was still washing myself just thinking about him making me moist. Washing in between my thigh still thinking about him was unexpectedly a good felling. I have pleasure myself once or twice but I prefer the male to do It I found it more sexier that way. Noone was around so it really would hurts. Thinking of his lips, His thick but neat eyebrow, His comforting light. I was starting to moan closing my eyes to imagine him more clearly. Then I felt someone stopping my hands.

Knowledge: What you doing?

I was soo embarrassed did he see me? oh my God I wish a rock would hide me.

Knowledge: Where you pleasuring yourself Satphire?

I covered my face with both hands I didn't want to respond.

Knowledge: Do you see how many creatures surrounds you?

Satphire: What?

I turn to see me surrounded by mermans, vefox, fairies, the most weirdest one was the goat like guy with his manhood in his hands, tongue out. Behind him was this black fearsome creature, His eye glowed green he was holding his manhood in his hands stroking it.

Satphire: I didn't.

I transform to my dragon form so they wouldn't see anything. But knowledge was laughing so hard. His so stupid.

Knowledge: You miss Cleon that much already?

He thought I was day dreaming of Cleon?

He pull me close putting my belongings in a bubble and flew me back to his house.

Knowledge: I'll show you how to work the water.

Satphire: Okay.

I was still embarrassed so I kept my dragon form.

Knowledge: Haha absolutely hilarious.

Satphire: It's not.

After I was done, I put my clothes on I found him sleeping on the bed. I put on my night gown and joined him. The next day he was no where to be found again. There was nothing to eat here. This trip was going horrible, I wanted to spend some time with him but his not even here, I minis well stayed at the school. He wasn't making me feel like he wanted me at all.

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