Chereads / The Sharingan Devil (FanFiction.Net) / Chapter 48 - Chapter 47: Kakashi's Choice

Chapter 48 - Chapter 47: Kakashi's Choice

Both of them were silently walking in the forest as the bright moonlight shined from the sky. Itachi was as stoic as ever, but the interesting thing was that the man didn't even have a scratch on his clothes after such a fierce battle.

His eyes curiously observed his silent partner, ever since they destroyed the Sky country ninja a few hours ago his partner had not uttered a word. He was just travelling silently beside Itachi, and this surprised the older Uchiha because as far as he knew Naruto...he was not a person who could be so silent for hours.

Eventually, Itachi's curiosity got him...

"What's on your mind?" asked Itachi silently, his partner had his face mask on so it was impossible for Itachi to gauge his state of mind.

Naruto just gave an awkward shrug as he continued walking forward, but Itachi had other plans.

"You're tired, let's rest for a while."

"No, it's fine. I have to reach the orphanage by morning"

Itachi didn't give any reply to Naruto's lie and went ahead to sit in the shade of a tree. Naruto watched Itachi for a few moments, but finally a tired sigh escaped from his lips when he realized Itachi had not fallen for his lie.

He slowly went ahead and sat in the shade beside Itachi, as both of them observed the beautiful, shining moon in the sky.

"It is never easy being an Anbu, we have to endure and perform things which normal people cannot imagine in their wildest dreams. A true shinobi is the one who protects from the shadows" explained Itachi sagely,

"I know that, but my entire life I have fought for Konoha in the shadows never expecting anything in return. Itachi, is it wrong if I want to leave the shadows and live in the light?" asked Naruto hesitantly, as his partner looked at him briefly for a few seconds until a small smirk appeared on his face.

"You have a girl?" asked Itachi bemusedly, and he was proved right when Naruto's eyes portrayed his embarrassed feelings clearly. Even if his face mask was preventing Itachi from seeing the blush on his face, he knew he had hit on the right spot.


Naruto's reply was short and honest, but his calm and gentle tone clearly described he cared about this person deeply.

"It is a choice which each person has to make for himself. If you want to live a peaceful life as a regular shinobi, then it is up to you to choose it"

"But being an Anbu is the only thing I know of, and there are always enemies waiting to harm the village. Won't it be selfish of me to seek personal happiness over the village?"

For a second Itachi's eyes widened in shock until they regained their stoic look again. So, he was the same as him. The questions Naruto was asking right now were the same questions he had asked himself, before choosing his path.

He had no obligation to help Naruto, but Shisui had helped him when he was at such a point and Itachi didn't know why but he felt it was his duty in helping Naruto choose his path.

"Yes and No"

"Nani?" asked Naruto in confusion

"It is selfish of you to desire light by avoiding the duties you can perform as Anbu. But, it is also right if you think about yourself as a person who has dreams and people whom he loves. Because in the end, we are humans"


"Naruto I am the prime example of what awaits you if you choose to stay in Anbu Blackops. Most of the people who join Anbu don't survive, but those who do remain alive never end up the same. Nobody leaves Anbu as the person they were before they joined...but each and every one of us can at least have that satisfaction that we gave all we had and executed our duty towards the nation and the village, even in face of death"

"So, you are saying that the path which I am following is the correct one?" asked Naruto curiously, but Itachi shook his head in disapproval.

"It is not my place to decide, every human is different. Maybe staying in Anbu is the right choice for you, maybe leaving the service and being closer to the ones you love is the right choice...and you should not consider those feelings as selfish. I see in the end Danzo did twist your personal feelings no matter how much you deny it"

A frown came on Naruto's face as he felt a little assaulted. He was in complete control of his emotions, there was no way Danzo screwed his head.

"That's not true, I made all the decisions on my own accord" said Naruto vehemently,

"No, it's completely the opposite. Think about all the things you did whether they be good or bad, for whom did you perform them?" asked Itachi flatly, and as a machine the answer flew right out of Naruto's mouth.


"Whom did you kill your Root comrades for?"


"For whom did you lie and betray the people you loved?"


"Who is more important Konoha or your Nakama (Friends)?"


Itachi sadly watched as the young boy's eyes widened in shock and horror. The truth of his life was presented right in front of his eyes, from the moment Itachi had seen his eyes he had realized the path which Naruto had chosen was forced upon him.

Just as being a Jinchuriki was forced upon him by his father himself.

He had observed the boy since the past few weeks, and there were very interesting things he learned about Naruto. Whenever he was near Nono, Haku and the orphanage kids he was his natural self, and he was truly happy.

But whenever he was on missions, Itachi saw and felt the burden he was carrying over his shoulders. He was an Anbu not by choice, but by force.

"This is called as "Brainwashing", a common trait seen in majority of Anbu Blackops and more so in Root. Every decision you made was due to the purpose of protecting Konoha at any costs no matter your personal feelings, this was what Danzo taught, right?" asked Itachi sharply,

"" asked a petrified Naruto, even his hands had started shaking.

"Danzo really did a subtle job on you. Those ideals he implanted in your head lead you to this day, even if you think you did all the things on your own beliefs, the truth is you were always following the ideals of protecting Konoha no matter the costs. And in your case, the cost was your own happiness and of those people you loved" said Itachi truthfully,

"NO! It's not true, I only wanted to protect my friends!" yelled Naruto angrily,

"Did your actions save them or hurt them? Answer me honestly from your heart, whether the choices you made helped the people you love or made them suffer?" asked Itachi sadly,

Naruto was just about to answer instantly, when Kurenai's tears came flooding back in his mind. The pain Kakashi, Anko, Sasuke and Sakura had felt.

Konohamaru...he freezed in shock, that kid looked up to him as a real brother. All this time, he did what he thought was right without even thinking about how the poor boy was feeling?

His shoulders slumped in defeat, all this time he had done everything believing his actions were right...without even caring about the people he loved.

In order to save them from Danzo and Orochimaru...he had became like them, by manipulating and lying to his precious people.

"Naruto, I have no right to tell you whether your actions were good or bad...because I am guilty as well. Even I have become such a person, but there is a difference between us. You can still go back, and live the rest of your life on your own terms. Live freely, think about your happiness, your desires, your love"

Itachi was quite surprised when Naruto en wrapped him in a tight brotherly hug, as a small tear slipped from his eyes.

"T-Thank you...I finally realized what I must do. You're a good friend" said Naruto happily, as Itachi's eyes dropped in shame.

The older Uchiha tried to hug Naruto back, but his hands felt heavy. The weight of wiping out Rei's memories from Naruto's mind were haunting him. Even if he was saving Naruto from becoming another Danzo, he realized he himself was becoming one.

First Sasuke, and now Naruto.

Itachi cursed himself, both Naruto and Sasuke looked up to him and he had betrayed them both in the name of Konoha. His father was right when he said that his suffering would be way worse than his parents.

Just how long was he going to say lies? Just how long would he betray the people who trusted him?

"Kuso!" screamed Itachi loudly in his mind, this pain was becoming unbearable for him.

Seeing Naruto had made him question himself and his actions. A thing which never crossed his mind all these years, looking at Naruto made Itachi realize that he was toying with people's lives and affecting them badly.

In the name of protecting Sasuke, he had screwed up his brother in ways worse than anyone could imagine. If not for Naruto, he feared what maniac Sasuke would have become.

Just when would he stop playing god?

Today Itachi Uchiha had realized something which he was not able to understand his entire life.

Naruto quickly broke the hug and before Itachi could respond he offered his hand to his partner, as a curious look appeared on Itachi's face.

"Hehe...I forgot to ask, would you be my friend?" asked Naruto sheepishly, as a small sweat drop appeared on Itachi's face.

"Didn't you just say...that I was a good friend?" replied Itachi in confusion, as Naruto comically fell flat on the ground.

"(sigh) That was so lame!" cried Naruto as fake tears fell from his eyes, but then he heard something which shocked him to the core.

His eyes shifted upward and he was shocked when he saw Itachi laughing, was Kami fucking him again?

Itachi Uchiha, the biggest stoic emo of the Uchiha clan was laughing? Even the gods could fall from heaven, but Itachi...laughing?

Itachi noticed his partner's gobsmacked expression as a light blush came on his face, which quickly faded away behind his stoic look. It had been so many years, since he had laughed this much.


"'s getting late. Hey, Itachi let's race back to the orphanage?" asked Naruto excitedly, as he subtly tried to avoid embarrassing himself but was miserably failing.

"I have no interest in such petty things" said Itachi flatly, as a small tick mark formed on Naruto's forehead.

"Too bad, I heard Nono got a lot of pocky for the kids. If you had won, I would have given you a lot of it" said Naruto slyly, and a mischievous grin spread on his face as a tempting look appeared in Itachi's eyes.

A chibi Naruto did a small victory dance inside his head, when Itachi gave a small hesitant nod while his face clearly showed how embarrassed he was.

"Damn you, Sasuke" cursed Itachi comically, as his little brother had told Naruto his greatest weakness

(Konoha: Uchiha Compound)

Sasuke lightly sneezed as his voice echoed in the empty room. He wondered who the hell was remembering or cursing him at midnight.

But he quickly ignored such useless thoughts, as his eyes were fixed on the large world map that he had placed at the centre of the room.

It was a map of the shinobi world, and all the hidden villages whether they be large or small were highlighted on the map. There were 2 small dots placed on Iwa, one on Suna, Two on Kumo, one on Taki, while there were 3 random dots all over the world.

For days he had been working in secret in order to devise this plan. He had no allies to help in this quest to rid the cursed world of shinobi which caused only suffering and pain to people.

Every step had to be taken with proper planning and consideration to avoid all the risks and increase possibility of success.

Sasuke knew he was not a young genin anymore, nor he was a brat who dreamed of revenge. If Konoha could do such a thing to Naruto, what was to say if his brother was not another victim of their cursed world.

Seeing Chouji's death had strengthened his resolve to cleanse the world of shinobi. He didn't care what others would think about his actions, it was true that in this world those who had power could do anything.

And Sasuke had a power and with it he would change the fate of the world forever.

He stepped forward towards the map as his fingers traced towards the single dot on Suna.

"If this plan is to succeed, I need to gather all of them. But before that I will need the Rinnegan, however those eyes can only be obtained by combining the Uchiha and Senju blood. There is only one Senju left in this world, and with my current power it would be really difficult to take her on" said Sasuke frustratedly,

So many difficulties, but he was determined to do this.

His eyes shifted to a small family portrait, his father was standing proudly with his hand resting firmly on Itachi's shoulders. While his mother Mikoto, had her hands placed on a smiling younger version of himself.

"I've tried, you know I have tried everything Kaa-chan. I wanted to believe that there was hope for a little happiness in this cruel world, I lost all of you to this world...and I lost myself in revenge. But he came along, a man who I call my brother...Naruto gave me purpose, he brought light in my life and I finally believed that I could find happiness again...but this world took my brother away from me. It destroyed my savior, and I couldn't do anything to save him just as I could not do anything to save you"

Tears freely slipped from his eyes, he hated this. He hated being alone, and he hated the shinobi world for stealing his last remaining family from him.

"But now I realize what must be done. Even if the entire world turns against me, even if people call me a monster, a traitor...I will not stop. I will sever the curse our ancestors laid upon us. This is the path I have chosen, the Rikudo Sennin taught humans ninjutsu which led to creation of I will purge this curse, Today Seisen begins"

Flames of Amaterasu engulfed the map as it slowly turned to ash signalling the beginning of the Holy War.

(Next Day: Kurenai's Apartment)

She silently watched the rising sun in the sky, it was really a very beautiful scene. The past few days had been very difficult for everyone in Konoha, the Rookies were still trying to get over Chouji's death.

Kurenai had to admit, when they had embarked on the mission she knew there would be casualties...but this fact was not known to the Rookies, and they paid the price.

The Hokage was trying to find a suitable replacement for Chouji, but so far he had not found one.

However something good did emerge from their mission in Wave. After analyzing the performance of each of the rookies and the desperate need for reformation in their team tactics- Hiruzen had reinstated Hinata into Kakashi's team going back on his previous decision of sending her to the hospital to work as a medic.

Kakashi had personally requested her to be reinstated in the team, he believed she had potential to overcome her fears and become a valuable asset.

So after a formal discussion with Hiashi (which was more of an order by the Hokage), the young girl had been given another chance to prove herself and so far she was trying her best.

Surprisingly, Sakura had been accepted as an apprentice of Shizune Kato, who happened to be Tsunade Senju's only student.

"Guess, I never saw that coming. At least Team 7 is moving on with their lives, except Sasuke..." thought Kurenai suspiciously,

She had visited the boy's house along with Sakura and Anko, but he was nowhere to be found. However the boy had turned up for an urgent C-rank mission with the team, but something was off about him.

Kurenai had seen the look in his eyes, he was still hurt and all of them had tried to help him...but he flatly rejected any help from them. She really wished Naruto's mission to end soon, so that he could return to the village and help his ''lost'' brother and guide him on the right path.

He had told her that Hiruzen did have a plan to bring him back to the village without revealing the truth of his mission, and she really hoped that it was true.

She idly wondered how both of them could repair the damage in their relationship. There were severe breaches of trust on numerous occasions, which were mostly on Naruto's side but she knew he was just following orders, just as she had followed orders during Yakumo's sealing.

But she could never deny the fact that both of them loved each other, she had tried damn hard to get Naruto out of her life but had miserably failed. Over these years he had gained a special place in her heart, which no one would ever be able to replace.

"When he comes back, what should I say to him? He has asked for a chance to make things right, and even if everything was not his fault...we still cannot just continue our relationship from the same point before he embarked on his mission. First of all, I would like if he quit Anbu and totally became a member of Team 7, it would help him start a fresh new life away from the lies and deception that Anbu makes him perform." thought Kurenai in detail,

She quickly took out a piece of paper from a nearby drawer and noted down this thought, she knew Naruto was very indecisive in some aspects of his life and it was her job to help him in any way possible, plus even she wanted him to be with her.

"We should also buy a house of our own, in all these years we have never stayed together under one roof. Maybe this is the reason I do not know many aspects about him, his apartment is way too isolated and far away from the main districts of Konoha. He really did want to keep himself isolated, but not anymore. If he wants us to make a fresh start, he will have to consider these matters. By staying together, I can get to know him more personally and help him deal with the traumas of his past. That Baka always tries to be a hero and hides his pain"

A person bemusedly watched as Kurenai wrote down all her thoughts, and it brought a small smile on his face.


Kurenai was a little surprised when she turned around and saw Kakashi standing outside her window.

"You do know that there is a door, right?" asked Kurenai in an irritated tone, as the man just gave her an embarrassed smile.

Now she understood where Naruto got those idiotic traits. Staying with Kakashi for so many years did have an impact on his personality, in many ways he was an exact replica of Kakashi himself.

She quickly opened the window of her apartment allowing the man to enter.

"So what brings you here?"

Kurenai was a little intrigued when Kakashi rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and was desperately trying to avoid meeting her gaze.

"Well, you see Anko...asked me to become more social and stop being a loner. Gomen, but she specifically requested that I get to know her friends," said Kakashi sarcastically, and a tired sigh escaped from his lips when Kurenai started laughing out loud.

"Kami, I never thought I would live to see this day. Tell me, how persuasive was she?" asked Kurenai evilly, as he sulked in a corner.

"Well. I wonder if sending two dozens snakes to bite of my balls off is her way of being persuasive" whined Kakashi, as Kurenai laughed more and more.

"Are you going to help me or not?"

"Hai, Hai...come, let's have some tea. You can tell me what my best friend is doing to mess up your life" said Kurenai jokingly,

Kakashi watched intently as Kurenai prepared tea for him, there was a more deeper reason for him being here. It was his duty to help Naruto, and there was only one person in the world who could help the boy when the biggest betrayal of his life would be revealed.

It was true that Anko had asked him to become more social, but he was here for more serious reasons.

He gave Kurenai a thankful smile as she offered him tea and some snacks. She was wearing a dark black t-shirt and light blue pants, and he figured she would be going somewhere today.

Kakashi saw her looking at him intently, and moments later he realized this was his cue to start the conversation.

"So, what have you been up to these days? Ever since Wave?"

"Nothing much, looking over reports of the squad. Honestly, I'm really pissed that Gato died before we could get anything out of him, it makes the whole mission pointless. So many of our comrades died.."

He noticed the frustration evident in her voice, a feeling which he shared too. Orochimaru had really been careful with his plans, and as a last resort he had placed a special cursed seal on Gato which activated when Inoichi tried to enter his mind, to discover further secrets.

Fortunately, Inoichi didn't suffer any injury other than a major headache. But it was a clear warning, that their enemy knew they were coming.

"You think Orochimaru had a hand in this?" asked Kurenai suddenly, and her assumption were proved right when she saw the shock in his eyes.

"How did you-"

"So, you knew his truth all this time. Tell me Kakashi, how long have you been lying on Hiruzen's behalf?" asked Kurenai flatly,

She saw a tired sigh escaping from his lips, he closed his eyes for a few moments in order to get over the shock. This definitely changed his plans...both for better and worse.

"Let me guess, he was in Wave and was the one who told you the real truth of his mission?"


"Kurenai, I didn't know about this before the Hokage summoned all of us to his office. I had to resort to drastic measures to get the truth out of him, and believe me it was one of the most dangerous things I ever did. It was never my intention to lie..." clarified Kakashi honestly,

"But you still lied...forget about me, how would Anko feel when you hid such a grave truth about the man whom she loved as her brother?" asked Kurenai flatly,

"What would you think would happen? Naruto is after OROCHIMARU, the man who ruined Anko's life. If she knew what Naruto is doing, and Hiruzen ordered him to do so, the very first thing she would do is attack Hiruzen, the goddamn Hokage!" explained Kakashi loudly, as realization dawned on Kurenai.

"Y-you're right...she doesn't think clearly regarding any matter concerning Orochimaru."

"She does not, look I will deal with her personally, but right now we need to prepare our comrades for a war. Orochimaru is up to something, Hiruzen mentioned the man had plans to invade Konoha. Kurenai, it means an all out war with a Sannin and his army...even if Naruto is doing his job, we have to do our parts too" said Kakashi seriously, as she gave him a firm nod.

"I'm sorry...I was not thinking clearly" said Kurenai apologetically, as he just smiled in return.

"It's okay...what did Naruto tell you? Was he okay?" asked Kakashi worriedly, as a sad look appeared on her face.

"He's lonely, tired and his heart is filled with regret. Kakashi, do you know why I was so hell bent on killing him the past few weeks?"

"You were pissed, and were not in control of your emotions. It was natural..." said Kakashi soothingly, as she shook her head in disapproval.

"It was not, when I met him in wave...he told me that he had placed a genjutsu on me, ordering me to kill him after the mission is completed,"

Kakashi felt as if the ground beneath him had split in two, was the damage so brutal? If this was Naruto's state of mind, and if by any chance he regained his memories of Rei...then it would be a disaster.

Hiruzen was out of his mind, instead of trusting in Naruto to deal with Rei's loss he had done something inhuman.

And it was all up to him alone, to reveal the truth to Naruto and in a way that would save everyone from going through another Kyuubi attack.

And there was only one person who could save Naruto from going berserk, Kakashi knew Kurenai was the only one who could calm Naruto down and help him deal with the loss of his daughter.

He would rather trust in Naruto to handle such tragedy, then play a part in betraying the boy. Naruto was his family, and there was no way in hell he would betray him.

"Damn it, his state of mind is worse than I predicted. Kurenai, you must understand his position. When Naruto was a kid, he was a bag full of emotions but everything changed when he joined Danzo. The traumas he went changed him, but he loved you more than anything. I know what he did was not right.." said Kakashi frustratedly,

"Kakashi, this is not something I can easily forget. How can I just pretend when the man I loved ordered me to kill him?" asked Kurenai angrily, as her hands gripped her teacup more tightly.

"I know what you mean. Look, there are somethings you can forgive and there are things which you can't" said Kakashi calmly,

"Which one is this?" asked Kurenai sadly,

"That's something which you've got to figure out for yourself."


Silence prevailed between them as Kurenai tried to digest the thing which Kakashi had just told her now.

Kakashi briefly watched as she tried to sort out her feelings, if she decided to give Naruto a chance to redeem himself then he would move ahead with his plan, and if not...

"I will give him a chance to make things right. But this time, we will do things my way," said Kurenai fiercely, as a wide smile came on his face.

"Sure thing, Kurenai...I know Naruto told you the entire truth but there is something he failed to mention. Rather he had no memory of that truth of his life at that time..." said Kakashi mysteriously,

"What the hell are you talking about?'' asked Kurenai in a confused tone, as a serious look appeared in his eyes.

"I need your help in making things right for Naruto. You are the only person who can do this...but I want you to know, that you might even lose your life in this task" said Kakashi truthfully,

"Kakashi, cut the riddles. I will help Naruto in any way, despite our differences he is the man I fell in love with." said Kurenai passionately,

"What I'm about to tell you is one of the most top secret information of our village. The night when Naruto attacked Root, he came across a little girl who was a Root Anbu..." started Kakashi slowly, he had to make every thing clear to her.

"What does this girl have to do with Naruto?" asked Kurenai curiously,

"Orochimaru had worked with Danzo in the past. That maniac never trusted Naruto, and he created a replacement for him in case Naruto betrayed him"

"Was this girl you mentioned the replacement? I fail to grasp how a little girl could be as important as Naruto" said Kurenai suspiciously, as a frown etched on her face. Something was not right.

"She was Naruto's daughter...Rei Uchiha. And now she's dead"

(With Naruto)

He silently walked in the small field of the forest. Itachi had went off towards Iwa saying he needed to check on something, but Naruto knew the older Uchiha was embarrassed when he lost the race. His mind was currently pre-occupied with thoughts of what Itachi had told him, there were many things in his life which he was not in complete control off.

However he sensed something which made him freeze in shock.

"This chakra..." thought Kurama seriously, just who was this?

His dark blue eyes spotted a person walking out of the shadows...