I Woke Up Suddenly As The Weakest Dungeon Master

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Liam Benjamin woke up in a gloomy ten metre by ten metre stone brick room. If one only glanced at the walls, they could only refer to this place as a dungeon- as a prison from medieval times. However, a prison must have doors or bars to allow guards or new prisoners to walk by. This dungeon did not, Liam final figured out after gazing at the walls for several moments.

The bricks weren't connected from mortar and held an otherworldly feel to them, as despite the lack of an actual light source, Liam's human eyes could see the brickwork perfectly. Quickly, the boy checked what was above him, and to his surprise, there was a large white orb that was half embedded in the stone ceiling. It screamed otherworldly, unluck the brickwork which quietly whispered such a fact.

"Where am I?" The boy had just begun a mathematics test just a few minutes ago and had the unfortunate luck to have had no sleep the previous night. He had been playing games all night, lazing around and wasting time. As such, his sleep deprived mind had forced his body to shut down the moment he received the test paper, his head amongst the complex math equations and graphs that he barely understood and had no hope of working out without a calculator. Had he been kidnapped? His eyes widened as a result of such a possibility, but after a few shaky breaths, Liam shook his head.

He may not be as intelligent as everyone else in his year level, his grades barely above that of the passing margin, but the boy did have some semblance of common sense. Although, that itself was very limited. There were no doors or halls, as he had previously analysed, that could lead to an entry point, and Liam seriously doubted that kidnappers would spend such an absurd amount of money on hidden doors between the bricks just to kidnap a seventeen year old high school student with no ties to any tycoons. His inferior looks didn't make him any more of a desirable target, and thus, he quickly concluded the idea of a kidnapping as outlandish.

There was also the not-so-small issue of the blue screen that laid before his vision. Had he been drugged? Is he experiencing withdrawals? No, Liam was not what parents would call a 'bad kid', he was just a loser… although, it still hurt the same. Most probably, he was dreaming- which was preferable to the complex equations that dwelled in his reality. Suddenly, a blue screen popped up before his eyes.

Liam Benjamin| Dungeon Master #50

Dungeon Status;

Dungeon- Level 1 (0/50 Mana)

Dungeon Core- Active

Collective Mana- 150


The Weakest Dungeon Master

The Fiftieth Circle



The Fifty Circles of Hell


Current Number of Dungeon Monsters- 0

Current Number of Enslaved Intruders- 0


Special Ability;

Dungeon Moulding


Current Skills;

Summon [Level 1]

Enslave [Level 1]

Appraisal [Level 1]

No matter what angle he looked upon it, Liam saw it as perfectly- it looked like a status screen from many of the games he had played. He gazed at it, trying to appraise what he could change- but nothing moved nor changed. He closed his eyes, mentally picturing it to disappear and when the boy opened them once more, the screen was gone. He was dreaming, but he could control the mechanics of it somewhat. Lucid dreaming… that was what people called such a phenomenon.

He stood up, stretching limbs, which felt heavy and extremely real. Must be a side affect of lucid dreaming, the boy thought, nodding his head. He was dreaming that he was a dungeon master, but the weakest? Couldn't he skip all this hard work and become the strongest! That was what happened in the anime he had watched! He wanted to one-shot a dragon already! Frowning slightly, Liam thought to test the three skills that his mind had conjured for his use in this dream.

"Let's see what these skills do! ."

[A dungeon wall: It cannot be damaged by physical or magical means]

"Huh, that's a lacklustre explanation." Although, it was to be expected- he wasn't the smartest and didn't have a large vocabulary. But still, for his mind to describe the 'dungeon wall' so blandly made Liam feel insulted. He wasn't his ninth grade history teacher, damnit! Although, as expected, gave information about the objects that he glances at whilst using the skill. Whilst not powerful enough to kill a slime, it would do nicely for his lucid dream adventure.

"Okay, let's try the next one- ."

[There are no intruders to ]

"Ahh, I guess that makes sense." After all, Liam was the only sentient being in this stone brick room, and he didn't want to enslave himself- that would be stupid. Although, it was disappointing to not be able to discover what such a skill was capable of. "Last one- ." A glowing red sigil formed on the stone floor in front of him. It basked the cube shaped room in its entirety, with such ferocity that the light could blind the average man- but yet, Liam was unhampered by its effects.

[Due to the low level of , Liam Benjamin can only summon low level Monsters]

[Due to the being a newly spawned Dungeon Master, the Dungeon Core has selected a monster that will best assist the Dungeon Master]

"What!" He wanted to at least decide. This dream- his dream made him the master of this dungeon, and thus, Liam felt entitled to decided what to summon. To not do so made him angry, like he had been violated in some way- it felt as if his mind was playing games with him! It pissed him off and he shouted out in protest because of it. But no amount of shouting nor cursing his sub-conscience would stop the Dungeon Core from deciding- it couldn't be delayed either.

[The Dungeon Core has selected a succubus to be summoned]

[-50 Mana]

A small sigil was seemingly placed in the middle of the room, slowly growing in size as its soft glow became blinding. Weren't succubi a non-combatant? Weren't they ridiculously weak? He gritted his teeth and mentally tried to dispel the summoning, to stop it. But once the mana had been spent, the sigil couldn't be erased until the selected monster had been summoned. Unfortunately for Liam, it was a non-combatant that couldn't fight that well. If what his video games had taught him, and since this was conjured by his mind, succubi were just fragile mobs that could be easily subjugated.

Did his own conscience hate him this much! Why had it decided to give him such a trashy mob!

"Give me back my mana, you bastard!"

As if to mock the boy's helplessness, the stagnant air began to swirl and move around the sigil like a weak tornado. The sigil was made from two circles, the inside the inner circle was some sort of gibberish language that his mind had made up on the spot. However, the middle didn't have anything of the sort, but a second later, a black portal opened fixed that. He couldn't see where it led, but it probably led to the deepest point of his conscious. The process took an entire minute and when the blinding light disappeared, the bright light dissipated a young, voluptuous woman rested on the floor in the sigils place.

She wasn't naked per say, but for all the good her clothes did her- she would have been better off that way. To cover her torso and privates was a lace one piece, the material see-though and covered her nipples and vagina only with an opaque black material. Every other part of her rather sexy body could be seen clearly, even though the black lace clothing she wore. It left nothing to the imagination and with how Liam hadn't touched a girl, nor seen one in such a… vulnerable state, could only stare in shock- feeling his pants become just a little bit tighter.

The woman had long, silk-like black hair that spread across the stone floor like a makeshift rug. Her legs were long, and her bum was a nice size that many of the male sex would turn their heads at on the street. Her breasts were quite big also, and seemed inhuman with how they defied gravity. To put it simply, the woman's body seemed to have been carved by gods and Liam was having an erection from just looking at her.

"Ahh, that's right- she's a succubus." She was a monster that his mind had conjured and if he had to do so, the boy would pat his conscious on the back. He had done a good job, and since this was a dream, there would be no real repercussion for having such a trash mob. He gazed at her repeated the words of the only skill that Liam knew for certain he had control over.



Thelneth| Succubus


The Fiftieth Circle's Servant


Level- 1

HP- 100/100

MP- 100/100



Seduction [Level 1]

Hormonal Aroma [Level 1]


It seemed that could be useful when his conscious wanted to, judging by how in depth it went about the succubus's status. Gee, although her skills were erotic, they were solely that of a debuffer from his RPGs. Every chance Liam got in those games, he dropped the debuff and buff skills, and went only for skills that caused damage. Truly, she was a trash mob. In his subjective opinion.

"Argh." The woman groaned; a sound that sounded far to sexual to Liam's ears. She used her hands to level herself, and her large black eyes looked up to him in a way that was cute. Her lips parted and she spoke, almost breathlessly. "Master?" The succubus voice was as smooth as velvet and would have made any man's heart waver. She may be a trash mob, but she had the appearance of an ideal woman. The boy almost forgot about how lack of combat prowess.


"Sure." Even in a lucid dream conjured by his fatigued mind, Liam was awful with girls. They hardly stood to be around him, let alone speak to him without a reason. He was a loser, and although not a bad guy- no one in his school wished to speak to such a person. He had summoned the succubus and since he was the master of the dungeon- he was her master by default. The Succubus jumped to her feet, her breasts jiggled due to her momentum and Liam was lost in their movement. Most girls would glare or give him a good slap, but the succubus looked almost gratified. "Um, Thelneth..." he was hesitant to call her by her name. Mainly because she was a mob conjured by his mind, but partly because she was outrageously beautiful.

"Yes," the succubus was in front of him within a few steps, her face a few centimetres away and her expression held a pleasure that was foreign to Liam. She was simply far too beautiful that it made him uncomfortable and being called 'Master' was just too arousing. Be mean, damnit! He didn't want to feel guilty about rendering her as a trash mob. He struggled to hold her intense gaze, but yet his lower region had seemed to have calmed down a little. "What am I meant to do?" He may be in a lucid dream, but even that must have a simply purpose- a plot created by his conscious mind. He may be able to do what he wished, but Liam at least wanted a tutorial!

"The gaol..."

"Yes, the purpose of this," the boy waved his hands around the room created by his mind, the starting area of his dream- which would at least allow him to skip the math test. Was his dream created to slay high levelled mobs, or to save the world through diplomacy- he wanted the bare bones of the plot so he could decide how to spend this short time. After all, he was bound to wake up sooner or later and would rather enjoy this dream while it lasted.

"The goal is to become the strongest- to become the first circle." Liam was the fiftieth circle and as such, the weakest- so he basically had to kill forty-nine dungeon masters? That sounded like an absolute breeze with his protagonist powers- this dream was his domain and his mind wouldn't let him down.

"The first step… is to build the foundations of the dungeon and allow intruders to enter." The succubus made some poses with some serious energy, as if she could wait to allow people inside the dungeon. As if it was what she lived for. Intruders… why did that sound so familiar?

"What are these… intruders?"

"What… you don't know?" The succubus seemed confused, as if she found it difficult that he had a lack of information and stopped making poses. "Well, intruders are humans or demi-humans that wander through the dungeon. Our first goal is to eliminate them through either death or enslavement. That way we can make dungeon no one will mess with! That way we can make you the first circle, Master!"

"… Okay." Thelneth began to make those stupid poses again, what was she- a chunni? But that left another question, how could he change the dungeon? He didn't have a skill that magically conjured halls. Wait… not a skill, but a special ability perhaps. "?" Just like his status, a small screen appeared in his face, but unlike a variety of numbers and symbols, this screen instead had a small box with the single word ,'core', within it.

Tapping the screen, he saw that he had made a small line, and a separate screen popped out in front of it and asked to confirm such a change. That small line cost around one mana. If Liam calculations were correct, then he only had a hundred mana left to use. "Simple is probably best for now- it's better to save mana." wasn't too expensive, but he wanted to save mana for emergencies. With that, he drew a line that zigged-zagged along, with random dead-ends coming of the main path. Telneth invaded his personal space and watched him work from over his shoulder, but the boy didn't mind- after all, the soft mounds on his back felt quite nice.

[This change will cost 17 mana- do you wish to proceed?]


Not even half a second later, another screen popped up in his face- this one, Liam would have preferred without. And he was pretty sure that most people wouldn't welcome such a notification after a second of modeling their dungeon, despite the purpose that the succubus had told him that the dungeon was for.

He was-

[A party of intruders have entered]

-So screwed!