"Place your hand on the cube and state your name."
"Wait. What's going on? I don't know what's happening, is this some kind of cult initiation thing?"
Cain was understandably confused and hesitant.
"Time is running out. Please, everything will be explained."
Cain reached out and touched the cube. It was slightly cool to the touch.
"Now your name. Hurry."
The old man was trembling slightly, and Cain worried he wouldn't be allowed to leave if he didn't do what he was told.
"My name is, uh... Cain."
Cain didn't like to use his last name as his parents made it very clear that he no longer had any association with them.
The cube began to make a high pitched chirping noise and the glowing grew brighter. Before long, Cain couldn't see anything.
Cain thought he might have heard the old man thank him, but he couldn't quite be sure over the noise, light, and personal panic.
=Host detected=
=Host assimilation process initiated 5%=
=Retracting Uh Cain into system space=
At first, Cain didn't realize anything was different. The bright light from the cube had faded, but he was still in a white box. The only difference was the dawning horror that there were no windows or doors. In fact, there was absolutely nothing.
"Uh, hello? Is the collection the old man was talking about? I'm just now realizing I never got to know his name. I always assumed his name was Ultimate for some reason, but I'm just now realizing that doesn't quite check out… Like Ultimate was the name of the store but-"
=Host! Please verify that you would like to be called Uh Cain.=
"N-no, just Cain is fine. Not just Cain as in Just Cain, but just Cain like only Cain. Also, what is going on? Because I feel like I'm going to start freaking out or something if someone doesn't start explaining soon."
He wasn't wrong. After living a monotonous life without variation for just around a year, any change would cause panic. Let alone this supernatural cube thing.
=Detecting elevated stress and confusion levels.=
=Deploying Info Dump=
The air in front of Cain shimmered and warped to display a wall of text that he began to read.
=Welcome to The Catalogue=
All collections and discoveries will be displayed here, in the Catalogue. The Catalogue is divided into four main groups: Concepts, Information, Objects, and Creatures.
Concepts and your understanding of them will enhance the host's abilities.
Ex. Emotion (1) (2) (---30%---) Two levels of emotional comprehension will allow the host to discern the main emotion of any humanoid creature.
Concepts cannot be physically stored but will be represented by progress bars in the main system space.
Information will be displayed in the information section of the Catalogue. All information gained by the host will be available even outside the system space. Information will be automatically sorted at the host's discretion.
Ex. Biology for Dummies (Book) contains scientific information and has been categorized as such.
Ex. Dissecting a frog (Experience) contains scientific information and has been categorized as such.
Information organization can be overridden by the host when in system space.
Objects that the host comes into contact with will be automatically cataloged. Special objects that are deemed part of a collection will be added to respective collections as well as the general catalog.
Objects meeting the specified size and weight requirements (2m^3 16kg) may be utilized by the host outside of the system space. Allowances are made to weaponry provided proper concept comprehension.
Creatures are cataloged after being observed for a non-specific set of time, after which they will be appropriately cataloged.
One non-hostile to semi-hostile creature can accompany the host outside of the system space. The creature can interact with the world and objects, but cannot harm other creatures. Should the creature feel threatened, it may retreat into the system space.
Cain rocked back on his heels after reading everything in front of him and let out a low whistle.
"So I got a system like one of those light novel protagonists? What about stat points and levels and stuff?"
=Complete Tutorial to unlock more features=
As if in response, a new text box popped up in front of the detailing one prior.
"Okay so let me get this straight… I now have this super overpowered system that will let me collect pretty much anything, and as long as I understand it I'll get cool powers too? What's the catch? You can't just want me to hang out forever."
=The host will begin their collection in a world deemed 'low-threat' by the system=
=The system will provide the host with the tools to amass power to grow their collection. In the event of the host's expiration, the collection will scatter itself across the multiverse and will be totally destroyed=
"Dude, this is a lot but I'm totally down. Let's get collecting."
==Welcome, Cain, to the Ultimate Collection System==