Faye tried to find something that could withstand the downpour from above and allow her to climb up to get out of the cellar. The few things around her were rotting from being left for so long, or mounds of dirt. She searched in vain as the water continued to increase.
After her initial panic, Faye took a deep breath and tried to find another way out. Searching the cellar, she came to a pile of rotted wood in the corner. She wondered if there was any that could be used to stand on and began pulling wood from the pile. Any plank that she pulled out crumbled sadly in her hands. Luckily, where she was was somewhere that was elevated by almost a foot, allowing her to calm down some as she continued to dig through the pile.
As she struggled, Faye heard the wind sweep loudly over head and thunder clap again. It felt as though the ground shook from the intensity of the storm above. Faye continued to pull rotted and decomposed pieces of wood from the pile, but her arms slowed as she realized the water wasn't raising any higher. Faye turned to find that the rain was slowing down, though it hadn't yet stopped.
As Faye watched, it slowed further, the thunder and wind above grew quieter and seemed to move further away. Finally, the rain all but stopped as Faye stood rooted to the ground.
Irritated, she tossed one of the rotten planks of wood toward the water, causing it splash. With a huff, Faye turned from the water flooding the bottom of the cellar. She would need to wait for the ground to dry out before trying to climb out again. She couldn't finish her rest in the water either. For now, Faye was stuck sitting and waiting. She was wide awake and doubted she could get back to sleep now. Her adrenaline was still pumping and she'd been scrambling to find a way out. Besides, she was filthy from trying to climb out through a bunch of mud.
Faye crouched next to the slowly draining puddle and started washing the little bit of mud off of her arms and legs. Luckily it was summer time, or else she might be cold from getting soaked. It was warm enough that the water felt rather refreshing to her.
Faye sat and watched the water slowly sink down further and further. Bored, she found herself digging through the pile of wood left from some sort of large piece of furniture, or maybe a stack of it. She ended up finding a gold piece among the pile along with a dirty brass bell. Faye figured now was as good of a time as any to try out her new bag. She hesitated as first, then gently placed the bell into the bag. Looking inside was only pitch blackness. Her human eyes were not accustomed to peering into the darkness, especially without any source of light being available. Even the moon was covered by thick clouds at the moment.
Realizing that she wouldn't be able to see anything, Faye tsked and placed her hand into the bag to try to grab the bell.
To her surprise, the bell was easily taken from the bag. It was as if it'd appeared only when she'd thought of it. She pulled the bell out and tried her best to examine it. There didn't seem to be anything wrong with the bell at all.
Faye tried testing the bag with the bell a few more times, then tried with a few stones she found. I can time whatever she placed into the bag came back without issue. Finally, Faye placed a copper piece into the bag. She retrieved it without issue. She tried with two copper pieces and found that is she wanted to take out more than one thing of the same type, there was not issue. She still wasn't sure about the bag, though, so she decided to keep both bags in her for the time being. She kept the bell and copper in the magical bag, but the rest was kept in her normal bag.
Faye sat there organizing her bags and searching the pile, not finding much, for the next couple hours. She slowly made her way closer to the wall as she searched the ground and cleared away the pile of crap.
Finally, Faye noticed that the cellar did not seem to be a uniform design. At first she'd thought it was a series of 90 degree angles marking a few different sections or rooms, but she found that this part of the cellar seemed to have a small alcove in the wall. Faye moved into the small alcove, taking a step in, the paused. She could see nothing and this was the perfect little hiding place for snakes or rats. Slowly, Faye backed out of the little man made cave. She would wait until day broke to try to check out the alcove, or until she could light one of her sconces.
Finally, the rain completely stopped and day began to take over the sky above. Slowly, light filtered through a grey haze, streaming into the cellar. It felt as if the light was unwilling to enter into the cellar, but it slowly came forward, revealing more and more of the space to Faye. It wasn't much, but Faye turned back to the little hole she found to look at it a bit more carefully.
There. She found herself staring at a small tunnel that did not seem naturally carved.