Chapter 71 - Aftermath

(This one will be short)

10th January, 2221

The military successfully retake the city of Musutafu and push the frontline further south

U.A. has been successfully converted into a refugee center. Just in time when the survivors from the city of Musutafu arrived

07:12 a.m., 1-A Alliance, U.A.

After working all day and night to make the refugee center, the students are to take a break since more professional aid workers from the government have arrive. All of Class 1-A are now trying to take a rest on the common room after working all night, except for Izuku, Kei, Yuri, and Roach. The four are ordered to get some sleep before redeployment

"Uwahhhh. I'm tired!" Mina groan as she slump into the common area sofa

"I never though I would create many things last night" Yaoyorozu said tiredly

"But at least we get to help them!" Toru yell excited though al little tired

"You still have stamina, huh?" Ojiro ask amused

"We should be grateful! That we able to do what we wanted to do! To help people as heroes!" Iida claim moving his hand like a robot

Kaminari drink some water when he see Bakugou walk by "Thank God you held back on your emotion eh, Bakugou?" Kaminari tease

"Yeah, unlike Provisional License Exam. You actually help people" Kirishima agrees

"I don't wanted to, but I don't have much choice. If I yell then those soldier will kill me" Bakugou grunt

"Thank God they show us what we lacked on the Provisional License Exam, I don't have to make the same mistake like last time" Sato claim

"We able to assist them because we have experience during the Provisional License Exam. We act better because of our experience" Yaoyorozu claim with the class agreeing

Eri yawn and wipe her eyes

"Are you tired? Do you want to sleep?" Uraraka ask

"No... I'm fine..." Eri shake her head

"You shouldn't have help us Eri. I do appreciate it. But you shouldn't wake up all night" Iida said

"I want to help. Dad always fight alone... you all also fight by yourself... I want to help. I don't want to be a burden" Eri stated

Uraraka stroke Eri's hair "No one's thinks you're a burden, Eri" Uraraka reassure

"I'm not saying you're a burden, Eri. It's just..." Iida said

"We don't want you to be hurt or shaken" Jiro said

"I've been hurt before, much worse than some other people, and I've seen many scary things before. I'm fine" Eri explain making Class 1-A to look at her sadly

"Just because you have been hurt before, doesn't mean you need to get hurt again" Todoroki said remembering his childhood

"The reason why you live with us is so that you doesn't have to feel what you felt or see what you seen before you live here" Uraraka said with a soft voice

"Okay..." Eri comply looking down

"Though... I still can't believe there's so many people injured in here" Mineta said trembling

"Those people are lucky to survived and make it here" Iida said

"We have no idea how many people die in the city. Those who made it here could be less than half of the people of the city" Todoroki said as he look outside

"I'm just glad not many people die in here" Toru said

"I see one die... right in front of me... I just stare at his eyes... not doing anything..." Asui said depressed in her seat

Tokoyami put his hand on Asui's shoulder "It's not your fault that you freeze and unable to do anything" he reassure

"He died... and I don't do anything..." Asui tear up

Dark Shadow appear and wipe Asui's tears "We can't save everyone, Tsu" Dark Shadow said sadly

"That's the ugly truth" Someone said making everyone to look at the elevator "That's just how war always be, there will always be casualty" Kei claim as he, Yuri, and Roach exited the elevator

"You're... one of Midoriya's team" Iida said

"1st Lieutenant Kei Nakamura" Kei introduce himself "Those two are Yuri and Roach. The Russian's Yuri and The American's Roach" Kei point at Yuri and Roach that walk to the kitchen

"Thank you for saving our live yesterday" Iida bow down

"No sweat, we're just doing our job" Kei reassure

"Where's Midoriya?" Uraraka ask

"I think he still sleeping. Though I can't blame him. He fought the hardest among all of us" Kei reply

"He does said that the last time he sleep was a week ago" Sato pointed out

"All of us has our last sleep also a week ago, kid. What he meant is that Delta worked extra hard than the three of us" Roach said as he and Yuri approach the common room

"He's the toughest son of a bitch I know" Yuri claim

"Hey, we don't call him one of Ranger Corp's best soldier for nothing" Kei claim

"True that" Roach agrees. Yuri nod

"Are... are you and dad will go again...?" Eri ask timidly

"If we're given a new order, then we will" Kei reply before looking at Eri who hide behind Uraraka's leg "So, you must be the daughter" Kei look at Uraraka "And you're the girlfriend" Kei said

"I... I am..." Eri reply timidly

"Girlfriend..." Uraraka blush shyly

"Sorry I made your dad misses New Year with you" Kei apologize

"And who's fault is that?" Yuri said sarcastically

"You" Roach deadpan

"Hey, at least I apologize" Kei defended

"Kei! Yuri! Roach! Suit up! We're being redeployed!" Izuku, wearing his suit and exosuit, yell surprising everyone on the common room

"Where to?" Kei ask as he, Yuri, and Roach look at Izuku seriously

"South, to Kyushu. We're to joint the Second Allied Strike Force and create a new south front and push our way north" Izuku explain

"A pincer attack. One the first and second strike group meet each other..." Kei realize

"...the Liberation is trapped and eradicating them will be a walk in the park" Roach finish

"Sounds like a plan" Kei said

"Suit up, we're moving in 10" Izuku ordered

"Yes, sir!" Kei, Yuri, and Roach comply as they run to the elevator

"Dad..." Eri look at Izuku with a sad face, knowing that he will go again

Izuku walk to Eri and kneel down "I'm sorry, little girl. But I still have a job to do" Izuku said dejectedly

"You... you will get back, right...?" Eri ask trembling

"I... to be perfectly honest. I can't promise you that" Izuku dejectedly said

"W-Why...? You promise that you will go back..." Eri said tearing up

"That's not how the world works, Eri. And you know how dark, cruel, violence this world is. I can't promise you that I will get back" Izuku said making Eri to cry even harder and Class 1-A who watched them to look down depressed

"But I will try my best to survived" Izuku claim

"Don't try your best. You need to survived, you have to survived" Uraraka said as she wipe her tears and stroke Eri's hair "For her sake" She added

Izuku look at Uraraka with a sad expression "Your as well" He look at his classmates "All of you as well" Izuku said as he stand up

"Iz, we're ready to go" Kei said as he, Yuri, and Roach exited the Elevator and walk to the entrance door

"Right behind you" Izuku reply before looking at his classmates again "I need to go" He said

"Then go" Sato smile

"Do your job" Kirishima tear up

"End this war" Todoroki said

"And come back to us" Uraraka said

"Alive" Mina said

Izuku kiss Eri's forehead then grab Uraraka's hand and squeeze it "Take care of her. And take care of yourself" He said

"I will" Uraraka squeeze Izuku's hand while smiling

Izuku pull Uraraka then hug her tightly before kissing her forehead. Uraraka put her hand on Izuku's face and stroke it "Go" She whisper

Izuku nod then let her go and walk to the entrance. The class walk to the entrance as well to see Izuku deployed, again

A Quinjet landed in front of 1-A Alliance then Delta 9 board in. Izuku look at his classmates one last time before boarding in. The Quinjet then take off and fly to the south

Class 1-A continue to watch the Quinjet fly away until it disappear from their sight before they slowly enter the dorm. Preparing to help the refugee center again, however they can. To fight back here, while Izuku fight in the frontline