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THE SCIENCE OF KAYAKALPA - Ancient, Sacred Secret to Healthy, Blissful, Long Life Revealed!

Chapter 1 - WHY KAILASA? REVIVING THE AUTHENTIC , ANCIENT SCIENCES OF HINDUISM — How to live a Long, Healthy, Powerful Blissful Life ?

Chapter 1

Have you ever wondered why it's rare in today's modern world to come across someone who is in perfect shape, perfect health , living happily, peacefully, powerfully, blissfully? What appears to be a dream to most is in fact the way of life for those living in KAILASA (the only Hindu Nation), and was also the norm for many of the ancient Hindu Civilization.

This powerful, sacred, royal secret of long life (beyond 150 years!) is being revealed and brought to the world by the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, Jagatguru Mahasannidhanam, His Divine Holiness Bhagavan NIthyananda Paramashivam.

It starts firstly with the shift in cognition about FOOD and the RELATIONSHIP we have with it — a relationship we've each on an individual scale built over the years and secondly, a relationship that was more or less established by society since the time you were born.

Firstly we will look into the Truth behind the saying "YOU BECOME WHAT YOU EAT" , followed by an insider look at the Ancient science of KAYAKALPA!

The following is an excerpt of powerful sacred truths revealed by Enlightened Master and Incarnation (as per Hinduism), The SPH,JGM, HDH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam.

"YOU BECOME WHAT YOU EAT- Why Eat Organic, Vegetarian, Sattvic Food?

"One of the worst thing I saw, in the modern day, the chemicals, fertilizers, the remains of the fertilizers in your food, pesticides in your food, gets into the brain groove; even teenage kids start developing this groove of — 'I don't want anything, life is too much and I just don't want to live.' These words, these ideas, become cognition of even teenage kids, because of these remains of pesticides and fertilizers in the food.

Understand. Pesticides and fertilizers remains, those toxic chemicals in the food, don't think they kill you slowly, by bringing diseases and cancers. Very recently, few kids who come for the programs and….. I was seeing the thought current of suicidal, withdrawal tendency from them. I just put My head….put My hand on their head, wanted to see, what is the brain structure, the software structure and where is the problem, what is the source of the problem?

Understand. All thought currents exist in the Cosmos — for life, celebrating life, against life, life neutral, life negative, suicidal, withdrawal, passionate, aggressive, passive, all types of thought currents exists. Whatever type of the body, mind and system you have, those thought currents become cognition in you. The moment they touch you, you touch them, something clicks — 'you fall in love'!!! That becomes your cognitions.

One of the shocking truth I found is the kids fed with the toxic food, animal based or this chemical based, please understand, pesticide and fertilizers, these chemical based food is equivalent to animal based food. Both harm your possibility for enlightenment, equally! Equally!! Even I am shocked when I discovered this. This chemical based food, leaves so much of toxins in the system, kids start cognizing life negative thoughts as their personal experience.

Understand. It's like all channels are on the air, your set of box, whatever channel you are tuned, you will start seeing that. All TV channels informations are there, when you tune, you receive that. Sameway, how you tune your body and mind, you receive those thought currents and ideas, as your personal cognition."

In the next post, we will share MORE ON THIS TOPIC!