The blackness, I'm lost in it. I open my eyes. The light is blinding. "Where am I" I mutter to myself.
"Oh, you're awake!" a nice, approachable voice asks.
" Please can you tell me where I am?" I ask in a croaky voice. A woman in a blue outfit walks up to me and gently pushes my long, brown hair out of my eyes and tells me, "You're in Jerchio city hospital. I think this one has a bit of amnesia." One of her colleagues walks up to me. He is wearing the same uniform as the woman but he is wearing glasses. "Can you remember your name sonny?" he asks me tentatively.
" I think it is Jarceren Khan." I say before I pass out.
I wake up again. I carefully sit up. I wave to the nurse who I had seen before she waves back and walks towards me. She asks me if I remember anything about my past and I tell her about the dreams I have of a man holding a sword standing above a man sprawled on the floor. " I think the man is my father." I tell her.
"Oh my, what a tragic past." she said comfortingly.
We chat for a few minutes and she tells me that her name is Ella. She also tells me about her son who she thinks I could become friends with. She says that her colleague's name is James and he used to serve as a medic in the army. She asks about the piece of paper in my jacket pocket. I take it out and the paper seems to morph into a tiny dagger. "Wow, you've got morphing paper! I think it must have been from your dad." she says. "What is morphing paper?" I ask whilst I stare at the dagger, confused.
"Morphing paper is very rare, it was last seen in the 15th century." Ella informs me. I try to make it turn back to normal paper but I can't. " Do you know how to turn it back?!" I ask Ella panicking a little bit. She presses a small button on the embroided hilt. " There," she tells me, " You can press that button or the picture on the paper." I look at the picture. It looks like a father and son messing about together. I read the inscriptions which say 'Jarcern and Salazar' and ' Best mates.' She shows me some weird symbols under the picture. Somehow, I can read them and I say " Hakanamura Shinsuke Ashoraka Nimarisha!". A blue kitsuine looking apparition appears out of nowhere. "Wow you're a spirt medium! Your dad must have written the inscriptions down to help you remember!" She says her voice full of wonder.