Chereads / The Sharingan Devil (FanFiction.Net) / Chapter 65 - Chapter 64: Little Heaven

Chapter 65 - Chapter 64: Little Heaven

A pair of sharingan eyes were currently fixed on the silhouette of a nearby apartment. Just like the past 7 days...

A frown could easily be seen on the face of this shinobi, as he arrived at a disappointing conclusion. Something bad was going on, an obstacle to his plan and it had to be dealt with as swiftly as possible.

Performing a set of hand seals, the ninja quickly disappeared from the vicinity.

Leaving no trace of him ever being present.

A curt knock was heard on the door of his apartment which was enough to disturb his sleep, and get him out of bed. Although the woman beside him was certainly not happy when her source of heat went out of her arms.

He stifled a yawn as he slowly opened the door of his apartment, wondering who the hell could be up so early?

He certainly feared it was not a man dressed in a green colored jumpsuit...


Kakashi was visibly surprised when instead of Gai, he saw a very familiar but least expected person standing on his doorstep.

"Sasuke?" asked Kakashi in surprise, getting a nod from the young Uchiha.

Kakashi figured it was the boy's way of saying "Good Morning", by now everyone knew Sasuke was not a person who liked to talk much.

He rather talked through his actions...

"You need something?" asked Kakashi lazily, while blocking a pillow thrown at him and Sasuke by a sleepy, disgruntled Anko.

Sasuke simply arched a bemused eyebrow, but that expression vanished when he saw Kakshi narrowing his gaze.

Jeez, the guy was overprotective of his woman...

Besides, it would be a cold day in hell before he ever felt anything remotely romantic for a sadistic bitch like Anko. He rather preferred someone more elegant.

An Uchiha had certain standards to maintain, after all.


Seeing Kakashi wave his hand in front of him was enough to disrupt his thought process, and he decided to get back to work.

"I'll make this simple so you can go back to her rather quickly, where's Kurenai?" asked Sasuke directly, never mincing any words.

For a minor second he saw surprise just about to appear in the copy ninja's eyes before he schooled his features. But Sasuke's eyes had seen enough to determine that Kakashi knew where she was.

"Why are you asking? questioned Kakashi nonchalantly, asking as if it was the most simple question on earth.

"What do you need from her? At this hour in the morning?" retorted the copy ninja suspiciously, as Sasuke shrugged his shoulders.

"I need her help with my genjutsu. Since she's the captain of our force and part of my old team, I want her help. I wouldn't have bothered you guys if I knew where she was, but Kurenai's not at her home since the past few days. Is she on a mission? Because if she is I'll just ask the Hokage and not bother you further" explained Sasuke coolly, never losing his composure despite Kakashi's firm gaze fixed on him.

After all, he had just sent the ball back into Kakashi's court. He had already verified that Kurenai was out of Konoha, and neither was she on a mission. It only left a selected few outcomes, none of which were too acceptable to him knowing she was someone's Achilles heel.

Knowing lying would only raise further questions, Kakashi decided to play the impassive card.

"Maybe she went somewhere. You know the force is on standby after our victory in Wave, maybe she took some time off. Don't worry, she'll be here soon enough..." said Kakashi vaguely,

The 7 day window which he had arranged for Kurenai was ending today, and it won't be long before people started noticing. She was the captain of a fucking force, and a newly minted hero in the eyes of the public. Questions were soon going to fly...

"I see, I'll take my leave then. Sorry for disturbing you..." said Sasuke calmly,

"I'll see you later, Sasuke..." replied Kakashi with an eye smile, as he slowly shut the door.

"Kurenai, you better get back soon enough..." prayed the copy ninja as an after thought,

As soon as the door was shut, Sasuke vanished into a puff of smoke revealing himself to be a shadow clone.

(Uchiha Compound)

A tired sigh escaped from the real Sasuke's lips as he received the memory of his dispelled shadow clone, who knew that technique could prove to be so useful. He had seen Naruto make several one of them, and had copied the jutsu with his infamous eyes. The only thing he lacked was the chakra reserves...

Which he got when his Mangekyo activated, and put in weeks of training he could now make at least 2 shadow clones. More with the help of energy pills...

But right now his attention was only fixed on one thing...

Kurenai Yuhi

He at least acknowledged that woman as someone who could be considered as a friend, but it would be a mistake to think he would spare her if she came in the way of Valkyrie.

As a matter of fact, anyone who came in the way of Valkyrie would be dealt with mercilessly.

For their plan to succeed, he needed Naruto. He needed his friend's powers...

Naruto was the stronger one among them in terms of powers, but he was extremely vulnerable. He could be easily compromised if something was connected to Kurenai.

He had thought about this for days, ever since both of them made a pledge to create a new world. And after a thorough analysis, he had arrived at a final conclusion.

Kurenai Yuhi had to be put in the ground.

She was an anomaly, an unpredictable weapon who was the biggest threat to Valkyrie. He didn't trust a word that came out of Kakashi's mouth, something bad was going on. He could feel it in the air...

Dressed in his clan's uniform, he put a dark hooded trench coat while placing a lethal crossbow on his back.

He had a wild guess as to where she was right now.

(Saizkuma Island)

Standing in the balcony of a hotel, a blonde boy could be seen smoking a cigratte while being dressed in his boxers. A happy smile plastered on his lips as the cool morning breeze hit his bare chest.

The smile didn't last long when his precious smoke was thrown away by a flick of an offending finger, but before a frown could arrive on his face he felt a pair of soft hands encircle around his chest from behind.

"You're not gonna let it be, are you?" asked Naruto tiredly,

"Nope" replied Kurenai in a sing-song voice, eliciting a groan from him which only made her laugh more.

"Besides, smoking is harmful to you..." scolded Kurenai, as he just stared at her.

"I'm a grown man, I can handle it. Anyway, the fox in my gut has it covered..." said Naruto nonchalantly, and smirked.

"I'm not your fucking servant!" growled Kurama, but stopped when he realized that he technically was a slave right now.

And it seemed Naruto knew it, resulting a smirk arriving on his lips.

"Damn you, and your hip cool attitude" cursed the Kyuubi,

Kurenai simply shook her head in exasperation, this was one of his habits she didn't like. But tolerated it to some extent, and since he was not lighting up another one she let it slide.

"So, what you wanna do today?" asked Naruto curiously, trying to divert her attention with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Maybe a romantic movie, there's a good one in the theaters this week..." said Kurenai excitedly, showing her childish side for the first time.

Naruto resisted the urge to slam his head on the railing, the mere idea of something like that was repulsive to him.

"Chicks..." muttered Naruto knowingly,

"Did you say something?" asked Kurenai curiously, as he quickly gave a false smile.

"Sure, sure why not. Let's go for a romantic movie..." said Naruto forcefully, but acted quite well to hide his reluctance. He was not a liar for nothing.

She looked at him for a few seconds, before planting a chastise kiss on his lips.

"That's the spirit, I'll get should too" suggested Kurenai cheerfully, as he gave a weak nod.

"Yeah, just give me a minute.."

As soon as she was gone inside the bathroom, he banged his head against the railing. He wanted to see the new Icha Icha: Tecaher Chronicles, why was such a small wish so hard to fulfill?

It actually made him miss the times when he went to see those movies with Kakashi, and was even sometimes joined by a disguised Hiruzen. Good times...

"Fuck me..." cursed Naruto,

Right there a small pool of poop landed on his nose, as the cackling of a crow could be heard in the sky.

"Aho (Idiot)!"

"Aho (Idiot)!"

Naruto was left dumbfounded, his mouth agape in shock before the pent up frustration took its toll on him.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me!" screeched Naruto,

And it was enough to bring a victorious smile back on Kurama's lips. The reaction of his container was too priceless...

(Few Hours Later)

Coming out of a theater after watching the said movie, one could easily see a satisfied smile on Kurenai's face. She had loved the damn thing, while snuggling up to him the whole time.

While Naruto had to do everything in his power, just not to get up from his seat and kill the writer who wrote the stupid shit called a story.

And to his misfortune Kurenai noticed it, and pinched him lightly.

"You didn't like it? It was so good..." boasted Kurenai, as he just nodded.

"No, it was good..." lied Naruto, as she rolled her eyes

''Come on, out with it..." said Kurenai knowingly, she loved playing bossy and Naruto had practically given her free reign today. Oh, she was definitely going to enjoy this.

After watching 3 hours of that frustrated movie, Naruto jumped on the chance to raise his displeasure.

"You call that a romance story? The girl with whom the hero ended up with barely had any development, hell they hardly had any screen time during the entire movie!. Sure, she loved him but where was the fucking romance in the entire movie? All the time, the hero seemed interested in another girl...and he flipped shit in the end?" asked Naruto distastefully,

"Oh, calm down. It's all about true love..." said Kurenai dreamily,

"So, the girl's feelings are the only thing that matters? What about the hero? He seemed genuinely interested in the other one? I don't understand the logic..." said Naruto with a frown,

"It seems you hate the heroine..." replied Kurenai flatly,

"I didn't like her, but I don't hate her. I would have liked some buildup to their relationship, instead of a flash epilogue where they are together out of nowhere. Seems like lazy writing to me..." answered Naruto honestly,

"Aw, we have a writer here..." joked Kurenai, which even made him smile a little.

"I'm just glad you loved it, that's at least my consolation prize..." said Naruto happily, which made her very happy.

"I know you are not a fond of this stuff, but I'm glad you came regardless and were so observant. It shows that you at least cared, and it means a lot to me..." thanked Kurenai gratefully,

"I just wanna do the right thing..." said Naruto peacefully, which rewarded him a kiss on his cheek.

He would definitely not mind more of those...

"I understand your point, and by logic you are correct to an extent. But you can never be sure when it comes to love, it's not a calculated result. It just happens and you have no control over it, and sometimes two people are simply not fated to be together or have bad luck..." explained Kurenai calmly,

She was surprised when he suddenly stopped walking, a conflicted expression visible in his eyes as he stared at the ground. Averting his eyes from her...

Her casual words had unknowingly struck a deep blow to him, and reminded him of the thing he had to say to her.

Grasping his face with her delicate hands, she made him look her in the eye. After knowing each other for years, she didn't need any explanation as to what had suddenly troubled him.

"That's not gonna happen with us..." said Kurenai confidently, as he stared at her hesitantly.

"How can you be so sure? After everything that-"

"Because we love each other..."

Her confident reply was the right thing which he needed, the little kick that had kept his hopes alive all this time.

"Besides I'm a sucker for happy endings, I'll damn well make sure I have one. I promise you..." said Kurenai challengingly, as he gave a happy nod in return.

"You sure?" asked Naruto teasingly, as she lightly punched his arm.

"Damn right I am, even if I have to drag your ass back from hell itself. Never doubt a woman's conviction, and certainly not of one who is in love..." said Kurenai sagely, as he raised his hands in surrender.

"No argument there, Kurenai-sama" retorted the blonde boy, making her chuckle.

"I could definitely get used to that title..." joked Kurenai,


Both of them continued walking together, having their fun every now and then until Kurenai noticed a poster on a nearby wall. A wicked idea coming in her mind...

She merely nudged Naruto, and his eyes practically popped out of his sockets when he saw that poster.

"Wanna go?" offered Kurenai with a smirk on her face, if he could bear a romantic movie then she could also do this for him.

She was surprised when he instantly grabbed her and planted a passionate kiss on her lips, completely uncaring about the bemused stares of the people near them.

"You're so awesome, Kurenai-chan!"

(Town Square: Few Minutes Later)

When she had expected him to be excited on coming to a rock concert, she had not expected him to go bat shit crazy. It was quite surprising and embarrassing, for her to see him jumping like a kid who had arrived in the most awesome candy store.

He was cheering (Yelling in her opinion), jumping excitedly. Doing everything a young teenager his age was supposed to do instead of bearing the weight of the entire fucking world on his shoulders.

It pleased her seeing him enjoy like this, it made her know more about his likes as well.

The sound of a wild tone from the lead guitarist echoed through the entire stadium, and the crowd (including little old Naruto) screamed in joy.


Kurenai had to place her fingers in her ears in order to prevent her from going deaf, how could someone enjoy this loud music?

Duh, obviously the idiot beside her.

Although it did irk her when she saw Naruto eyeing the female guitarist as if she was a goddamn princess!

"Listen to the music, Kurenai-chan. Have you heard anything so sweet?" asked Naruto a little too happily, as she narrowed her eyes at him.

Jealousy evident in her eyes, she wanted him to only look at her like that.

Oh, she could always use that.

But for now, she would enjoy teasing him.

"You know, if you two wanna get a room just let me know, Naruto..." said Kurenai sarcastically, expecting him to blush madly and start apologizing or explaining.

Instead, Naruto looked at the female guitarist more passionately. Two could definitely play the game, and see who drops the ball.

"Oh, don't listen to her, Akeno-chan!" said Naruto teasingly, and turned his complete attention to the rock band.

"HEY!" yelled Kurenai indigently,

She nearly lost her balance when Naruto swept her off from her feet and placed her on his shoulders, and it didn't take long for a rather embarrassed blush to come on her cheeks.

"How long is this concert?" asked Naruto loudly, the music of the band getting louder and louder.

"2 motherfucking hours!" screeched Kurenai, as her ears nearly went deaf!

"Highway to hell!"

"Highway to hell!"

The lead singer Akeno and her support started singing loudly, with Naruto following right behind while bouncing up and down. Completely forgetting that Kurenai was seated on his shoulders...

So, she did the only thing she could...

"I'm gonna kill you motherfucker NARUTO!"

(2 Hours Later)


Naruto barely evaded the punch which a dis-shelved Kurenai sent his way, her hair were a mess. The charming massacra makeup of hers was completely ruined, and what was most dangerous was her hand that was painfully grabbing her sore ass.

Oh, he was so dead!

"OOPS? YOU CALL THAT A FUCKING OOPS?" yelled Kurenai madly, while sending a plastic bottle at his head.

And he was evading everything she sent his way, which was only serving to increase her fury.

Kurama and the tourists on the island were chuckling hilariously as the couple ran through the streets and alleys. Well, Naruto was doing the running part with Kurenai hot in pursuit.

Now with a rather large stick in her only free hand!

"Kurenai-chan, calm down. I'll massage your ass for you..." yelled Naruto thoughtlessly,

He was definitely shell shocked when he looked back again, only to see not only Kurenai but a horde of rather pissed of women with similar sticks in their hands running towards him.

And they were getting danger close!

"I'll shove this stick so far up your ass, where even the sun won't shine!" promised Kurenai murderously,

"Hell yeah!"


"I'm so dead" muttered Naruto worriedly, until an idea came in his mind.

Kurenai and her newly established woman brigade were surprised when Naruto stopped running, and turned towards them. Hands raised in the air as a sign of surrender.

"Hey, are you ladies part of a woman's right agency or something?" asked Naruto dumbly, as Kurama face palmed inside his cage.

"Hell yeah, you pervert!" screeched the so called leader, with Kurenai giving him an evil glare promising a lot of pain.


"Look, there goes Masashi Kishimoto- the publisher of Icha Icha series" said Naruto victoriously, and pointed his finger at the famous personality.

Who was strangely signing autographs demanded by men, made him wonder about the man's tastes!

Naruto laughed hysterically when the woman brigade instantly turned their predatory gaze upon the infamous publisher of Jiraiya's books. The man had the sense to start running, although Naruto doubted Kishi would be escaping from this one unscathed.

"Hey, I did give him a headstart... although I do wonder if Jiraiya won't kill me" mused Naruto,

And right at the same time, outside of a hot springs in Konoha a Sannin loudly sneezed. Which in turn, gave away his secret position used for peeping on women. Talk about coincidence at best, both publisher and writer running for their lives.

Made you wonder about the fate of the next novel...

"I'm awesome!" proclaimed Naruto proudly,

He freezed when Kurenai grabbed his ear, damn it he forgot about her!

"I beg to differ, and so do they..." said Kurenai very sweetly, as Naruto fearfully looked back.

Only to find almost every man in the entire island standing behind him, glaring daggers at him with their murderous eyes.

"Fuck, save me!" thought Naruto comically,

The only thing he received was the snoozing sound of the Kyuubi peacefully sleeping inside his cage.

Kurenai simply turned towards the mob of men, while pointing a finger towards the cornered Naruto

"Sick em boys!"


(Island Entrance)

Standing atop the gates, was a tall man wearing a rather large trench coat. A crossbow visible on his back, as he stared at the large island in front of him.

His Mangekyo trying to search for his target...

"It's time to end this..."