Chereads / The Sharingan Devil (FanFiction.Net) / Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: The S-rank Mission

Chapter 15 - Chapter 15: The S-rank Mission

He sat in a dark room, all alone. It was his home, well for now at least.

The entire room was engulfed in the smoke that was coming from the cigratte that he was smoking with the help of his right hand.

His back was laid back against the wall and his face didn't show any emotion on it.

He had a small note in his left hand which he was staring at quite intently.

This was his choice.

This was his fate.

This was his dark path.

He looked up and saw the smoke in the air, he idly wondered if humans are like smoke who ultimately vanish into thin air.

What awaited a person after death?

Was it Heaven? Was it Hell? Or was it loneliness?

He could accept either of the choices, though after tonight he knew he would most probably be going to hell. But he didn't want to remain alone.

Loneliness was the worst fear of his life. He was a Jinchuriki and for such a person loneliness was the worst pain in life. He really didn't want to know how he would have turned out if Kakashi had not adopted him, if he had not made such good friends like Sasuke and Sakura. If he didn't have such a good family like Hiruzen, Emiko, Konohamaru, Teuchi, Ayame and Tsunade. And most of all he wouldn't have been sane if Kurenai had not loved him.

He had no regrets except one, he didn't blame anyone for his misery nor his pain.

Maybe it was Karma and he was paying for the crimes of his past life in this one.

Maybe he really was a monster, demon that the people had called him in the past.

After tonight no matter what his reasons might be, what type of person he was, nothing would be remembered.

He would only be known as a traitor, a murderer and scum.

It didn't bother him at all, he had made his peace with destiny. He knew what he was doing was for the greater good and with great power came great sacrifice.

"Self sacrifice is the duty of a true shinobi."

A small smile came on his lips as he remembered that phrase which his brother had told him.

A small memory came to his mind which reminded him why he was here.

(Flashback : A Few Days Ago)

In a small abandoned hut, two figures could be seen standing in the darkness. One of them was standing straight while the other was in a knelling position and had his head bowed.

The person who was standing was wearing a black cloak and had his face covered by a wolf mask.

"Have you made up your mind yet?" asked the cloaked person sternly

The other person just didn't answer and kept his head bowed down. His silky blonde hair was flowing freely with the cool breeze of the wind.

After a few moments he said in a low voice.

"Please wait, I..just need more time." requested the person formally

"It will be too late once the players start to make their move. The situation is extremely fragile." said the wolf masked person seriously

"Hai" said the other person silently

"If you haven't made up your mind, we'll be forced to take action." ordered the wolf masked person sternly

The other person panicked and raised his head instantly, the wolf masked person could clearly see the shock in his azure eyes.

The shock in his eyes slowly died away, his eyes morphed into a Mangekyo Sharingan.

"I realize that." said the person slowly


"I'll end this once and for all." said Naruto and walked away.

(Flashback end)

A tired sigh escaped from his mouth.

It really was time and there was no going back now.

Tonight he was going to set aside all his personal feelings and do his duty as a true shinobi of Konoha.

Most of all he was going to fulfill the promise which he had made to his now dead brother.

He slowly dropped the note that he was holding in his left hand.

He picked himself up and slowly made his way towards his shelf.

He put on white bandages around his arms and legs. He still remembered Kurenai giving these bandages to him as a gift. A small chuckle escaped from his lips as he remembered how he had complained to her that they were not cool and received a light bop on the head in return.

He put on his arm guards over the bandages on his arms.

He gently put on his black pant and strapped his weapon pouch on his right thigh.

Opening the door to a shelf he could see a vast amount of weapons and supplies stashed in it.

Kunai, Shuriken, Exploding Tags, Wires, Medkit, few storage scrolls and a Sword.

He was going to need all of it. His hands slowly started placing a large number of kunai and shuriken in his pouch. He sealed some stuff in the scroll and stuffed them in his back pockets.

The Wires and Medkit were hidden in the pockets of his pants. The Medkit was given to him by his teammate and long time friend Sakura Haruno. She really cared about his safety and his health. He was grateful for having such a caring friend.

He slowly put on his shiny black combat boots. They were very sturdy and stubborn.

He put on his black tshirt which had a small Uchiha crest on its back. Sasuke had given him this tshirt on his birthday and he was grateful to him for that.

He put on his Anbu grey flak jacket, this was his uniform.

His hands then went towards the hilt of the sword that was very precious to him. This was Shin's sword, the sword of his beloved big brother. Whenever he held it in his hands he felt as if his brother was with him and he was not alone at all.

He sheathed his sword on his back with a gentle push.

His hands then went towards his Konoha forehead protector. It had a very unique black piece of cloth which Anko had personally sewn for him. He was grateful to his sister figure for giving him such a present which she made with her own hands.

At last his hands slowly went towards his black face mask.

This was his first gift which Kakashi had given him. Kakashi was the closest thing he had to a father and a big brother. Naruto knew no matter what he did, he would never be able to repay the man enough for adopting such an orphan like him and giving him a good life.

A small tear escaped from his eyes as he remembered all the good times he had with Kakashi.

Their training, their pranks, their joy, their pain.

He would never forget anything and he would never forget Kakashi, the first precious person of his life.

He slowly put on his facemask and wiped away his tears.

He stepped up in front a mirror and looked at himself.

He was ready.

He looked as a killer shinobi.

He was not Naruto.

He was an Anbu captain.

He was a soldier.

He was a shinobi of Konohagakure No Sato.

He was Naruto Uchiha of Konoha.

He gave one last glance to the picture on the wall of his apartment.

There were several people in that picture.

Naruto stood in the center with his chunin vest, Kurenai was leaning on his right side and had a big smile on her face, Sasuke stood on his left with a bored look while Sakura was beside Sasuke and had a big smile on her face while making the victory sign. Kakashi stood in the back with an eye smile on his face while Anko was leaning on Kakashi and had a board proclaiming how sexy and beautiful she was on her back.

"Thank you for everything."

These were his last words before his azure eyes morphed into a three tomoe sharingan and he put on his falcon Anbu mask.

He left the house with a shunshin knowing he would probably never return home again.

The only thing that remained were memories and the note which he had left on the floor.

It just had one word on it, but the message was clear.


A lone figure could be seen standing on the rooftop.

His shiny Anbu gear was being reflected in the moonlight. But the most unique things was his falcon Anbu mask and his three tomoe sharingan which could be seen through the holes in the mask.

The person's vision was fixated on a small window of a neaby apartment.

More specifically on the person who was sleeping in the apartment.

She had silky raven hair and a very beautiful face. She was sleeping in her night gown but she looked like a goddess in the moonlight. Her beautiful luscious red lips could make any man fall for her.

There was a flash of thunder which made her open her eyes.

She sat up straight and looked outside the window.

Her vision was very blurry but she saw a person standing on a rooftop opposite her window.

Was it an Anbu?

She slowly wiped away the dust which was on her eyes and now looked more clearly.

But no one was there.

The person was gone like the wind, it was as if he was a ghost.

"I swear I saw someone outside just a moment ago." thought Kurenai in confusion

Naruto awaited patiently in the shadows of a tree.

In front of him there was a small clearing, to any normal person it would seem as if no one was there but Naruto knew better.

Anbu were ninja who specialized in stealth and the fact that this person was very stealthy was to be highly taken into consideration.

A small snake slowly slithered beside Naruto. The unique thing about this snake was that it was made of ink and it slowly dissolved into the ground in front of Naruto.

This was the signal.

He shunshined in the field and awaited patiently for his comrade to show up.

He could feel his presence, he knew where he was and was waiting for him to show up.

Suddenly a shinobi in Anbu gear rose up from the ground beneath, he had a tanto strapped on his back and his face was covered by his Cat mask.

Naruto looked at this person seriously, now they were in enemy territory and they had very less time to fulfill the mission.

The invasion was going to happen in a few hours and for the first time the entire Root Anbu blackops had gathered in one single location.

Naruto knew most of the Root Anbu must be awake and ready for any type of attack but this was their only chance.

He will not fail.

"Report" said Naruto sternly

"I have taken out the patrols and the guards at the entrance, however the entire main task force is inside." said Sai curtly

"How many?" asked Naruto with awaited breath.

Killing bandits, chunin, Jounin was one thing but Anbu were the best of the best. The fact that the Root Anbu were mere killing machines who would not stop until they annihilate their enemy or themselves wasn't helping Naruto either.

"300" said Sai shocking Naruto

"What?" asked Naruto in shock, there was an entire Anbu force equivalent to 3 companies of ninja. Each Anbu was equal to 5 chunin.

"Things just got more fucked then they were before." thought Naruto frustratingly

Sai sensed his friend's dilemma and he didn't blame him. Even he was nervous, they were facing an entire Anbu force all by themselves, the fact that many of these Anbu were their comrades and friends in the past was severely weakening their morale.

Sai and Naruto were the only ones in Root who couldn't kill their emotions completely. They were shinobi but they still could not muster enough courage to kill their own comrades, their friends, their superiors, their teachers. It was so much painful that both boys couldn't describe their feeling in words.

"Do you want to abort?" asked Sai silently

"No, we will do this. There is no going back now, if we don't stop them now the entire village will be swept in a civil war by tomorrow. We must do this, we'll go down fighting if it means saving the village. Are you with me?" asked Naruto seriously

"Till the end." said Sai confidently

"Sai, I know how you feel...but this is for the greater good." said Naruto sadly

"I know Naruto, you are my friend. We are in this together till the end, I know how your heart is breaking right now." said Sai in a remorseful voice

Naruto dropped his head in shame, his fists clenched tightly. He was going to kill his friends, the kids he had trained and grew up with. The teachers who had taught him, his superiors. All of was unbearable.

And all of this was happening because of one man's madness.

"Danzo..." thought Naruto angrily

"All of this is happening because of that bastard. If not for him Niisan would be alive right now, he must pay for his crimes against Konoha and against all of us. I will Kill him tonight no matter what happens." said Naruto dangerously and his sharingan flashed murderously

Sai did his best to control his feelings, Naruto was very angry right now and it was good that he was on Sai's side.

Sai pitied those who were going to face Naruto in combat.

Naruto was the strongest Anbu captain ever in the history of Konoha. His skills were totally on a different level, and Sai didn't even want to think about Naruto's sharingan.

Those eyes scared him to death.

He still remembered Naruto slaughtering three platoons of Iwa shinobi in a covert operation a few years back. Sai was very frightened when he saw how dangerous Naruto was in battle.

It was as if he was the descendant of Uchiha Madara himself and the man was a legend.

"Here's the plan." said Naruto seriously

Sai was brought out of his thoughts and he looked at Naruto. He had displayed a map and now he was going to explain their strategy.

"Hai, Taichou." said Sai strictly

The madness and bloodshed was about to begin.

Hell was going to be unleashed.

Boar was getting a very bad feeling with each passing moment. Even his squad that was standing guard beside him could feel something very bad approaching their position.

It was as if the Shinigami was at their doorstep.

He was stoic as usual but something was wrong. He was sure that by tomorrow Danzo-sama's plan would be successful and the Root Anbu would have taken control over Konoha by eliminating the higher command.

They had the strongest Anbu captain and the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi by their side.

They were unstoppable.

Oh, how wrong he was...

He was interuppted from his thoughts when suddenly mist started to form all around his and the squad's position.

They were supposed to be guarding the frontal part of the base and it seemed that they had intruders.

"Kirigakure No Jutsu (Hidden Mist Technique)" thought boar analytically

Boar's danger senses suddenly kicked in when suddenly his feet started to get bound by black snakes.

"Sai" thought Boar alarmingly

Sai was the only Anbu in the entire Root division that specialized in such Jutsu. The fact that he was being attacked by these ink snakes meant that Sai had turned traitor.

Boar's eyes hardened and he unsheathed his tanto, he tried to look for his squad in the mist but he couldn't see anything.

He closed his eyes in order to focus and he could barely hear the sounds of a few slashes and sound of drops of blood falling on the ground.

He knew what that meant!

His squad was now dead and he was probably the only one standing.

He suddenly tried to jump but those snakes were holding him tightly. He made a hand sign and substituted himself with a nearby log.

"(sigh) I must report this to Danzo-sama." thought Boar immediately

But fate had other plans.

Boar suddenly felt the entire air around him turn as cold as ice, the air was filled with so much KI that the tanto he was holding fell to the ground with a thud. Boar's entire body was shaking.

He could feel the presence of his enemy behind his back.

He knew it was over.

"So, you have turned traitor." said Boar calmly

He knew there was only one person who could get behind his back so easily. He had trained the boy since he was little, he was the best student of his class and Boar knew his death was now imminent if he was his opponent.

"It's over...Sensei." said the assassin silently but his voice had a sad tone in it.

"The way we think is different...but I'm still proud of you." said Boar curtly, he was an honest person and he valued skill above everything else and the man standing behind him was the best student he had ever trained.

Boar took one last breath and slowly closed his eyes. He had made his peace with death.

The assassin quickly slashed his sword and Boar's head rolled off in one sweep. His eyes were lifeless now and his face had a calm expression but that was hidden behind his Anbu mask.

Boar of The Root Anbu was now Killed in action.

"Forgive me...Sensei." thought Naruto sadly

He disappeared with his body flicker technique to kill his next targets.

No matter what happened he could not forget the guilt that had started forming in his heart. The man he had just killed was one of his teachers, the one who taught him Kenjutsu.

This was just the beginning, there were 295 more lives to be taken before this would be over.

Naruto gripped his sword tighter, he was moving at a very fast speed across the dark corridors of the base. He was like a blur moving in the darkness.

He knew stealth was his only weapon against these Root Anbu but it would only be a matter of time before there was all out war in the base.

His sharingan was spinning wildly and his emotions were hidden beneath his falcon mask.

He channeled wind chakra through his sword and in a quick motion blocked a strike that was aimed to cut his head off.

He could feel the presence of 15 Anbu around him and a moment later he was surrouned by all of them.

Looking at their masks, Naruto recognized some of them as his classmates while the others were his comrades.

They didn't utter a word, they didn't show any emotion, they just were fixated on killing him. He knew his sensei whom he had killed a few moments ago would have alerted the others before his death through some means. The man was an Anbu and he did his duty even in the face of death.

Three Anbu tried to attack him together and slashed their tanto at him to cut his body from three different angles.

And their tanto pierced his body from all sides and he fell to the floor in pieces, but before his body completely reached the ground it disappeared in a murder of crows.

"Genjutsu" thought all the Anbu in shock

But it was too late for them.

A left, A right, A straight, A swipe and a long decapitating slice and 5 Anbu's bodies instantly fell to the floor. They didn't even know that they were dead, they would pass into the afterlife believing they didn't commit any mistakes.

But all of them had failed to recognize the hand seals which Naruto had performed at lightning fast speed. They were all in his Genjutsu from the moment they attacked him and revealed their position.

Before the remaining Anbu could get out of their stupor and launch any counterattack, Naruto jumped high in the air and released 10 shuriken at high speed.

All the shuriken hit their targets with deadly precision and the bodies of the 10 remaining Anbu fell to the ground in a sickening thud one after the other. They were all dead as each and every one of them had a shuriken lodged in a vital spot of their body that killed them instantly.

Naruto immediately ducked in order to avoid the kick that would have broken his neck. He immediately caught his attackers leg and gave him a hard kick in his jewels which knocked his opponent down on the ground.

He summer saulted and delivered a chakra infused punch that broke his attacker's heart and killed him on the spot.

Naruto got a hard kick on his face and was knocked a few meters back with a very strong force. He back flipped in the air and landed a few meters away gracefully on his feet.

He looked at his attacker and immediately got on guard when he realized who it was.

It was Eagle, he was an Anbu captain like him and was very skilled in Taijutsu.

The fact that Eagle knew how to counter Naruto's sharingan was a very bad situation for him. Naruto knew he had very little time before the entire base became alert and fighting Eagle with brute strength would be time consuming and suicidal.

Eagle jumped at him quickly and gave him a very harsh kick that broke one of Naruto's ribs instantly with a sick crack.

"Fuck!" screamed Naruto in pain

But Eagle was shocked when Naruto grabbed his leg and instantly was in the front of his face.

The last thing eagle saw was a Shuriken in Naruto's eyes and one word which would be the last word that Eagle would hear.


Black flames awakened in an instant and burned Eagle's face. He didn't have any time to react, and he was dead as the black flames melted his face.

His body fell to the ground with a thud but still the black flames didn't went off and they were continuously burning.

The entire air had now a very foul odor that reeked of the smell of dead bodies.

Naruto vomited instantly when that disgusting smell reached his nose, the fact that he just saw a man's entire face melt away in front of his eyes was pure horror.

He had seen the flesh burn and melt off in seconds, words couldn't describe how sick he felt.

He purposefully took Eagle's hit to get him off guard and kill him instantly. Kurama's chakra had almost healed his broken rib but still it was very painful and he coughed up a little blood.

He slowly picked up his sword.

It was going to be a long night.

(With Sai)

"Chōjū Giga (Super Beast Imitating Drawing)"

20 ferocious lions jumped on an entire squad of Anbu and instantly tore their body to pieces.

Their sickening screams filled the entire corridor and Sai felt really broken on seeing his comrades dying by his attacks.

He jumped at the Anbu on his right and tried to stab him with his Tanto. Sai's opponent was very quick and before Sai could realize he was given a large gash that tore a major portion of his uniform and drops of blood started flowing from his now wounded chest.

He looked closely and now he could see flow of chakra in his opponent sword.

Before Sai could react further he suddenly felt something cold pierce his chest.

He looked down and saw two sword sticking out of his chest.

He looked back and saw another Anbu had pierced his chest from behind while the one in front of him had stabbed him straight through his heart.

It was over.

"Fuuton Kazekiri No Jutsu (Wind Release: Wind Cutter Jutsu)"

Naruto quickly performed his lethal jutsu and injured 3 Anbu in front of him. Large cuts appeared on their body and they fell down on the ground, but Naruto hit them straight in the head with 3 shuriken and put them out of their misery.

Naruto was quite surprised when another 5 Anbu appeared in front of him and had already performed a very familiar set of hand signs.

"Kage Shuriken No Jutsu (Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique)"

Several shuriken quickly impaled Naruto all over his body and he fell down to the ground. The Anbu quickly jumped towards him in order to kill him now but their eyes widened when they saw something.

Naruto performed the "Ram" hand seal.

"Katsu" whispered Naruto and was blown to pieces along with the 5 Anbu.

The real Naruto quickly stepped out of the shadows with a calm facade.

"Kage Bunshin Daibakuha (Exploding Shadow Clone Technique) success" thought Naruto calmly

The explosion had alerted everyone and in a matter of second a large force of 100 Root Anbu stood in battle position in front of Naruto.

Naruto was not at all unfazed by this counter reaction, in fact his enemy was a little slow according to his standards.

His eyes hardened and he gathered a large amount of chakra for one of his most devastating and lethal attacks.

His fingers quickly formed the "Horse" hand seal.

The sensors in the enemy forces realized that the attack was going to be devastating.

"It is going to be huge. Brace yourselves!" yelled many sensor Anbu

"Katon: Goka Mekkyaku (Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation)!"

A enormous tidal wave of flames was unleashed from Naruto's mouth which was heading towards the enemy at great speed.

The attack had already covered the entire corridor and was burning everything in its path.

Few Squads of Root Anbu had already came forward in order to defend themselves against such a lethal attack.

They quickly made their hand seals together and performed their Jutsu.

"Suiton: Suijinheki(Water Release: Water Encampment Wall)"

Both the Jutsu collided with each other with great force. The entire corridor was engulfed in the mist that was formed as the fire and water attacks fought with each other.

Ultimately Naruto's attack proved to be more powerful and ran through the defensive water attacks and burned all the Anbu at the front lines.

Their screams could be heard in the entire corridor as nearly 60-70 of the Anbu got caught in that destructive fire and were now being burnt to a crisp.

Smoke was blocking the vision of the remaining Root Anbu, they were on their guard as they just now saw more than half of their force taken out by one single attack of their enemy.

"Here he comes!" announced a random Anbu quickly as he sensed Naruto's movements.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower"

The Anbu eye's widened in shock when they saw the entire ceiling covered in so many large fireballs that were heading towards them with ferocious speed. And right in the middle of these fireballs was their enemy who was converging at them murderously

"We are all dead." thought all the Anbu in shock.

The entire base was rocked by a number of explosions as all the fireballs impacted with the Anbu forces and destroyed majority of the remaining Root Anbu.

The walls of the corridor were now covered in blood, flesh was now lying in every direction. The foul smell of blood along with the decaying burning flesh could be seen in the entire corridor.

Only a handful Anbu survived this brutual attack, they were trying their best to seem unfazed but even they were stunned by the massacre that just happened now.

Smoke was hindering their vision but they could clearly hear slow footsteps approaching their position.

Beads of sweat were rolling off the Anbu's skin as they heard Naruto getting closer and the sound of his sword killing those who were barely alive.

"You are Weak!"

The Anbu froze in fear when they heard such a demonic voice, it was as if they were hearing the Nine Tailed Demon fox himself.

"You are Naive!"

Some of the very young members collapsed on the ground in fear, as the KI escalated beyond their limits.

"Because your hatred is weak!"

Another sickening crunch and the sound of a body dropping to the ground could be heard across the corridor. The survivors knew they were now not fighting a man, but a god.

"The power of hatred is the power to Kill!"

This time Naruto's voice was so demonic that whatever morale the enemy had left till now was completely broken off.

"The power to Kill is the power of Revenge!"

Another blasted KI hit the surviving Anbu with full force and all of those who were standing dropped on their knees. They couldn't breathe properly, the footsteps were now getting closer and they could now see a person coming out of the smoke.

All the Anbu's eyes were wide in shock when Naruto emerged from the shadows.

He looked like a Death God himself.

His entire uniform was now drenched in blood and pieces of flesh were stuck on it. His sword looked as if it had a blood bath, the entire sword was covered in blood and many droplets were falling on the ground.

Naruto's Anbu mask looked burned in a lot of places.

But the most fearful thing were his eyes.

Those cold murderous red eyes that were looking at the surviving Anbu with such hatred, Naruto's Mangekyo Sharingan had already awakened.

"This is it for us." thought the surviving Anbu finally, their bodies weren't moving, their hands were shaking and they knew now they had lost.

"Because your hatred is weaker than mine!" yelled Naruto darkly

"Kenjutsu Style: Lightning Crescent Wave"

Naruto released thousands of bolts of lightning from his sword that impacted with the survivors instantly.


The screams of the dying Anbu rocked the entire corridor.

Even Kurama was startled by seeing such a slaughter by a human, a teenager barely 15 year old had committed such a heinous massacre.

"Is this the power of Hatred? Is this really Naruto?" thought Kurama worriedly

In the entire history of mankind, Kurama had only seen one man do such a massive massacre and he hated that man with passion.

That man was Madara Uchiha himself, the first person to defeat and tame Kurama. That man had used Kurama for his own benefits and right now the level of darkness Kurama felt within Naruto was equivalent if not greater than that of Madara.

Kurama was suddenly brought out his thoughts as he felt a very massive attack heading towards his container.

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he saw the giant 30 feet earth dragon that was going to collide with him in a few seconds and blow his body to pieces.

He had already felt a large force of 150 Anbu that had gathered in front of him and those who had fired such a lethal jutsu on him.

"Doton: Doryūdan (Earth Style: Earth Dragon)"

"Very well." said Naruto calmly

"GAHHHHHHHHHH" screamed the earth dragon

It collided with its target with such a force that the entire base got shaken as if it was hit by a massive earthquake. There were large cracks in the wall and many debris had already scattered as the earth dragon hit Naruto.

"Its finally it to Danz-" said the leader tiredly but was cut off when he felt a massive spike in chakra from the direction of their enemy.

The entire ground shook violently and slowly white light started to be seen at a distance from the Root Anbu force.

"What is this?" asked one Anbu in confusion as he could not see properly due to the smoke.

Suddenly very bad cracking voices could be heard across the entire corridor and the chakra levels went of the roof.

The smoke slowly started to clear a little and the eyes of the commander of the Root Anbu forces widened in shock when he saw what was in front of him.

Naruto's entire body was protected by a very huge skeleton like structure. The skeleton was bigger than the earth dragon they had fired.

The skeleton structure was very wide and from the look of it, it was fucking strong as it seemed to have saved Naruto from that earth dragon.

Naruto was standing right in the middle of this humanoid monster that was protecting him. His Anbu mask had already broken to pieces and he seemed to be panting very harshly.

His head was bowed down and his silky blonde hair were swinging wildly while his face seemed to be covered by his black face mask.

The entire skeleton was white in color, and it very much resembled the actual color of the human bones.

Naruto slowly lifted his head and the Root Anbu slowly took a step back in fear when they looked in his eyes.

There were now a three pronged Shuriken in his blood red eyes signalling that he had activated his Mangekyo Sharingan fully.

Naruto firmly said one word that sent chills down the spine of all the Root Anbu.