Chereads / Arc-Starbound Rebellion / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Yellow Queen

Arc-Starbound Rebellion

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: Yellow Queen

Chapter 1: Yellow Queen

Well this is an introduction chapter that sets up the series and from here, I hope I can come up with choices to make this more engaging to you a lot so I appreciate your patience with me.

Anyway, this story is both being done by me and my co author unlimitedblades so show my dood some love because he puts up with me a lot heh!

To start, this is an OOC Fem! Jaune Main Character with an OC Secondary Main Character.

Oh, I'm always open for any sort of help y'all could give me, ranging from story ideas to even voting options, I'm not picky.

And lastly, in order to pace myself, I may upload a chapter once a week so I hope that's ok with y'all.


Ozpin has seen and done many things in his long life on remnant in upon many, MANY reincarnations which could range from having families with numerous woman even if such a thing could be a dream for the common man, up to fighting some of the most unique types of Grimm.

Surely this isn't as exciting to most but Ozpin was a simple creature with simple pleasures, he often found the need to sometimes return back to the wild and locate his roots by culling the local Grimm population, though that particular bit happened when the silver haired huntsman got drunk one night with another huntsman by the name of Peter Port.

Ozpin misses such pleasures but now these days aid filled with going through mail, doing paperwork, secretly toying with the XLR Security System but Glynda Goodwitch seems to have a sixth sense on whenever the Headmaster is goofing off, and plotting a secret war against his Ex-Wife and current queen of the Grimm.

While that last part is certainly not normal in the ordinary sense but to Ozpin, it's all he's known throughout many of his lifetimes which had hardened the silver haired huntsman to many of the issues and morality concepts that would normally pause most normal humans, but he had over a thousand years to unite humanity against the Grimm yet not even close to being able to complete the mission that he's been given.

Ozpin learned very quickly that he needed help to try and unite humanity but he could take those who are absolutely willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of humanity and the bigger picture, that's why many wouldn't be able to fit in the shoes that Ozpin is giving because many didn't hold his values close and couldn't see the bigger picture, that's what made many not suitable to know the specific truth.

There was three sharp knocks on the door to his office which indicated a close friend to the headmaster which is most likely the deputy headmistress that helped the silver haired man to run the daily operations of the Beacon.

"Come in!" Ozpin shouted out due to being on the other side of his clock focused office which really gave off a mysterious and jaded feeling, not that Ozpin blamed anyone for feeling such things and besides, Headmaster Ozpin always loved Symbolic Imagery to drive home points

The door opened revealing a very beautiful and dangerous older woman with blonde hair and green eyes, she would step into the room looking as fierce that the silver haired huntsman could see and probably why he entrusts his school to him because Glynda Goodwitch was the best damn teacher, disciplinarian and huntress around.

If not for being stuck within the walls of Beacon Academy, she would've more then likely usurped a certain bird from his place as the top huntsman/huntress within the Kingdom of Vale.

"Ah Glynda! I assume the first week of beacon academy is running smoothly?" Ozpin exclaimed happily because why wouldn't he be happy, despite his origins as a reincarnated spirit with no chance for possible rest doesn't mean he wasn't contempt and happy with his position of being Beacon's Headmaster.

The Disciplinarian sighed as she approached the desk of the silver haired huntsman "We have a problem, Qrow dropped off something that he believed was indefinitely important" Glynda would sigh as she pulled out a neatly folded large piece of paper to place it on the glass desk.

Ozpin eagerly grabbed the paper from the desk to start unfurling it "I see, and why didn't Qrow deliver this himself?" Ozpin asked as he wondered what was more important to the bird named huntsman than delivering any news regarding Salem or those who attacked the Fall Maiden.

""Getting Drunk"" Glynda and Ozpin harmonized the response to what there avian friend was doing at the moment "You know, sometimes I wonder what would happen to force Qrow to stop drinking, he could've used this time to spend with his nieces, they both are in Beacon afterall" Ozpin respond and finished unfurling the poster to see what Qrow had brought him in terms of information.



"...'Come see the greatest singer of our time, Jeanne Arc, Voice of an Angel, performing at 'The Club' at 8pm to 9pm, Weekends only, 20 Lien Entrance Fee, no deals or favors, or no view of The Yellow Queen'" Ozpin repeated the information on the poster then looking up to find Glynda was snickering behind her hand for a split moment until she had controlled herself.

The Blonde Witch coughed into her hand in the effort to refrain from cracking like that, Glynda had a reputation to think about "Uh ahem...Not that, as much as Qrow claimed he isn't a fan of a local...artist but what really brought this to you is for the information on the back so...turn it around"Β 

The silver haired man snorted as he turned the poster around and much like sucking air through the throat, Ozpin's own sphincter had miraculously shut so tight that no manner of penetration shall occur and what got the old wizard to clench his cheeks so hard and fast was a drawing of a intricate like unicorn design, however it wasn't the design that caused the clenching of cheeks but rather...the inscription.

'Rebel against the evil of the world, come join the cause to protect remnant and her people by fighting against the Dark Queen'Β 

Now normally Ozpin would think that this was just some prank or someone was hosting a rather dangerous game of Kingdoms and Glory but this spoke of someone who either knew the Grimm Queen's existence and that was a very...VERY dangerous prospect to the old wizard.

"Who...who posted this?!" Ozpin asked, obviously startled, which caused Glynda to also be on edge as she never seen Ozpin be so.

"I-I don't know...Qrow delivered this to me during class, halfway to blackout drunk, emotionally scarring Miss.Rose and Miss.Xio Long by drunkenly asking if they gotten laid by their partners, throwing up on Miss.Nikos Partner then handed me the flier saying and quote 'Hand this to Ozzy, this has his name written all over it' unquote..." Glynda exclaimed even more startled before annoyed at having to console the emotionally damaged young girls later on in the day, she was meant to be a disciplinarian and the combat instructor, not really qualified to be a therapist of any level.

Ozpin groaned deeply as he leaned back in his chair to stare up at the ceiling in obvious thought. "This can't be a coincidence...Not only do we have an Arc in vale but also a Starbound..."Β 

"Sir?..." Glynda asked as she obviously doesn't know what was going on in her employers head though she does recognize the Arc Family, they were a premier family that has existed for close to a thousand years and were known in producing heroes so grand that they reshaped the world and ingrained themselves into history but the instance of 'Starbound' was a new revelation.

Ozpin sighed as he looked at Glynda with tired eyes "A little history lesson Glynda, you obviously know what the arcs are known for but it goes a little deeper then that, why they were known as heroes was the fact that I had taught them an ancient ritual from my time, substituting magic with aura obviously, this ritual allows them to bring forth beings from other realms and dimensions and bind them into service"

Ozpin saw Glynda stiffen up greatly at this prospect "And?..." she would ask as she was deeply startled on the prospect of facing what we're akin to unknowing servants from different worlds and dimension, hell, the telekinetic woman only know of powers and abilities originating from remnant so facing one who's not bound by the same laws and rules was troubling to say the least, how would Glynda even fight one of these...servants.

"What would you have me say? That they could rip apart the world? No, They are called Heroic Spirits, there power is greatly reduced to that of a common huntsman of our world so you needn't worry about one splitting you in half" Ozpin said which he saw Glynda look visibly relief, that was probably what worried her if a heroic spirit would enter combat.

Ozpin continued with his explanation of the concept of Heroic Spirits "Anyway, Heroic Spirits usually come in 7 Basic Known Classes that determine their abilities because while it's originally impossible to bring forth a whole spirit, they have to take a piece of the soul and form it into the original, the classes are there to generalize what part of the spirit takes form, a spirit could manifest from different points of there life like say a King who hasn't experienced death to a King who grew and became a wise and competent leader"

"I see, so if you summoned a spirit in one of these classes, then their abilities would generally match that Class?" Glynda asked as she grew to become interested, this was a fascinating use of magic, or rather substituted magical ritual.

Ozpin nodded as he grabbed the handle of his coffee cup and took a sip from it then continued on the intricacies of Heroic Spirits "That's right, however when it comes to summoning and maintaining servants, it requires two specific points. Mana(Aura) and Compatibility. Too much for one or the other and it will be difficult to keep a heroic spirit anchored into the world, too much mana but low compatibility will not allow you to gain more then one servant, let alone more than that however having high compatibility but low mana means you won't have the energy to produce to keep a servant anchored, it's all about a balancing act between the two points, some low, some high, you can managed to house two, or if you're lucky, three servants."

Glynda seemed to understand the finer points in controlling servants and while having powers unseen of the world would be a major boon in helping remnant "If what you say is true then this could be a major boon for huntsman and huntresses, having additional forces to assist in pushing back the Grimm" It would be fantastic to have, get some of the best huntsman and huntresses in the world and use them as anchors for additional warriors.

Ozpin looked down at his coffee then taking a sip "I'm afraid that will be impossible"Β 

"Wait what?" Glynda asked as her mind was ripped away from all of the potential good that these heroic spirits could do for Remnant, hell James would probably praise Ozpin for his out of the box thinking.

"Well for starters, I taught that ritual to the Arc Clan from about...One Thousand Years ago so there's a very very large chance that none of the Arc Clan now would have knowledge of the ritual, in addition to the ritual, the amount of mana conversion needed to send out a call of sorts for the spirits to answer which is much higher then the initial maintenance cost to keep them so summoning a servant could knock Qrow in his ass for a few days and...ah damn...there's more to this but I can't seem to remember" Ozpin exclaimed as he rubbed his temple as he does have more information but having survived thousands of years in countless reincarnated lives.

Glynda looks annoyed but can't fault the old wizard for having a shotty memory for something he did from that time period "I see, should we inform James of the exact specifics of Heroic Spirits?"Β 

"I'm afraid we will need too, just incase James comes across anyone with capabilities similar to that of a huntsman or huntress yet has no records of them in the Huntr4Huntr Database" Ozpin responded as it would be very difficult to explain the existence of Heroic Spirits in there world if James Ironwood was forced to interact with one on the field, returning his gaze back onto the back of the promotional poster to the design of a unicorn.

"Now this leads me to explain the Starbound Family, the Starbounds were one of the only families since the resurgence of humanity to retain magic since the gods had left Remnant. Now, the reason why they still have magic long after magic had expired is a mystery that I haven't solved since I learned of it long long ago, it's all connected to a magical artifact shaped like a unicorn design similar to the design on the poster" Ozpin finished with a sip of his coffee then looking up.

Seeing Glynda's shocked face was amusing to Ozpin considering there wasn't much that could produce a slack jawed from the disciplinarian so it was more of a win in the wizards book "I-If that's true! Then W-why haven't you recruited them!?"Β 

Now that would be the question of the century if not for the fact that the old wizard already tried to do that, Magic was versatile as hell as anything could be achieved if one had the mentality and mana needed to do whatever they believed then Ozpin would want that under his thumb as quickly as possible however the Starbounds back a thousand years were a prideful and honorable sort, so they dismissed Ozpins plea to form an alliance against the Grimm under the clause of a blood pact that they formed with the Arc Family.

Usually when an Arc and a Starbound are together, they tended to try and revolt against the world, the Grimm, Salem to even World Powers if the families suffered enough, in fact it almost happened 500 Years ago with Alexander Arc and Earl Starbound tag together to bring down Vacuo King, Malik the Conqueror, in the guise of a rebellion, though it was called something else during the time but it happened in the region.

And the last recorded instance of a Starbound wielding magic though Ozpin thinks the Starbound Magic is connected to how pure one's blood is, blood is the life force of the body afterall.

Ozpin sighed as he gulped down more coffee from his cup until fully consuming the black liquid, placing the cup onto the desk the old wizard looked...tired but that should be expected for a man who's lived countless lives on remnant "I tried Glynda, when I first heard of Magic being retained, I did my best to recruit them to the cause but they were prideful, arrogant and honorable and they dismissed my claims that there magic could be best used against the Dark Queen, it's how I referred to Salem back then"

Glynda understood completely as she wasn't prone to similar situations herself though more on the fact she has to gatekeep against entitled parents who believed there child wasn't rightly tested, people are overrated in Glynda's opinion "I see so if the symbol is anything to believe then an Arc and a Starbound is begun to work together then that means we have no idea what sort of rebellion they plan on unleashing" preferably none but the world would never have if, Qrow was turning Glynda into a Cynic with his constant bad luck.

"It would seem so Glynda, may the gods have mercy on us all..." Ozpin exclaimed looking even more tired than usual "An Arc and Starbound...I do hope Salem is their only focus and not try to usurp Atlas in the process"Β 


Hei Xiong or commonly known as Junior was what one would consider to be among the criminal elements of a society which isn't untrue, Junior had a hand in most criminal activities such as drug peddling, money laundering to counterfeit but the best thing the bulky bartender was good for, was Information.

Information was by far the most lucrative thing that people would spend hundreds on, that requires a constantly up to date spy network that spanned the whole kingdom as a result, frankly nothing happens within the kingdom without Junior learning about it.

Until last week, his darling niece had arrived out of the blue with a message from her mother who coincidentally was Hei Xiong's little sister, the message was frightening and horrible, The Bulky Crime Lord had vowed to find who ever was responsible for such a horrid act on his niece and MAKE. THEM. SUFFER.

Ever since that act, Jeanne Arc seemingly lost all motivation until an ultimatum was dropped even if Hei believed she had the right to be like she is, but poor Jeanne needed to get out of her funk so Hei stated that if Jeanne was going to live in the club during her stay in Vale then she needed to contribute something to the club that Hei ran, it could be anything! Like bartending or unclogging toilets.

So Jeanne offered to sing which was unusual for a nightclub but not unheard of, there was a club in Western Vale that employs a live band though the club was more of a Dive Bar then a nightclub that the Xiong Leader ran.

Now with the course of action set and with the help of a tag along with Jeanne by the name of Phillip Starbound, they set to work on building as much hype for Jeanne.

Believe it or not, Junior and Phillip were fantastic at drumming up hype for the young lady until rumors of the 'Yellow Queen' and 'She who has the voice of an Angel' was set to perform at The Club on Saterday after a couple days.

Junior sat in his office going through paperwork of financial reports of both the legal and illegal kinds, being a Crime Lord the bearded man could never escape from the hellish nightmare that was PAPERWORK though luckily a distraction had came a bit ago in the form of a scroll call.

"Sooooo! How's my darling little minx doing Hei?" A feminine voice asked through an audio only call to the crime lord though it was Marigold Arc who happened to be the little sister to Hei.

Junior sighed as he placed a hand on his left temple "A nightmare, ever since I told her to put in some work in the club, it's been hectic, I've spent over 20 Thousand Lien on top of the line equipment, stage and publicity while she was shouting at me and everyone around her on how this saturday had to be 'Perfect' for her or she would and I quote...'Have my Heroic Goon Squad rip me apart and put my head on a spike'"

"Hahahah! That's my girl!" Marigold laughed at the expense of her older brother which Hei looked soured for a minute.

"Mari, you're supposed to back up your brother! Don't laugh at me!" Junior exclaimed sharply.

The giggling didn't stop which really stabbed Junior in his pride as he should've expected that Marigold would take her child's side then his "Come now Hei, and go against my child? But to be honest, how is she faring in the city? Ever since the...incident, I was afraid something even more horrific would happen, I had to talk Arthur down from escorting Jeanne personally to vale given something I needed delivered to my Eldest in Argus"

'That's right, Saphron is living in Argus with that tart of a girlfriend' Hei thought, he was indeed a family man which he would do damn near anything to protect his family ranging more in the illegal side then the legal but he didn't see the appeal from Saphron's partner who was mostly bland. "That makes sense but having Mr.Overprotective Bear Huntsman would be overkill especially that squad you hired."

"Squad? What are you talking about Hei?" Marigold said, sounding extremely confused.

Junior looked scandalous for a moment given how his sister didn't know the squad of Seven Huntsman/Huntresses that accompanied Jeanne Arc "The Squad of Huntsman and Huntresses you hired? The one that Jeanne called her 'Heroic Goon Squad'?....Did...did you not hire them?" Now that was strange, what was these goons doing with Jeanne then because that young girl was definitely not swimming in any type of money to hire those seven as guards, let alone stomaching her mood swings and Ice Cream AddictionΒ 

"Hei, neither me nor Arthur have the money to hire that many or at all, we have five children still at home with Saphron in Argus. What did Jeanne do!?" The Arc Mother was obviously frightened for her child in being in the company of seven complete strangers.

What did Jeanne do indeed, no better question would did she get seven complete strangers to follow? She wasn't certainly leader material given her stance was just command them to do something "She arrived to my Club at the scheduled time with seven strangers flanking her, told me they were her...'Heroic Goon Squad' and didn't delve into what, where, when, why or how, though the Starbound boy was clear on the fact that they were hired when they had reconnected on the way to vale.

"That damn girl! I swear I wonder why Arthur talked me into a fourth child!" Marigold was certainly one angry mama bear "Where did she even get the money to pay for a team of fully trained huntsmen!? Protection Missions are very expensive!"Β 

Junior also wondered where this 'Money' had appeared especially the going price for a week of protection from a standard huntsman was 5k Lien, while more skilled and well known huntsman and huntresses had rates far higher which correlates to there varying degree of skill, Qrow Branwen who is the top huntsman in the whole kingdom of Vale and his rate for a protection detail wouldn't be any less than 50k Lien a Week.

While Huntsman and Huntresses were meant to be the protectors of light, they were still a job that required lots of money for weapon maintenance, material, dust, ammo, food and more.

No one really blames them for having going rates for their services except for those directly hurt by them like Junior's secondary set of nieces whom he's employed as bouncers for the club "Should I confront Jeanne about this? If news about her paying for a full team of huntsman yet no records of income then it will be seen very very poorly"

Marigold sighed on the line which is to be expected, the poor lady has to deal with problems constantly with eight daughters "I don't think you should, ever since the incident, she's going to clam up hard if you try to push the subject but if you do try to subtly get her to talk then tell me"Β 

"Of course Mari, I need to go now, club to run, money to make and all that" Junior said which then he ended the call only to lean back in his comfortable boss chair to look up obviously looking much older then he really was "And Mari wonders why I don't have children myself..."


Alright, everyone seemed to have misunderstood the assignment, even my co author >_>Β 

so I'm implementing something I've seen from another story and this is called actions, basically it will be choices that you can vote on to determine what happens in the next chapter.

Every action comes with consequences, For every effect, there's a cause.

Now for actions, you're allowed four votes on actions, each, you can place only one vote on one action meaning you can't place multiple votes on one action, that would be unfair to everyone else, however you're not limited to the options I give, you can use the 'Write Out' Option to implement your own ideas.

Now, some options will have options underneath that, you can get specific on certain actions however you can only do one option of the sub choices.

Also, when selecting or voting, please place X in between [This]


-[] - Assist with the Junior's Club.

β€”[] - Mix Drinks.

β€”[] - Maintenance.

β€”[] - Cook Jeanne's Ansal Famous Quiche.

β€”[] - Sing for the Patrons.

β€”[] - Write in your own idea on how to assist.

-[] - Explore Vale City.

β€”[] - Go Shopping.

β€”-[] - Go to a Dust Store.

β€”-[] - Go to a Clothing Store.

β€”-[] - Go to a Restaurant.

β€”β€”[] - McSchnee's - Low End.

β€”β€”[] - El Valentino's - Medium End.

β€”β€”[] - La Patit Coleen - High End.

β€”[] - Go to a Park.

β€”[] - Go Clubbing.

β€”-[] - Club at Junior's Club.

β€”-[] - Club Somewhere Else.

β€”β€”[] - Write your idea for a club.

β€”[] - Go to The Docks in Northern Vale City.

β€”[] - Write in your own idea for where to go in Vale City.

-[] - Talk to Someone.

β€”[] - Junior.

β€”[] - Melanie.

β€”[] - Militia.

β€”[] - Phillip.

β€”[] - Heroic Spirit.

β€”-[] - Saber.

β€”-[] - Archer.

β€”-[] - Lancer.

β€”-[] - Rider.

β€”-[] - Assassin.

β€”-[] - Caster.

β€”-[] - Berserker.

β€”[] - Write In for Someone, so long as it's someone Jeanne realistically knows at this point.

-[] - Hang Out with Someone

β€”[] - Junior.

β€”[] - Melanie.

β€”[] - Militia.

β€”[] - Phillip.

β€”[] - Heroic Spirit.

β€”-[] - Saber.

β€”-[] - Archer.

β€”-[] - Lancer.

β€”-[] - Rider.

β€”-[] - Assassin.

β€”-[] - Caster.

β€”-[] - Berserker.

β€”[] - Write In for Someone, so long as it's someone Jeanne realistically knows at this point.

-[] - Train with Someone.

β€”[] - Junior

β€”[] - Heroic Spirit.

β€”-[] - Saber.

β€”-[] - Archer.

β€”-[] - Lancer.

β€”-[] - Rider.

β€”-[] - Assassin.

β€”-[] - Caster.

β€”-[] - Berserker.

β€”[] - Write In for Someone, so long as it's someone Jeanne realistically knows at this point.

-[] - Scroll Call Someone

β€”[] - Arthur Arc(Dad)

β€”[] - Marigold Arc(Mom)

β€”[] - Saphron Arc(Sister)

β€”[] - Write In for Someone, so long as it's someone Jeanne realistically knows at this point.

-[] - Research Ways to Get Money.

β€”[] - Look at Get Rich Schemes on the Dustnet.

β€”[] - Look into ways to get into the Black Market.

β€”[] - Write In your ideas for how to get money.

-[] - Work on New Skills.

β€”[] - Magic?

β€”[] - Aura.

β€”[] - Electronics.

β€”[] - Charm.

β€”-[] - Words.

β€”-[] - Actions.

β€”[] - Woodworking.

β€”[] - Brewing.

β€”[] - Blacksmithing.

β€”[] - Tailoring.

β€”[] - Gadgeteering.

β€”[] - Engineering.

β€”[] - Coding.

β€”[] - Write in any skills that would benefit Jeanne.

-[] - Begin Creating an Information Network.

-[] - Research.

β€”[] - Look into the Latest News in Remnant.

β€”[] - Look into supernatural aspects in Remnant.

β€”[] - Look into the Huntsman and Huntresses operating in Vale City.

β€”[] - Latest Trends on the Dustnet.

β€”[] - Write in your ideas for research.

-[] - Travel to Somewhere.

β€”[] - Write in where Jeanne would possibly go.

-[] - Write out your own action - Author has Veto Power for any action deemed too inappropriate.

Now before you vote on the servants, I should explain that the servants are homebrew made, meaning they aren't from the official source, also these servants are from a Fan Made Booklet of Homebrew of mine, 103 Currently Published Servants so I'll be giving options up to three possible choices for the seven base classes.


() - Sasuke Uchiha - Naruto.

() - Ichigo Kurosaki - Bleach.

() - Larten Creepsly - Cirque du Freak.


() - Cole MacGrath - InFamous.

() - Master Chief - Halo.

() - Satoru Gojo - Jujutsu Kaisen.


() - Goku Black(Zamasu) - Dragon Ball Super.

() - Shalltear Bloodfallen - Overlord.

() - Kratos - God of War: Ragnarok.


() - Jane Shepard - Mass Effect.

() - Han Solo - Star Wars.

() - Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III - How to Train Your Dragon.


() - Makima - Chainsaw Man

() - Alex Mercer - Prototype.

() - Agent 47 - Hitman.


() - Yoda - Star Wars.

() - Roy Mustang - Fullmetal Alchemist.

() - Heinz Doofenshmirtz - Phineas and Ferb.


() - Agent Maine - Red vs Blue.

() - Godzilla(Ultima) - Godzilla: Singular Point(Netflix Original).

() - Nolan Greyson(Omniman) - Invincible.

Also for any given choices, I would appreciate a reason for your choice, sort of helps me in a way

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