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Imaginary friends the series

All the friends are introduced in their own unique way and having fun

Chapter 1 - the movie

(The screen shows a girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a white dress, while playing a flute with the moon in the background)

A voice: Where's that music coming from?

(a shadow of a person who is wearing a dress is shown running)

(The girl continues playing)

(The person looks at all buildings)

(There are stars as the girl's hair is flowing as the girl is playing on her flute)

(The shadow is revealed to be a girl who has long blond hair, wearing a white dress with long sleeves)

(The screen shows the blond girl looking at the flute girl)

(The flute girl smiles)

The blond girl: Your song was beautiful, what's your name? My name is Lalita

The flute girl (smiles): my name is Kanisha.

The blond girl: Did you come up with that song? Can you play the whole thing?

(A bell rang)

Kanisha: I have to a go

Lalita: Please don't go yet

(Kanisha taps Lalita's shoulder and runs)

(Lalita reaches into her pocket, then sees folded paper)

Lalita (while waving): Bye bye

Kanisha (while running): Bye bye

(The screen switches to A girl who has long brown hair, brown skin, wearing a white dress and heels is dropping liquid into a test tube)

(Once the liquid drops into the test tube, red smoke comes out of it)

(The red smoke shows a girl who has long,straight blond hair, wearing a pink dress

sewing a red dress)

The girl: Sciencia, your smoke is getting in my eyes

The first girl: Sorry, Kisa

(A girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, fixing a car)

Sciencia/the brown girl: Dumbra, did you hear the bell ring?

Dumbra/the girl by the car (putting in a different : Yes, shouldn't take long for Kanisha to get here

(Shoes hit a roof)

Kisa (smiles): And that's her.

Sciencia: Dumbra, whose car are you fixing now?

(Dumbra is gone)

Kisa: You shouldn't know she always greets Kanisha, when she comes back.

Sciencia: True, their sisterly relationship is beautiful.

(The screen switches to a forest, when flying arrows come down)

(A blur pases through the trees)

A male voice: You won't be able to get away

Another male voice: You think so, wolf boy

(The second voice is revealed to be a boy who has long silver hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt, blue pants and white shoes. He has wolf ears and wolf tails)

Wolfie (narrates): My name is Wolfie, and as you can see i'm hunted.

(The camera shows The hunter is a man who has brown hair, wearing a green hoodie, blue pants with a basket on his back holding arrows and has a bow in his hand)

Wolfie (camera showing the hunter): the person hunting me is Phantomkill, he is a FBI agent

(More arrows head to Wolfie)

(Wolfie backflips avoiding the arrows)

Phantomkill: You can escape anytime, why don't you?

Wolfie (up in a tree): Because it's fun to mess with you

Phantomkill: You are a terrible

Wolfie: Hearing that from put my mind at ease

Phantomkill: Where did you come from?

Wolfie: From a very interesting person.

Phantomkill: You mean your mom?

Wolfie: Not necessarily, I wasn't born like other people or creatures.

Phantomkill: You said that before, what do you mean?

(Wolfie jumps and on the ground where Phantomkill is standing)

Wolfie: Do you really want to know? Put down your arrows.

(Phantomkill put the basket and his bow)

Phantomkill: There, now tell me

Wolfie: From the mind of a young girl, I can't tell you her name is, but she's nice, brave, and cares about her.

Phantomkill: So, you're telling me, you were imaginary.

Wolfie: I don't expect you to believe me

Phantomkill: I would find it hard to believe, if I didn't see you turn invisible and had these paranormal powers, plus this isn't the first time I heard something weird like that.

Wolfie: You heard about one of my siblings, was it a boy or a girl?

Phantomkill: My hunting pals said it was a girl that looked like an angel with a pink aura.

Wolfie: Oh Are you still going to hunt me?

Phantomkill: Before I answer that, what was your purpose for being created?

Wolfie: My creator always wanted to a pet, but she never she wasn't responsible enough, so she created me (Spins, then turns into a full wolf)

Phantomkill: So, that's why you can transform into different animals.

Wolfie: Yup, and if you're wondering why a wolf, it's because my creator's favorite animals are wolves.

Phantomkill: So, did your creator make many friends like you or family?

Wolfie: We consider ourselves a family.

Phantomkill: So, if you are a family, why are you in the woods, messing with me, and hanging out with the wolves?

Wolfie: I love being in the woods and my family loves to travel.

Phantomkill: If that's so, I'm going to hunt you some more.

Wolfie (smiles): Great

(Wolfie runs away, while Jev is shooting arrows at each other)

(The screen switches to a destroyed town)

(Three Boots are shown)

(The three boots are revealed to be three girls)

(One of the girls who has short curly brown hair, wearing a pink shirt, blue skirt, and pink heels holding a purse. Her name is Daisy)

(The second girl who has short light brown hair, wearing a yellow dress and yellow heels. Her name is Lily)

(The last girl who has long dark hair, wearing a black jacket, teal shirt, black skirt, and teal heels. Her name is Dandy)

(Dandy, Lily, and Daisy are standing in the middle of the town)

Dandy: What a dump

LIly: It's not bad, I can fix it up.

Daisy: And I can decorate everything.

(Dandy, Daisy, and Lily go around the town)

(Dandy spins her chains, jumps from building to building, and the buildings are fixed)

(Daisy reaches into her purse and gets out a flower along with a vase)

(Lily follows Daisy and her body glows)

(A pink aura from Lily causes the cracks on the road and the grass is growing)

(The screen shows a brand new town)

(The screen switches to Alex: a woman who has long blond hair in a ponytail, wearing a black dress, Josh: a man who has short blond hair, wearing a blue shirt, white jeans, and J: a five-year-old boy who has brown hair, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans eating breakfast with kids that has black outfits and masks)

(Everybody is eating hash browns, eggs, pancakes, and biscuits)

J: How delicious!

Josh: I agree, honey good job

Alex: Thank you.

The male Ninja kid: I like the hash browns

Another ninja kid: I like the eggs.

A female ninja: I love everything.

Alex: That's great, I love that we are eating together

(Bell rings)

Female Ninja: That is our mom

Ninjas: Bye Aunt Alex! Bye Uncle Josh! Bye J!

(The ninjas leave out of the door)

Alex, J, and Josh (waves): Bye!

(The screen switches to Jack: A boy who has long brown braided hair, wearing a black jacket, yellow shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes walks onto the outside stage with a guitar)

Jack: Hello, everybody

(The crowd cheers)

Jack: Are you ready to hear this special song?

(The crowd cheers)

Jack: Great (plays a guitar)

Jack (sang): You get on with life as a musician

(Jack starts flying, while playing his gutar)

Jack (sang): You're a confident kinda person.

(Out of the guitar came pink music notes)

Jack (sang): You like dancing on Sundays,

(Jack lands on the stage and starts dancing)

Jack (sang): You like playing a guitar in the week.

(A pink aura makes a family appear)

You like to contemplate family.

(A pink cloud appears and Jack is riding on it)

But when you start to daydream,

(Jack pointing to the crowd)

Your mind turns straight to friends.

(Jack spins arouns)

You like to use words like 'splendid,'

(Pink aura creates the word 'spendid')

You like to use words like 'righteo.'

(A blue aura creates the word 'righteo')

You like to use words about family.

(A rainbow aura creates a portal showing a bunch of people waving at Jack)

But when you stop your talking,

Your mind turns straight to friends.

(Ryan appears with the music notes and spinning a basketball)

You like to hang out with Ryan,

(Wolfie appears with animals around him)

You like to kick back with Wolfie,

(Jack is playing alone)

But when left alone,

(Jack is pointing to the crowd)

Your mind turns straight to friends.

(Jack looking nervous)

You're not too fond of being alone,

(A red aura forms a lizard)

You really hate red,

(Jack is dancing with Ryan and Wolfie)

But you just think back to friends,

(Jack smiles along with Wolfie and Ryan and stops)

And you're happy once again.

(The screen switches to Max, a girl who has short aqua hair, wearing a red jumpsuit kicks a cyclops in the eye with fire around her)

A voice: She is powerful.

(Max burns a rock monster with fire breath)

(The voice is revealed to be a man who has long blonde hair, wearing a black suit and black shoes named devadutt)

The woman: I know

(The woman has black hair in a bun, wearing a blue work dress with bat wings named Devana)

Max (thought): I hope I can make it to the family reunion

(Max makes strings appears on her fingers that have hook attached them, then attacks a bunch of lizard monsters)

Devadutt: It's hard to believe that she came from such a weak place

(Devadutt almost got hit by a hook)

Max: Remember Devadutt, I can cut your head off easily. Understand.

(Devadutt nodded)

Max: Good

Devana: I keep trying to warn you that saying things like that aloud.

Devadutt: Max, you know you never told me how were you created by a human

Max (wrestling a cat monster): Her name is Kanisha and it's because I was a thing called an imaginary friend, imaginary friends are created in the human's mind.

Devadutt: I don't quite understand, I guess I'll have to research it.

Max: Or you can talk to my sister, Sciencia, she can explain this better than me.

Devadutt: Good, hand me your phone

(Max gets her phone out of her pocket and gives it to Devadutt)

Devadutt: Thank you

Max: Speed dial 6

(Devadutt clicks the button)

Sciencia (on the phone): Hello

Devadutt: Hello, i'm a friend of Max's

Sciencia: I'm guessing you wanted to know how imaginary friends work.

Devadutt: Are you a mindreader?

Sciencia: Nah, I just thought that you being in the underworld wouldn't understand imaginary friends

Devadutt: Good guess.

(Max makes a fire whip and attacks small furballs)

(The screen switches to a dark place, then a small blue fire appears)

(The blue fire is revealed to be from a drill)

(A person takes off safety goggles, then flips the switch)

(A chamber is shown with a blue light going in a circle)

(The person smiles, then puts the goggle back on, and grabs a clipboard)

(Another person who has short spiky blonde hair, wearing a lab cloak, safety goggles, clothes are cloaked in dark)

(The different person looks at the clipboard, then sees the chamber releases electrity)

(The second person takes the first person's hands and hides behind a desk)

(The chamber opens)

(The desk slices in half)

(The two people looks up and sees the lights on)

(The two people look beside them and sees a girl who has long silver/brown hair, wearing a white dress with pink ribbons, ribbon on her head, and white heels holding an umbrella)

The first person (smiles): Hello.

The second person (smiles): Greetings

The girl (smiles): So, you fixed me.

The second person: Yes, we are

The girl: (points to the first person) Tate Blue and (points to the second person) Bryson Brown, both talented for being scientists at a young age without being related to a unique scientist of the time instead being regular orphans. Both of your lives are fascinating.

(Tate is revealed to have spiky brown hair, wearing goggles, lab coat, black gloves, green shirt, and blue jeans)

Tate: So, do you have a name or we're you not assigned

The girl: I was assigned a name, It's Aki

Tate: Nice to meet you, Aki

Aki: Same (body shakes) seems a family meeting has been scheduled (runs) bye

(Tate and Bryson waves goodbye)

(The screen shows Hayuki: a boy who has rainbow hiar, black skin, wearing a pink shirt, white pants, and shoes in a candy factory, drinking hot chocolate, while sitting in candy-themed throne)

(Phone rings)

Hayuki (on his phone): Hello, it's Crazy Candy Factory, what flavor would you like? (smiles) Sciencia, what's up (eats a lollipop) tonight (swallows) sure (eyes close) only two (sighs) okay, bye. I have a customer (phone rings again)

Hayuki: Chocolate with sprinkles coming right up (pulls the lever) (smiles) that will be 9.99, have a sugar-filled day. (hangs up the phone)

(Hayuki drinks a hot cinnamon drink)

Hayuki: Ah, seems like I have a line of customers (phone rings)

Hayuki: Got it, ten chocolate with foam and sprinkles and (looking bored) one plain okay (hangs up the phone) (pulls the lever) (phone rings again)

Hayuki: Two sundae supremes, got it (pulls the lever) bye (hangs up)

(Phone rings)

Hayuki: A gingerbread house with a hot chocolate tub, oh, and gumdrop sidewalk; my friend, you have good taste. (smiles) you are very welcome.

(Hayuki eats three gumdrops)

(Phone rings)

Hayuki: A roll of black licrorice and red with fruit smoothies, you got it (pulls the lever) (phone hangs up)

(Phone rings)

Hayuki: A school bus made of gingerbread and gumbrop students. (pulls the lever) coming right up (hangs up the phone)

(Hayuki swings on giant red licorice and eat black licorice)

(The screen switches to a bunch of scientist unfreezing Lukas from an ice block inside a kitchen)

(Lukas looks at the scientists and then looks around the kitchen)

A man: Are you okay?

Lukas (smiles): I'm free (blasts the air)

(Lukas sees he froze the scientists)

Lukas: Oops!

(Lukas comes out of the kitchen with an ice slide)

(The screen switches to Ryan: a boy who has braided brown hair, brown skin, wearing a orange shirt with purple 31 on it, blue shorts, and shoes throwing a basketball in the hoop)

(Cherry: a girl who has straight brown hair, wearing a white shirt and skirt with purple stripes and white shoes cheering with other girls in this same outfit)

(Another basketball player throws the ball at Ryan)

(Ryan shots another basket)

(Cherry and the cheerleaders make a pyramid)

(A bird lands on Cherry, she gets a paper from him and smiles, then lands softly)

(The bird goes to Ryan and he smiles as he looks at the paper, after he takes a shot)

A voice: Falcons won!

Ryan and Cherry: Whoo!

(Cherry and Ryan walks out the gym together)

(The screen switches to Kennedy: A girl who has long brown hair, wearing a pink dress with angel wings - flying around, when she sees two sad guys)

Kennedy (thought): Oh no, they look terrible (shots an arrow by their feet behind the bench) (then turns up a radio)

One guy: I can't believe I can't come up with a single thing to say

The second guy: I just want to tell him, that I like him

Kennedy (smiles) (thought): Time for the honest arrow (shots a red arrow at the second guy)

(The second guy has short blonde hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt with a heart, blue jeans, and blue shoes)

The second guy (looking at the first guy): I am in love with you, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how.

(Kennedy shots The first guy with a red arrow too)

The first guy: I accidentally read that love letter, you threw away, so I already knew.

The second guy: Do you like me that or no?

The first guy: I do (touches the second guy's hand)

(Kennedy shots the first and second guy with pink arrows)

(The guys kiss, they walk away)

Kennedy: Another job well done (hits the guys with a blue/pink arrows) now they are going to be talk and walk normal

(phone rings

Kennedy: Hello, Lily, what's going on? Family meeting, I'll be there (hangs up the phone)

Beginning for Alyma: a girl who has long brown hair, glasses, has a hippie look - she is a hippie committee, playing drums with animals surrounding

(The screen switches to Alma: a girl who has long brown hair, glasses, has a hippie look - meditating in the eyes glowing)

Alma: Peace, harmony, love. Peace, harmony, love (eyes glowing) peace, harmony, love.

(Animals surround Alma)

(A bear hands Alma a piece of paper)

Alma (takes the paper) (eyes closed): Thank you, a family meeting, how sweet. (disappears)

(Animals sing)

(Alma reappear)

Alma: I'll be back my woodland friends

(Animals cheer)

(Alma disappears)

(The screen switches to Clay a boy who has braided silver hair, sunglasses, wearing a black shirt, pants, and shoes spinning a disk at a teenage party in a warehouse)

Clay: Remember guys and girls, it's epic mic night, so everybody who has a rocking voice get on stage or anybody who has an awesome rap.

(A lady who has black hair with blue streaks, wearing a red dress and heels walk on the stage)

Clay: Okay, rock the mic

The lady: You got it (grabs the mic)

The lady (sang): Tonight is filled with diamonds and pearls, we are going to rock your world

Clay (thought): What a lovely voice.

(A letter landed on Clay's head)

(Clay rips it open and smiles)

Clay (thought): Seems the family is getting back together.

(The screen switches to everybody dancing in a living room)

(Clay and Alma are doing S.I.M.P just dance)

(Daisy and Dandy are doing beautiful liar just dance)

(Lily and Lukas are doing Into the unknown just dance)

(Cherry and Ryan are doing we're all in this together just dance)

(Jake and Kennedy are doing she has a dream just dance)

(Aki and Wolfie are doing call me maybe vs Beauty and the Beat just dance)

(Sciencia and Dumbra are doing Love you like a love song vs Super Bass)

(Kisa and Max are doing Run the show just dance)

(Alex and Alma are doing dynamite just dance)

(Clay and Kanisha are doing tribal dance just dance)

(Kanisha, Kisa, Dumbra, and Kisa are strutting on the streets, while the song 'strut' from Cheetah GIrls)

(Last, Everybody is doing a dance from Phineas and Ferb carpe diem)

Everybody (looking at the camera) (waves): Bye hope you enjoy the show

Lukas: Comment down below, what you like about this

(The credits shows Everybody in a conga line)

(Lukas showing off his ice powers)

(Kanisha singing on the mic)

(Alma, Aki, Kisa, and Sciencia throw shapes in the air)

(THe rest are doing disco)

(The credits end with Kanisha sitting in a throne)

Kanisha (looking at the audience): I hope you don't think, this is the end, did you?

(The screen goes back)

(The movie ends)