At first, they were still hopeful. Even if that fellow's Talent was higher than theirs, it wouldn't be much higher.
From the looks of it now… they were miles away from him.
They couldn't catch up!
A talent who could create strange phenomena was on a completely different level from them.
Even if they didn't want to admit it, it was useless.
Now, they could only hope that the strange phenomenon wouldn't appear.
Unfortunately, the more they thought about it, the more heaven seemed to want to oppose them. Explosions came from the Blood Sea again, louder and more violent than before.
All the vampire dark apparitions realized in astonishment.
In a blink of an eye, the Blood Sea Talent had reached 600 feet!
"It's still getting bigger! Oh my god!"
Some vampire dark apparitions were astounded. They didn't know what to say.