Chapter 62 - War

Ranger Corp HQ, Yokosuka, Japan

Inside the Ranger Corp's Central Defense Command Structure/CDCS, there's a lot of report about the gas attacks. Unfortunately, the gas attack was not only on Sapporo. Sendai, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Niigata, Nagoya, Okayama, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, every major city, every large hero agency and every military base all over Japan was under attack. This is the worst terror event in history, not just in Japan but also the world. Communication and defense system country wide is offline

General Hisashi Midoriya receive a lot of reports, from those who able to report, from bases all over the country about the gas attacks. He and everyone inside the CDCS are busy dealing with the gas attacks aftermath by sending decon units to all affected area, but the scale of the attacks are way too big

"This is SFG HQ. My men are dead or dying! Cough...! I've been exposed!" A SFG Commander reported

"This is Ashiya Air Base! We're under attack!" Ashiya AFB reported

"Roger, we're aware of the gas attack, all over Japan is under attacked. But we're sending a decon units your way" Shogun reply (Hisashi will be called Shogun sometimes)

"Not the gas! We're under attack by Liberation forces!" Ashiya AFB corrected

Hisashi froze and look at all over the room to see all the agents in there who look puzzled "Repeat your last, Ashiya Base. What Liberation forces?" Hisashi ask confuse

"The entire Meta Liberation Army! Requesting immediate assistance!" Ashiya AFB yell

"Contact every available unit in every affected city. Sitrep me with everything! I want to know what the fuck is going on!" Hisashi ordered

"Yes, sir!" The agents comply as they try to figured out what happen

"Liberation Army...?" Hisashi said surprise

The agents then receive reports about Liberation Army attacking military bases and every other major city that has been hit by the gas attacks

"Son of a bitch. This was no ordinary act of terrorism. The attack were intended to cripple our defenses and pave the way for a nation wide attack" Hisashi analyze irritated "We need to hit them now with everything we've got" Hisashi claim

"Sir, we've lost contact with the Imperial family that having a vacation at Sendai" An agent inform

"Get me Delta 9-1, now!" Hisashi ordered

Sapporo, Hokkaido

"Delta 9-1, this Shogun actual. Do you copy?" Izuku receive a radio call as he help the first responders at Sapporo

"This is Delta 9-1. I copy. We failed our mission, sir. Biohazard's in play. Many parts of Sapporo has been hit" Izuku inform

"Delta, listen to me. It's not just Sapporo. The entirety of Japan is under attack. We got gas attacks all over the country!" Shogun yell surprising Izuku

"W-Wait, Shogun... All over the country...?" Izuku taken by surprise

"And it get even worse. The gas are to weaken our defenses and now the whole Liberation Army are invading Japan. We are under attacked" Shogun inform shocking Izuku even more

"Fuck...! Affirmative. I'll fight off the Liberation in here. Send Reinforcement" Izuku requested

"Negative. You and your team are being re-routed for Sendai. We've got a principle level hostage rescue" Shogun ordered them

"Roger, who is it?" Izuku ask

"The Emperor" Shogun answer seriously

2 hour later, Sendai Bay, Japan

A massive fleet of Ranger Corp Naval Force and Japanese Maritime Fleet ships are sailing towards the coast of Sendai

"We are lucky that Ranger Corp Naval Force 2nd Defense Fleet and Japanese Maritime Fleet 1st Home Fleet are heading to Sendai for port visit. So we have a full naval force near the shores of Sendai" Shogun explain

"The joint forces will have an amphibious landings on three separate place on the city. The First Strike Group will land at Shimonogo south of the city and retake the Sendai Airport. The Second Strike Group will land at Machimae west of the city and retake the industrial complex. And the Third Strike Group will land at Shiogama north of the city and use the port as an evac site for the civilian" Shogun explain

"Delta 9-1, you and your team will follow the landing at Machimae and push your way east towards Fukumuro where we lost contact with the Imperial Family convoy. Be advised, we are taking back the Imperial family, alive or dead" Shogun ordered

"Solid copy" Izuku comply

"And be advised, to all units. I regretfully said that as it right now, Japan is in the state of war" Shogun said seriously

2nd January, 2221, 06:30 a.m.

Lt Col Izuku"Delta"Midoriya

Task Force 141

RCNF Valkyrie LHA ship, 5 km from Sendai shore

"The entirety of Japan? It's not an attack, it's an invasion" Kei gritted his teeth as he, Roach, and Yuri sit inside a Quinjet that preparing to take off to retake Sendai

"You don't know anything about this?" Roach ask

"No. I don't know a shit about this, not even the whole coordinate gas attacks" Kei said frustrated

"They really manage to hide this very well" Yuri said seriously

"If I know this, I could prevent this!" Kei slam the Quinjet's wall angrily

"Don't blame yourself. This is nation wide. If you could stop anything, then it's only the one heading to Sapporo" Roach reassure

"That doesn't make me feel better" Kei said frustrated when Izuku enter the Quinjet

"How's your friend at U.A.?" Yuri ask

"Luckily U.A. is spared from the gas attacks, thanks to it's robust security system. My friends and daughter are safe. But the city of Musutafu was hit" Izuku explain

"That's good to hear, for your friends and daughter that is" Kei said with Yuri and Roach agreeing

"For one, I wanted to be there and protect them. But for another, I wanted to fight in the frontline and end this war as quickly as possible" Izuku clench his fists

"We'll end this war. And you'll reunited with your family again" Roach said

Izuku nod when a buzzer is heard, signaling that the mission has begun

"All units, green lights, green lights. Operation Goalpost is a go" The PA system announce

"Let's do this" Izuku said seriously as multiple Quinjets, helicopters, fighter jets, LCACs, and transport boats started to move towards Sendai

07:00 a.m., Operation Goalpost begins

As the airborne troops fly closer to the city, they suddenly receive anti air fire from the ground. All the transport aircraft then evade the AA fire

"All units be advised, the Liberation manage to steal some of our military equipment from our bases that was attacked. Proceed with cautious" A Battle Captain warn

Some of the helicopters are shot down by the AA fire, but most of the transport aircraft manage to reach their landing site

The transport aircraft and LCACs soon land in the port, offloading the troops and tanks

Delta 9 and some other units land on Sendai Port Central Park

"Convoy never made it to the extraction point" Izuku said as he and his unit move forward across the beach "Let's find it and get these guys home" He ordered

Some of the Liberation terrorists are stupid enough to charge forward to face the Strike Group

"Light 'em up!" A soldier yell and all the soldiers open fire at the charging terrorist

"Rhino 1, you've got a muscle quirk on the left side!" Izuku inform then Rhino 1 shoot the muscle quirked terrorist, killing him

"Move with the tanks! Keep going!" Izuku yell as the Strike Group push forward through the park and into the city

"Keep moving! We outgunned them!" Kei yell as the Strike Group move to the city

"Head to the street! Push them back!" A soldier yell he shoot several terrorists

As the Strike Group move deeper to the city, Roach see a terrorist holding an anti tank launcher "Stop, stop, stop! Anti tank! They got anti tank!" Roach yell as he take cover behind a wrecked car

"Deploying smoke" Rhino 1 Commander inform as they deploy some grenade to blind the enemy

Suddenly an anti tank rocket zoom pass them, luckily it missed

"We need you boys to sweep the forward area. Make sure there's no more surprises and we're good to move up" Rhino 1 Commander ordered the troops

"Copy, we'll clear you a path!" Izuku reply as he and the rest of the troops move through the smoke cover

"Going right!" Kei yell as he move to the right side

"Stick to the right flank!" Izuku ordered as the ground troops flank right

In the right flank they find enemy resistance and began to to fight them. After a few minutes the right flank is clear then they move forward

"Move! Move!" Izuku yell as he move forward when suddenly a massive wall of earth rise from the ground, blocking the Strike Group

"What the fuck?!" Kei yell surprise

"Move away from the wall. Fire in the hole!" Rhino 1 Commander yell as they fire a round at the earth wall, but it didn't destroy the wall enough to get through

"Firing another one" Rhino 1 commander said when Izuku stop him

"No wait! We need a bigger punch. RCNF Vigilant, do you copy?" Izuku radio in

"This is RCNF Vigilant, we copy. What do you need, sir?" Vigilant Captain ask

"We have a large earth wall blocking our path right in the middle of street west of the Umino-Mori Aquarium. Requesting Tomahawk launch to destroy it" Izuku request

"Affirmative. Launching Tomahawk" Vigilant Captain comply

RCNF Vigilant launch a Tomahawk cruise missile. 3 Minutes later the missile arrive at the battlefield and hit and destroy the earth wall

"Earth wall is down, pushing forward" Rhino 2 Commander said as they drive through the rubble

The Strike Group continue to push forward, as the move forward Rhino 1 and 2 killed some Muscular type terrorist, with that they continue to move toward an apartment complex to find more enemy resistance

In the apartment complex the troops destroyed any Liberation resistance, they continue to advance until they meet a roadblock and the tanks stop

"What's the hold up?" Izuku ask why the tanks stopped

"The only way through is in to that parking garage and out the other side! We're going to take it slow - not sure if it can handle the wei-" Rhino 2 machine gunner said when he was hit by some electricity "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" The gunner yell in pain

"Son of a bitch!" Kei yell surprise as he and the rest take cover

"Akihiro's hit! He's hit!" Rhino 2 Gunner yell terrified

"Left side building! He's inside the building!" Roach yell as he see the attacker hiding on a building to their left

"Open fire!" Izuku ordered and the troops there shoot the building to their left. After a while the shooting stop, the attacker fall down to the ground, dead

"Clear!" Yuri inform

"How's Akihiro?" Izuku ask

"No good. He's dead" Rhino 2 loader said as he check Akihiro

"Okay, get his body down here and call the corpsman to collect it later" Izuku ordered

"Yes, sir" Rhino 2 loader comply as he and a soldier get Akihiro's body away from the tank

"Kei, get up on that .50cal!" Izuku ordered him

"Oh, I would enjoy this" Kei smirk as he go up the tank and mount the M2 HMG "Everyone's good inside?" Kei ask Rhino 2's crew

"We're good" Rhino 2 Commander answer

"Alright, let's roll!" Kei ordered

"Got more inbound! Twelve o'clock!" Rhino 1 Commander inform as more Liberation terrorists are approaching the Strike Group from inside the parking garage

The tanks slowly began to move forward. Kei shoot the terrorists with the M2, meanwhile the Leopard 2's main gun fire at some Liberation hard target

"They're falling back to the garage" Kei inform

"Yeah, they're scared shitless" Roach reply grinning

Some Liberation terrorists try to retreat to the parking garage but Kei shoot them before they have the chance, the Strike Group then entered the parking garage

"Let's get in" Rhino 1 Commander ordered

"Alright, let's get this show on the road!" Rhino 2 Commander reply

"Just move fast. Don't let 'em swarm you" Rhino 1 Commander said

Rhino 2 move deeper in to the parking garage and sweep the area. Rhino 2 Gunner using the 7.62mm coaxial MG and Kei using the 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun sweep and clean the Liberation inside the garage

"Hold on!" Rhino 2 driver yell as he push drive the tank through an office room to get to the other side

As soon they broke through, Kei shoot any enemies he see on site. After a minute they began to move to another room

"After you, Rhino 1" Rhino 2 Driver said and Rhino 1 drive first to the next room

Both tanks and the troops reach the next room and kill every enemy resistance they found there. Both tanks then drive up to the second floor when Rhino 1 notice something

"Woah, woah! Wait! Back up! Back up!" Rhino 1 Commander yell when suddenly the floor beneath Rhino 2 collapse

"Oh shit!" Kei yell surprise

"Kei!" Izuku yell as he see the tank fall through the floor

The tank fall a few floors before finally stop at the basement, a few cars follow their fall as well. Kei looks up and see a car about to fall

"Aw, shit!" Kei yell he goes inside the tank just in time before the car hit the top of the tank

"Damn, you okay, man?" Rhino 2 Gunner ask

"I'm good" Kei reply

"I'm good" Rhino 2 Loader reply

"Still working" Rhino 2 Commander reply

"Ono, you're good?" Rhino 2 Loader ask the driver

"I'm still alive" Rhino 2 Driver reply from the hull

"Kei!" Real-Steel yell worried from above

"Rhino 2, you alright?! Rhino 2, come in!" Rhino 1 ask worried

"How's the tank?" Rhino 2 Gunner ask

"System are dead... that shit was crazy, man..." Rhino 2 Gunner said as he check the tank

"Come on, man. Let's get out there" Kei told the crew as he get out of the crippled tank

Kei get out of the tank when Izuku climb down and joint them

"You guys, ok?!" Izuku ask

"Yeah. We're good" Rhino 2 Gunner confirm as the tank crew exited the tank

"This is Delta 9-1. Rhino 2 crews are alive. Go ahead, we'll joint you outside" Izuku radioed in

"Roger that, moving forward" Rhino 1 Commander comply

"Can you shoot?" Izuku ask Rhino 2 crews

"Yeah, I can hold my own" Rhino 2 Driver reply

"Alright, basic fellas. Find cover, return fire. Let us know if you need help" Izuku inform

"So we take the long route?" Kei ask

"That, or a shortcut. Let's move" Izuku reply

"Ok, now we move fast, keep your heads up. Let's go" Kei ordered the crew as they began to go explored the garage

As they try to get out from the garage, they meet some Liberation terrorists

"Contact!" Izuku yell as he move to cover

The team then take cover as the Liberation are firing their quirks at the team. After a few second the attacks stop, Izuku give the nod to to everyone, soon they all open fire and kill the enemy swiftly before they able to react. As soon as they kill the terrorists, the team moves out of the parking garage

"Delta 9-1, ISR has spotted the convoy half a click from your position. Get there fast and secure a perimeter around that site" Shogun inform the team

"Copy. We're on our way" Izuku reply as he exited the garage

"Enemy contact!" Rhino 2 Gunner yell as he see a large Liberation terrorists outside parking garage

"Take cover!" Izuku ordered as the terrorist attacked the team

"Shit! There's to many of them!" Kei yell as he struggle to shoot all the terrorists

"Rhino 1, where the hell are you?!" Rhino 2 Commander yell. As soon he yell that Rhino 1 broke through a wall near them surprising the team

Rhino 1 turn the turret toward the enemy then fire the main gun, killing many terrorists with the HESH round

"Hell yeah!" Kei yell excited

"Shoot them all"! Izuku ordered. All the Strike Group open fire at the remaining Liberation terrorists. A few seconds later, the threats are neutralized

"Threat neutralized. We're moving up" Rhino 1 Commander inform as the move forward

The team then push forward fight their way towards the convoy last know position. Kei is shooting the enemy down the street when suddenly a grenade is toss at him "Frag!" Kei yell as he quickly jump inside an office to take cover

"How the hell did they know how to use mil-spec weapons?!" Roach yell annoyed as he, Yuri and Izuku joint Kei inside the office

"Worry about it later, shoot first!" Izuku yell as he shoot some terrorists inside the office. The team then began to fight their way through the office

"The convoy should be at the end of the street!" Izuku inform as he walk out of the office

Delta 9 and Rhino 2 crew then exited the office and take the fight back to the street. They continue to push forward towards to the convoy. After a few minutes of heavy gun fight they finally reach the convoy

"Delta 9-1, have reach the convoy?" Shogun ask

"Affirmative, Shogun, but we can't get to it yet!" Izuku reply

They still find some Liberation resistance near the convoy and forced to kill them first before reaching the down convoy

"We're clear!" Rhino 2 Gunner inform

"Check the vehicles" Izuku ordered

They began to check the vehicle one by one but only discover dead bodies inside the vehicle, there's also a large crater in the center of the convoy presumably the convoy was hit by a bomb or an explosive quirk

"Nothing here!" Rhino 2 Gunner inform

"There're not here" Kei inform

"Shogun, negative precious cargo. I say again - they're not at the convoy" Izuku reported

"Copy. Check the area for any sign of the Imperial Family, but be advised - Raptor 4 will be on station for exfil in 10 minutes, over" Shogun inform

"Copy your last" Izuku reply. He then check his radar and found some dots inside the building to their left "Heads up, we might have something inside the building to our left" Izuku inform

Yuri enter the building and see some blood "We got some blood here" He inform

The team enter the building and find blood drag marks on the floor

"Easy" Izuku said quietly as he scan the building

"Contact!" Roach yell as he see someone running up the stairs

The team pursuit the runner and reach the second floor, they see a door just being close down

"They must've inside the room" Roach said

"Prepare to breached. Kei, door" Izuku ordered

They all prepare for a breach, Kei put a door breacher at the door before move to take cover

Izuku nod to everyone who nod back "Execute, execute, execute" Izuku ordered. Kei then blast open the door

The door exploded and Izuku enter the room and swiftly kill every Liberation terrorists inside the room and spare 2 person kneeling in the floor

"Clear!" Izuku inform before moving to the kneeling person "Look at me, look at me" Izuku said to the person who is kneeling, he check the guy and got confirmation with his quirk "It's him" Izuku said as he help the Emperor stand up and carry him outside

Roach help the Empress up and carry her outside as well

"My... my daughter..." The Emperor said weakly

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. We'll find her" Izuku reassure "Shogun, P.I.D. on the Emperor and Empress, no sign of the Princess. We're ready for extraction" Izuku reported

"Solid copy, 9-1. Great work. We'll try to locate the Princess. Raptor 4 is arriving on scene now" Shogun reply

"Let's move, Delta 9. LZ Neptune" Izuku ordered

"Nice. I guess the first round on us" Kei said happily

"This is just the first round of the many round in this match, Kei. Just one round" Izuku corrected


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