Chereads / Dragons - Guardian of the Spirits / Chapter 18 - Lord Aillard is a kind and cheerful man

Chapter 18 - Lord Aillard is a kind and cheerful man

Narrowing her eyes, the teacher suddenly called – Leila.

Leila walked up to her – Yes, professor?

– You will be my assistant today – With that said she returned to her place beside the field, the students did the same and waited for their turns. Leila received the papers with the names and randomly ordered the pairs, as soon as she finished the teacher gestured for her to call, Leila nodded and the class started normally.

Celine watched the fights while waiting for her turn – Harumi, shouldn't the teacher start by explaining and presenting the methods of using the weapons? – She asked.

Harumi shook her head – She wants to see how we are before, she always does that at the beginning of the school year, do you know how to fight?

– Yeah… well, I watched some soldiers train – Celine spoke with a worried expression.

Harumi stared at her with an astonished expression.

– For the field, students Saito Harumi and Celine, from Celestia.

– Heh? – Harumi looked at Leila, still puzzled.

Leila had a surprised expression, the organization of the pairs was done randomly.

– Are the ladies going to keep talking or are you coming to training camp now? – The teacher asked with her arms crossed.

Both got up and went together to the training ground, before they parted Harumi whispered to Celine – Could you go easy on me? I would say that even if you don't know anything about fighting, you'd still be a lot better than me…

They took their swords and walked to the center, facing each other they had a certain understanding of their own abilities, Celine nodded to Harumi and the teacher signaled to start training.

They exchanged light blows, clapping their swords, almost as if they were playing, the students thought that at first, but only after a while did they realize that they were fighting for real...

Leila had a strange expression on her face as she watched, looking at the teacher after a few seconds. Mysie was watching the two very seriously, motioning for them to stop after a few more blows. Leila sighed and crossed out their names.

Celine and Harumi left together after putting the swords back in the holder.

The class went on normally, and as soon as it was finished everyone ran to the locker room, they hadn't said anything until that moment, and finally staring at each other with strange expressions they realized how shameful that moment was, Leila put her hands over her face and started laughing – That was the worst fight I've seen in my life – Celine and Harumi ended up laughing together.

– Have you really never studied swordplay? – Leila asked once they had calmed down.

– I don't have fencing lessons... after my sister went on a mission and didn't come back, my parents didn't allow me to practice swordsmanship, for fear that I would decide to do like my sister – Harumi replied calmly, Leila and Celine already knew about this story, so they just nodded.

– My parents wouldn't let me leave the palace, even certain places in it were prohibited, the only places I could go was my bedroom, a small garden next to the palace and the library, my father was also almost not present, he's pretty busy… – Celine also made her excuse.

– Lord Aillard? Although he seems cold and quite serious, I always had the impression that he was kind and affectionate – Leila said – Whenever I saw him in Nosea*, I had this impression of him.

Celine shrugged – I haven't had enough time with him to get an impression of his personality, but my mom said he's a kind and very cheerful person.

The three faced each other… 'Kind... all right, but… cheerful?


In the council room, there were four students, two were standing taking notes, one was writing while sitting at the table and the other was lying down looking at the ceiling, these were respectively Elaxi and Ikuto, Thamy, and Aysel, who had gotten bored of the dorm and had come to lie down in the council room.

– You should be in your room, resting – Elaxi spoke without looking at her, Aysel grunted and turned on her side, hiding her face in the back of the sofa.

They argued from time to time, spending most of the time in silence while each one carried out their own tasks, the door suddenly opened, and an extremely pale girl enters the room facing the group that was staring at her.

Elaxi pursed her lips – Miss Kirsi, do you need something?

Kirsi closed the door slowly – I forgot to knock, sorry.

– Alright, what do you need? – Thamy asked.

– I would like to report...a person – She spoke slowly and with that, the young people inside the room sighed almost at the same time, Kirsi continued quickly – It's really serious this time!

The door opens again, and a boy with dark brown hair enters the room as he says – I'm sorry, I forgot to knock.

Ikuto smiled strangely – I'll put a sign on the door, 'Knock before entering, thank you'.

Raphael nodded – You should do this.

Ikuto rolled his eyes, Thamy smiled, turning his gaze to Kirsi and waving at her.

– He's a boy with pale skin and black hair, he keeps following me everywhere... it's scary...

Everyone frowned, Thamy said – Alright, there are a lot of white boys with black hair, is there any other characteristic?

Raphael looked at Thamy out of the corner of his eye. 'If he already knows who this person is, why does he still ask?'

Kirsi nodded – I didn't really see other features in his appearance, but he wore a royal blue uniform.

In Kesla, grade identification of students was done by their uniform, the first-grade was the one that used the lightest color, a shade of sky blue, and at each period the color became darker, from sky blue it went to blue, then to royal blue and finally a dark blue.

Kirsi looked at Raphael and pointed to his uniform – That's the color from the uniform of this guy who's following me.

Raphael was the only one there in a different colored uniform, everyone in the room was seniors and wore the darker color.

– Alright, I'll take care of it, you can go – Thamy waved at Kirsi, she stared at Raphael for a few seconds before nodding and leaving.

Thamy gestured for Raphael to come closer – And you Raphael? What do you need?

Raphael handed him a small paper, Thamy pursed his lips – Another warning?

Raphael just looked away, as if he refused to answer that question.

Thamy took note of the warning, writing something down and making a small signature in the corner, he handed Raphael the warning now with the punishment written on it, Raphael read it quickly and left.

– What's wrong with this guy huh? – Aysel spoke while she covered her face – I'm so tired, I want someone to sleep with my arms around…

Elaxi smirked, Aysel spoke quickly – … Not you.

Elaxi smiled – Of course not, I already have someone, but maybe I can do this favor for you.

Aysel instantly stopped smiling as she pretended to be asleep.

In the hallway, Raphael read the warning again, lowering his gaze every time he finished reading the punishment, going back to reading it again later. A sound was heard, signaling the end of the penultimate class and the beginning of the last one, in which only a few participated, Raphael looked at one of the doors where some students were leaving, and as soon as he found the person he was looking for, he called – Nevra!!

Nevra looked in the direction of the sound and walked over to Raphael. The two walked together towards the dorms.

– You've been reported – Raphael said suddenly, Nevra looked at him with a doubtful expression, And raising his eyebrows Raphael continued – Kirsi reported you, you've been following her… why?

Nevra was stunned, lowering his head.

Nevra didn't respond, Raphael just took it as a touchy subject, he knew the situation of the four leaders of the Kingdom of Almalorantia, probably had something to do with it.

They arrived at the dorm, Nevra sat on the edge of the bed, watching the floor for a long time before calling Raphael, who was reading a book in his own bed. Raphael lowered the book and faced his friend, seeing him hesitant about something he closed the book and sat down, looking at Nevra.

– If it's a very sensitive subject you don't need to tell me.

Nevra sighed – I think I need to talk about it…even though it's delicate, I…can't keep it up anymore.

Raphael raised his eyebrows, straightening up to pay attention to Nevra.

– I... I like her, she saved my life and that's why she is a very important person to me... this is already something difficult because we are of different races, and it only gets worse with the fact that we are also from enemy cities... and, something that can get a little worse is... I'm not a pure water wizard.

Raphael already knew that This was the reason, but the last sentence left him perplexed, Nevra rubbed his hands together nervously and seeing Raphael's expression he quickly explained – Not that I'm a bastard child, I was a pure water mage, but there was an accident and it strongly influenced my powers.

Raphael nodded, still puzzled…

Nevra saw that he would have to tell everything, he sighed and shrugged – I was eight years old when it happened, I was on a walk with the servants of my family and I ended up getting lost, typical of a naive child.

He smiled bitterly – I accidentally entered the vampire territory, it was very cold that day, a very strong storm hit the region where I was, the intense cold hurt my eyes, which made me wander aimlessly looking for a place to hide, I was exposed to the cold for hours, and a sudden pain hit my chest, this pain spread throughout my body, my limbs seemed to freeze, I didn't have the strength, so I just gave up and fell in the snow, somehow I could feel something shifting inside my body, and this change was very painful, for a child of just eight years old to go through all this it was quite unexpected. I remember that I had passed out at that time, I don't know how long I lay in the snow, but I know that when I woke up I felt warm, it was cozy. Someone held me in their arms...


'Did you wake up?'The girl asked, her voice quite childish as she hugged the boy in her arms, the little boy looked at her perplexed, looking to the side he realized that what warmed him was a small fire next to them, he looked at the girl again, the seemingly nine or ten years old girl smiled, revealing a pair of tiny fangs…

'Oh, it's a vampire… she's pretty' - The boy thought.

The little boy hesitated a bit as he remembered the stories they told about vampires, looking down he saw the thin arm of the girl holding him, realizing that he was the only one covered by the cloak, the girl had wrapped him in several cloaks, like a Dumpling, while she herself wore a simple long-sleeved shirt, don't vampires need to warm up? Did she go to all this trouble just to keep him warm? Looking at her with tired eyes, he tried to signal that he was warm enough already.

The girl smiled - 'I'll take you back out of vampire territory, do you think you can walk?'

The boy stared at her for a while before nodding, the girl helped him unwind from the robes, covering him with the two as he stood up, the boy looked at her scared trying to take off the robe: 'You need this too…'

The little girl laughed: 'I don't need this'. She put back both robes and took his hand before they started walking.

Her hand was cold, but somehow the little boy felt heat coming from where they held their hands. They walked in silence, sometimes the boy wore an expression of pain or stumbled, always lowering his head when the girl looked at him.

'Are you really okay?' - She asked. The boy nodded strongly, she looked at him worriedly, but since he claimed he was fine she couldn't do anything.

After a while walking she stopped and sighed, pointing in a direction: 'Go in that direction, I can only follow you this far, if a wizard sees me he will use it as an excuse to start a war for invasion of domains'

The boy listened intently, but as soon as he felt the girl's hand release his, he clung tightly to her arm, the girl looked at him in astonishment: 'What happened?'

He looked at her, refusing to let go, they remained like that for a while, the girl seemed to get impatient, seeing this the little boy said: 'You didn't tell me your name!'

The girl's expression changed from impatience to surprised, she smiled after a while: 'My name is Kirsi'

The boy's eyes sparkled as he repeated that name in his mind. He wanted to introduce himself too, but a small sound of footsteps and voices interrupted him just as he was opening his mouth to speak to Kirsi.

Feeling a sudden emptiness beside his, he turned, Kirsi had disappeared, in a panic, he called for her, but with no answer, shouting afterward: 'Nevra! My name is Nevra!'

...Again with no response, she was gone.

'Young master! We found him!' - A crowd approached, picking up the boy and checking him out right there, everyone was happy, with a smile on their faces, except for the boy in the lap of one of the servants and the girl hiding behind a tree a few meters away: 'They've really entered the vampire realm…' She took a deep breath, hearing the footsteps fade away, she hurried northwards, deeper into the vampire realm.


✨Quick Guide✨

[Nosea] - Capital of the Kingdom of Waterfall

[Celestia] - Capital of The Northern Kingdom

[Menione] - Capital of the Kingdom of Nairot

Currently, Almalorantia has 4 main leaders. To put an end to recurring massacres, they decided that they would no longer fight for control of Almalorantia and that they would divide the lands. Two of their leaders are vampires, the other two are wizards.

Kirsi is the descendant of one of the vampire leaders, while Adriell is the descendant of the other leader.

Nevra is the only descendant born to the mages of Almalorantia, because to strengthen ties, they made an alliance between them, although the court is still divided between these two leaders.

Nevra would be the replacement for both leaders, the one who would unite the two mage kingdoms of Almalorantia into one.