"Why should you be angry? I just wonder what it feels like to kiss a female human. You're human, right?" asked the man with a friendly smile.

"Indeed I am human, but that doesn't mean you can go around making me test your experiments." said Carolline standing up from her place and punching hard the stomach of the boy who was disrespectful to her.

"Ouch! hi where are you going?" The man asked after Carolline who walked quickly leaving him.

When Carrolline arrived at the big tree, Carolline suddenly stopped her steps and moved backwards. There was a cobra snake that had raised its head with its gaze directed at her.

The snake stuck out its tongue in a position ready to attack Carolline.

Carolline's tears flowed freely.

"My God, what happened to me ... I want to go back home." wailed Carolline in a voice that drew the snake closer.

Carolline grew more and more afraid as the snake got closer and ready to attack her. With trembling legs Carolline moved backwards and the snake moved rapidly darting towards Carolline.


"Aaaahhhhh!" Carolline screamed hysterically in line with the screams of someone who was hugging her tightly.

The snake that had bitten its prey suddenly left so fast, as if it was afraid of that person's presence.

"Aaakkkhhh!" shouted someone who was in pain from being bitten by his arm.

Carrolline was surprised because the person who helped her was none other than the one who had kissed her so rudely.

"Let go!!" shouted Carolline after realizing that the man was still hugging her.

"Akkkhhh, help me ... I was bitten by the snake because it helped you." said the man with a limp body falling in Charolline's arms.

"Hi .. wake up !! I know you're just pretending." said Carolline, staring at the man's pale face, she saw that his arm was a snake bite mark.

"My God, he had actually been bitten by that snake!" said Carolline frantically who didn't know what to do.

Carolline hurriedly leaned the man against the big tree.

"What is your name?" asked the man, his face pale and his arms turning blue.

"Who are you yourself? Are you making up or not?" asked Carrolline investigating.

"My name is William, my mother is human and my father is a werewolf." said William honestly.

"What's your name pretty?" William asked seriously.

"My name is Carrolline, if your mother is human please take me home." said Carolline sadly because she had to recall how Alexander had so easily received a hug and a touch from Cleopatra.

"I'll take you home, but you have to treat my wound first. I will invite you to my palace." said William with a serious look.

"Can you believe it?" asked Carrolline in despair. Because everyone she knew lied to her, both Lucas and Alexander.

"You can trust me, this ... I give you my weapon, you can kill me with this weapon ... this weapon is my weakness." said William seriously with his promise.

"Not! I am not a murderer, fine I trust you." said Carolline who also did not want to linger in the forest.

"Help me to get up and walk." said William pleased with Carrolline's kindness to him.

Without speaking, Carrolline helped William by carrying him.

Before Carolline and William had time to step up, Carolline was startled by Alexander's voice calling her name.

"Carrolline stopped, get away from him." said Alexander who was standing a bit far in front of her.

"What do you mean? William has helped me twice." said Carolline with an injured heart again.

"Carrolline, he belongs to the werewolf clan. your safety is threatened Carolline." said Alexander with a worried look.

"I already knew he was a werewolf and I believed him." said Carolline in a cold tone.

"Carrolline ... come back home with me, we are already attached to each other, you will be tormented if you are far from me." said Alexander seriously.

"I can't believe you, you go and get back to Cleopatra, I'll forget everything." said Carolline and continued her steps while supporting William.

"Carrolline I already warned you! Don't go, we'll both be tormented by Carrolline." said Alexander desperately unable to persuade Carrolline to come home.

"I'm ready to be tormented, it's not like you have hurt my heart." said Carolline with tears in her eyes.

"Carrolline, I told you Cleopatra was a magician who could bewitch my mind, I can't possibly hurt you ... come home with me Carrolline" said Alexander with a pleading look.

"Not! I will go back to William's house after that William will take me home." said Carolline walking without ignoring Alexander.

William, who had been silent for a long time, smiled happily because Carrolline did not listen to Alexander's words.

"Carrolline !!! please stop!" said Alexander hoarsely.

"Carrolline he still calls you." William said making sure Carolline could completely forget about Alexander.

"We just keep going, I know Alexander doesn't really love me, but he feels Cleopatra's soul is in me so he chose me." said Carolline with a very sad heart.

Alexander stared at Carolline's departure with a hurt heart, and it all happened because of his mistake of not being able to refuse Cleopatra's magic, which had been dominated by a magic woman who knows who.

With an equally wounded heart, Carolline leaves Alexander with the wound in her heart.

"Carrolline, you can still go back to Alexander's if you want." said William feeling sorry for Carrolline.

Arriving at Willian's palace all eyes salute William and Carolline.

"Are you here to be important Will?" asked Carrolline with an astonished look.

"I? You don't have to think about me as important or not." said William not bluntly if he was a prince.

"Where do you live Will?" asked Carolline, still sad.

"I live in the palace, you can rest there after treating my wounds of course." said William with a friendly smile.

Entering the royal palace, Carrolline was surprised several times by several women he met always kissing William enthusiastically.

"Will, you really don't mind all the women who kiss you all the time?" asked Carolline in disbelief.

"All the women here adore me Carrolline, the way to worship here is by kissing. So when I kissed you earlier because I adored you so much." said William with a smile.

"Ohh.. so that's going on here." said Carolline after understanding William's explanation.

"Well, now that you can rest in your room, I'll be back in mine." said William staring at Carrolline's face.

"But ... I haven't treated your wound. Will." said Carolline seriously, looking at William's wound, which was still swollen and blue.

"No need, you just rest ... and if you need anything you just call me, I'll definitely come." William said getting up from his place and walking away, rubbing his wound which gradually disappeared when William rubbed it several times.