[This chapter is bad coz I spent all night trying to come up with something, I came up for seven chapters and this is the one I chose if it's bad I'm sorry]
Arthur's eye twitched, he tried looking up, but he had a collar on him that was chained to a big steel bolt in the wooden ground,
he looked to his right side and saw six boys, all of them were older than him
He looked to his left and saw a few more boys, Arthur soon realized that he was on a ship, he didn't know where it was heading
a voice from the deck said "Captain what do we do with the girl"
"We don't need the girl, kill her," another voice said
Then the men started laughing Arthur didn't know how many there were.
"STOP... PLEASE" nymera screamed
Arthur tried moving but he couldn't, he heard her clothes tear apart.
"I'll go first heh" He heard a man say
"shut up you whore" a different voice said
Arthur was realizing what this was 'πππππ πππππ ππππ πππ;
Arthur shook his body violently almost choking himself, he was in a sitting position with his legs up in front of him,
his hands were under his knees and connected to the collar, and his legs were connected to his hands.
"Give her to me!!" Another voice yelled out
"NO" nymera screamed
Arthur heard her throw up
"you punched her too hard"
Arthur knew he couldn't save her but he kept on shaking until a boy by him said
"Stop," he said in the language of the seven
"Are you westerosi?" arthur said
"Aye," he said
"Please help me get out of here," Arthur said
" If I get you out of here what are you gonna do? There are forty men up there"
he was right Arthur couldn't take on those forty men he was just a boy,
"The captain says kill her now, he doesn't want to hear any more of her screaming"
Arthur looked up
"Shame, she's a pretty girl," One of the men said
"Please. . ." nymera said
but they didn't care they slit her throat and she dropped on the floor making a thud
"Gurghhhgghkkkk..." the sound of her trying to speak while her throat was slit, made Arthur angry,
then she made a sound like a pig squealing, The other men laughed.
arthur had lost all his love for anyone. The only reason arthur stopped dissecting animals was because of nymera, anything for nymera. . . but she was gone.
blood dripped down right into Arthur's forehead but he didn't flinch, when it came down to his pupil he didn't blink.
After some time, a few men came downstairs with water and bread.
First, they offered it to the first boy to Arthur's left he couldn't lift his head up so they had to kneel and give him water and food.
finally, they reached arthur, they barely gave any water and just a bite of bread.
when they finished they went upstairs.
" what's your name," arthur said to the boy on his left
"Alfred, my names Alfred"
"How did you get here"
"I wondered too far, from home," . . .
after talking for some time they became friends
"Aye my father became a knight after he helped king Robert at the trident"
"Trident?" Arthur asked confused
"Aye, he slew the rheagar Targaryen, Slammed his hammer into his chest"
"Why did the war start? I heard that treason started the war"
"No treason was committed," Alfred said "Rheagar stole lord starks daughter, who was engaged to king Robert, So lord stark and his eldest son, came to kings landing and told the mad king about this, Aerys thought this was treason and ordered ser Jamie to kill both of them"
"You haven't heard of ser Jamie Lannister? The best knight of all the seven kingdom-"
"Ser arthur Dayne was the best," one of the other boys said
"he's dead Charles," Alfred said as he was trying to turn his head to the left
"What happened to the king?" arthur asked
"ser Jaimie killed him," Alfred said "Now he's called kingslayer"
"The Baratheons now rule"
Alfred spoke up
"Aye and they should, no mad Targaryen will ever sit upon that throne ever again"
the oldest of the boys there spat and said "Fuck the baratheons, the dragons will always be kings of Westeros"
"The baratheons now rule William," Charles said
"Aye but a dragon will rise and when it does the whole seven kingdoms will bend its knees. . .