Misu was on a walk with her sister older Venus, they noticed their friend Caspian in the Mulvus tree; scared for him, they ran closer, Misu yells at him "Caspian, that's a Mulvus tree!" to which he replies sarcastically "oh, yeah I couldn't tell, the distinctive blue leaves confused me." Misu, annoyed, starts yelling more; while Vee (Venus) is trying to make Misu be quiet she noticed why Caspian was in the tree and saw a small kitten in the treetop "Misu, there's a kitten up there, if you keep yelling you'll wake the boar, that thing might kill them!" for right after saying so, she noticed that Misu had already woken it and hid in another tree. When Misu finally noticed the Mulvus' boar right next to her she stopped yelling. She turned to face the large animal, she froze, it was the biggest she had ever seen. after a few chilling seconds of silence it charged at her; in a split second she grabbed and cut it's head of in one fatal slice...