Chereads / Literally indestructible, I’m an immortal no? / Chapter 12 - Telling mom everything

Chapter 12 - Telling mom everything

7 months later

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*loud chicken noises*

'Ugh no, five more minutes!'


"Yes lord have mercy! Thank you oh thank you"

Wanna know what has me so jumpy?

I don't care if you don't want to hear I will tell you. Today is the start of summer vacation! Even tho it's April which is a lot earlier than expected, this is a school for the elites. Well only the elites can have summer break, the other students still have to attend school.

Even tho I'm pretending to be less fortunate than the other superior rats it doesn't mean imma stay. Far from it, bitch imma outta here.

After conversations with, uh no one , Josie started packing up. She got ready and one might even say, that she does dress her part!

She rushed out of her dorm and before you might think that the same cliché will happen where she bumps into someone be it her enemy, friends or are correct! Here's a cookie.

Josie is so excited that she bumped into someone. Eh more like that someone bumped into her. Although she was running she was always making sure she didn't unintentionally bump into someone.

Anyway back to Josie and the person.

"Well well well, look who it is"

Yes you probably guessed it. It's Micheal

'Why is this dude everywhere I go? Two months ago he was in the same cafe as me, 5 months ago he was near the ladies bathroom, he was even seen trying to enter it! Did I gain a stalker?'

I rolled my eyes at him and attempted to push him away. Keep in mind that I always have my immortal body turned off and only activate it when I need it. Which is almost never!

I pushed him again and stopped as everything seemed futile. I impatiently tapped my foot and look at that stupid face of him. I see him with a smirk on his ugly-ass face and it just makes me want to wipe it off.

"Excuse me"

I'm not gonna be like, 'what do you want' because that'll only make hims say corny shit and I really can't take any more of his advances.

"I will..if you agree to be my girlfriend"

That bastard says with a smile on his face

"No way! I'm too pretty!"

I stubbornly say, "I will not date anyone uglier than me"

I'm not ugly but you know what I mean right?

I say with a 'hmph and walk away. I don't get away unfortunately before I feel someone grabbing my wrist forcefully. I'm guessing he is using strength so I'll just pretend is hurts.

"Stop it! Stop, let go of me, you're hurting me!"

"Not until you say yes"

This dude is OBSESSED

"What? No! Never! In your dreams!"

"Then guess you'll have to endure" I notice his hand start getting a bit white meaning he is using much more strength than before.

I let out a Yelp and try breaking free.

'...ugh let me gooo. I think I should just stop the horse shit'

I activated the immortal body and yanked my hand away. But I used too much force and his entire arm bent in a weird shape.

Ha I'm always breaking his bones

I look at Micheal and he seems to be in a shock, processing what just happened, but as if returning to his senses, he started squirming on the ground and wailing really loud.

I look at him awkwardly and quickly turn around and make a run for it. Of course I deactivated it because ain't no way I'm time traveling again. (Btw I don't know what she means because her immortal body isn't even at that level yet lol. It's only at lvl.1 lmao).

I run until I reach the student airport. That's right STUDENT airport.

I sit down and read while munching on snacks. I hear the voice box saying to do this and that. I rest my eyes for a bit and look out the window. I fall asleep looking at the plain but beautiful scenery.

I might have been enjoying my time at school but I haven't forgotten of the chaos and monstrosity that is to come. I want to be ready and protect the people I care about this time.

12:34pm-time she left

1:43am-time plane landed

I got up quickly after hearing the noise and noticed that everyone around me was clapping. Ugh people! Why the need to clap?

Sigh. I'm not hating..I swear!

I quickly get up and take down my luggage. In the end I didn't really need to take the costly clothes from my closet as I had never once used it...

I go outside and spot my mom. I waved at her and she waved back. I run to her and we both just stand there. Completely immersed in our own world as we miss the other's warmth.

"Mom *out of air* you're suf-suffocating me"


"Ah-I'm so sorry hunny. I'm just excited that you're back!"

"Me too! But mom..I have to tell you something..."

(AN: why you gotta ruin the happy mood...)

My mom as if noticing the gloomy area around me asks what's wrong.

"I'll tell you in the house, it isn't safe to discuss this here. With prying eyes everywhere".

It doesn't matter that, when people think about zombies they think about the movies, shows, films, media, games blah blah blah, I'm not risking it...I'm not.

"Ok honey"

I send a half-smile her way when I notice one of her brows lift up

"What's up mom?"

"It's just-it's just that you've gotten prettier since the last time I saw you"

"Duh I'm a God"

"....right. anyway c'mon let's go home"

"You don't believe me? I'm a God mom! I really am!"

I run towards and see her roll her eyes before her saying 'right' again.

"I really am!"

We hop onto the helicopter and it drives us to a villa.

It lands on the roof and me and the old lady I call mother get off.

I take wide strides before going in the escalator. My mother comes down after me.

We sit in silence as I begin to tell her everything

I look up and see her nodding and she sorrowfully looks at me.

"My poor baby"

My mom wraps me in her arms.

After what felt like 5 or so minutes I tell her the rest of everything. She looks at me shocking and I demonstrate it. First I show her with the immortal body(she wraps her hand around a glass cup)

Nothing happened obviously. She then activated it and does the same thing. The difference this time is that the class breaks


I see mom running to me worryingly. She grasps my hand a let's put a gasp.


"Immortal body mom"

After that whole ordeal I bring her to my space. She seems so mesmerized by everything. In their I take out every potion I received.

I take her out of the space and see her staring seriously at me.

"Honey when does it start?"

"In 4-5 months..."

"We must get everything ready! Pronto!"

"Agreed" we both nod before going our separate ways. My mom starts calling a construction company under her name and lists out everything she needs and the blueprints.

We discussed what type of base we wanted. We want a three story house with leprin. A new metal composed by melted aluminum and other strong metals. It's also bullet proof. We also had told them to make bullet proof vests with the tiers ranging from middle grade to superior grade. We asked for steel bars, fences, walls etc. no windows. And we asked them to make 8 bedrooms each floor with their own bathroom using whatever expensive shit that looks nice. Our own ventilation system. Water system, and we even asked for an underground pagoda.

Pagodas have a lot of floors but we don't want to make our house too outstanding, So we asked for an underground pagoda. A pagoda that consists of 20 floors. Each with their own unique aesthetic.

My mom called her blacksmith company and asked them to make a variety of weapons including, sabers, rapiers, guns, swords, daggers, etc.

We were going all out.

We then called multiple food companies and everything they had quickly sold out.. we went to mattress firms and bought every good mattress. We did everything necessary and even went far too far.

We got a lot of extra things just in case. Andddddd we even bought seeds from everything. Flowers, trees, vegetables, fruits, yk...everything. We were planning to farm them in my space.

At the end of the day everything costed a whopping $3.4billion dollars. Not what I was excepting. It's not a lot of money.

We got everything ready and were told that it would most likely be finished in 3-4 months(guys this ain't the real world so buckle down)

"Mom I feel like we haven't done enough"

"Yeah me too...hey hun, do you think we should tell people about the impending doom?"


"Ok ok"


"Mom it isn't that I don't want to, it's just that it's a guarantee that no one will believe us.."

"You're right.but I still want to try. Can we water it down maybe? Warn them not of zombies but a war that will happen soon? Your uncle is a famous army general who has high ranking. If he confirms it then people will take it seriously"

"But mom, you forgot that uncle Ben isn't the only one who has high authority, once someone superiors calls "bullshit", what will happen to uncle Ben?

"You're right. I didn't think that much."

"Mom can we call uncle Ben here? And aunt Martha too? Oh and-"

"Yes hunny yes. We will call everyone in the family"

"But mom I don't want anyone knowing my secret."

"Oh but-"

"Mom" *shakes head*

"Of course honey, of course"




"Oh, 'xcuse me hun"

"Hello? This is Ms.Al-Mailin, to whom am I speaking?"

"This is John Kingsley. I'm calling to let you know that your family will have to pay for the damages inflicted on my son"

My mom looks at me briefly with a puzzled face before talking again.

"I don't know what my daughter did to your son, but if my daughter did something then it must've been because your son did something first."

"You-how dare you! I will make sure to lock you up! Both you and your daughter!"

"Sure sure as if a minor will go to jail. Me-maybe her-nah. Good day sir"

With that my mom hangs up and looks at me.

I tell her everything that has happened to me in the 8 months I've been away.

"The poor sure have it rough"

"I'm not poor"

"But you acted poor, isn't that right?"



"Mom I want to give back to the community, can I donate?"

"Honey I do that once in a while"

"Oh I know it's just that I want to give back. Me, I just don't know how"

My mom told me what to do and after explaining for half an hour I got it. I donated 5 million which is half of what I have in my bank account.

I look out and see it's 5 in the afternoon.

"Mom do you want to drink a potion?"

"Hmm? Yes I do!"

"Ok pick one"

"Uh the purple one"

"Ok let's see...this one says growth spurt"

" you're already a giraffe you don't need anything else"

"You-this child!"

"Ooh how about this one? Vitality! You're pretty slow mom"

"You're cursing me but I'll let it slide. C'mon pass it over."

"Ok what do I do?"

" drink it...I think you need another potion that cures your slowness"(mentally guys)


I see her chugging it. After 30 seconds she stood still and I see the potion bottle disappearing. My mom jumps up and down. She begins to run in circles and even runs a bit too far that she ends up knocking her head on the glass.

I speed walk to her and shake her

"Eh-eh? What happened"

'This old hag will be the death of me'

I help her stand up and lead her to the dining room table. She sits down and talks to me about how young she feels.

"I haven't felt this way in 26 years!"