Chereads / Sword Chaser 2: Child Of Darkness / Chapter 49 - Resting Town vs. Valley Town

Chapter 49 - Resting Town vs. Valley Town

It has been weeks since the goddess has shown her face there also has been no notice of her anywhere. Between the past weeks, we have been off and on fighting between Dalten and us but today is the day he dies.


Now I am with Karr and Kato we all stand in front of Dalten in this dark forest and Aubrey laying behind him.

"Dalten give her back to us now," I said threatening

"She is the proper sacrifice if I do so my son and I will be gods and you won't be able to stop us."

"This is madness stop this you monster," Kato said

"Monster? the only monster is you Mr. "royalty." "You and your great kingdom judging people who come and go."

Followed by, "And you the brother who cares no more than the one who loves her how pathetic."

Karr was enraged and his hands had the two elements inferno and aqua their difference between fire and water is inferno and aqua is a tad stronger than the other. He mixed them and summoned a sword and laced the blade with the mixture and said,

"I don't care enough? I have chased you for an entire month just to get her back and I don't care enough?"

To be honest, Karr is completely no match for Dalten he has no cosmic power like Kato and me.

Dalten suddenly says, "Yes, you don't care enough Noah was putting his life on the line for her by emitting all of his power in one week that shows care but you just used nothing, have nothing if you were my brother I would resent you, you coward."


Dalten's son jumps next to him out of nowhere and Dalten says, "Oh how convenient."

Karr then says, "Noah, Kato let me have this I will kill both of them."

"Karr I really hate to say this but your-."

He looked back at me with crazy eyes and said, "Let me have it."

I was scared so I jumped back an inch and I said, "Karr don't die."

He turns his head and replies, "I never do."

He zoomed to them dramatically quickly and immediately was kicked back. He tried again and again but he was easily outmatched by them. Magess punched him in the stomach and Dalten kicked him in the face sending him into a nearby pile of wood.

I turn my head to find Karr unconscious he was still breathing but he could die. Dalten said,

"He should have tried harder I would've given him a chance."

Kato and I activated our abilities and skills. I activated my super armor which is a combination of my own and my father's along with the blade of rage. I sounded the blade end with a dark aura to strengthen it. And I activated a dark cloak.

Kato raised his hands and the forest became his own weapon his eyes glowed a green light color it matched his hair. The thunder, lightning, and rain picked up all at once and Dalten said,

"Noah and the king of Judgment against me and my son I did not expect this, however it goes you won't defeat me so easily, that goes for my son as well."

"Dalten up to this point you have crossed the line you have killed many patients that I have for you this ends here now," I said after.

Kato then said, "Dalten you have committed crimes against the northern region not to mention killed many of my most noble, humble warriors you will not be forgiven you must die here."

Dalten replies, "Oh please they have committed much more than I could in one day you nor Noah will kill me it is I who will end you both today."


I then said, "Dalten give up this is the end for you if you give up now I will consider sparing your son he has nothing to do with this." "Well, that depends."

Dalten replied, "It's too late I have already unleashed the most catastrophic god of them all... Calulominos! she will get everything in exchange for me son and I to become divine together."

I look over at Aubrey's unconscious body and hoped she hasn't undergone anything before I could help her. Because if she did I wouldn't forgive myself for not saving her in time. Dalten said,

"Well, aren't you going to strike first Noah?"

"Dalten, hear me well I will kill you here don't play with me, you idiot," I said in anger."

"Noah I don't know you well but you are weak for someone who has an insane power," Magess said suddenly

I activated my eyes and said, "We'll see who's weak after this is done with."

Kato and I both attacked all at once Kato was fighting Magess and I was fighting Dalten. I was a match for him now that we are all regular now.


"What did you do?" Dalten said abruptly

"Doing what needs to be done Dalten killing you," I replied

I reached my hand out and he froze up and started gliding towards me. I didn't feel any emotion resembling feeling sorry for what I was about to do to Magess's father. I looked him in the eyes and I told him something that was selfish but I didn't care I couldn't care right now.

"Dalten this is for my Mother."

I reach my hand out and...

*End Of Chapter 49*