"That damn man," the mysterious figure slammed there fist into the adjacent wall.
"Sir, could you refraim from damaging our fortress furthermore?" The young girl grabbed the mans hand, "You know, if you're angry," she moved her right hand down the mans chest.
The figure grabbed the ladies arm, "I guess you're right. I'll pay mind to Noah Locke," he looked at the girls exquisite body, "Later."
After cleaning themselves up of all the blood from the goblins and ogres, the three began to stockpile on ores.
"Cool, they were collecting diamonds," Amelia pulled it up to her eye.
"The buyer better like these," Noah moved a goblin head out of the way that was scorched.
"I doubt he'll hate," examing the closer, Sir Cummings smiled, "But you think we could stash some?"
"Aren't you married to the fucking princess of our kingdom," Noah squinted at him.
"Oh yeah," Sir Cummings tossed the mineral into the mine cart.
Finally, the three of them finished gathering enough ore, piled back into their mine cart, and they headed out to the surface. Once they reemerge, the three headed back to the village. Once returning, all three lead a wagon pulled by a horse, they rented, towards the local blacksmith. Leaving the minerals outside, they entered.
"Hey! You old dwarf!" Noah threw a piece of amethyst on the blacksmiths anvil, "Delivery."
Coming from behind a black curtain, a small man in dirtied clothes. With goggles blackened by smoke and ashe, he raised a rag and wiped up his face. His red autumn hair was in braids and covered in ashe too. With his beard barely above his waist, dirty too, he stroked it with his leather glove. Smiling, his green emerald eyes looked shined, "Splendid!" Throwing his rag aside, he grabbed the amethyst, "What else did you acquire?"
"Tungsten, iron, copper," Noah placed the order form on the counter, "Whatever was down there."
"Oh keep it, I know you want your payment," he tossed Noah a small bag of gold, "Don't spend it all."
"Wonderful," opening the bag of coins to make sure he wasn't getting scam. Noah was shocked. Rather gold coins inside, a light purple dust was sitting inside. "Ay, dwarf."
"Hm," he raised a brow as he turned to face Noah.
"Noah?" Amelia walked by his side and peered in the bag, "Ay, dwarf."
The dwarf began to sweat profusely, "What?"
Walking over without saying anything, Sir Cummings peered into the bag and then took off his helmet, "BY GODS, IS THIS DRU-"
Noah grabbed Sir Cummings mouth to shut him, "I got this," walking closer over to the dwarf, Noah knelt down to him, "I presume your name is, Krull?"
The dwarf immediately grabbed the bag and scoffed, "Never heard of him."
"Ah, so you are Krull."
"And what if I am," he reached his hand in into his coat.
"The could you join our group."
"I'm sorry. I'm a motherfucking drug lord. I literally don't care if people die from my substances I give them, I probably would fuck you for a pound of UniMeth," Krull pulled out his hammer and went to strike Noah.
In the blink of an eye, Amelia drew out her sword, knocked the hammer out his hand, and then twisted his arm behind his back, "Let's try this again."
"Woah! This isn't very hero like of us," Sir Cummings drew out his sword.
"Listen," Noah stood up and wrapped his arm around Sir Cummings shoulder, "We can become business partners with him and make loads of money."
"That's immoral."
"With more freetime, you can spend time with your wife, Amelia can use the extra time to go back to her studies and such, and I could go back to trying to get laid," Noah gave a perverted grin.
"How did we become friends again," Sir Cummings put on his helmet and exited the building.
"That means he's all aboard! Now how about it?"
Krull loosened his irritated expression and scoffed, "Sure, why not."
Amelia had released the dwarf and returned back to Noah's side, "Now that's appreciative of you to do, and we hope you would come down to the Black District to find us," she bowed.
"The Black District," he fixed his question face to both Amelia and Noah. "That's a place where the injust are sent, and if they aren't locked up they are the occupants: What would adventurers be doing living there?"
"Well, that knight from earlier, he doesn't know Amelia and I reside down there excatly. What he knows and that the two of us are skilled warriors."
"He's to pure hearted for most of the things we do behind the scenes. When we first encountered him," Amelia glanced back to see if he was listening, "He was talking about honor and justice, and then not long after did we find out he was married to the princess."
"Princess Mary!? That man!"
"I know! He makes explicit jokes relating to semen, and hes just a big 'ol buffoon. He does realize the royal family is corrupt, right?"
Amelia rolled her eyes, "Noah, you aren't no saint either."
"And what's that supposed to mean!"
Amelia redirected the conversation back to Krull, "See you next time," Turning around gracefully, she nabbed Noah by the ear and dragged him out the blacksmith with the reward money in her right hand.
"Rather odd bunch of hooligans," Krull looked at a sword he had recently forged. Hanging from the wall, its hilt was polished like the blade. With a red jewel in the center. Then the hilt was wrapped in the leather that he purchased recent from a hunter. He got a good discount on that pig skin too. He could remember wielding swords like that. Back when he adventured too. "I guess it wouldn't hurt working with those three," Krull grabbed his pouch and hammer and head into the back of his shop.