Chapter 73 - Refuel

12th January, 2221

The Second Allied Strike Force has successfully retaken the city of Kumamoto and Nagasaki in the middle of Kyushu Island. They also retaken many of the smaller city south of the island

"Ladies and gentlemen, we've successfully retaken the south side of Kyushu Island and pushing our way north. But before we retake Fukuoka and Kitakyushu in the north, we need to make one pit stop first" Shogun explain

"Fuel Center Akasaki is a strategic fuel depot at Sasebo. Sasebo it self is an important dry dock for US Navy in Japan. We're deploying 3 teams: one to retake the dry dock, one to retake the port, and one to retake the fuel depot" Shogun explain

"Delta 9-1. You and your team are to retake the fuel depot. Our fleet need fuels to sail north" Shogun ordered

"Roger. What's the ISR?" Izuku ask

"Looks like the Liberation know the important of fuel in there. They heavily guarded the place. Expect heavy resistance" Shogun reply

"Roger. We'll retake the fuel depot one way or another" Izuku comply

12th January, 2221, 13:30 p.m.

Lt Col Izuku"Delta"Midoriya

Task Force 141

Fuel Center Akasaki, Sasebo, Kyushu

"Alright, listen up. I just got actionable intel that the Liberation trying to burn out the fuel depot. They're using an IED to blow up the fuel lines" Izuku explain

"Well shit. Looks like whose ever in command here are smart enough to know that they can't defend it against us" Kei commented

"We're inserting in the south courtyard, and we'll push north. Our fleet needs fuel, so let's deliver it" Izuku ordered as the UH-60 that they're riding is flying toward Fuel Center Akasaki

The UH-60 fly towards the designated LZ when they receive attacks from the ground

"We got hostiles at our LZ!" The helicopter pilot yell

"Roger! Delta 9, clear out the LZ!" Izuku ordered as Delta 9 position themself on the helicopter's door

"Engaging!" Kei yell as he and Delta 9 engage the Liberation terrorists on the landing zone

"Good effect on target. LZ secured" The helicopter pilot inform

"Let's do this. Roach, rope" Izuku ordered as Roach drop down the rappelling rope then Delta 9 rappel down from the helicopter

"All clear!" Yuri inform as Delta 9 kneel down and scan their surrounding

"We'll push forward. Let's move!" Izuku ordered

"Yes, sir!" Delta 9 comply as they move forward

"Contact!" Kei yell as some Liberation terrorists are attacking Delta 9

"Drop 'em!" Izuku ordered as Delta 9 engage the terrorists

After a few minutes, the firefight is over. Delta 9 win

"Check the pipes for IEDs" Izuku ordered

"Who we supposed to disarm them? We're not EOD guys" Roach ask

"Good question" Izuku said then he toss Roach a can-like object "That's a MWJ, Millimeter Wave Jammer. Theoretically, the device will jammed the IED's electronics and disable it" Izuku explain

Roach look at Izuku with a confuse face "'Theoretically'?"

"That's what's the guys at RnD told me. Best guess they haven't test it" Izuku shrug

"And you're telling us to use it?" Yuri ask skeptically

"Doing old fashioned will takes time, time we don't have. This is the fastest way" Izuku reply

"Yeah, fastest way to the afterlife" Kei said annoyed

"Just do your mission and hope that thing works" Izuku said annoyed "Kei, with me. We'll sweep the right side. Yuri, Roach. You'll sweep the left side" Izuku ordered

"Yes, sir!" Delta 9 comply then they split up and search the bombs

As Izuku and Kei sweep the fuel pipes, Kei spotted an IED on one of the pipes

"IED spotted" Kei inform

"Cover me. I'll disarm it" Izuku said as he grab his MWJ

"Should I stay away if that thing fails?" Kei joke

"You died once, Kei. I though you no longer afraid of death?" Izuku ask skeptically as he activate the MWJ

"Just because I'm not afraid of death, doesn't meant I want to die" Kei reply

"Yeah, notice" Izuku said

"How about you? I know you're willing to die for others. But you also want to live, right?" Kei ask

Izuku remember all his time at U.A.. His classmates. Ochako Uraraka, his special girl. Eri, his daughter. He think of all of those people who give color on his dark life in the past year. He want to live, for them

"Yeah, I do want to live" Izuku said smiling when the MWJ make a ping sound "IEDs disabled" He said

"That work? Damn" Kei said amazed "So what about the IED? Are we going to leave it behind?" Kei ask

"An EOD team will secured them when we disable all of them and secured the place" Izuku reply then he make a radio call "9-3, this is 9-1. What's your sitrep?"

"9-3, the device works. Moving in to secure more IEDs" Yuri reply

"Copy. We'll meet at the main building" Izuku said

"Wilco" Yuri comply

"Guess we become EOD for this mission" Kei commented

"Just this mission" Izuku said as they move forward and sweep the pipes for more IEDs

"I see one over there" Kei spotted another IED

"Disarming" Izuku activate the MWJ

"Contact!" Kei shoot down some Liberation terrorists that approach them

"Check you shot! Don't hit the pipes!" Izuku yell

"Easier said then done!" Kei yell as he cautiously shoot the terrorists

"Ping!" The MWJ make ping sound

"IED disabled. Move up" Izuku ordered

"Moving" Kei comply as he and Izuku move forward

"Left side" Izuku inform as he shoot a terrorist down

"See them" Kei comply as he shoot a terrorist down

"IED spotted" Izuku said as he approach the third IED "Disarming" Izuku said as he activate the MWJ

"Ping!" The MWJ make ping sound

"IED disabled. Move up" Izuku ordered

"Moving" Kei comply as he and Izuku move forward

Izuku and Kei then walk out from the fuel pipes and meet with Yuri and Roach

"We got 3 IEDs, how many you got?" Izuku ask

"4, all disabled" Yuri reply

"Good" Izuku nod

"Delta 9-1, this is Shogun. Liberation are trying to spill some fuel from the control center inside the main building. We cannot let that happen" Shogun inform

"Copy, moving towards the main building" Izuku comply

"Not only our fleet need fuel, but the environment hazards of spilling those fuel will be hard to dealt with" Shogun added

"Don't worry, sir. We'll get it done" Izuku reassure as Delta 9 move to the main building

Delta 9 then break the entrance door and enter the main building

"Stay sharp. Eyes on every corners" Izuku ordered

Delta 9 enter a room and it was a mess, bodies laying down on the floor, blood splatter everywhere, the office supplies scatter on the floor

"These guys don't stand a chance" Yuri said looking at one of the bodies

"Keep moving" Izuku said as he gritted his teeth

As Delta 9 move through the office, suddenly the papers on the office floats and circle around Delta 9

"What the?!" Roach yell surprise

"Ambush!" Yuri yell

"Where is he?!" Kei yell as he scan the room

Izuku look at his radar and see 5 red dots behind a wall to their left "Left side! Wall!" Izuku yell then Delta 9 aim at the wall "Open fire!" Izuku yell then Delta 9 open fire and shoot the wall

"Cease fire! Cease fire!" Izuku ordered making Delta 9 to stop firing and then they hear several "thump" noise from behind the wall

Izuku look at his radar and only see 5 black dots "Clear!"

"I don't know what they're planning. But some floating papers won't hurt us" Roach said

"It's a distraction. They try to ambush us from the wall" Izuku said

"Okay, back to the mission. Where's the control room again?" Kei ask

"Right this way" Izuku lead the team towards the control room

Delta 9 walk cautiously through the hallway towards the control room. Yuri spotted the control room sign in front

"Control room dead ahead" Yuri inform

"I got it" Roach approach the door, as he open it the door exploded making Roach to flung back and hit the wall before drop down on the floor

"Shit!" Kei curse surprise when some attacks are coming from inside the control room

"Contact!" Izuku yell as Delta 9, minus Roach engage the terrorists inside the control room

A few minutes later the firefight is over and Delta 9 kill all the terrorists inside the control room

"Clear!" Kei inform

"Roach!" Izuku yell as he approach Roach who's laying on the ground

"Fuck...!" Roach groan in pain as he wake up

"You good? Need medic?" Izuku ask as he check Roach condition

"I'm good..." Roach groan as he weakly get up

"Fuck me, they rigged the door and prepare an ambush" Kei said irritated

"You sure you okay?" Izuku ask Roach

"I'm good, Delta.... just give me a few minutes to recover..." Roach reassure

"Alright. Yuri, watch him" Izuku ordered

"Yes, sir" Yuri comply as he help Roach walk towards a chair

"Delta 9-1, sat feed shown some fuel are spilling into the sea. What's your sitrep?" Shogun ask

"I'm accessing the control panel and trying to stop the leak, over" Izuku reply

"Acknowledged. Stop the spill and report back to me once you're done" Shogun said

"Copy" Izuku comply as he tries to stop the fuel spilling

"You done yet?" Kei ask

"I stop most of the spilling, except one. Pipe B7R. For some reason I can't shut it down" Izuku explain

"Did it malfunction?" Kei ask

"I don't think so. Maybe it's manual activation" Izuku reply

"Which pipe to be exact? I don't want to turn the wrong pipe by accident" Kei said

"It's directly outside. And to make it easier to find, it's the only pipe that spilling fuel" Izuku said as he show a video of pipe B7R that leaking fuel

"Well that easier to find" Kei flatly said

"Roach, you operational?" Izuku ask

"I'm good" Roach said as he get up from a chair and flex his muscles "Not 100%, but I'm good" Roach claim

"Alright, move out" Izuku ordered

"Yes, sir!" Delta 9 comply then the team exited the control room and walk towards the exit. Once outside they move towards pipe B7R

"I see the pipe. Cover me" Izuku ordered

Kei, Yuri, and Roach stop and scan the surrounding while Izuku move towards the spilling pipe and spin the valve making the spilling to stop

"Shogun, Delta 9-1. Fuel spilling is stopped. Fuel depot is secured" Izuku reported

"Solid copy, 9-1. RV with Charlie 1 and Alpha 2 at the docks and push your way to the city" Shogun ordered

"Copy your last" Izuku comply

"What's now?" Kei ask

"We're entering the city. Let's go, Delta 9, job's not over yet" Izuku reply as they all run to the city