Qube was an official Prophecy Approved Companion to one of the three possible saviours of the world. She'd worked very hard to become the Potential Chosen One's best friend, spending hours on her "understanding smile" and perfecting her ability to divide any snack into two equal portions in order to share with him. He, in turn, had led them on a series of small adventures in the village and the surrounding woods, enabling him to gain basic combat experience and her to grasp the rudimentaries of magical healing.
She was certainly doing a lot better than the only other Mage amongst the Golden Children. Even though he was another Potential Savior of All Living Creatures, he had no healing abilities at all, and could only spam the weakest of fireballs while his Prophecy Approved Companion spent more time sculpting his body than learning how to actually protect the squishy wizard wannabe.
The third Potential Chosen One was in a much more awkward position. She was a Rogue in a town with no crime and where everyone knew one another. The townsfolk had long ago agreed that it was important for her to practice her skills, and so had scheduled particular times for her to rob their houses of preselected items, like Mrs. Smith's ruby red slow cooker, which she just took back from the Rogue's house when she needed it. The only person who didn't participate was the shop owner, Mr. Igma, who generally refused to do anything asked of him. He was also the only one who had regular contact with the outside world as Mr. Clockwork, a travelling mechanical tinker, would come into town to restock the same things every night. For the same price. In the exact same amounts.
It was honestly rather impressive. Nothing could stop Mr. Clockwork's deliveries and he was never, ever late. But Mr. Clockwork was also a massive gossip, and would frequently tell them all about what was happening in the outside world, about how terrible life was up near the castle, and about the reign of the Evil Emperor.
"He was the Grand Vizier, loved and trusted by the Noble King and Beautiful Queen," He had told all the wide-eyed Potentials. "But he betrayed them most horribly! And he slew them, and took power! And ever since then the land has fallen into ruin and despair!"
"Why didn't the other members of government dispute his claim as Emperor? Surely killing their leaders would have been illegal?" A tiny Qube had asked. "Was this like a coup thing, where he had the military behind him or something?"
"He's magic." Mr. Clockwork had snapped. "He did magic things. Terrible, magical things."
"But there are court mages, couldn't they - "
"Magic." Mr. Clockwork said. "It was all magic. Prophecy magic. No Court Mage can stand against Prophecy magic."
"Prophecy. Now who wants to perfectly split in half popsicles?"